Mechanical Engineering Unit Catalogue
ESML0286: French Language for Engineers 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of French language through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the c
ontext of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Use the language to exchange personal details; Read and understand short letters, memos, instructions and descriptions; Write very simple descriptions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language, Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of br
oad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0287: German Language for Engineers 1
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of German language through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the co
ntext of day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Use the language to exchange personal details; Read and understand short letters, memos, instructions and descriptions; Write very simple descriptions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of br
oad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0288: French Language for Engineers 3
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX66.6 OR33.3
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the French language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects
of the language and style of writing appropriate to letter writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show understanding of the language in familiar situations. Discuss familiar things, make introductions, and report simple events with clarity. Read material aloud with intonation. Write basic letters.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; Aspects of b
road engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0289: French Language for Engineers 4
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students' speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the French language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects
of the language and style of writing appropriate to report writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show good understanding of the language in familiar situations and appreciate overall meaning in most situations. Discuss aspects of the country, express doubt and hesitation. Extract information from
written material including material of a simple scientific or technical nature. Write routine simple factual pieces.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of br
oad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0290: French Language for Engineers 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of French through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of
day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation ability of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the language in day-to-day situations in shops, when travelling, and in other familiar situations. Use the language to give and follow routine instructions, and express personal likes and di
slikes. Read texts which are straightforward in style. Read and understand letters, memos, instructions and descriptions. Write simple descriptions and give standard instructions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of br
oad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0291: German Language for Engineers 3
Semester 1
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX66.6 OR33.3
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the German language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects
of the language and style of writing appropriate to letter writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Show understanding of the language in familiar situations. Discuss familiar things, make introductions, and report simple events with clarity. Read material aloud with intonation. Write basic letters.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; Aspects of br
oad engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0292: German Language for Engineers 4
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in the German language. To increase the students knowledge of aspects of the country concerned. To introduce aspects
of the language and style of writing appropriate to report writing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Show good understanding of the language in familiar situations and appreciate overall meaning in most situations. Discuss aspects of the country, express doubt and hesitation. Extract information from written material including material of a simple scient
ific or technical nature. Write routine simple factual pieces.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of b
road engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0293: German Language for Engineers 2
Semester 2
Credits: 3
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW40 EX30 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a working knowledge of German through vocabulary building and the study of grammar. To complement these activities with structured conversation and to place them in the context of
day-to-day situations using graded texts relating to the country. To improve both the fluency and the pronunciation ability of the students.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the language in day-to-day situations in shops, when travelling, and in other familiar situations. Use the language to give and follow routine instructions, and express personal likes and di
slikes. Read texts which are straightforward in style. Read and understand letters, memos, instructions and descriptions. Write simple descriptions and give standard instructions.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Country related topics to be selected from: sport and leisure; education and vocational training; consumer issues; environmental issues; world of work; aspects of b
road engineering or scientific interest.
ESML0374: French Language for Engineers 5
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW25 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students' general language skills, particularly in relation to report writing.
To introduce techniques appropriate to the technical translation and summarisation of foreign language texts.
To provide practice in oral presentation.
To investigate the working of mechanical and electrical systems to extend further the students technical vocabulary.
To give the student some detail of the organisation of French industry and prepare for industrial project.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Exchange information with native speakers including engineers on basic technical matters. Follow argument when reading, and extract information by inference. Read technical material in French in thei
r own field, and provide either a translation or a summary. Write in an organised way and present supporting evidence and argument. Take an active part in a technical discussion in French.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Technical translation. Report writing. Country related topics to be selected from: post-war events; world of work; political institutions and elections; mass medi
a; theatre/film.
ESML0375: French language for Engineers 6
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES70 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To maintain and develop further the students' general language skills, particularly oral skills. To refine skills in relation to report writing. To provide practice in oral presentation and to
introduce techniques appropriate to informal liaison interpreting.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed discussion with colleagues or strangers. Understand and converse freely with French engineers on technical matters. Act as a go-between in a familiar technical subject between a Fr
ench engineer and an English speaking engineer. Recognise different styles of interaction and colloquial language. Follow arguments in newspapers and produce accurate information from texts. Read technical material in French in their own field and prov
ide orally either a translation or a summary. Write in a well organised style with main ideas clearly expressed, and produce reports in French.
Report writing. Discussion of current political and cultural affairs and country related topics. Introduction to interpretation.
ESML0376: German language for Engineers 5
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW25 EX50 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students general language skills, particularly in relation to report writing.
To introduce techniques appropriate to the technical translation and summarisation of foreign language texts.
To provide practice in oral presentation.
To investigate the working of mechanical and electrical systems to extend further the students technical vocabulary.
To give the student some detail of the organisation of German industry and prepare for industrial project.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Exchange information with native speakers including engineers on basic technical matters. Follow argument when reading, and extract information by inference. Read technical material in German in thei
r own field, and provide either a translation or a summary. Write in an organised way and present supporting evidence and argument. Take an active part in a technical discussion in German.
Grammatical topics to be covered as appropriate for the language. Technical translation. Report writing. Country related topics to be selected from: post-war events; world of work; political institutions and elections; mass medi
a; theatre/film.
ESML0377: German language for Engineers 6
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES70 OR30
Aims & learning objectives:
To maintain and develop further the students general language skills, particularly oral skills.
To refine skills in relation to report writing.
To provide practice in oral presentation and to introduce techniques appropriate to informal liaison interpreting.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed discussion with colleagues or strangers. Understand and converse freely with German engineers on technical matters. Act as a go-between in a familiar technical subject between a Ge
rman engineer and an English speaking engineer. Recognise different styles of interaction and colloquial language. Follow arguments in newspapers and produce accurate information from texts. Read technical material in German in their own field and prov
ide orally either a translation or a summary. Write in a well organised style with main ideas clearly expressed, and produce reports in German.
Report writing. Discussion of current political and cultural affairs and country related topics. Introduction to interpretation.
MANG0035: Aspects of Japanese business
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Students should already have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this course is to critically examine and to provide an understanding of the nature of Japanese business organization. After completing the unit the student should be able to: identify the political, econo
mic and social forces underpinning the emergence of Japanese business forms; understand the relationships between business, the state and trade unions in contemporary Japan; describe the human resource management practices characteristic of Japanese busin
ess; explain the internationalization of Japanese business; assess the transferability of Japanese business practice to alien environments.
The political economy of Japan; Japan's institutional environment; Japanese production systems; Organization and power in Japanese organizations; Cross-national transfer of Japanese production and management practices; Industrial r
elations in Japan and Japanese subsidiaries in the West.
MANG0037: Cost management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Students should already have taken MANG0008 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To acquaint students with topical issues in cost management and cost reduction and provide practical insights. The course will be heavily based upon analyses of case studies which address these issues and develop stu
dents' abilities to critique the practical design of cost management and management accounting systems. This course links cost management directly to central strategic issues in managing the organisation.
Issues will be selected each year depending upon current issues of concern, but the following selection illustrates the nature of the material addressed: A review of activity based costing - where it has and has not strategic signi
ficance; The role accounting can play in quality control and removing waste; Implications of changing technology (e.g. flexible manufacturing) and changing organisational forms (e.g. inter-organisational supply chain relationships and other organisational
networking) for cost accounting and management; Target costing and kaizen costing and its relationship to strategic analysis; The theory of constraints and continual improvement - implications for accounting; The nature of strategic management accounting
; Whether there is a given best cost management system or whether there are appropriate contexts for the different recent developments; Implementation problems in introducing new cost management systems.
MANG0044: Organisational change & design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 ES30
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0083 or MANG0070
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students with a critical appreciation of the ideas of management gurus and how these set and guide the practice of change. This popular view is contrasted with more academic approaches and developed thro
ugh a consideration of the (re)design of organisational forms suitable for an age that increasingly requires organizations to be global and innovative.
Topics will be drawn from the following:
Fashions and fads - the history of ideas in change management; The role of business gurus in defining the practice of change; Orders and types of change - 1st, 2nd and reframing; The politics of organizational change; Organizational design and contingency
theory; Organizational forms for the future - innovative and global.
MANG0045: Pay & rewards
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0005, MANG0070 or MANG0083
Aims & learning objectives:
The course will enable the student to provide informed advice on the major aspects of pay, rewards and performance management, based on a sound understanding of the relevant theories and research evidence.
The role of reward strategy in an organisation.
Economic, sociological and psychological theories which have influenced pay policies and practices.
Concepts of reward structure, reward system and reward levels.
Different perceptions of fairness which influence employees' satisfaction with their rewards.
Government pay policies. Top people's pay.
Objectives and limitations of job evaluation.
Performance-related pay in principle and in practice.
Knowledge-based, skill-based and competence-based rewards.
Pay discrimination and equal pay.
Employee benefits.
MANG0050: Supply management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop in the student a broad understanding of the principles, concepts and approaches employed in the management of supply between industrial, commercial, and governmental organisations.
To differentiate between operational and strategic approaches to management of supply
To provide the student with a practical framework, built from research and experience, for understanding and analysing the development of supply management.
Introduction to supply management and the concepts of purchasing, procurement, supply, value flow and inter-firm relationships. Sourcing strategies and their implications for corporate strategies. Information systems in supply mana
gement. The concept of inter-organisational relationships. Supply chain management. Negotiation as a technique and management challenge. Lean principles and the concept of value flow. Outsourcing and the management of associated relationships. Government
procurement: regulated markets. Logistics.
MANG0051: Technology management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 ES40
Students should have taken MANG0006 or MANG0070.
Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is concerned with the management of technology and technological innovation from the firm's perspective. The aim is to introduce students to some of the managerial issues raised by the creation, adoption an
d diffusion of technology over time. The objectives are firstly, to provide an appreciation of the need to manage technology beyond any R & D department and secondly, to develop an understanding of alternative approaches to the acquisition, organisation
and exploitation of technology and the factors influencing the relative success of these in different environments.
The course examines patterns of technological change, how technology affects competition, the impact of technology on individual firms' competitive advantage and the development of strategies and managerial methods to meet the chal
lenges of the increasingly technology-driven environment.
Topics include patterns of R & D, technical trajectories, sources of product and process innovation and the innovation environment. Developing a strategic approach to technology. Technology as a company asset and technical auditing. Technology forecasti
ng and foresight. The relationship between technological change, industry structure and competitive advantage. Factors influencing success in technological innovation.. Different technology strategies and decisions concerning R&D, innovation and the comm
ercialisation of new products/ processes. The protection of industrial and intellectual property. The diffusion of technology by contract, acquisition, imitation and manpower flows.
MANG0070: Business economics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims and Learning Objectives: To use the basic tools of economics to introduce students to the nature of the variety of competitive environments within which business firms have to operate. At the end of the unit students should b
e able to identify the cost and revenue curves of the firm, understand how the concept of elasticity is useful and identify the fundamental characteristics of the various forms of market structure. They should be able to apply their knowledge to the real
world and make predictions about the likely outcome of various market interactions.
