
Materials Science and Engineering Unit Catalogue

CHEY0056: Introduction to chemistry

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Co MATE0004

Aims & learning objectives:
This course is designed for students without A-level chemistry who need to have some appreciation of chemical ideas to use in their major degree subject(s). It will provide a broad introducti on to the principles governing chemical reactivity and to illustrate these with a range of examples.
Introduction to atomic structure and chemical bonding e.g. valency. Trends in structure and reactivity across the Periodic Table. The mole, chemical equations and chemical reactions. The emphasis will be on taking examples from t he real world and explaining the chemical principles which underlie them.

MANG0069: Introduction to accounting & finance

Semester 1

Credits: 5



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX50 CW50


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students undertaking any type of degree study with an introductory knowledge of accounting and finance
The role of the accountant, corporate treasurer and financial controller Sources and uses of capital funds Understanding the construction and nature of the balance sheet and profit and loss account Principles underlying the requirements for the publication of company accounts Interpretation of accounts - published and internal, including financial ratio analysis Planning for profits, cash flow. Liquidity, capital expenditure and capital finance Developing the business plan and annual budgeting Estimating the cost of products, services and activities and their relationship to price. Analysis of costs and cost behaviour

MATE0001: Introduction to materials science & engineering 1A

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Pre GCSE level ot above: Chemistry & Physics or combined science; and A level: Chemistry or Physics Aims & learning objectives:
Materials Science applies principles of physics and chemistry to materials of engineering interest. This is the first part of a two semester course which aims to be of general interest, and to show students its scop e and philosophy.
(i) What are materials? How are they used? An introduction to the various categories of materials - polymers, metals, ceramics and natural materials. A comparative overview of their price, availability and mechanical properties fol lowed by an introduction to the manufacturing processes that can be applied to them. (ii) Materials for Microelectronics Outline of the history of electronic device development from the thermionic valve to the silicon chip. Semiconducting materials properties and relationship to basic electronic structure. The transistor. Integrate d circuits. The manufacture of modern integrated circuits. The importance of materials quality and purity to the semiconductor industry.

MATE0002: Crystal structure and determination

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the techniques for concise representation of atomic arrangements in crystalline materials. To present the basic rules governing the crystal structures adopted by both elements and simple compounds. To introduce X-ray diffraction and its role in determining crystal structure. On completion, the student should be able to: describe simple crystal structures using standard crystallographic notation and terminology; represent crystal planes and directions using standard notation and perform simple calculations; identify the key features of a given material which are responsible for its observed crystal structure; explain X-ray diffraction from a crystal lattice and the information tha t can be obtained from powder and back reflection patterns.
Crystallography: Lattices, unit cells and cell centring, crystal systems, Bravais lattices, symmetry. Lattice planes and directions, notation and calculation of interplanar spacing and angles. Crystal Chemistry: Structures of metals, CCP, HCP and BCC, interstitial sites in metal structures. Factors governing ionic structures, coordination numbers and polyhedra, radius ratio rules, polarisation effects, Pauling's rules. Factors governing covalen t structures. Examples of structures, AX and AX2 compounds, carbon, Perovskite, SiO2 structures and phase transitions. Crystallinity in polymers: Evidence for crystallinity, structures of polymers, single crystals, spherulites, factors influencing crystallinity. X-ray techniques: generation of X-rays, characteristic and continuous radiation. X-ray scattering and absorption. X-ray diffraction, powder patterns, determination of lattice parameters, structure factor and diffraction intensities. Single crystal diffrac tion, Laue back reflection technique. Crystal Chemistry: Structures of metals, CCP, HCP and BCC, interstitial sites in metal structures. Factors governing ionic structures, coordination numbers and polyhedra, radius ratio rules, polarisation effects, Pauling's rules. Factors governing covalen t structures. Examples of structures, AX and AX2 compounds, carbon, Perovskite, SiO2 structures and phase transitions, silicates. Crystallinity in polymers: Evidence for crystallinity, structures of polymers, single crystals, spherulites, factors influencing crystallinity. Students must have A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.

