
Catalogue of Generally Available Units - with reference to sport and Exercise Science

ECOI0008: The modern world economy 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Economics

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 OT30


Aims & Objectives: The aim of this Unit is to equip students with an historical, institutional and descriptive understanding of economic issues and institutions in a global context. The Unit is appropriate for specialist students of economics and will support and provide a context for first year units in introductory micro and macroeconomics. The Unit is also appropriate for non-specialist students, who may wish to take only one or two course units in economics, and will introduce them to some of the central principles of economics via the policy questions and institutional arrangements which confront modern economies.
Growth and development in the world economy since the Second World War; patterns of international trade and investment; the role of multi national corporations; employment and income distribution in the world economy; limitations o n national policy effectiveness; international economic institutions and the regulation of international trade, investment and finance. Key text: Peter Dicken, Global Shift

ECOI0009: The modern world economy 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Topic: Economics

Level: Level 1

Assessment: ES30 EX70

Requisites: Pre ECOI0008

Aims & Objectives: This Unit is a continuation from ECOI0008 The Modern World Economy 1. Its aim is to provide students with an understanding of the economic issues which have affected various regions of the world in the post secon d world war period. It is designed to be accessible to both specialist and non-specialist students of economics.
The course unit comprises three regional studies: the European Union, Transitional Economies of East and Central Europe, East Asia. European Union: The development of economic integration in Europe; static and dynamic effects of economic integration; trade creation and diversion and the economics of customs unions; factor mobility and the common market; fiscal and monetary harmonisat ion; optimum currency areas and the European Monetary System; the role of the European Central Bank and the problem of Europe-wide macroeconomic policy. Transitional Economies: Central planning, operation and failure; the state of transition today; expanding the European Union to embrace Central and Eastern Europe East Asia: Interpretations of the East Asian "miracle" (pre-1997); causes and consequences of the current crisis; longer term prospects for sustainable development. Key texts: D. Swann, The Economics of the Common Market James Forder, Both Sides of the Coin: The Arguments Against the Euro and EMU F. McDonald, European Economic Integration D. Dyker (ed), The European Economy D. Gros and A. Steinherr, Winds of Change Grahame Thompson (ed), Economic Dynamism in the Asia- Pacific K.S. Jomo (ed), Tigers in Trouble: Financial Governance, Liberalisation and Crises in East Asia

ECOI0077: Introduction to international development

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aim:The aim of the Unit is to give students an understanding of developing countries in the international order. By the end of the course unit students will have some knowledge of the main development paradigms and critical evaluation of them and a firm grasp of key issues in contemporary international development.
Introducing the main paradigms: Modernisation, Dependency, Globalisation and Sustainable Development; Defining development; Conceptualising and measuring poverty in developing societies; Development, Knowledge and Intervention; Development and the Environment. Key texts: S. Corbridge (ed) Development Studies: A Reader P. Preston Development Theory Diana Hunt Economic Theories of Development T. Allen et al Poverty and Development in the 1990s

ECOI0078: Developing countries in world politics

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: ES100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aim: to give students an introduction to the main personalities and events in the international arena which have contributed to the present position of developing countries in the current glob al order. Learning objectives: to ensure that students have an awareness of the differences and similarities of experience of developing countries in different regions of the world.
.The emergence of the League of Nations and the United Nations system; Bretton-Woods; Developing Countries in the Cold War; India and South Asia: Independence and Partition; Southeast Asia and Peasant Revolutions; African inde pendence and the South African liberation struggle; the Middle-East: Arab nationalism and oil wealth; Latin America: revolution and dictatorship. Key texts: Peter Calvocoressi World Politics Since 1945 Michael Howard (ed) The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century Hedley Bull and Adam Watson (eds) The Expansion of International Society

EDUC0001: Exploring effective learning

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is intended for those students who wish to explore their own learning and to develop strategies for improving it. The unit reviews learning in lectures, tutorials, seminars etc and assessment as encountered by students in higher education. Starting from the students own approaches to learning it considers more effective ways based on experience and research.
The nature of learning; what is learnt (skills, knowledge, values etc.); learning styles; learning in groups; autonomy in learning; communication as part of the learning process; study skills; presentation skills; time management; assessment and being assessed. This is the recommended unit for those wishing to do one education unit in the year, outside their degree programme.