MANG0071: Organisational behaviour
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of people's behaviour within work organizations
Topics of study will be drawn from the following:
The meaning of organising and organisation
Socialisation, organisational norms and organisational culture
Bureaucracy, organisational design and new organisational forms
Managing organisational change
Power and politics
Business ethics
Leadership and team work
Decision -making
The future of work
MANG0072: Managing human resources
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to give a broad overview of major features of human resource management. It examines issues from the contrasting perspectives of management, employees and public policy.
Perspectives on managing human resources.
Human resource planning, recruitment and selection.
Performance, pay and rewards.
Control, discipline and dismissal.
MANG0074: Business information systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX60 CW25 OT15
Aims & learning objectives:
Information Technology (IT) is rapidly achieving ubiquity in the workplace. All areas of the business community are achieving expansion in IT and investing huge sums of money in this area. Wit
hin this changing environment, several key trends have defined a new role for computers:
a) New forms and applications of IT are constantly emerging. One of the most important developments in recent years has been the fact that IT has become a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage: it transforms industries and
products and it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organisation.
b) Computers have become decentralised within the workplace: PCs sit on managers desks, not in the IT Department. The strategic nature of technology also means that managing IT has become a core competence for modern organisations and is therefore an impo
rtant part of the task of general and functional managers. Organisations have created new roles for managers who can act as interfaces between IT and the business, combining a general technical knowledge with a knowledge of business.
This course addresses the above issues, and, in particular, aims to equip students with IT management skills for the workplace. By this, we refer to those attributes that they will need to make appropriate use of IT as general or functional managers in a
n information-based age.
Following on from the learning aims and objectives, the course is divided into two main parts:
Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion, case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of I
S. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend acr
oss functions, levels and locations, be implemented?
Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented
in class, and are open for debate.
In summary, the aim of the course is to provide the knowledge from which students should be able to make appropriate use of computing and information technology in forthcoming careers. This necessitates some technical understanding of computing, but not a
t an advanced level. This is a management course: not a technical computing course.
MANG0096: Environmental management in organizations
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MANG0005, Pre MANG0083, Pre MANG0070
Students should have taken one of the above units. The pre-requisite units represent the minimum level of experience a student should have to undertake this unit. It is very desirable that you should have also undertaken more adva
nced units in the study of organizational behaviour, for example, MANG0011 or MANG0033.
Aims & learning objectives:
Industry has been blamed for massive degradation to the natural environment. Is this fair? What are appropriate organizational responses? What are the realities behind the green rhetoric? This course will critica
lly examine these, and related questions.
黅he risk society and industry. Ethics the new, green, ethical manager? Listening to stakeholders. Self-regulation and forcing compliance. Corporate exemplars. Resistance and backlash. Some futures.
MATE0022: Materials selection in engineering design
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the s
election of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for str
ength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose
solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate
theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites.
The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damag
e accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.
MATE0061: Aerospace Materials
Semester 1
Credits: 6
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX 100
This unit is only for students registered on engineering or science degrees.
Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to give engineering students an understanding of the nature of aerospace materials and how this determines their successful application in aerospace structures and machines.
The learning objectives will include:-
*An appreciation of the properties of engineering materials and how they arise.
*An understanding of key areas of manufacturing technology which allow fabrication of the critical engineering component.
*The importance of the correct choice of material and the factors limiting the service life of the component.
*The significance of the manufacturing route in determining the economics and engineering viability of the component.
*Methods for fault detection and life prediction.
Introduction, history and classification of aerospace materials.
Materials for airframes-Aluminium Alloys; manufacturing route, heat treatments, properties, joining techniques. Titanium Alloys. Super-plastic forming. Diffusion bonding. Production, properties and applications
Stainless and Maraging steels. Properties, fabrication and applications.
Alloys and components for aeroengines. Manufacturing processes, properties, applications and failure modes. Steel, Titanium alloys, Honeycombs, High temperature alloys. Polycrystalline, directionally solidified and single crystal blades. Future technolog
Thermal barrier coatings. Principles, processing and performance.
Long Fibre Composites. Critical Fibre length. Aerospace manufacturing processes. Types of fibre and matrix. Composite honeycombs.
Composites and design. Comparison of carbon fibre composites and aluminium alloys. Laminate analysis/ design. Material coupling. Failure criteria (strength and stiffness). Repair Systems.
Metal matrix Composites.
Degradation processes and control.
NDT, its role in quality control and in in-service inspection of aircraft.
Review of types of defect found in aircraft and their hazards.
X-ray inspection, sources, recording, sensitivity, radiation safety. Dye penetrant crack detection. Ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic wave propagation and reflection. Transducers, coupling. A-scan, b-scan, c-scan, shear wave and surface wave inspection tech
Electrical methods, eddy current, potential drop, magnetic methods.
Special inspection problems posed by composite materials. "The ageing aircraft programme".
MECH0001: Experimental & engineering skills 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the written and graphical presentation of experimental data, results and analysis.
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To introduce students to computer aided engineering.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Interpret and communicate experimental results with analysis in a precise format. Carry out simple design tasks using CAD systems. Recognise and model potential observed uncertainty in engineering problems.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems.
MECH0002: Mathematics & computing 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To reinforce algebra and calculus skills. To introduce basic concepts with which the students may not be familiar. To provide a mathematical underpinning for subsequent work. To teach basic ke
yboard skills, use of wordprocessors (including typesetting mathematics), spreadsheets, databases (including those for library), and the world wide web.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Handle circular and hyperbolic functions. Differentiate and integrate elementary functions. Use partial differentiation and complex numbers, vectors & matrices. Be able to sketch curves and use informa
tion from the calculus to analyse critical points. Use polar as well as cartesian co-ordinate systems. Produce a typeset document including charts and graphics; Use a spreadsheet including what-if calculations, formulae, graphs, charts and statistics. Sea
rch for information in online databases and the web.
Algebraic manipulation and roots of polynomials. Standard functions (sine, cosine, exponential, logarithm, trigonometric identities). Differentiation (derivative of a sum, product, quotient, function of a function, implicit, tangen
t, and normal to a curve, maxima, minima, points of inflexion). Partial fractions. Integration (use of partial fractions and substitution, integration by parts, areas and volumes of revolution). Curve sketching. Taylor and binomial expansions. Arithmetica
l and geometrical progressions. Polar co-ordinates. complex numbers. Introduction to vectors and matrices. Further methods of differentiation and integration; partial differentiation. Microsoft windows environment, touch typing tutor, Word 6, Excell, BIDS
, Netscape 3 with Java.
MECH0003: Thermofluids 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the concepts and basic equations of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to :
Understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics; apply the First Law of Thermodynamics to engineering problems; derive and apply the continuity equation and Bernoulli's equation to engineering problems.
Introduction and definitions of thermodynamics; properties; work and heat transfer; First Law of Thermodynamics; perfect gas; properties of a pure substance; use of tables and charts for properties. Fluid statics; pressure, forces
and moments; fluid kinematics; continuity equation; Bernoulli's equation.
MECH0004: Solid mechanics 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the fundamental principles of statics, kinematics and dynamics as applied in an engineering context. To develop judgement in system description and modelling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the nature of statical determinacy and free body diagrams; analyse pin-jointed frames; formulate and solve equations of motion; apply Newton's laws to problems of nonconstant acceleration; calculate work done by forces and torques; understand p
ower, efficiency, kinetic and potential energy of a mechanical system; find stresses and strains for simple cases of loading and displacement; analyse problems of rotational and combined motion; draw simple shear force and bending moment diagrams
.Statical determinacy; free body diagrams; pin-jointed frames; tension coefficients. Free body systems in dynamics; friction; Newton's laws; non-constant acceleration; energy and momentum. Stress and strain; statical indeterminac
y; torsion. Rotational motion; moments of inertia; combined motion; geared systems. Shear forces and bending moments.
MECH0005: Applied engineering
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To integrate engineering science and applications within the different engineering disciplines.
To offer an insight into challenging and interesting topics within engineering.
To provide students within an insight into the different branches of engineering offered in the MEng programme.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Appreciate the relevance of the engineering science subjects in the context of their application to engineering technologies. Understand the focus of the different branches of engineering and their interrelationships. Make a more informed decision about
the branch of engineering in which they chose to specialise.
History of technology. Personalities. The Institutions. The business as a system. Business structures and the influence of size and ownership. Concepts of value added. Concepts of behaviour and management. Aircraft wing desi
gn. Automotive engine design. Computer controlled manufacture. Product design. Factory planning. Manufacturing systems concepts.
MECH0006: Design materials & manufacture 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide fundamental knowledge about metals, their structure and properties.
To introduce students to the concept of visual thinking.
To show the link between design and manufacture.
To develop self-instructional learning skills.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Produce and interpret engineering drawings for manufacture and assembly to BS308. Make freehand engineering sketches. Define the key mechanical properties of metals. Compare and contrast some of the common metals used for engineering manufacture. Explain
how the mechanical properties of metals can be related to their microstructure. Identify the features and limitations of the casting process. Use a workbook approach for self-learning.
Study guide. Introduction to manufacturing. Mechanical properties of metals. Selection of materials. Microstructure. Casting. Alloys. British Standards. Sketching. Dimensioning. Tolerancing. Layouts. Orthogonal, Isometri
c projections.
MECH0007: Experimental & engineering skills 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OT10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To provide an understanding of measurement techniques and instrumentation.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Give verbal presentations of experimental and technical work. Determine the most appropriate techniques for gathering information given an experimental configuration. Select suitable measuring techniques.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems.
MECH0009: Thermofluids 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to more basic equations of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics and to apply the equations to engineering problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to :
Apply the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics to engineering problems; solve simple heat engine cycles; apply the continuity, momentum and Bernoulli's equations to engineering problems; use dimensional analysis; calculate isentropic flow in a nozzle.
Mixtures of gases and vapours; Second Law of Thermodynamics, reversibility and entropy; Carnot cycle; air standard cycles; vapour power cycles; heat pumps and refrigeration. Derivation and application of momentum equation; jet eng
ines, propellers and wind turbines; dimensional analysis and similarity; speed of sound and Mach number; isentropic flow of a perfect gas in a nozzle.
MECH0010: Solid mechanics 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To promote further understanding of the fundamental principles of mechanics.
To introduce engineering bending theory.
To apply principles of dynamical modelling to different rotating and reciprocating machines.
To introduce concepts of stress and strain transformation.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate shear forces, bending moments and deflections in beams. Determine the stress and strain states of simple structural forms; manipulate stress and strain transformation equations, and understand Mohr's circle. Analyse the state of balance of a s
ystem comprising rotating masses, and determine effects of unbalance. Analyse the motion of a rigid body in space using vector analysis. Calculate velocities and accelerations in a linkage mechanism.
Simple bending theory. Torque transmission/shear stress: clutches; belt drives. Balancing of rotating masses: flywheels; rotating and reciprocating machines. Slope and deflection of beams. Stress transformations and Mohr's circ
le. Pressure vessels. Introduction to spatial dynamics and degrees of freedom. Vector methods and theory of gyroscopes. Analysis of linkage mechanisms.
MECH0011: Electronics & electrical drives
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the basic techniques of circuit analysis and explain the concept of alternating currents in electrical circuits.
To introduce the method of operation and application of semi-conductor devices.
To give an understanding of the basic principles of electromagnetism.
