UFTSOCP001: Bsc (hons): Social Policy and Administration
UFTSOCP002: BSc (hons): Politics with Economics
UFTSOCP003: BSc (hons): Sociology with Industrial Relations
UFTSOCP004: BSc (hons): Sociology
UFTSOCP005: BSc (hons): Social Sciences
UKTSOCP001: BSc (hons): Social Policy and Administration
UKTSOCP002: BSc (hons): Politics with Economics
UKTSOCP003: BSc (hons): Sociology with Industrial Relations
UKTSOCP004: BSc (hons): Sociology
UKTSOCP005: BSc (hons): Sociology with 69É«ÇéƬ Training
UNTSOCP001: BSc (hons): Sociology and Social Work
UNTSOCP002: BSc (hons): Social Work and Applied Social Studies
UNTSOCP003: BSc (hons): Social Work and Applied Social Studies