EDUC0003: Education in society

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will consider the role of education in society. It will be based on an assessment of the purposes of education and of educational organisations such as schools, colleges and univers ities. It will consider government policies towards education; how these policies are formed and what they mean in practice. Examples will be drawn from the UK and wider.
Aims and purposes of education in different societies and through time; the politics of education; the role of state in education policy and practice: national curricula, national development plans, centralised and decentralised s ystems, the relationship between education and culture; the hidden curriculum; vocationalism; educational alternatives; Europeanisation and globalisation.

EDUC0005: Science education in practice

Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers teaching and theories of teaching within the context of science education. The unit includes practical activities within a teaching context which are designed to illustrat e the underlying theories. The unit considers issues such as curriculum, assessment, purposes, elements of instructional design and the role of the teacher.
The relationship between teaching and learning; issues related to designing a curriculum for science: why teach science, how do we learn science, elements of science teaching, conceptual nature of science learning; designing a sci ence curriculum; implementing an aspect of a science curriculum and evaluating it; assessing learning in science. This unit is intended for science, engineering and mathematics students who may be interested in a career in teaching.

EDUC0006: Issues in science education

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers key issues in science education. Examples include: the purposes of science education, public understanding of science, how science is learnt, science learning in relation to practical experience, assessment of science learning, equal opportunities in science education.
The issues will change from time to time, examples include: Theories of learning science, their practical implications and value to the science educator, for example, constructivism and Cognitive Acceleration through Science Educa tion (CASE); the nature and role of practical experience in science learning; equal opportunities in science education; the purposes of science education in for example, the public understanding of science; the nature of science in National Curricula.

ESML0148: Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Chinese covered in Chinese Stage 2 A and B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to China, Singapore and Taiwan. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Chinese is spo ken. Flexible provision dependent on demand, but selection criteria based on past examination performance and a needs analysis may be imposed and/or prioritisation according to Programme requirements.

ESML0149: Chinese stage 3B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A

ESML0154: French stage 9A (further advanced) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Topic: French

Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of the work outlined in French 8A and 8B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to France. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along wi th newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0155: French stage 9B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Topic: French

Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 9A
A continuation of French Stage 9A

ESML0160: French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Topic: French

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of French with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the studen t's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in French Stage 5A and 5B

ESML0161: French stage 6B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Topic: French

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 6A
A continuation of course French Stage 6A

ESML0166: German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spok en. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0167: German stage 3B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 3A
A continuation of German Stage 3A

ESML0178: German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of German with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the studen t's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in German Stage 5A and 5B

ESML0179: German stage 6B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 6A
A continuation of German Stage 6A

ESML0184: Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Topic: Italian

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Italian covered in Italian Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Italy and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Italian is spo ken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork.

ESML0185: Italian stage 3B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Topic: Italian

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 3A
A continuation of Italian Stage 3A

ESML0190: Japanese 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Topic: Japanese

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Japanese covered in Japanese Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks which will include extended use of kanji characters and an introduction to keigo (respect language) as well as covering the appropriate grammatical stru ctures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Japan and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Japanese is sp oken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork.

ESML0191: Japanese 3B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Topic: Japanese

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A

ESML0196: Spanish stage 3A (advanced beginners) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spanish speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spo ken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0197: Spanish stage 3B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A

ESML0202: Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (3 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 3



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of Spanish with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the stude nt's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in Spanish Stage 5A and 5B

ESML0203: Spanish stage 6B (3 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 3



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15


Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A

ESML0204: Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Chinese

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0205

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to basic Chinese ("putonghua") as a preparation to communicating in a Chinese context.
Basic Chinese grammatical forms. Recognition and production of essential Chinese characters; the Chinese phonetic system and the Pinyin system. Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Reading and writing tasks of an appropriate nature will be gradually incorporated. Special attention will be paid to the recognition and differentiation of tones.

ESML0206: Chinese stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Chinese

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0207

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Chinese, to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Chinese speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary and there will be continued emphasis on tones and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short talks and undertake writing tasks in Chinese.