MATE0004: Materials chemistry

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Co CHEY0056

Pre A-level Chemistry or equivalent, or if not see co-requisites Aims & learning objectives:
To revise and extend knowledge of the principles of physical chemistry, as applied to materials. On completion, the student should have sound understanding of the following key concepts: enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs f ree energy and their inter-relationships, phase equilibria, electrochemistry, surface and solution physical chemistry, diffusion and chemical kinetics.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations): 1. Thermodynamics (10 lectures) 2. Phase equilibria (4 lectures) 3. Electrochemistry (2 lectures) 4. Surface physical chemistry (2 lectures) 5. Chemical kinetics (2 lectures) 6. Diffusion (2 lectures)

MATE0005: Introduction to materials science & engineering 1B

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Pre MATE0001

Aims & learning objectives:
Materials Science applies principles of physics and chemistry to materials of engineering interest. This is the second part of a two semester course which aims to be of general interest, and to show students its scope and philosophy.
(i) Can strength and stiffness of materials be explained in terms of atomic structure? Concepts of strength and elastic modulus; the atomic and molecular constitution of different types of material. Primary and secondary bonding; p otential energy curves for ionic, covalent and van der Waals bonds. Structure and 'bond density'; relation between potential energy curves and modulus; Hooke's law;. Relation between P.E. curves and strength; brittle strength; surface cracks; toughening; fibres & whiskers. (ii) Short contributions giving a broader flavour of Materials Science. (a) Timber Wood is a natural, cellular, renewable material which in the form of sawn lumber, engineered timber composites or panel products is used world wide in numerous structural applications to the same extent as steel by weight. The microstructure an d mechanical properties of timber are examined and case studies are presented on the manufacture of glue-laminated (glulam) structures and the environmental credentials of timber compared with steel. (b) Renewable energy resources in the UK In the UK we benefit from renewable resources for the supply of energy in the form of wind, solar and wave power, biomass, landfill gas, hydroelectric power and more inaccessible resources such as hot rocks. (c)Degradation of materials Most materials interact physically or chemically with their environment, resulting in changes in structure and composition. These changes often result in the reduction (or degradation) of important properties, such as strength , which may limit the effectiveness of a material in its application, for example as a load-bearing component. Key topics in the degradation of materials are introduced, including aqueous and high-temperature corrosion of metals, dissolution of ceramics a nd radiation damage in polymers. A case study of the oxidation of nuclear reactor graphites will be presented. (d) Composite materials -An introduction to the concepts of making and using composites materials, present an indication of how their properties may be determined, some typical applications for these materials (e) Ceramics - Inorganic solids, mainly consisting of oxides, which are produced by heating the source materials at high temperature below their melting points in order to densify the compact. The product is usually chemically and thermally stable ; it ex hibits desirable properties such as strength, hardness and abrasion resistance.

MATE0007: Mechanics of materials

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the mathematical techniques used to describe the response of materials to applied loads. On completion, the student should be able to: perform calculations relating deformations a nd states of stress in solid materials to the loads applied, for a number of simple cases.
Forces on a structure and their distribution and measurement. Tension and compression stress and strain, Hooke's law, strain energy in a deformed solid. Two-dimensional stress and Mohr's circle of stress. Two- and three-dimensional stress/strain relationships, hydrostatic stress and bulk modulus. Plane stress and plane strain. Plastic yielding of isotropic solids: the von Mises and Tresca failure criteria. Stress distributions around a hole of circular or elliptical shape and quali tative treatment of the stress concentration at a sharp notch. Stress distribution in simple components, compatibility of strains and equilibrium of stress. Tension of elastic homogeneous and non-homogeneous rods. Tension of circular shafts. Symmetric bending of homogeneous and composite elastic beams. Thin-walled an d thick-walled cylinders under pressure. Deflection curves of elastic beams. Twisting of shafts. Inelastic bending and residual stress. Elastic failure: the Euler theory of buckling.