To provide an overall view of the methods of converting electrical energy to linear or rotary mechanical energy.
To give an understanding of how the characteristics of a drive system can depend upon the combination of the electromagnetic device, the electronic drive circuit and the control technique.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Solve simple electrical circuit problems. Appreciate the essential features of operation of semi-conductor devices, and their use in simple digital and analogue circuits. Understand simple operational amplifier techniques. Select appropriate drives for
simple applications. Understand the basic operation of DC motors and three phase induction motors, including speed control and starting methods.
Direct and alternating voltages and currents. Ohm's Law, Kirchoff's laws and Thevenin's theorem. Resistance, capacitance and inductance, concept of impedance, power and reactive power. Balanced three phase systems. Basic chara
cteristics of diodes, zener diodes, light emitting diodes, photosensitive devices and transistors. The application of semi-conductor devices in simple analogue and digital circuits. Introduction to operational amplifiers. Electromagnetic induction, Far
aday's and Ampere's laws. Operating characteristics of shunt, series, compound DC motors and three phase induction motors. Calculation of simple speed-torque-power relationships. Starting and speed control of motors, stepper motors and their indexing t
echniques. Concepts of motor control circuits including the thyristor.
MECH0012: Design materials & manufacture 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX40 CW60
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the component elements of design.
To provide an introduction to the processes of machining, forming and joining and the heat treatment of metals.
To enable the student to become acquainted with the basic principles of design, and the design process in line with BS7000 and internationally agreed standards.
To provide a holistic view of the process and decisions to be taken in real design problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Analyse, select and integrate standard components into detailed designs. Develop a partial requirement specification from a design brief. Analyse a problem and select a solution from a range of alternatives. Produce detailed drawings of components to e
nsure that they perform the desired function and can be manufactured. Select from an extending range of traditional manufacturing processes.
The design process; principles of design; design controls. Elements: Springs, bearings, seals, fixing and fastening systems, power transmission systems. Electric motors. Design & Make Project, machining, forming, heat treatment,
mechanical joints, liquid phase joints.
MECH0013: Systems & control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX85 PR15
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the behaviour of a variety of physical systems commonly used in control applications. To develop an understanding of the operational behaviour of control systems, this to allow the
application of classical control theory to system analysis and design.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Predict the behaviour of simple control systems. Determine a control systems frequency response and stability characteristics. Improve steady state and dynamic performance using compensation techniques.
System modelling. Open and closed loop control. Block diagram representation. Block diagram manipulation. Transfer functions and Laplace notation. Transient performance of simple systems. System errors. Frequency response re
presentation of systems. Bode diagrams. System stability assessment using Bode diagrams. Compensation techniques. Use of computer software for system design. Microprocessor practical, Robot Control experiment.
MECH0014: Modelling techniques 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue to develop algorithm design and programming techniques in Fortran77/90.
To acquire a large variety of numerical and mathematical techniques to be used for those engineering problems modelled in terms of ODEs.
To provide a strong mathematical and computational foundation for solving equations arising in the modelling of engineering systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand how the various standard ordinary differential equations (ODEs) arise in engineering. Understand and use numerical techniques in the solution of such ODEs. Understand and apply the techniques of Fourier series and transforms to ODEs.
Understand the use of matrices in modelling vibrating systems and apply numerical solutions techniques for solving matrix equations and determining eigensolutions.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential evolution equations using Euler's method and the Runge-Kutta methods, including reduction to first order form and numerical stability analysis. Numerical solution of two-point ordinary d
ifferential boundary value problems using a direct method (the tridiagonal matrix algorithm) and an indirect method (the shooting method). Local and Global Truncation Errors: choosing a suitable numerical method and the improvement of accuracy. Gaussian
Elimination: algorithm and code development, use a Least Squares fitting of experimental data, and in the determination of matrix eigenvalues. Normal modes of vibration in discrete and continuous systems: analytical and numerical methods. Lagrange's eq
uations: theory, application in complex dynamical systems, and normal modes.
MECH0015: Thermofluids 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students ability to apply the principals of thermodynamics, heat transfer and compressible gas flow to problems of engineering importance.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the thermodynamic principles, characteristics of gas turbines, steam turbines and IC engines, together with related energy conservation and environmental issues. Solve simple heat transfer problems (including steady-state and trained conductio
n in solids, convection, radiation, and the design of heat exchangers).
THERMODYNAMICS & COMBUSTION : Steam plant: superheating, reheating, CHP and combined cycles. Gas turbines and jet engines: intercooling, reheating and introduction to jet propulsion. Introduction to combustion, heat release, emis
sions and the environment.
HEAT TRANSFER : Heat conduction: steady-state and transient conduction in solids (including composite slabs and cylinders). Convective heat transfer: dimensional analysis and empirical correlations. Introduction to radiation. Heat exchangers: design us
ing the LMTD method.
MECH0016: Solid mechanics 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the vibrations of mechanical systems in a one degree of freedom context.
To introduce the theory of torsion in non-circular and open- sections, bending in unsymmetrical sections and the concept of fatigue failure.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Set up the equations of motion for systems with one degree of freedom; find natural frequencies of free motion; calculate rates of decay from viscous damping and vice versa; determine motions resulting from a sinusoidal force, unbalance and base excitatio
n. Calculate shaft critical speeds. Find torsion stiffnesses and strengths for closed and open structural sections. Calculate second moments of area for unsymmetrical sections. Determine the fatigue life of some simple structural forms.
One degree of freedom systems: free and forced vibration; base excited motion; unbalance excitation; vibration isolation. Torsion of open and closed structural sections, unsymmetrical bending. Stress concentration, fatigue strengt
h and cumulative damage in structural components.
MECH0017: Solid mechanics 3 with French
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the vibrations of mechanical systems in a one degree of freedom context.
To introduce the theory of torsion in non-circular and open- sections, bending in unsymmetrical sections and the concept of fatigue failure.
To review the content of first year Solid Mechanics course in the French language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Set up the equations of motion for systems with one degree of freedom; find natural frequencies of free motion; calculate rates of decay from viscous damping and vice versa; determine motions resulting
from a sinusoidal force, unbalance and base excitation. Calculate shaft critical speeds. Find torsion stiffnesses and strengths for closed and open structural sections. Calculate second moments of area for unsymmetrical sections. Determine the fatigue
life of some simple structural forms.
One degree of freedom systems: free and forced vibration; base excited motion; unbalance excitation; vibration isolation. Torsion of open and closed structural sections, unsymmetrical bending. Stress concentration, fatigue strengt
h and cumulative damage in structural components. language review topics: Force and moments as vectors; 3D free body diagrams; 3D systems using vector analysis; principal of superpositioning.
MECH0018: Design 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To show how engineering sub-assemblies comprise both standard and components.
To demonstrate the importance of optimisation within an iterative design process in contrast to adequate design in terms of functionality, geometry and material selection.
To show how a successful design can be achieved by integrating analytical skills from the engineering sciences.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Design a sub-assembly in detail using correctly selected components and design ancillary items to meet a requirement. Design an engineering product. Recognise the importance of completing comprehensive design analysis, component drawings and sub-assembly
drawings in order to achieve a successful solution.
Embodiment design: To include shafts, coupling, keyway, welded and bolted joint design, bearing, pulley, gear analysis. combined loadings, design factors and optimisation techniques.
MECH0019: Manufacturing 3
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0006, Pre MECH0012
Aims & learning objectives:
A common thread will run throughout the unit, of linking materials selection and design over a range of mechanical engineering applications; the aims being:
To extend and deepen from MECH0006 & 0012 the understanding of metals
To introduce the processes for surface treatment by heat treatment and the application of coatings
To introduce polymers and wood; their structure and properties together with methods of manufacturing artefacts from these materials.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Explain the structure-property relationships for commonly used alloys of steel and aluminium.
Describe some of the commonly used techniques for surface hardening and coating materials and their applications. Explain in rudimentary terms the relation between polymer molecular structures and their structural and processing properties including eleme
ntary polymer composites. Describe a range of commonly used processes for the manufacture of polymer and polymer composite parts and explain the limitations of these processes.
Structure property relations and applications of alloy steels, stainless steels, aluminium alloys. Surface treatments and coating for metals. Polymers: structure property relations, manufacturing processes. Uni-directional composites; applications of the
rule of mixtures for property calculation; manufacturing processes.
Timber in engineering.
MECH0020: Experimentation & applied engineering
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To illustrate the systems approach to engineering.
To illustrate the integration of engineering science, control, electronics, design, materials, manufacture and business for product-based engineering applications.
To demonstrate the interaction of the different engineering disciplines in the design of products. To develop the student's understanding of laboratory practice and of instrumentation using microcomputers including signal processing and analysis techniqu
To provide an understanding of the design of experiments.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Appreciate the breadth of application of science and technological subjects to engineering product design and development. Understand the interrelationships of different disciplines within engineering. Use common types of analogue and digital transducer
s, proprietary signal conditioning cards, PC-based interface cards and microprocessor systems in experimentation. Design experiments from a statistical viewpoint.
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS IN : Microprocessor control. Control of a robot arm. Engine Test. Aerofoil test. Flexible Manufacturing System. Space Frame. SUPPORTING LECTURES ON : Digital and Analogue Transducers and Interfacing. A
liasing and Filtering. Design of Experiments and Significance Testing. Topics as appropriate to support individual experiments. DEMONSTRATIONS OF MEASUREMENT AND SIGNAL ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES : Laser-Doppler Anemometry. Mechanical Vibrations. PRODUCT AN
D SYSTEM INVESTIGATIONS ON : Aircraft High Lift Flap system and Undercarriage System. Automobile Active Suspension System. Product Packaging. Flexible Manufacturing System/Guided Vehicle/Robot. Logic-based Autonomous Machine. Hip replacement Prosthes
is or Ergonomics & Human/System Interaction.
MECH0021: Modelling techniques 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To continue to develop algorithm design and programming techniques in Fortran77/90.
To acquire a large variety of numerical and mathematical techniques to be used for those engineering problems modelled in terms of PDEs.
to provide a strong mathematical and computational foundation for solving equations arising in the modelling of engineering systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand how the various standard partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in engineering. Understand and use numerical techniques in the solution of such PDEs. Understand and apply the techniques of Fourier series and transforms to PDEs.
Fourier's equation of heat conduction: derivation, numerical solution and analytical solutions. Laplace's equation and Poisson's equation: derivation, numerical solution, the equations in polar co-ordinates. Wave equation: deriva
tion, D'Alembert's solution, separation of variables solution. Fourier series: application in ODEs and PDEs governing various engineering systems. Fourier Transforms: definition, general results, application in solving ODEs and PDEs.
MECH0022: Thermofluids 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students ability to apply the principles of fluid dynamics to problems of engineering importance at high and low speeds.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate the flow over an arbitrary two-dimensional aerofoil by a variety of techniques with various degrees of approximation. Calculate the skin friction and drag caused by boundary-layer flow over external surfaces. Calculate the pressure losses in d
uct/pipe networks, estimate the performance of fluid machines, and match the characteristics of a pump to its load.
