
UKTSOCP001: BSc (hons): Social Policy and Administration

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

HASS0006 Core skills for social scientists: information technology methods      3 Credits

SOCP0001 Introduction to social policy & the welfare state 1      6 Credits

SOCP0043 Sociology of industrial societies 1: classical theories      6 Credits

SOCP0059 Core skills for social scientists: social research methods      3 Credits

Optional Units

Select 2 units from the following list:

ECOI0008 The modern world economy 1      6 Credits

ECOI0077 Introduction to international development      6 Credits

ESML0030 German written & spoken language 1A      6 Credits

ESML0081 Russian written & spoken language 1A      6 Credits

ESML0103 Europe 1A: Introduction to European studies      6 Credits

ESML0417 British politics      6 Credits

PSYC0001 Psychology 1      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

XXXX0012 Single Language Option      3 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

SOCP0002 Introduction to social policy & the welfare state 2      6 Credits

SOCP0044 Sociology of industrial societies 2: social change & social control      6 Credits

SOCP0060 Introduction to data analysis      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select 2 units from the following list:

ECOI0009 The modern world economy 2      6 Credits

ECOI0078 Developing countries in world politics      6 Credits

ESML0031 German written & spoken language 1B      6 Credits

ESML0084 Russian written & spoken language 1B      6 Credits

ESML0104 Europe 1B: Europe since 1945      6 Credits

ESML0410 Political ideologies      6 Credits

PSYC0002 Psychology 2      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

XXXX0012 Single Language Option      3 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

ECOI0016 Economics of social policy      6 Credits

SOCP0006 Political values & social policy      6 Credits

SOCP0061 Quantitative social research methods      3 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

SOCP0018 Community profiling: research in action      3 Credits

SOCP0085 Using existing data: secondary analysis in social research      3 Credits

2 in total to be chosen (between 1 and 2 from List A and List B)
List A: (take between 1 and 2):

ECOI0042 Politics of developing countries: ethnicity, religion and nationalism      6 Credits

ESML0414 American politics      6 Credits

ESML0415 Media politics      6 Credits

SOCP0004 Family and gender      6 Credits

SOCP0047 Sociology of work & industry      6 Credits

SOCP0049 The sociology of crime & deviance      6 Credits

SOCP0069 Social theory & social philosophy      6 Credits

List B: (take between 0 and 1)

ECOI0012 Economic thought & policy 1      6 Credits

ESML0036 German written & spoken language 2A      6 Credits

ESML0089 Russian written & spoken language 2A      6 Credits

PSYC0008 Cognitive psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0010 Clinical psychology      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

XXXX0013 Approved unit      6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

SOCP0005 Politics and the policy process      6 Credits

SOCP0010 Social policy evaluation      6 Credits

SOCP0062 Qualitative social research methods      6 Credits

Optional Units

2 in total to be chosen (between 1 and 2 from List A and List B)
List A: (take between 1 and 2):

ECOI0023 Social change and development      6 Credits

ECOI0043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries      6 Credits

ESML0385 European political thought      6 Credits

ESML0416 Totalitarian politics      6 Credits

SOCP0003 'Race' & racism      6 Credits

SOCP0022 Organisation of personal social services      6 Credits

SOCP0026 Sociology of social work      6 Credits

SOCP0042 Comparative political economy      6 Credits

SOCP0048 Understanding industrial behaviour      6 Credits

SOCP0050 Sociology of criminal justice policy      6 Credits

SOCP0051 Social structure & languages of class      6 Credits

List B: (take between 0 and 1)

ECOI0079 Economics of politics      6 Credits

ESML0037 German written & spoken language 2B      6 Credits

ESML0092 Russian written & spoken language 2B      6 Credits

PSYC0007 Developmental psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0009 Social psychology      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

XXXX0012 Single Language Option      3 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

XXXX0013 Approved unit      6 Credits

Year 3, Academic Year

Mode of Attendance: Paid period of experience

Mandatory Units

SOCP0067 Placement      60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

SOCP0008 Social policy dissertation 1      6 Credits

SOCP0011 Health policies & politics      6 Credits

SOCP0013 Social security policy and welfare reform      6 Credits

Optional Units

2 to be taken from List A and List B:
List A (take between 1 and 2 from A1 and A2)
List A1 - only available at Part 2:

SOCP0034 Working with offenders      6 Credits

SOCP0052 Theoretical issues in sociology      6 Credits

SOCP0054 Power & commitment in organisations      6 Credits

SOCP0071 Sociology of punishment      6 Credits

SOCP0072 The social dialectics of business sovereignty      6 Credits

List A2: If not taken at Part 1

ECOI0042 Politics of developing countries: ethnicity, religion and nationalism      6 Credits

ESML0414 American politics      6 Credits

ESML0415 Media politics      6 Credits

SOCP0004 Family and gender      6 Credits

SOCP0047 Sociology of work & industry      6 Credits

SOCP0049 The sociology of crime & deviance      6 Credits

SOCP0069 Social theory & social philosophy      6 Credits

List B: (take between 0 and 1 from B1 and B2)
List B1 - only available at Part 2

ESML0048 German written & spoken language 4A      6 Credits

ESML0095 Russian written & spoken language 4A      6 Credits

PSYC0015 Economic & political psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0016 Health psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0019 Artificial intelligence 1: Minds, machines & persons      6 Credits

List B2: If not taken at Part 1:

ECOI0012 Economic thought & policy 1      6 Credits

ESML0036 German written & spoken language 2A      6 Credits

ESML0089 Russian written & spoken language 2A      6 Credits

PSYC0008 Cognitive psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0010 Clinical psychology      6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

SOCP0009 Social policy dissertation 2      12 Credits

SOCP0012 European social policy: a comparative approach      6 Credits

SOCP0084 The politics of the welfare state      6 Credits

Optional Units

1 to be taken:
List A (take between 0 and 1 from A1 and A2)
List A1 - only available at Part 2:

SOCP0055 Comparative industrial relations      6 Credits

SOCP0056 Environmental policy & the countryside      6 Credits

SOCP0070 Social issues in contemporary Europe      6 Credits

List A2: If not taken at Part 1:

ECOI0023 Social change and development      6 Credits

ECOI0043 Governance and the policy process in developing countries      6 Credits

ESML0385 European political thought      6 Credits

ESML0416 Totalitarian politics      6 Credits

SOCP0003 'Race' & racism      6 Credits

SOCP0022 Organisation of personal social services      6 Credits

SOCP0026 Sociology of social work      6 Credits

SOCP0042 Comparative political economy      6 Credits

SOCP0048 Understanding industrial behaviour      6 Credits

SOCP0050 Sociology of criminal justice policy      6 Credits

SOCP0051 Social structure & languages of class      6 Credits

List B: (take between 0 and 1 from B1 and B2)
List B1 - only available at Part 2

ESML0049 German written & spoken language 4B      6 Credits

ESML0096 Russian written & spoken language 4B      6 Credits

PSYC0013 Models of counselling & psychotherapy      6 Credits

PSYC0017 Controversies in cognition      6 Credits

PSYC0020 Artificial intelligence 2: Microsimulation      6 Credits

List B2: If not taken at Part 1

ECOI0079 Economics of politics      6 Credits

ESML0037 German written & spoken language 2B      6 Credits

ESML0092 Russian written & spoken language 2B      6 Credits

PSYC0007 Developmental psychology      6 Credits

PSYC0009 Social psychology      6 Credits

Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:

XXXX0012 Single Language Option      3 Credits

Return to Programme/Unit Catalogue 1999/00

[University of Bath]