MATE0009: Metals & alloys

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0002

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of alloy constitution and show their application to the thermal and mechanical treatment of engineering alloys. On completion, the student should be able to: identi fy common types of alloy phase, their characteristics and their interactions; interpret simple binary phase diagrams; describe and explain the effects of commercial heat treatments on steels and light alloys.
Microstructure of metals, grain refinement, influence of grain size on mechanical properties, the Petch equation; microstructural and mechanical effects of cold-working and annealing; applications and limitations of pure metals. Alloys: Solid solutions, factors determining solubility, effect of composition on properties, intermediate phases and phase structure. Phase diagrams of binary systems, invariant reactions, precipitation from solution. Equilibrium microstructures in simpl e systems of commercial interest; Al-Si, Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, Cu-Al, Fe-C, cast irons. Departures from equilibrium, coring and undercooling. Normalised and annealed steels. Non-equilibrium structures; age-hardening systems, steels, quenching and hardenability, tempering, selected alloy steels.

MATE0010: Electronic structure & materials properties

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Pre [Mat. Sci. 1st Yr.] or[ Maths A level and(Chemistry A level or Physics A level)] Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a coherent quantum-mechanical treatment of the behaviour and role of electrons in solids. To introduce the concepts of: wave-particle duality; quantum mechanical uncertainty and wave functions. To provide a quantum mechanical description of bonding and electrical conduction in solids.
Classical theory of electrical conduction in metals, Ohm's Law, thermal conductivity, electronic specific heat and the failure of classical theory. DeBroglie wave length, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Sch roedinger wave equation. Electrons in an infinite potential well, quantum states, quantum numbers, energy levels, density of states, the free electron model, Fermi energy, k-space, the Fermi surface. Properties of free electron metals. Qualitative solution of the Schroedinger equation for hydrogen, wave functions and quantum numbers; atomic orbitals. Bonding between atoms; linear combination of atomic orbitals; hybridisation; s and p bonds; delocalisation; structure of molecules. Students must have A-level Mathematics and A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.

MATE0011: Mechanical properties of materials

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0007

Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the mathematical description of the effects of loads upon materials, and to relate their mechanical behaviour to their internal structures. On completion, the student should be able to: convert between tensor and orthodox descriptions of elastic behaviour; characterise time-dependent effects in the deformation of materials; recognise the interaction of time and temperature effects.
Elasticity: cohesion and bonding, energy-distance curves and Hooke's Law, departures from linear elastic behaviour, elastic properties derived from bond energies. Elasticity theory of crystals, stress and strain tensors, elastic an isotropy, symmetry. Elastically isotropic solids, technical elastic moduli, measurement of moduli. Anelasticity: cyclic stressing and internal friction. thermoelastic effect, Snoek effect, other mechanisms. Specific damping capacity, logarithmic decrement , loss tangent. Viscoelasticity: viscous flow, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models. Creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Physical mechanisms of viscoelastic behaviour. The glass transition temperature. Time-temperature superposition, master curves for cre ep compliance and stress relaxation modulus. Effect of molecular architecture and chemical composition on viscoelastic properties. Dynamic viscoelasticity, the complex modulus, dynamic loading of Voigt and Maxwell models, standard linear solid and generalised models, master curves. Moduli and loss tangent as functions of frequency and temperature. Inter-relation of viscoelastic param eters. The effect of polymer structure and crystallinity on dynamic behaviour, mechanical spectroscopy. Non-linear viscoelastic behaviour.

MATE0013: Ceramics & glasses

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0002

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the application of constitutional and kinetic principles to the manufacture and exploitation of ceramics and inorganic glasses. On completion, the student should be able to: under stand the nature of ceramics and glasses on the basis of their structures and properties; describe the relationship between various classes of ceramics and their applications.
Classification of Ceramics. What is a ceramic? Revision of crystal structures and forces with specific reference to the scientifically and technologically important ceramic materials. Source of ceramic materials and production meth ods. General properties of ceramics, mechanical, chemical, thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical. The nature of brittle ceramics and the use of statistics for mechanical design. Classification of ceramics, traditional, refractories, advanced ceramics, both structural and functional to include examples of technological importance. Strengthening and toughening of ceramics. Precursor materials, powder manufacture and powder processing. Ceramic forming methods, wet and dry. Drying of ceramic powder compac ts. Densification and sintering, both solid and liquid phase. Hot pressing. Reaction bonding. Pyrolytic deposition. Use of phase diagrams. Structural chemistry of the common glasses. Networks and network modifiers. The glass transition temperature, viscosity, thermal optical and electrical properties. Special glasses, their technology and use. Electrical properties, ionic and electronic cond uction, Switching glasses. Lenses, fibre optics, thermal and mechanical properties, glass to metal seals. Stress relief, toughened glass, surface effects, ion exchange and implantation. Composite applications. Glass ceramics.