INVISCID FLOW: Stream functions: flow around simple non-lifting shapes. Free and forced vortices. Rotational/irrotational flows. Vorticity, circulation and lift. Aerofoil characteristics.
VISCOUS FLOWS: Introduction to viscous flows, external and internal. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers in zero pressure gradients. Transition. Effect of pressure gradient, including flow separation.
FLUID SYSTEMS: Pipe flows and networks, including the calculation of losses. Characteristics of positive displacement and rotodynamic machines. Matching of fluid machines and networks. Cavitation. Water hammer and surge.
MECH0023: Solid mechanics 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students knowledge of the vibrations of mechanical systems into the multi-degree of freedom context.
To examine techniques for the reduction of vibrations.
To introduce more advanced concepts of stress analysis and structures, including buckling and finite element analysis.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Determine buckling loads for simple one degree of freedom systems and elastic columns. Formulate equations of motion from simple Lagrangian functions. Formulate mass, damping and stiffness matrices. Obtain natural frequencies and mode shapes of multi-deg
ree of freedom systems. Find the response of systems with several degrees of freedom to harmonic excitation. Describe practical ways of reducing vibration. Produce simplified finite element formulations.
Introduction to buckling: one degree of freedom systems; column buckling. Lagrangian methods: virtual work and energy. Vibrations in multi-degree of freedom systems; practical control measures. Introduction to finite element analy
MECH0024: Mécanique générale
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To help the students understand the French notation and mathematical methods for problem solving by teaching the subject entirely in the French language and hence contribute to their technical
communication ability.
To extend the students knowledge in the field of mechanics and to introduce more sophisticated methods used in design and stress analysis.
To introduce additional methods of analysis in the fields of structures, kinematics, kinetics and analytical mechanics and to develop judgement in selecting the most suitable approach to analysing mechanical problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Calculate forces, stresses, strains and deflections in increasingly complex structural forms; calculate the conditions for buckling; describe complex motions of particles and bodies using vector analys
is; formulate equations of motion using vector analysis; analyse the motion of a rigid body in space using vector analysis; calculate work done by forces/torque; determine kinetic and potential energy of a system; reason out and discuss in the language an
y problems encountered by the course.
Structures: Stress and strain, tensile load, compression, bending, torsion, buckling, fatigue, energy, introduction to finite element analysis. Kinematics: Cartesian, polar, natural, cylindrical, spherical co-ordinates, motion of p
article, motion of body. Lagrange methods. Kinetics: Newtons law, momentum, moment of momentum, moment of inertia, kinetic and potential energy.
MECH0025: Design 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to the techniques and constraints of professional design practice, with an emphasis on concurrent design practice.
To make the student aware of standard design methods, key aspects of a specification and systematic methods for problem solving.
To make the student aware of the special features of design embodiment; including the stages in developing a product after the design stage; problems and benefits of working in a team; ergonomics and aesthetics issues.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Produce a detailed design specification. Apply standard design methods and value engineering techniques. Incorporate and specify new materials and finishing methods. Cost and specify development and quality requirements. Produce complete product or ma
chine design. Work in a small design team to design a product or system for the market place. Produce technical sales literature.
ASPECTS OF CONCURRENT ENGINEERING: Specifications, design methods and value engineering. Design for:- safety, ergonomics, life cycle design, automatic assembly, reliability. REFINEMENT PROCESSES: Material selection and applicati
ons and finishes. Costing, quality assurance and design development.
MECH0026: Manufacturing 4
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Aims & learning objectives:
To gain an understanding of the broad context of manufacturing systems in relation to the technology and management issues of manufacturing.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the fundamentals of automation and robotics. Understand the technical and managerial processes required to turn a design into an economically viable and marketable product.
Automation including robotic applications. Translating a design into manufacturing system requirements. MANUFACTURING SYSTEM DESIGN - Process planning, time and cost estimating, Make or buy decisions, Factory layouts and work flo
w. OPERATION AND CONTROL OF MANUFACTURE - Production control, Quality control, Cost control, and Financial reporting, Purchasing, Information systems, Maintenance. THE MANUFACTURING SUPPORT FUNCTIONS AND THEIR ROLE - Human resources, Legal, Finance.
NOTE : It is intended that this module is partially taught on an integrated basis, by following a product that has already been detail designed through a manufacture until it is ready for market.
MECH0027: Digital electronics & signal processing
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a practical understanding of digital electronics, logic and signal processing and introduce related design methods; to introduce the concept of signals and describe methods for thei
r processing and recording.
After this unit the student should be able to:
Use Logic Gates to implement simple designs, appreciate functional similarities and differences between Logic families. Describe the elements of information coding and simple signal conversion. Specify and select suitable instrumentation equipment for a
variety of control and data collection purposes.
Logic gates: AND, NOT, OR, XOR, NAND; timing diagrams, function tables, Karnaugh maps; decoders, latches, flip-flops; optoelectronics; registers; programmable logic arrays; buffers and busses; binary, BCD, 2's complement, IEEE floa
ting point representations; Von Neumann and non-standard computer architectures. Operational amplifiers, non-ideal characteristics and circuit applications; noise sources, interference, shielding and grounding techniques, filtering; signal conversion, mod
ulation and multiplexing; examples of transducer families including strain gauges, piezo and digital devices; signal conditioning circuits; transducer and system performance, and selection criteria.
MECH0028: Electrical drives
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of various electrical devices and methods for their selection in a variety of engineering applications, and to introduce the concepts of performance of electro-mech
anical systems and the use of simulation techniques.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe the principles of various drives and their selection criteria for practical application in product design. Apply drive selection techniques and evaluate performance for particular applications. Make use of appropriate manufacturers' catalogues.
Stepper motors and servo motors:: types, operational characteristics and models; control techniques for stepper and servo motors; motion control, intelligent indexer control; modern drives for stepper and servo motors; determinatio
n and characterisation of load cycles; drive selection criteria for various product applications; auxiliary elements of an electro-mechanical drive system; safety, reliability, performance, cost, size/weight and efficiency; simulation tools for the assess
ment of performance; design of drive systems for classical applications; manufacturers' catalogues and their use in product design; hybrid drive systems (electrical, mechanical, hydraulic); current trends and practices in mechatronic system drives.
MECH0029: Control systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022, Pre MECH0013
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the techniques available for the analysis and design of practical continuous-time control systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Produce a control system specification. Predict the behaviour of practical continuous-time control systems involving linear and non-linear elements. Describe the behaviour of microprocessor-controlled systems.
Analysis of control system transient response using Laplace transforms. Estimation of continuous-time transient response using the s-plane. Control system design using Root Locus Method. Parameter sensitivity using Root Locus Me
thod. Linearisation of non-linear systems. System design specifications. Control systems design and analysis software. Performance assessment of systems using the Nichols chart. Integrator wind-up and feedback compensation techniques. Introduction to
microprocessor control.
MECH0030: Structural mechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To study the strength and rigidity analysis of some common structural components and joints to allow them to be used safely.
To teach the effect which rotation, temperature gradient, shrink fit, pre-loading, yielding and residual stresses have in stress analysis and how fatigue and fracture affect material strength.
To relate these effects to structures found in automotive and mechanical engineering applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate stresses and deformations in thick cylinders, disc and plated when subjected to a variety of load conditions. Understand the effect of plastic yielding and residual stresses in beams in bending. Calculate the stresses in bolts subjected to ben
ding shear and torque tightening loads.
Stresses and deformation of pressurised thick cylinders, compound tubes, shafts and the autofrettage process. Strength and rigidity of circular and rectangular plates under pressure and lateral loads using plate and membrane theor
ies. Stresses and deformation in thin discs due to rotation, shrink fits and temperature gradients. Fracture strength and crack propagation - their effect on safe life and flaw tolerant design. Collapse loading of structures, limit design and springbac
k. Determining loads in bolted joints under shear and bending loads and the effect of torque tightening. Shell, and semi-monocoque structures and stiffened panels.
MECH0031: Thermofluids 5
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend student understanding of the thermodynamics of compressible flow in ducts, combustion and power generation and their effects on the environment.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate the effects of compressibility in the flow through ducts with friction and heat transfer; Understand the thermodynamics of compressible flow through an isothermal duct. Calculate the thermodynamic properties of gas-vapour mixtures: perform comb
ustion calculations involving dissociation; carry out second law analysis of power plant; understand the effects of power generation on the environment.
Adiabatic constant area flow with friction; heat addition in steady inviscid one dimensional flow; isothermal compressible flow in ducts; gas-vapour mixtures, air conditioning systems; combustion; second law, irreversibility and
availability; combined cycles, CHP; the environment.
MECH0032: Aerodynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To improve the students' understanding of viscous flow, compressible flow and external aerodynamics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Apply the boundary layer equations to laminar and turbulent flow. Determine the drag contribution from an arbitrary shaped body. Calculate the aerodynamics characteristics of aerofoils in supersonic flow. Predict the load distributions over an arbitrar
y three-dimensional wing.
INTRODUCTION TO TURBULENCE. Drag of bluff and streamlined bodies. Laminar and turbulent flow over flat places. COMPRESSIBLE FLOW: oblique shocks and expansion waves; shock expansion theory for aerofoils. THREE DIMENSIONAL LIFTI
NG SURFACES: horseshoe vortex model, lifting line models, Vortex Lattice Method.
MECH0033: Mechanical vibrations & noise
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce quantitative aspects of noise control and to give an appreciation of some of the problems involved.
To acquaint the student with more advanced aspects of vibration.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Calculate sound pressure level given relevant power and material data. Estimate the reduction in sound pressure level that could be achieved by the use of a barrier or enclosure. Convert equations of motion into principal coordinates. Describe how to mea
sure normal modes of structures. Apply harmonic balance to solve Rayleighs equation to obtain limit cycle solutions and also to solve Duffings equation and thus to explain jump phenomena.
Response of the ear, noise exposure, code of practice; noise isolation and absorption; barriers and enclosures; modal analysis and testing; nonlinearity.
MECH0034: Mécanique vibratoire
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students' knowledge in the field of vibrations by teaching the subject entirely in the French language and to consolidate the students understanding of the French notation and ma
thematical methods for problem solving.
To provide a knowledge of mechanical vibrations with one degree of freedom, multi degrees of freedom and continuous systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Derive the equation of motion of vibrating systems by using analytical and Lagrangian methods; calculate or approximate the natural frequency of conservative and dissipative mechanical systems; describ
e possible mode shapes of mechanical systems by using matrix methods; formulate mass, damping and stiffness matrices; reason out and discuss in the language any problems encountered by the course.
Lagrange methods. Vibrations 1: One degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibrations 2: Multi degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibra
tions 3: Vibrations of linear elastic continuum, longitudinal-, torsional- and bending vibration, work and energy methods, Rayleigh method, Dunkerley method.
MECH0035: Computer-integrated manufacturing & data management
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an appreciation of how manufacturing objectives can be achieved through computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) and engineering data management (EDM).
