
UNTARCH007: MArch: Architecture

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience

Mandatory Units

ARCH0098 Design studio 5.1      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

ARCH0096 Socrates exchange (MArch)      24 Credits

ARCH0097 Placement MArch      24 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

ARCH0099 Design studio 5.2      12 Credits

ARCH0100 Construction studies      3 Credits

ARCH0101 Management 5      3 Credits

ARCH0102 Urban history & theory      3 Credits

ARCH0103 Landscape & ecology      3 Credits

ARCH0104 Advanced computer imaging      3 Credits

ARCH0105 Western philosophers      3 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience

Mandatory Units

ARCH0106 Dissertation      15 Credits

ARCH0107 Urban design studio 1      9 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

ARCH0209 Architectural history & theory      6 Credits

ARCH0210 Conservation of historic buildings      6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

ARCH0108 Urban design studio 2      21 Credits

ARCH0109 Urban design project reports      6 Credits

ARCH0110 Management 6      3 Credits

Return to Programme/Unit Catalogue 1999/00

[University of Bath]