MATE0014: Polymers

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0002

Pre Mathematics AS Level or MATH0103 and MATH0104; and Chemistry AS Level or CHEY0056 and CHEY0057 Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of polymer science with particular emphasis on those aspects relevant to polymers as practical engineering materials.
Homopolymers, copolymers,linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight. The versatility of polymers the length of chains: molecular weight Molecular weight definitions, determination molecular motion & the glass transition Glass transition temperature effect of structure. Molecular motion: nature of vitrification Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure - Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure Where do polymers come from? - polymerisation Polymerisation classification. Examples and mechanisms of step and chain polymerisation. Kinetics of radical polymerisation Step polymerisation. Carothers equation. Molecular weight distribution, copolymer equation. The dramatic properties of rubber Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity The environmental dimension Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents. Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers

MATE0015: Physical methods of analysis

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0010

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the physical principles employed in a variety of instrumental techniques for materials analysis, particularly those based on diffraction and on spectroscopy. On completion, the st udent should be able to: describe methods of forming an image by electromagnetic waves; recognise the scope and limitations of optical and electron microscopy in their various forms; discuss the interactions which take place when a material is exposed to electromagnetic radiation or high energy electrons how these can be used to establish the chemical composition or structure of the material .
Electromagnetic waves: e-m spectrum, generation of e-m waves. Lasers. Polarization. Superposition of waves, interference. Huygens' wave construction, diffraction from a single aperture, diffraction grating. Optical Microscopy: reso lving power, depth of field, lens aberrations. Spectroscopy: emission and absorption spectra. Optical, infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy. X-ray fluorescence analysis. Electron Microscopy and Analysis: Electron waves, interaction of electrons with matter. Transmission electron microscope.. Electron diffraction, analysis of diffraction patterns. Methods of specimen preparation, applications. Scanning electron microscope, resolving power, image contrast. Applications. Electron probe microanalysis, Detection of X-rays, X-ray spectrometers and solid state detectors, qualitative analysis, applications. Surface analysis techniques: Auger analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

MATE0016: Dissertation 2B

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: ES80 OR20


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a self-instruction exercise in the seeking, retrieval, organisation and presentation of information in a technological field. On completion, the student should be able to: write an extended critical discussion of a given subject area; make an oral presentation of the relevant material.
An introduction to an essential research technique - the retrieval and assessment of information from the scientific literature. Each student is assigned a specific subject area and with the help of a supervisor prepares an extende d essay based on a critical review of the literature. An oral presentation is to be made at a conference within the School.

MATE0018: Deformation & fracture of materials

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To present a detailed treatment of the micromechanisms of deformation in the main categories of materials, encompassing effects of temperature, load pattern and environment. On completion, the student should be able to: discuss theoretical "strengthening mechanisms" in metals and alloys, and their ability to account for mechanical behaviour over a wide range of conditions; describe mechanisms of large-scale deformation in amorphous and semicry stalline polymers; use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
Plastic deformation of metals: revision of dislocation theory. High temperature deformation, creep mechanisms, structural changes. Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth. Plastic deformation of polymers: large scale deformation and flow in amorphous and semi-crystalline polymers, cold drawing and molecular orientation, effect of temperature and strain rate. Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of thermodynamics of fracture, Orowan's extension to non-ideally-brittle solids. Wor k of fracture, stress distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Statistical analysis of failure, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth in glasses and polymers, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking.