To gain an understanding of the range of CIM processes and life-cycle product/process information within an engineering enterprise.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of business best practices for CIM and EDM; formulate a company's strategy for CIM and EDM. Propose viable CIM system designs to meet business objectives; apply concurrent engineering methodologies; assess the choices for process pl
anning, assembly, production management and quality management. Identify users, sources and drivers for data integration; understand standards and systems for engineering data representation and exchange; assess the suitability of an EDM system for a com
Business case for CIM and EDM. Design for manufacture. Concurrent engineering. Computer networks, protocols and databases for EDM and CIM. Group technology. Computer Aided process planning. Flexible manufacturing, assembly an
d cell design. Computer Aided quality control and inspection. Production management, MRP and MRP-II. Product life-cycle process, requirements for EDM. Product data exchange, IGES, STEP(ISO 10303). Integrated modelling of product and process informati
on. Maintenance of legacy data, configuration management. Case study in EDM. Strategy, selection and implementation.
MECH0036: Manufacturing processes & analysis 1
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a knowledge and understanding of the newer and more advanced forming and fabrication processes, their analysis and modelling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Compare and contrast advanced forming and fabrication processes and inform on their limitations and effective use. Select appropriate machine tool and process equipment. Select manufacturing process routes for economic manufacture.
The precise range of processes covered each year will vary. Typically 3 or 4 external lecturers will also be giving lectures. Typically the range of processes will include:
* Elements of plasticity and metal forming processes
* Welding processes
* Rapid prototyping
* Powder route for manufacture
* Ceramic route for manufacture
MECH0037: Internal combustion engine technology
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0015
Aims & learning objectives:
To examine the technology, operation and application of IC engines.
To analyse the criteria governing IC engine design, performance, combustion and emissions.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Discuss the parameters that define IC engine performance, identify the distinct operating characteristics of different classifications of IC engines; understand and predict the thermodynamic and mechanical constrains governing design; explain the environm
ent issues concerning future IC engine developments.
Thermodynamic and mechanical principals; combustion and fuels; spark and compression ignition engines; turbocharging; fuelling systems; induction, in-cylinder and exhaust processes; emission formation and reduction/prevention; auto
motive emission legislation, casestudies; introduction to IC engine simulation techniques.
MECH0038: Power transmissions
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0021, Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an appreciation of the factors which govern the choice of powertrain systems, continuously variable and fixed ratio.
To give an appreciation of tribological requirements for power transmissions.
To appreciate the features of hydrodynamic lubrication.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Select gear ratios for given vehicle performance (hill climb, maximum speed, constant engine speed band, fixed speed between gear changes). Use a fuel map to select a gear for minimum fuel consumption at a given speed or the optimum gear at any speed wit
h a continuously variable transmission. utilise either an external gearset or an epicyclic gearset to achieve a given gear ratio. Select tooth module; calculate bending and contact stress. Appreciate the features of hydrokinetic and hydrostatic transmi
ssion to achieve specified performance. Choose a hydrodynamic bearing to bear a specified load.
MECH0039: Gas turbine propulsion
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide knowledge of the development, performance and design of gas-turbine aeroengines. To apply the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to the performance and design of ae
After taking this course the student should be able to:
Appreciate the effect of an aeroengine on aircraft performance. Analyse thermodynamic cycles for turboprop, turboshaft, turbojet and turbofan engines. Understand principles and performance of compressor, turbine, combustor, intake and exhaust nozzle. C
alculate performance of engines at design and off-design conditions.
Birth of jet engine; engine classification; operational envelope; thrusts and efficiencies; thermodynamic cycles (turboshaft, turbojet, turbofan); combustors; intakes (subsonic and supersonic), afterburners and nozzles; design and
off-design performance.
MECH0040: Aircraft performance & design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022, Pre MECH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the basic mechanics of flight.
To illustrate the conceptual design process for fixed wing aircraft.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Predict the performance of a fixed wing aircraft in steady or accelerated flight. Calculate a balanced field length. Develop a range of conceptual designs which satisfy a design specification within the Airworthiness regulations.
Characteristics of aircraft propulsion systems. Level flight, climb and field performance. Payload/range. The design process and the role of the Airworthiness regulations. Preliminary weight estimates and constraints analysis f
or turbofan and turboprop aircraft. Advanced drag polar prediction. Weight breakdown and cg envelopes. Tailplane and fin sizing.
MECH0041: Aircraft stability & control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an understanding of the principles of aircraft stability and the significance of the permitted centre of gravity limits which must be considered when loading an aircraft.
To enable the student to understand and analyse both flight test and wind tunnel results pertaining to aircraft static stability.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Estimate stability margins for any given conventional or tail-less aircraft. Analyse and interpret both wind tunnel and flight test results concerned with aircraft static stability and trim.
Rigid aircraft behaviour. Basic specification of forces and moment on an aircraft. Properties of aerofoils and controls. Static stability criterion. Static and manoeuvre margins, both stick fixed and stick free. Flight test me
asurements and wind tunnel analysis. Springs and weights in the elevator circuit. Power assistance for the pilot and artificial feel. Dynamic stability: an introduction. Stability derivatives.
MECH0042: Manufacturing systems techniques
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop expertise in the design of manufacturing systems.
To develop expertise in CNC programming and CAD/CAM integration.
To develop skills in synthesising and analysing the elements required in the design of work cells.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Plan the operations required to manufacture and assemble products. Produce NC part programs and robot path programs and use integrated CAD/CAM software. Design suitable work holding arrangements. Design plant layout and materials handling systems. Est
ablish effective working methods. Design integrated workplace environments.
Process planning and time estimating. Assembly planning. Quality planing. The design and choice of jigs, fixtures, tooling and gauges. Historical aspects of NC. Types of NC system. Machine tool controllers. Machine level pro
gramming. APT part programming. computer aided part programming. Integrated CAD/CAM systems. Plant layout techniques. To-from analysis. Materials handling and work movement methodologies. Work Study, method study, work measurement, activity samplin
g, ergonomics. system design and evaluation.
MECH0043: Computer aids for design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MECH0021, Pre MECH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of the use of CAD in the overall design process.
to provide an understanding of the different types of modeller and their applications.
To give experience in the use of CAD techniques.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe the different types of CAD modelling systems, what they offer and their application to the overall design process. Understand the CAD requirements of typical companies. Appreciate how CAD techniques can be applied to different application areas
Computer aids for design and their relation to design needs. Basic two and three dimensional drafting entities, input techniques, manipulation, storage within system. Transformations, views, co-ordinate systems. Use of free-form
curves and surfaces. Use of solid modelling. graphics interface languages, user interface, parametrics. Company requirements and operation. Application of CAD technique in industry. Design support for other CAE systems and data exchange.
MECH0045: Aerospace structures & aeroelasticity
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To teach appropriate techniques for the stress analysis and failure prediction of aircraft structures.
To gain an understanding of divergence and classical flutter.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Design aircraft structures by accounting for static strength, buckling and fatigue failure. Recognise the importance of divergence and flutter in the analysis and design of aircraft. Use, and have a basic understanding of, computer packages for structur
al analysis and design.
Shear flow and shear centre of open and close sections. Analysis of bolted joints under shear and bending loads. Fracture strength and crack propogation, including safe-life and damage-tolerant design. Strength and rigidity of p
lates under pressure and lateral loads. Shear buckling and tension fields - analysis and design of ribs and spars. Compression buckling of stiffened panels - analysis and design of wing and fuselage panels. Analysis and design of composite aircraft str
uctures. Wing divergence and classical flutter. Use of computer packages for structural analysis and design.
MECH0046: Manufacturing automation, modelling & simulation
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the use and benefits of modelling and simulation in manufacturing systems design and operation.
To teach the students the building blocks of automation and how to apply these in the design of robotic and automated systems. To examine the advanced and technical aspects of current automation technology.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Model and simulate the operation of a small manufacturing system. Use simulation as a manufacturing system design technique. Justify the use of manufacturing modelling and simulation. Understand the techniques required for the specification of robotic
and automated cells. Appreciate the use of sensing (including vision) in advanced robot control. Undertake a cost evaluation for proposed systems and be able to recommend hard or flexible automation. Specify the safety requirements within an automated
environment. Examine design for automated assembly.
MODELLING & SIMULATION: Definitions. types of models. Modelling methodologies. Validation and Verification. Justification, benefits and uses of simulation. MODELLING MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS: Discrete event and continuous approa
ches to simulation. Discrete event computer languages. Visually interactive simulation. Use of mathematical and statistical models, distributions and random numbers, queuing models and inventory systems. Modelling breakdowns, conveyors, work flow and
tool flow. Utilisation statistics. Model verification and validation. Simulation of manufacturing systems. MODELLING PRODUCTS: Geometric models. Product data models. Neutral formats and data exchange. API for manufacturing software libraries. INF
ORMATION MODELS: Information flows within manufacture. Levels of detail. IDEF models. Automation Peripherals (eg: Vibratory bowl feeders). Sensors (eg: limit switches, proximity switches, photoelectric sensors). Robot Sensing & Machine Vision. Grip
pers & Tooling. Hard V's Flexible Automation. Robot Control. Safety. Applications (eg: Aerospace, Automotive, Pharmaceutical & Electronics). Mobile Robots. Current 69色情片 Advancements.
MECH0047: Powertrain & transport systems
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MECH0037
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the students to the broader social and economic factors which govern the design and development of vehicles and transportation systems.
To provide a knowledge of alternative automotive powertrain systems and advanced engine developments.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Identify and understand the different alternative automotive propulsion systems and their operating characteristics. Describe the advanced IC engine developments taking place with regard to achieving lower fuel consumption and emissions. Explain the imp
act of environmental and social issues on transport legislation and vehicle manufacture. Discuss the requirements and implications of life cycle design and costs on vehicle design and development.
Technology implications of developing alternative automotive propulsion systems IC engine emission characteristics and emission reduction developments. Use of alternative fuels, technological and resource implications: Natural gas
, Bio-gas, Methane, Hydrogen. Alternative automotive powertrains including regenerative and hybrid systems. Life cycle management: design of vehicles, recycling and cost issues. The industrial base for vehicle manufacturing and the drivers for technolo
gical change. The global and legislative perspective on transport issues. Environmental aspects and the use of natural resources.
MECH0048: Global design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX60 CW40
Requisites: Pre MECH0025
Aims & learning objectives:
To recognise the techniques for surveying and assessing product performance and customer acceptability worldwide.
To introduce the problems and effects of distributed working.
To provide an understanding of the changes in design work practices.
To introduce new computer and communications systems for global working.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the requirements of remote and global working. Develop the skills to allow design activities to be performed. Understand the communications technology in its execution. Recognise the changes in approach necessary to allow this form of workin
g to be successfully adopted. Evaluate the effect of a product upon the customer and the re-evaluation of concepts and details in order to overcome any adverse effects.
CUSTOMS AND PRACTICES IN DESIGN: Changes brought about by global communication. EVALUATION TECHNIQUES: Procedures for assessing acceptability. Customer surveys. Technical evaluation. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS: Means for vision and
voice exchange. Data exchange. Graphical communications. Exchange of geometric modelling data. Design management and design by rules. CASE STUDY WORK: Establishment of communications between remote sites. Determination of appropriate procedures. Creatio
n of design specification and design schemes. Product and data refinement through creation of cells. Problem management and ownership on distributed systems. NOTE: The interactive case study element of this course will be carried out in collaboration wi
th a remote access site.