ESML0210: French stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: French

Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0211

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of French
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spok en. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0212: French stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: French

Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0213

Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in French Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newsp aper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0216: French stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: French

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0217

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of French, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a French-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necess ary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in French. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0218: French stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: French

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0219

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the French covered in French Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mate rial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spok en. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0222: German stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0223

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday German, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a German speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0224: German stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0225

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in German Stage 1A and 1B to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0228: German stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: German

Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0229

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of German
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mater ial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spok en. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0230: German stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: German

Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0231

Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in German Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and indus try. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newsp aper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0234: German stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0235

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of German, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necess ary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0236: German stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: German

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0237

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mate rial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spok en. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0240: Italian stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Italian

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0241

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Italian, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in an Italian speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0242: Italian stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Italian

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0243

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Italian Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operat e in an Italian-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Italian. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0246: Japanese 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Japanese

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0247

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Japanese, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Japanese speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and the reading and writing of the 2 phonetic Japanese scripts and selected kanji (Chinese characters)
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Course material will be drawn from a variety of sources and will include audio-visual resources. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0248: Japanese 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Japanese

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0249

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Japanese Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to opera te in a Japanese-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and undertake appropriate writing tasks in Japanese. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0252: Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Spanish

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0253

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Spanish, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Spanish speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0254: Spanish stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Spanish

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0255

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Spanish Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operat e in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0258: Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Spanish

Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0259

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Spanish, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necess ary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0260: Spanish stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Topic: Spanish

Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0261

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual mate rial. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spo ken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

MANG0071: Organisational behaviour

Semester 1

Credits: 5



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX60 CW40


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of people's behaviour within work organizations
Topics of study will be drawn from the following: The meaning of organising and organisation Socialisation, organisational norms and organisational culture Bureaucracy, organisational design and new organisational forms Managing organisational change Power and politics Business ethics Leadership and team work Decision -making Motivation Innovation Gender The future of work

MANG0072: Managing human resources

Semester 1

Credits: 5



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to give a broad overview of major features of human resource management. It examines issues from the contrasting perspectives of management, employees and public policy.
Perspectives on managing human resources. Human resource planning, recruitment and selection. Performance, pay and rewards. Control, discipline and dismissal.

MANG0074: Business information systems

Semester 1

Credits: 5



Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX60 CW25 OT15


Aims & learning objectives:
Information Technology (IT) is rapidly achieving ubiquity in the workplace. All areas of the business community are achieving expansion in IT and investing huge sums of money in this area. Wit hin this changing environment, several key trends have defined a new role for computers: a) New forms and applications of IT are constantly emerging. One of the most important developments in recent years has been the fact that IT has become a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage: it transforms industries and products and it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organisation. b) Computers have become decentralised within the workplace: PCs sit on managers desks, not in the IT Department. The strategic nature of technology also means that managing IT has become a core competence for modern organisations and is therefore an impo rtant part of the task of general and functional managers. Organisations have created new roles for managers who can act as interfaces between IT and the business, combining a general technical knowledge with a knowledge of business. This course addresses the above issues, and, in particular, aims to equip students with IT management skills for the workplace. By this, we refer to those attributes that they will need to make appropriate use of IT as general or functional managers in a n information-based age.
Following on from the learning aims and objectives, the course is divided into two main parts: Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion, case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of I S. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend acr oss functions, levels and locations, be implemented? Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented in class, and are open for debate. In summary, the aim of the course is to provide the knowledge from which students should be able to make appropriate use of computing and information technology in forthcoming careers. This necessitates some technical understanding of computing, but not a t an advanced level. This is a management course: not a technical computing course.

SPOR0014: Sport & society

Semester 2

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX50 CW50


Aims & learning objectives:
To extend understanding of the social, political and economic issues which affect contemporary sport. To identify different approaches to the analysis of sport as a social phenomenon. Student s will be able to critically analyse British sports policy and compare this with European and American approaches to sport, and debate a variety of contemporary issues which affect the pursuit of sport in an international context.
An introduction to a range of approaches to research and analysis of Sport in Society. Analysis of contemporary UK. Sports policy and comparative study of European and American approaches. Internationalism: The International context of Sport since 1896 in relation to political, social and economic issues. The relationship between Sport and International Politics and the role of Multinational Industries and the Media in influencing future Sports Policy. The "Amateur versus Professional" debate and the pursuit of "excellence versus Sport for All." An analysis of different approaches to the delivery of Sport. The social role of sport as entertainment. Analysis of the role of National sports and the influence of social class perceptions on the development of sport in the UK. The development of sport as a spectator entertainment; the role of T.V. and the media .