MATE0020: Engineering materials chemistry

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0004, Pre MATE0004

Aims & learning objectives:
This unit, which builds on principles established in MATE0004 (Materials Chemistry), aims to introduce the thermodynamic and kinetic basis for the understanding of structural changes in materi als, and of material / environment interactions. On completion, the student should have detailed knowledge and understanding of: the thermodynamics of oxidation-reduction reactions, equilibria between binary phases, binary phase diagrams, stability of ph ases in thermodynamic terms.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations): 1. Advanced thermodynamics including(5 lectures) solution thermodynamics 2. Derivation and interpretation of Gibbs' phase rule(5 lectures) 3. Ellingham diagrams for oxides(4 lectures) 4. Surface physical chemistry (3 lectures) 5. Diffusion (3 lectures) 6. Phase transformations, including nucleation and kinetics(4 lectures)

MATE0021: Project dissertation

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: ES80 OR20


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a thorough preparation for the final year experimental project. On completion, the student should be able to: write an extended literature review in the field of his project, and de fine its objectives; present a detailed experimental programme to achieve these objectives; make an oral presentation based on the above.
An introduction to the planning of a research programme. Each student is assigned a specific project, and with the help of a supervisor prepares an extended critical review of the literature, and plans an experimental programme in the relevant area.

MATE0022: Materials selection in engineering design

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the s election of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for str ength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites. The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damag e accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.

MATE0022: Materials selection in engineering design

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the s election of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for str ength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites. The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damag e accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.

MATE0023: Surfaces & interfaces

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX75 CW25


Aims & learning objectives:
Students will be introduced to techniques for the observation, manipulation and control of solid surfaces on the nanometre scale and to some fundamental aspects of the science of adhesion. Aft er participating in the course, students should be familiar with the physical principles and instrumentation associated with scanning probe microscopy, and be aware of a range of its application in science and nanotechnology. They should also understand t he importance, and underlying scientific principles of crystal engineering through the control of crystallisation behaviour. They will be encouraged to integrate their knowledge and understanding of other units throughout the Materials Science and Enginee ring course, and will have had experience of reading original literature and of presenting their own views of it orally to their peers.
The structure and nature of crystalline surfaces. Basic surface crystallography, reconstruction and relaxation, overview of surface characterisation techniques.Nanoscale observation and manipulation of solid surfaces. Scanning prob e microscopy, principles and methods, scanning tunnelling microscopy, force microscopy and variants. Applications: characterisation, atomic and molecular manipulation, nanoscale surface modification for data storage, nanoscale electronic devices. Crystal engineering through control of surface processes. Technological importance of crystallite properties, crystalline imperfections, impurity effects, tailor-made additives.Practical surfaces of engineering materials. Adhesion: strength of an adhesive bond, mechanical properties and interfacial forces. Study of some original literature in the area of interfaces, polymers and adhesion.

MATE0024: Degradation of engineering materials

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0004, Pre MATE0020, Pre MATE0004

Aims & learning objectives:
Building on MATE0024 (Materials Chemistry), and developing ideas covered in MATE0020 (Engineerimg Materials Chemistry), the aim of this unit is to cover key aspects of the degradation of engin eering materials, mainly metals and alloys but also ceramics and polymers. The main degradation processes considered are thermal, physico-chemical and particle / wave irradiation. The effects of these degradation processes on materials properties are co nsidered. Method of protection are also described. On completion students should have detailed understanding and knowledge of the degradation of engineering materials, and how degradation impacts on the processing and use of materials in engineering app lications.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations): 1. Degradation of metals and alloys: Cool aqueous corrosion(12 lectures) Hot corrosion(4 lectures) 2. Degradation of ceramics:(4 lectures) 3. Degradation of polymers:(4 lectures) 4. Case study:(2 lectures incorporated into one of the above sections)

MATE0025: Materials engineering

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
To make the student aware of issues of current scientific and professional interest across the field of materials engineering. On completion, the student should be able to: discuss critically, topics of current interest, identifying their underlying principles and commenting upon their significance, both technical and social.
69É«ÇéƬ Colloquia. This part of the course consists of talks by experts in their fields on advanced aspects of the science and engineering of materials which complement and extend the more formal curriculum of the lecture courses.