MECH0049: Innovation and advanced design
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX50CW50
Requisites: Pre MECH0048
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of the processes whereby the effect of a product can be evaluated.
To provide an understanding of innovation in an industrial context.
To introduce a number of innovation techniques, particularly the TRIZ methodology.
To introduce a number of advanced design techniques and methodologies, including design management techniques to enable the innovation process to be executed and managed.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the processes of innovation. Use a number of innovation methods and techniques Apply the processes to the development of new products. Understand the effects of change on the processes and markets. Understand the concept of a product architec
ture and will be able to apply a number of advanced techniques such as QFD, DFM, and DFA to their work. Understand the economics of product development, and the impact of time and cost overruns
Discipline in innovation, Creative processes, TRIZ, Inventive principles, Predictable evolution, Function analysis, Marketing innovation, Case studies,. The product development process and problem definition for innovation,. Proje
ct trade offs. Quality function deployment. Design for manufacture, assembly and life cycles. Product architecture. Incremental design strategies. Managing design information. Product development team studies. Case studies.
MECH0050: Advanced aerodynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0032
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce modern numerical techniques for the prediction of lifting flows.
To introduce the basic concepts of helicopter flight and the fundamentals of rotor aerodynamics.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Predict the flow around aerofoils and high lift systems. Predict the flow around simple two-dimensional lifting shapes using CFD techniques. Recognise the differences between fixed and rotary wing aerodynamics.
Singularity methods applied to two-dimensional aerofoils and high lift systems. Laminar and turbulent boundary layers with pressure gradients. Computation of simple inviscid, incompressible, lifting lows by CFD techniques. Intro
duction to rotor aerodynamics. Momentum and blade element theories. Disc loading, parasitic and induced power. Power required in hover, vertical climb and descent. Rotor flow regimes in horizontal flight.
MECH0051: Advanced control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0029
Aims & learning objectives:
To give an understanding of sampled data system theory with reference to the digital control of dynamical systems.
To provide an introduction to modern control theory and to explore the links between this and classical control.
To show how modern control techniques can be used to control physical systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Evaluate the behaviour of single input/single output digital control systems and determine system stability. Understand the problems associated with sampling signals. Select appropriate methods to improve control systems performance. Understand the rol
e of programmable controllers. Represent and analyse both continuous-time and discrete-time systems described in state variable forms.
Nature of sampled signals; selection of sample rate; aliasing; prefixitering. The Z transform. Open-loop and closed-loop digital control; stability of closed-loop digital systems. Root locus; estimation of the transient response
using the Z-plane. Frequency response to discrete-time systems. Digital design techniques; approximation methods; digital PID controllers. Adaptive control. Programmable controllers. State representation of physical systems; non-uniqueness of states
. Controllability and observability. Time response of continuous- and discrete-time systems. Observers and state feedback; modal control. Parameter estimation. Introduction to neural networks and fuzzy control.
MECH0053: Aircraft dynamics, stability & control
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0029, Pre MECH0032, Pre MECH0041
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable the student to derive from the first principals of mechanics the six degree of freedom equations of motion for a rigid body, and hence to understand the inherent coupling between the
lateral and longitudinal motions.
To give a knowledge and understanding of the aerodynamic forces and moments that comprise the stability derivatives.
To enable the student to derive the equations of motion for a conventional aircraft.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Derive the equations of motion and the longitudinal transfer function for a conventional aircraft. Estimate stability derivatives. solve the longitudinal and lateral characteristic equations, and obtain periodic times and times to double/half amplitude
of the modes of motion. Assess divergence boundaries for aircraft undergoing rapid roll (inertia coupling).
Extended theory of longitudinal static stability; compressibility and distortion effects. Dynamic stability. Equations of motion. Linearisation of equations. Separation of longitudinal and lateral modes of motion. Stability de
rivatives in detail. Approximations to longitudinal SPO and phugoid. Longitudinal and directional stability. Rolling subsidence, spiral and Dutch roll motions. Inertia cross-coupling effects. Spinning. Stability and control aspects of variable geomet
ry aircraft. Handling and comfort criteria. Control configured vehicles - the impact of active control technology. Automatic control - An introduction to stability augmentation systems (SAS), longitudinal and lateral - longitudinal autopilot - Automatic
landing systems.
MECH0054: Computational fluid dynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX40 CW60
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce full Navier-Stokes equations and give the physical significance of each term in the equations.
To present a rigorous technique for obtaining the laminar boundary equations.
To introduce the student to CFD techniques appropriate for boundary layer flows; the Keller-box method.
To introduce the student to the use of commercial CFD packages, the importance of validation and the need for caution in applying the underlying models for turbulent flow.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Write and use CFD codes to solve both self-similar and nonsimilar laminar boundary layer flows. Understand the physical significance of the solutions. compute rates of heat transfer and shear stress. Set up viscous fluid flow and heat transfer problems
using a commercial code PHOENICS (with regular and possibly body-fitted grids), and extract features of the computed solutions for validation and physical interpretation.
LAMINAR BOUNDARY-LAYER FLOW : Navier-Stokes equations and energy equation; physical significance of the terms. Derivation of the boundary layer equations using an order of magnitude analysis. Self-similarity and nonsimilarity. D
iscretisation and solution of nonlinear ODEs using the TDMA and Newton-Raphson iteration. The block-TDMA for solving self-similar boundary layer flows. The Keller-box method for nonsimilar boundary layer flow. TURBULENT BOUNDARY-LAYER AND ELLIPTIC FLOW
EQUATIONS : Outline of finite-volume discretisation scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations. Brief description of SIMPLE algorithm and commercial code. Introduction to computational models of turbulence. Application of PHOENICS to the computation of dev
eloping wall boundary layers and jets. Computation and investigation of elliptic flow problems. Limitations of the current generation of turbulence models.
MECH0055: Energy & the environment
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 ES15 CW15
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the energy balances within the major regions of the world, and their environmental consequences.
To introduce assessment techniques for evaluating projects in terms of energy use and environmental impact.
To understand the relationship between alternative energy technologies and the societies in which they develop and to participate in discussion of energy and environmental options.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Evaluate the life cycle of major energy projects, and present the results in a form that will enable decision makers to fully comprehend their energy and environmental consequences. Develop the key features of appropriate energy strategies for countries
from different regions of the world in terms of their economic development, indigenous energy resources, and environmental consequences. Participate in local and national debates over large scale development projects with an understanding of limitations
placed on them by economic, physical, and environmental constraints.
ENERGY RESOURCES : Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, coal); Primary electricity (hydro and nuclear power); Renewable energy sources; Substitutable and non-substitutable resources. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION : Pollutant emissions from
fossil fuel combustion; Environmental impact of nuclear power; local, regional and global effects. ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES : Cost/benefit analysis; First and second law (energy and exergy) thermodynamic analysis; Life-cycle assessment; Environmental impact
ENERGY AND SOCIETY : The technology-society relationship; Alternative energy technologies; Energy conservation; Energy and transport. ENERGY STRATEGIES : Major world producers and users; Energy systems modelling; energy and the third world; Case study;
comparative energy studies of selected industrialised and developing countries.
MECH0056: Engineering plasticity
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MECH0026
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students a firm grasp of the principles of engineering plasticity and its application in manufacturing, structural design and failure.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Use the theory of plasticity for the development and understanding of material plastic behaviour in a range of engineering manufacturing and structural situations.
Stress, Strain and yielding in 2D and 3D systems. Equivalent stress and strain. Flow rules for rigid plastic, elastoplastic and viscoplastic material behaviour. Experimental methods for characterising plastic behaviour and deter
mining constitutive equations. Elastic plastic problems such as autofrettage, plastic bending and spring back. Structural collapse, plastic hinges and crashworthiness of vehicles. Instability, ductile failure. Thermal and frictional effects, explosive
s and armoury. Modelling software for plastic and viscous flow problems.
MECH0057: Finite element analysis
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX50 CW50
Requisites: Pre MECH0030
Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the students' appreciation of the mathematical basis of the finite-element method.
To develop the critical use of commercial finite-element software.
To develop finite element methods for the study of vibrations.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the mathematical formulation of the finite element method when applied to linear problems. Use a commercially available finite-element package to analyse linear stress-strain problems in solid bodies. Critically assess the approximate solutio
ns so produced. Use a commercially available element package to model vibration problems.
Introduction to finite elements as applied to a continuum; displacement formulation. shape functions; numerical integration; Hands-on use of a commercially available finite element package to solve problems in linear stress anal
ysis. Pre and post processing. Model definition if 1D, 2D, 3D representations, symmetry, choice of element type, mesh density requirements. Model validation by comparison with exact analytical solution. Examples in modal analysis.
MECH0058: Fluid power
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the sudent an understanding of transmission and control of power using hydraulic and pneumatic systems typical of mobile and industrial applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Analyse the operation of hydraulic and pneumatic system components and select the correct type and size for a given duty. Derive the equations of motion for typical fluid power components and hence obtain their dynamic response. Design fluid power syste
ms for simple applications.
Types of hydraulic fluid and their physical properties. Hydraulic pump and motor types. Hydrostatic transmissions. Hydraulic pressure and flow control valves. Accumulators. Valve and pump controlled hydraulic systems; efficien
cy. Hydraulic and pneumatic circuit design. Contamination control. Electro-hydraulic valves and their use in servo systems; servo system compensation methods. Dynamic analysis of components and systems; compressibility and stiffness in hydraulic syste
ms; use of the small perturbation method. Compressible flow through restrictors; pneumatic valve characteristics; performance of pneumatic cylinders; valve controlled systems
MECH0059: Geometric modelling
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0021
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the ideas used in fully three dimensional CADCAM systems.
To give hands-on experience in writing software for such systems.
To introduce the ideas of constraint and rule based systems.
To illustrate constraint modelling and its applications.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the fundamental concepts of geometric modelling and the algorithms and data structures used in it. Understand the implications for efficiency and the domain of these algorithms. Write programs for such things as ray tracing to produce three d
imensional graphics. Understand the ideas of constraint modelling and resolution. Use a constraint modelling system to simulate, analysis and optimise a mechanism system.
Wire frame and other precursors to geometric models. Boundary representation models. Set theoretic (or CSG) models. Parametric curves and bi-parametric patches, the Bernstein basis. Bezier curves, B-splines and NURBS, implicit
solids and surfaces. Non-manifold geometric models. feature recognition. Machining geometric models. Rapid prototyping and geometric modelling. The medial axis transform and FE mesh generatic.. Blends and fillets. Minkowski sums. Kernal modellers,
APIs and GUIs. Rendering geometric models, volume visualisation. Numerical accuracy problems in geometric models. Integral properties of geometric models. Procedural shape definition. Types of engineering constraints. Constraint based systems. Tec
hniques for constraint resolution, optimisation methods. Form of a constraint modelling system, its underlying language and structure. Constraint based description of mechanism and their performance. Mechanism selection, storage of catalogues. Case stu
dy examples.
MECH0060: Heat transfer
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To reinforce the student's ability to model conduction in solids and radiation between surfaces.
