
UKTUNIV006: BSc (hons): International Management and Modern Languages (French)

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

ESML0005 French politics & society 1A: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises      3 Credits

ESML0115 French economic & industrial environment      6 Credits

ESML0116 French written communication A      3 Credits

ESML0117 French aural comprehension/oral communication 1A      3 Credits

MANG0070 Business economics      5 Credits

MANG0077 Quantitative methods & personal computing      5 Credits

MANG0078 National business environment of UK 1 - legal aspects      5 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

ESML0006 French politics & society 1B: Introduction à la politique et à la société françaises      3 Credits

ESML0120 French legal environment      6 Credits

ESML0121 French written communication B      3 Credits

ESML0122 French aural comprehension/oral communication 1B      3 Credits

MANG0008 Introduction to the financial management of the organisation      5 Credits

MANG0079 National business environment of UK 2      5 Credits

MANG0098 Business information systems      5 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

ESML0011 French politics & society 2A: Les années Mitterrand      3 Credits

ESML0125 French written communication in the business context A      3 Credits

ESML0126 French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2A      3 Credits

MANG0080 Organizations & individuals      5 Credits

MANG0081 Principles of marketing      5 Credits

MANG0082 European business environment 1: European integration & legal structure      5 Credits

UNIV0002 French comparative employee relations      6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

ESML0128 French written communication in the business context B      3 Credits

ESML0129 French aural comprehension/oral communication in the business context 2B      3 Credits

ESML0405 Perspectives on Europe - France      6 Credits

MANG0083 Organizations & people      5 Credits

MANG0102 Financial management and reporting performance - European perspectives      5 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

MANG0009 Company finance      5 Credits

MANG0010 Company law      5 Credits

MANG0014 IT & its business context      5 Credits

MANG0015 Market analysis      5 Credits

MANG0017 Operations management      5 Credits

MANG0018 Processing, reporting & auditing financial information      5 Credits

MANG0019 Product costing & cost analysis      5 Credits

Select 1 unit from the following list:

ESML0271 French politics & society 2B, option 1: Regional policy in the Fifth Republic      3 Credits

ESML0272 French politics & society 2B, option 2: 'Capitale et province'      3 Credits

ESML0273 French politics & society 2B, option 3: The role & position of women in French society      3 Credits

ESML0274 French politics & society 2B, option 4: French local politics      3 Credits

ESML0275 French politics & society 2B, option 5: Rural society in contemporary France      3 Credits

ESML0276 French politics & society 2B, option 6: The experience of women during the Second World War      3 Credits

ESML0277 French politics & society 2B, option 7: La France: une société au pluriel      3 Credits

ESML0278 French politics & society 2B, option 8: Political communication from party & individual      3 Credits

ESML0279 French politics & society 2B, option 9: France coming to terms with the German occupation of 1940-44      3 Credits

ESML0298 French politics & society 2B: option 10: La France dans le monde      3 Credits

ESML0373 French politics & society 2B, option 11: Political scandals in France      3 Credits

Year 3, Academic Year

Mode of Attendance: Paid period of experience

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

UNIV0009 Year abroad in France - work placement      60 Credits

UNIV0011 Year abroad in France - academic exchange      60 Credits

UNIV0013 Year abroad in France - academic exchange & work placement      60 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

ESML0133 French written & oral communication in the international business context A      3 Credits

MANG0085 The internationalisation of business 1      5 Credits

UNIV0028 French international marketing communications A      6 Credits

Optional Units

Select 2 units from the following list:

MANG0028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action      5 Credits

MANG0036 Consumer research      5 Credits

MANG0037 Cost management      5 Credits

MANG0039 Employment law      5 Credits

MANG0040 European integration studies 1      5 Credits

MANG0044 Organisational change & design      5 Credits

MANG0045 Pay & rewards      5 Credits

MANG0048 Strategic analysis      5 Credits

MANG0050 Supply management      5 Credits

MANG0051 Technology management      5 Credits

MANG0096 Environmental management in organizations      5 Credits
MANG0209 Investment banking     5 Credits

MANG0211 Advanced corporate finance     5 Credits
Select between 0 and 2 units from the following list:

ESML0015 French national option F1: La France et l'Europe      6 Credits

ESML0017 French national option F3: La femme en France au vingtième siècle      6 Credits

ESML0027 French national option F11: La persuasion et la propagande      6 Credits

ESML0028 French national option F12:  Environement, societe, develppement      6 Credits

ESML0029 French national option F13: Culture et identité dans la France contemporaine      6 Credits

ESML0388 French national option F7: Les partis politiques en France      6 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

ESML0136 French international marketing communications B      6 Credits

ESML0137 French written & oral communication in the international business context B      3 Credits

UNIV0007 The internationalisation of business 2 - French      5 Credits

Optional Units

Select 2 units from the following list:

MANG0035 Aspects of Japanese business      5 Credits

MANG0050 Supply management      5 Credits

MANG0053 Advanced supply management      5 Credits

MANG0054 Business strategies & human resource management      5 Credits

MANG0055 Corporate governance & regulation      5 Credits

MANG0058 Ecological thinking & action in management      5 Credits

MANG0059 European integration studies 2      5 Credits

MANG0062 International business law      5 Credits

MANG0067 Treasury management      5 Credits

MANG0094 Economics of incentives      5 Credits

MANG0203 Organizational leadership      5 Credits

Select between 0 and 2 units from the following list:

ESML0016 French national option F2: La France urbaine      6 Credits

ESML0429 French national option F15: Décisions et leadership      6 Credits

Return to Programme/Unit Catalogue 2000/01

[University of Bath]