MATE0026: Project

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: PR80 OR20


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide experience in the performance of an extended research programme, involving assimilation of the relevant literature, planning and execution of experimental work, analysis of results, and the drawing and reporting of conclusions. On completion, the student should be able to: exploit information sources to familiarise himself with a new subject area; identify critical parameters in an experiment, measure and analyse them; recognise and account for factors limiting the precision of experimental measurements; write an extended report in acceptable style describing his findings; make a clear oral presentation of the project.
The student will carry out an experimental research project which is timetabled for one full day per week. This will be done under the guidance of a member of staff. In many cases the project will be part of a wider programme invol ving graduate students and research staff, so that the student will gain experience of research team work.

MATE0031: Study year abroad

Academic Year

Credits: 60



Level: Level 2



Aims & learning objectives:
Please see Director of Studies for further information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Study year abroad.

MATE0032: Industrial training

Academic Year

Credits: 60



Level: Level 2



Aims & Learning Objective: Please see the Director of Studies for more detailed information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Industrial training year.

MATE0037: Semiconductor microtechnology

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide detailed coverage of the science and technology exploited in semiconductor electronic devices. On completion, the student should be able to: treat quantitatively the electrical char acteristics of semiconducting materials and simple devices; describe the manufacture and characteristics of semiconductor devices and have a quantitative appreciation of the limitations imposed and effects caused by impurities and materials imperfections.
Revision of nearly-free electron model, electron effective mass, electrons and holes, contact potentials. Intrinsic semiconductors; Fermi level, carrier concentration, mobility, conductivity, temperature dependence, recombination a nd trapping, carrier diffusion. Extrinsic semiconductors; P type and N type impurities, Fermi level, carrier concentration, conductivity, temperature dependence. The P-N junction; 'built-in potential', carrier diffusion, depletion layer, forward and rever se bias. The junction transistor, field effect transistor, semiconductor surface potentials, surface effect devices, other simple semiconductor devices. Crystal purification and growth, epitaxy. Doping and dopant profiles. Oxidation and photolithography. Metallization and packaging. Very large scale integration (VLSI), MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) and bipolar technologies. Photoemissive materials and devices. Light emitting diodes, photoconductivity and devices. Semi-conductor lasers.

MATE0053: Composites/fracture of materials

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre MATE0011

Aims & learning objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able t o appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufactu ring methods. (b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and p robability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Compar ison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coeffi cients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composite s, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software. (b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth. Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction. Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fract ure maps

MATE0055: Properties of materials- laboratory unit 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: RT100


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop practical and organisational skills for research. To introduce the principles of report writing and materials properties. On completion, the student should be able to produce struct ured laboratory reports on engineering properties, microstrucutre, corrosion and fracture behaviour of materials in hand-written or computer format.
Introduction to writing laboratory reports including presentation, structure, style and treatment of experimental results. Demonstration of workshop practice. A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the following aspects of materials properties:
* Engineering Properties
* Microscopy
* Corrosion
* Fracture

MATE0056: Processing of materials- laboratory unit 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: RT100


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the principles of processing of materials, report writing, analysis of experimental results and develop practical and organisational skills for research. On completion, the student should be able to interpret experimental results and produce structured laboratory reports on the processing of materials in hand-written or computer format.
A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the manufacture and processing of materials namely:
* Metal Shaping & Plastic Flow of Metals
* Ceramic Fabrication
* Interfacial Morphology
* Behaviour of Glass Near Tg

MATE0057: Characterisation of materials- laboratory unit 3

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: RT100


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the principles of characterisation of materials, analysis of results, report writing using computer packages and develop practical and organisational skills for research. On completion the student should be able to interpret materials characterisation data and produce structured laboratory reports using standard computer packages (e.g. Excel and Word).
A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the concepts of characterisation of materials namely:
* Metallography
* Characterisation of Polymers
* Electrical Properties of Materials
* Spectroscopy