To introduce the student to convective heat transfer and to the solution of engineering heat transfer problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand the concepts and equations governing heat transfer by conduction and radiation, and to be able to solve heat transfer problems of engineering importance. Understand the concepts and equations governing convective heat transfer, and to be able
to solve heat transfer problems of engineering importance.
HEAT CONDUCTION AND THERMAL RADIATION : Review of conduction, convection and radiation. Derivation of general equation of conduction. Analytical and numerical solution of selected steady-state and transient conduction problems.
Blackbody and greybody radiation, solar radiation, view factors, radiant heat exchange between surfaces. Formulation of radiation equations for numerical solution and application to engineering problems. CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER : Review of basic concep
ts of buoyancy-driven and forced convection. Derivation of the boundary-layer momentum and energy equations for laminar flow. Turbulence and its effects on heat transfer. The Reynolds analogy between shear stress and heat flux. Solution of the laminar
and turbulent boundary-layer equations and applications to engineering problems. The conjugate problem: combined conduction, convection and radiation
MECH0061: Biomechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to applications of mechanics in a biological and clinical context.
To provide an insight into the forces and motions in human joints, and the mechanical properties of a variety of hard and soft tissues.
To give an appreciation of the functional requirements of replacement joints and fracture fixation systems.
To impart an awareness of the materials and manufacturing technology associated with the design of replacement joints and fracture fixture systems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Relate the principles of mechanics to biological tissues, the major load bearing joints and to the management of fractures, to appreciate the range of technology used in the medical device industry and the problems associated with the performance of artif
icial joints and fracture fixation systems in the aggressive environment of the human body.
Biomechanics of Biological Tissues; Biomechanics of bone, articular cartilage, ligament and muscle. Kinematics and Dynamics of Natural Joints; Anatomical structure of synovial joints, joint forces, the hip and knee. Biomaterials;
General requirements, biocompatibility, lubrication and wear. Artificial Joints; engineering and clinical considerations, methods of fixation, functional adaptation of implant/bone composite structures. Biomechanics of Fracture Fixation; Process of fra
cture healing, methods of fracture fixation and stabilisation, load sharing aspects of fracture fixation.
MECH0062: Nonlinear solid mechanics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To compare and contrast fundamentals of nonlinear statics and dynamics.
To introduce typical nonlinear behaviour such as periodic, quasiperiodic and chaotic responses in statical and dynamical systems.
To promote understanding of concepts of buckling and vibration, as found for example in aeroelastic divergence and flutter.
To introduce some available computer packages and demonstrate their place in analysis and design.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Recognise the general importance of nonlinearities in both statics and dynamics. Understand physically stable and unstable responses in the post-buckling range. Perform post-buckling analysis of simple structural forms. Understand the basis of, and use
of, standard computer packages. Appreciate sub and superharmonic behaviour. Establish the conditions for which amplitude jump can occur.
Elements of nonlinear statics and dynamics. Periodicity, quasiperiodicity and chaos in simple statics and dynamics problems. Stability and vibration analysis in linear and nonlinear regimes. Introduction to nonlinear FE and othe
r structural analysis computer packages. Vibration of an elastic cable due to support excitation. Duffing equation. Superharmonic and subharmonic response. Jump phenomenon.
MECH0064: Systems modelling & simulation
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MECH0029, Pre MECH0033
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the students of procedures for establishing mathematical models of engineering systems.
To introduce commercial software packages for the solution of the mathematical models and to examine the relative merits of different approaches.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Make the realistic judgements necessary to develop mathematical models of complex engineering systems. Undertake a critical appraisal of the simulation results and to have an appreciation of the limitations imposed by the assumptions made and the method
of solution adopted. Apply commercial software packages for the prediction of engineering systems performance.
Role of simulation in design. Analysis of dynamic systems in the time domain and frequency domain. Linearisation methods. Modelling of discontinuities and non-linearities. Bathfp modelling. Simulink and Matlab modelling. Syst
em identification.
MECH0065: Tribology
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022, Pre MECH0023
Aims & learning objectives:
To give students an appreciation of the principal modes of lubrication and their relation to the operational environment and supporting structure.
To make students aware of the methods of analysis used in liquid and gas lubrication and the use of such analysis in the design process.
To give an analytical background to the selection and operation of bearings containing rolling elements.
To enable students to prepare schemes for the lubrication of gears.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Assess the factors affecting the choice and operation of lubricated systems (eg: of bearings, piston rings and skirts). Analyse idealised film lubrication arrangements. Design film lubricated bearings to carry specified loads using formulae and/or data
Materials, lubricants and major forms of lubrication. Reynolds equation. Analysis of hydrodynamic and hydrostatic slipper, journal and thrust bearings. Wedge films and squeeze films. Design constraints. Types of bearings. Des
ign of hydrodynamic journal bearings and hydrostatic thrust bearings. Design for piston ring and piston skirt lubrication. Elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Gas bearings. Ball and roller bearing characteristics, life, load capacity selection. Gear lubr
ication (spur, helical and introduction to hypoid). Introduction to biomedical lubrication systems.
MECH0066: Turbomachinery
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0022
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the fundamental thermodynamics and fluid mechanics associated with the design and analysis of compressible flow turbomachines associated with gas turbines and turbochargers, and t
o develop an appreciation of the design constraints.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Sketch enthalpy-entropy diagrams to describe the thermodynamic and flow process in all components of a turbomachine. Sketch velocity diagrams to show the velocity vectors at critical stations through a turbomachine. Define appropriate efficiencies for e
ach component and appreciate the underlying loss generating processes. Identify the aerodynamic and non-aerodynamic factors which constrain the design of gas turbines and turbochargers. Develop the conceptual design of an axial flow turbine and radial f
low compressors and turbines.
(Common section 16 hours)
Fundamental gas dynamics as required for turbomachines. Steady flow energy equation, Euler turbomachinery equation. Definition of efficiencies. Non-dimensional performance and design parameters for gas turbines and turbochargers. Simple radial equilib
rium. Slip factors of centrifugal compressors.
Turbochargers (8 hours): Radial turbines. Turbine and compressor matching.
OR Gas Turbines (8 hours): fundamental aspects of axial flow gas turbines. Axial flow compressors. Combustors and turbine cooling.
MECH0067: Vehicle dynamics
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: EX100
Requisites: Pre MECH0033
Aims & learning objectives:
To give the student an appreciation of factors affecting vehicle ride comfort and handling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Describe and analyse the operation of a vehicle suspension and predict vehicle ride behaviour and steady state handling performance. Explain the physical principles of road vehicle aerodynamic design.
Disturbance and sensitivity. Basic suspension systems. System frequencies - bounce, pitch and roll. Anti-pitch and anti-squat. Tyre behaviour. Front/rear suspensions - Springs and dampers. Roll centre. Steady state handling
characteristics. Airflows. Drag & Lift. Economy & Performance. Aerodynamic Design.
MECH0068: Group business & design project
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW90 EX10
Aims & learning objectives:
Overall: To give each student the experience of a real design situation as part of a group. To locate the contribution of the engineer, whether in design, R & D, manufacture, in the context of
securing the firms broad commercial goals by means of effective product and market related policies and practices, including promotion and distribution.
This unit has three phases, each with its own aims & learning objectives and content. This are described separately below. However, after taking this unit, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical process that is engineering design.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the commercial aspects of engineering.
- Work in a multi-disciplinary team.
Phase 1: To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis used by accountants which are useful to engineers. To introduce the student to the management techniques applicable to the planning and execution of
engineering projects.
After completing phase 1 of this unit, the student should have knowledge of business processes, accounting procedures, legal aspects for use in later project activity.
Phase 2: To make each student aware of the difficulties experienced by the designer. To give experience of the problems involved in preparing a job specification in conjunction with industry. To enable students to work in a large multi-disciplinary team
within a tightly constrained time scale. To enable students to appreciate the business dimension (research, finances, manufacturing etc) of engineering.
After completing phase 2 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Convert customer needs into a job specification.
- Evaluate and analyse a range of solutions for a product, component or system.
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising designers in industry.
- Understand how to organise a design and business team.
- Understand quality and legal aspects of technology management.
- Understand simultaneous or concurrent engineering methodologies.
- Recognise the industrial relations constraints on the manager both inside and outside the firm.
- Understand the engineers contribution as technologist and manager to the creation and implementation of product and marketing policies/plans.
- Understand and apply to simple projects the various techniques of project management.
Phase 3: To make each student aware of the difficulties experienced by the designer. To give experience of the problems involved in undertaking detailed design in conjunction with industry. To enable students to work in a large multi-disciplinary team
within a tightly constrained time scale.
To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis.
After completing phase 3 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Design a product, component or system.
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising designers in industry.
- Appreciate the elements, problems and opportunities inherent in the commercial development, evaluation and exploitation of new (innovative) products and processes.
- Apply a range of analytical concepts and approaches to particular situations.
- Analyse published accounts in order to gain a view as to the health of the business and undertake cost investigations relevant to engineering activities.
- Appreciate the issues and techniques associated with the management of large projects.
- Prepare a brochure, and mount a display.
Phase 1 - Business Processes for Engineers 16.5%
Phase 2 - Commercial/Technical Feasibility Study 33.5%
Phase 3 - Detail Design/Detailed Commercial Study 50%
Content of phase 1: Marketing: Market measurement, forecasting, analysis targeting and positioning; Buyer behaviour. Product policy and business strategey. Business organisation, managing R & D and concurrent engineering. Product development strategies an
d innovation. Quality issues (ISO 9000) and employee relations. Law of contract (sale of goods) and employee law. Patents, IPR and product liability. Financial accounting and budgetry control. Cost accounting and control and cash flow. Team working and le
adership. Project planning and time estimating. Control of project time and costs.
Content of phase 2: A series of business lectures predominantly by industrialists. Project specific specialist lectures and industrial visits. A technical and business feasibility study to meet needs arising in industry or society.
Content of phase 3: A series of lectures by top industrialists. Project specific specialist lectures and industrial visits. A detailed group design to meet needs arising in industry or society.
Students MAY be able to take MECH0128 - Integrated industrial business and design project, instead of MECH0068 - please see the Director of Studies for details.
MECH0069: MEng engineering project
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To enable the student to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding investigation or design project within a specific topic area.
To enable the student to synthesise information from both within the total course and from external sources.
To enable the student to communicate effectively a major piece of project work.
To give the student experience in working in a research environment or on an industry based design project.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Plan, organise and conduct an engineering project to meet the requirements of the initial aims; present all stages of the project work via written documentation and oral presentations.
The final year engineering projects will either be defined as "Design" or "69色情片" in content. Whether classified as design or research, projects may be undertaken on an individual or a linked basis. RESEARCH PROJECTS will contai
n at least 2 of the 3 following elements - analytical, computational, experimental aspects. DESIGN PROJECTS will contain specification, design, analysis, manufacture and test work.
MECH0070: Solid mechanics 3 with German
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the vibrations of mechanical systems in a one degree of freedom context.
To introduce the theory of torsion in non-circular and open- sections, bending in unsymmetrical sections and the concept of fatigue failure.