MATH0098: Mathematics 2A (service unit)

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX60 CW40

Requisites: Pre PHYS0008

Aims & learning objectives:
To extend further the student's familiarity with relevant analytical and statistical techniques. On completion, the student should be able to: use statistical tests of significance; analyse ex perimental data using linear regression; solve simple and partial differential equations
Differential Equations: Formulation of equations of motion (Newton's second law, pendulum, mass-spring systems); free and forced linear oscillations (undamped motion, damped motion, resonance); Fourier series (periodic functions, Euler formulas, half-range expansions); wave and diffusion equations (separation of variables, use of Fourier series ). Statistics: Elementary probability theory: conditioning, independence, distribution functions, hazard functions for failure times. Means, standard deviations. Sums of independent random variables. The Central Limit Theorem. Confidence intervals, t-distrib ution, regression. First thoughts on model validation. All topics will be illustrated via the use of a user-friendly computer package, full instructions for the use of which will be provided. A complete understanding of what the computer is doing in simpl e situations should equip the student to make judicious use of packages in more sophisticated contexts.

MECH0137: Mathematics for Materials 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce basic mathematical techniques and show their use for different applications. To review and extend ideas of geometry, co-ordinate geometry, vectors and complex numbers. To introd uce ordinary differential equations and methods for their solution.
Geometry and co-ordinate geometry: geometric proof, review of triangle, circle and polygon theorem; equations of lines, planes and simple curves in cartesian co-ordinates; polar, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems; appli cations. Vectors: vector algebra, position vectors, scalar and vector products: triple products, geometric applications. Complex numbers: Argand diagram, manipulation of complex numbers; rexp (jq). Differential equation s: variable separable; linear second order with constant coefficients; response of first and second order systems to step and sinusoidal input; simultaneous linear differential equations.

UNIV0015: Information management 1A

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: PR60 CW30 OR10


Aims & learning objectives:
To enhance the skills of students in communicating their ideas, orally and in written form. On completion, the student should be able to: produce properly-structured reports and oral presentat ions; use spreadsheets and word processors to enhance the quality of their output; use the BIDS system in the library; access the WWW for academic purposes; have BASIC programming skills; make clear dimensioned drawings and sketches to convey visual conc epts.
An introduction to the information technology tools available to materials scientists and engineers within the university and practical experience of using the appropriate ones. Use of Microcomputers: Self-taught introduction to computing in BASIC language using the School's microcomputers. Exercises in design and materials selection incorporated into some of the laboratory exercises. Solution of common materials science problem s as they arise in the lecture courses. Engineering drawing: Principles of orthographic projections. Isometric sketching. Drawing conventions: BS308 and 7308. Titles, dimensions and scale. General assembly and detail drawings.

UNIV0038: Mathematics for Materials 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce basic mathematical techniques and show their use for different applications. To review common mathematical function, and their graphical representation. To develop differential and integral calculus.
Use of number: number and logarithms, change of base, log-lin graphs, binary numbers, estimation of results, sensitivity; mean, mode, standard deviation; introduction to normal distribution; error, uncertainty. Functions: standard functions, inverse functions, graphs, curve sketching, cartesian and log scales, polar co-ordinates; trigonmetric identities; roots of equations, factorisation of polynominals; partial fractions; binomial series; AP, GP, standard series; idea of linearit y. Differentiation: derivative as a limit; tangents, normals, extrema; product, quotient and chain rules; higher derivatives; Taylor series; L'Hopital's rule; partial derivatives, chain, Taylor expansion. Integration area under a curve; standard integra ls; substitution, by parts; surfaces and volumes of revolution.

XXXX0004: An approved list of units

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3



This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes. You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so. Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.

XXXX0004: An approved list of units

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3



This pseudo-unit indicates that you are allowed to choose other units from around the University subject to the normal constraints such as staff availability, timetabling restrictions, and minimum and maximum group sizes. You should make sure that you indicate your actual choice of units when requested to do so. Details of the University's Catalogue can be seen on the University's Home Page.