To review the content of first year Solid Mechanics course in the German language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Set up the equations of motion for systems with one degree of freedom; find natural frequencies of free motion; calculate rates of decay from viscous damping and vice versa; determine motions resulting
from a sinusoidal force, unbalance and base excitation. Calculate shaft critical speeds. Find torsion stiffnesses and strengths for closed and open structural sections. Calculate second moments of area for unsymmetrical sections. Determine the fatigue
life of some simple structural forms.
One degree of freedom systems: free and forced vibration; base excited motion; unbalance excitation; vibration isolation. Torsion of open and closed structural sections, unsymmetrical bending. Stress concentration, fatigue strengt
h and cumulative damage in structural components. language review topics: Force and moments as vectors; 3D free body diagrams; 3D systems using vector analysis; principal of superpositioning.
MECH0071: Allgemeine mechanik
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 OR25
Aims & learning objectives:
To help the students understand the German notation and mathematical methods for problem solving by teaching the subject entirely in the German language and hence contribute to their technical
communication ability.
To extend the students knowledge in the field of mechanics and to introduce more sophisticated methods used in design and stress analysis.
To introduce additional methods of analysis in the fields of structures, kinematics, kinetics and analytical mechanics and to develop judgement in selecting the most suitable approach to analysing mechanical problems.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Calculate forces, stresses, strains and deflections in increasingly complex structural forms; calculate the conditions for buckling; describe complex motions of particles and bodies using vector analys
is; formulate equations of motion using vector analysis; analyse the motion of a rigid body in space using vector analysis; calculate work done by forces/torque; determine kinetic and potential energy of a system; reason out and discuss in the language an
y problems encountered by the course.
Structures: Stress and strain, tensile load, compression, bending, torsion, buckling, fatigue, energy, introduction to finite element analysis. Kinematics: Cartesian, polar, natural, cylindrical, spherical co-ordinates, motion of p
article, motion of body. Lagrange methods. Kinetics: Newtons law, momentum, moment of momentum, moment of inertia, kinetic and potential energy.
MECH0072: Schwingungslehre
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students knowledge in the field of vibrations by teaching the subject entirely in the German language and to consolidate the students understanding of the German notation and mat
hematical methods for problem solving.
To provide a knowledge of mechanical vibrations with one degree of freedom, multi degrees of freedom and continuous systems with an infinite number of degrees of freedom.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Derive the equation of motion of vibrating systems by using analytical and Lagrangian methods; calculate or approximate the natural frequency of conservative and dissipative mechanical systems; describ
e possible mode shapes of mechanical systems by using matrix methods; formulate mass, damping and stiffness matrices; reason out and discuss in the language any problems encountered by the course.
Lagrange methods. Vibrations 1: One degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vibrations 2: Multi degree of freedom, conservative and dissipative systems, free and forced vibrations. Vib
rations 3: Vibrations of linear elastic continuum, longitudinal-, torsional- and bending vibration, work and energy methods, Rayleigh method, Dunkerley method.
MECH0120: Industrial placement
Academic Year
Credits: 60
Level: Level 2
Aims & learning objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for more information about the industrial placement year.
MECH0128: Integrated industrial business & design project
Semester 2
Credits: 30
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW90 EX10
This unit is available to students instead of MECH0068 - Group business and design project, subject to satisfactory project arrangements being made - please see the Director of studies for details.
Aims & learning objectives:
Overall: To give each student the experience of a real engineering environment on placement. To locate the contribution of the engineer, whether in design, R & D, manufacture, in the context of securing the firms bro
ad commercial goals by means of effective product and market related policies and practices, including promotion and distribution.
This unit has three phase each with its own aims & learning objectives and content. These are described separately below. However, after taking this unit, the student should be able to:
- Demonstrate experience, knowledge and understanding of real engineering
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical process that is engineering design
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the commercial aspects of engineering
-Work in a multi-disciplinary team.
Phase 1: To provide an understanding of published company accounts and the various form of cost analysis used by accountants which are useful to engineers. To introduce the student to the management techniques applicable to the planning and execution of
engineering projects.
After completing phase 1 of this unit, the student should be able to demonstrate knowledge of business processes, accounting procedures, legal aspects for use in later project activity, either by study or by the generation of a detailed project brief.
Phase 2: To make each student aware of the difficulties experienced when working in industry or in the engineering environment. To give experience of the problems involved in preparing a job specification in an industrial environment. To enable student
s to appreciate the business dimension of research, finances, manufacturing, etc. in engineering.
After completing phase 2 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising engineers and commercial personnel in industry.
- Understand quality and legal aspects of technology management.
- Understand simultaneous or concurrent engineering methodologies.
- Recognise the industrial relations constraints on the manager both inside and outside the firm.
Understand the engineers contribution as technologist and manager to the creation and implementation of product and marketing policies/plans.
- Understand and apply to simple projects the various techniques of project management.
Phase 3: To give experience of the problems involved in undertaking detailed engineering activity with industry. To enable students to work in a industrial team within a tightly constrained time scale. To provide an understanding of published company acc
ounts and the various form of cost analysis.
After completing phase 3 of this unit the student should be able to:
- Understand and appreciate some of the problems which face practising engineers and commercial personnel in industry.
- Recognise the industrial relations constraints on the manager both inside and outside the firm.
- Appreciate the problems and opportunities inherent in the commercial development, evaluation and exploitation of new (innovative) products and processes.
- Be capable of applying a range of analytic concepts and approaches to particular situations.
- Analyse published accounts in order to gain a view as to the health of the business and undertake cost investigations relevant to engineering activities.
- Appreciate the issues and techniques associated with the management of projects.
Phase 1 - Business Processes for Engineers 16.5%
Phase 2 - Commercial/Technical Feasibility Study 33.5%
Phase 3 - Detail Design/Detailed Commercial Study 50%
Content of phase 1: Marketing: Market measurement, forecasting, analysis targeting and positioning; Buyer behaviour.Product policy and business strategy. Business organisation, managing R & D and concurrent engineering. Product development strategies and
innovation. Quality issues (ISO 9000) and employee relations. Law of contract (sale of goods) and employee law. Patents, IPR and product liability. Financial accounting and budgetary control. Cost accounting and control and cash flow. Team working and lea
dership. Project planning and time estimating. Control of project time and costs.
Content of phase 2: Industrial Placement - This may include preparing specifications, financial justifications, dealing with customers and suppliers, developing software, etc. A technical and business feasibility study to meet needs arising in industry o
r society or Business and Design Case Study.
Content of phase 3: Industrial Placement - A detailed technical and business report to meet needs arising in industry or society, or Business or Design Case Study.
MECH0130: Experimental & engineering skills 1 with French
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the written and graphical presentation of experimental data, results and analysis.
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To introduce students to computer aided engineering.
To introduce students to technical vocabulary in the French language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Interpret and communicate experimental results with analysis in a precise format. Carry out simple design tasks using CAD systems. Recognise and model potential with observed uncertainty in engineering problems. Explain simple physical phenomena in Fren
ch. Read and understand simple technical texts in French.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language
MECH0131: Experimental & engineering skills 2 with French
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To provide an understanding of measurement techniques and instrumentation.
To extend technical vocabulary in French.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Give verbal presentations of experimental and technical work. Determine the most appropriate techniques for gathering information given an experimental configuration. Select suitable measuring techni
ques. Explain the working of simple engineering machines in French. Read and understand engineering articles of a general nature in French.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language
MECH0132: Experimental & engineering skills 1 with German
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To consolidate the written and graphical presentation of experimental data, results and analysis.
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To introduce students to computer aided engineering.
To introduce students to technical vocabulary in the German language.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Interpret and communicate experimental results with analysis in a precise format. Carry out simple design tasks using CAD systems. Recognise and model potential with observed uncertainty in engineeri
ng problems. Explain simple physical phenomena in German. Read and understand simple technical texts in German.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language.
MECH0133: Experimental & engineering skills 2 with German
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW20 PR70 OR10
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of practical engineering skills.
To provide an understanding of measurement techniques and instrumentation.
To extend technical vocabulary in German.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Give verbal presentations of experimental and technical work. Determine the most appropriate techniques for gathering information given an experimental configuration. Select suitable measuring techni
ques. Explain the working of simple engineering machines in German. Read and understand engineering articles of a general nature in German.
Interpretation and communication of experimental results and analysis. Experimental techniques and measurement techniques. Uncertainty in engineering problems. Technical language.
MECH0140: Machines and Products in Society
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW100
Aims & learning objectives:
To discuss the safety, legal, environmental, product protection aspects of machines and products. After taking this unit the student should be able to;
Understand the legal issues controlling design of machinery; carry out a detailed hazard analysis and risk assessment; understand the use of design standards to achieve a safe design; appreciate environmental considerations; understand means for product/p
rocess protection.
Safety and legal requirements; EC directives, standards, risk assessment, design for safety, employee protection, product liability, contamination. Environmental: noise and vibration, packaging waste, recycling. Product/process
protection: patent system, trade marks, copyright legislation.
MECH0142: Packaging Machinery Processes
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a basic understanding of machine processes employed in the packaging industry and their integration into a product generating facility.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Understand and compare the issues involved in creating packaging for different products and forms. To be able to describe appropriate processes and systems for the manufacture and appreciate their strengths and limitations.
INTRODUCTION to packaging requirements and machine processes. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Covering aspects of liquids, granules, soft and rigid objects. MATERIALS AND FORMS: To cover machine systems such as fillers, sealers, erectors,
check weighers, intermediate handling equipment, stacking labelling and coding. PROCESS REQUIREMENTS: Covering aspects of product generation, machine sequencing, finishing and inspection, palletisation, work practices and ergonomics.
MECH0143: Manufacturing processes and analysis 2
Semester 1
Credits: 5
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a knowledge and understanding of the newer and more advanced material removal processes, their analysis and modelling.
After taking this unit the student should be able to:
Compare and contrast advanced material removal processes and inform on their limitations and effective use. Select appropriate machine tool and process equipment. Select manufacturing process routes for economic manufacture.
The precise range of processes covered each year will vary. Typically 3 or 4 external lecturers will also be giving lectures. Typically the range of processes will include:
* Advanced machining technology
* Water jet cutting
* Laser cutting
* Grinding
* Metrology/Inspection
UNIV0035: Mathematics & computing 2
Semester 2
Credits: 5
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the students previous knowledge of mathematics and provide the basic core of mathematical tools required throughout the engineering course.
To introduce the student to statistical techniques used for data analysis.
To give the student a sound basic knowledge of computer programming in C++ upon which they can subsequently build.
After taking this unit the student should be able to: Employ elementary numerical methods for the solution of algebraic equations and integration. Set up and solve differential equations of typical engineering problems by analytical and numerical methods
. Apply rules of partial differentiation to small increment and change of variable problems for functions of several variables. Solve simultaneous linear equations. Find eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices. Interpret experimental data, carry out
elementary statistical analysis and calculate best least-squares fit to data. Write well structured simple programs in C++.
First and second order differential equations with step and sinusoidal input, including simultaneous differential equations. Linear algebra; vectors, matrices and determinants, Gaussian elimination, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Newton-Raphson method, numerical integration, elementary nonlinear equations. Statistical analysis: normal distribution, probability, linear interpolation, curve fitting using least squares. C++: main variable types, input, output. Procedures, control s