
Natural Sciences Unit Catalogue

BIOL0003: Biochemistry 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 PR20

Requisites: Co BIOL0001

Pre A-Level Chemistry Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To teach the students the pathways of central metabolism and to relate the regulation of these pathways to the homeostasis of the whole organism. In order to appreciate and understand metabolism, the students are taught the fundamental aspects of enzymes and their regulation, and this in turn is necessarily preceded by lectures on protein structure. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* know the pathways of central metabolism
* understand the way in which the cell degrades nutrients in small steps to allow the energy to be trapped and converted to a useful form
* appreciate the way in which central metabolism connects catabolism and anabolism
* understand the regulation of central metabolism with respect to the needs of the organism in relation to its environment
Proteins: amino acids - structures, ionisation and physical properties; primary structure and an overview of protein folding and conformation. Enzymes: catalysis, kinetics, regulation. Metabolism: chemistry of monosaccharides, glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, citric acid cycle, glyoxylate cycle, regulation of central metabolism.

BIOL0004: Biochemistry 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre BIOL0003

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the central pathways of fatty acid metabolism and mitochondrial oxidation and integrate these into overall cell function. To inculcate appreciation of the metabolic pathways into function at the organ and tissue level. To teach the implications of stereochemistry into the biochemistry of key metabolic intermediates. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* appreciate the principles of mitochondrial oxidative function
* understand lipid structure and the pathways of fatty acid oxidation and synthesis
* understand the mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction
* comprehend the stereochemistry of small organic molecules of biological importance
The course is a direct follow on from BIOL0003. Topics studied are 1) mitochondrial bioenergetics, respiration, oxidative phosphorylation and the chemiosmotic theory; 2) lipid metabolism structure of lipids, catabolism and anabolism of fatty acids, ketogenesis and coordination with other metabolic pathways; 3) biochemistry of animal tissues and organs, such as mechanisms of neurotransmission and muscle contraction; 4) stereochemistry of simple carbohydrates and citric acid cycle intermediates with applications of biochemical mechanisms.

BIOL0005: Cell biology 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the techniques available for determining the structure and function of cellular components and processes, to describe the structure and function of cells and cell organelles and to show the diversity of cells. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* describe the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
* describe the structure and explain the function of cell organelles
* make comparisons between related structures and functions
* critically appraise methods available to determine the nature and function of cellular processes
* understand the dynamic nature of cell behaviour.
Introduction: eucarya, eubacteria and archaea; microscopical techniques; cytochemistry; cell fractionation and autoradiography. The structure and function of cell membranes, plant walls, intercellular channels. Cellular processes such as cell signalling, cytoskeleton and cell movement, secretion and absorption. Organelles involved in energy metabolism: chloroplasts and mitochondria, plant microbodies. Nucleus, chromosomes, cell growth and proliferation, mitosis and meiosis.

BIOL0006: Cell & molecular biology

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0005

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the structure and function of nucleic acids; To introduce the concepts and methodology of genetic modification. To introduce the processes of animal and plant development. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand how the structure of nucleic acid determines their biological function
* understand the power of the techniques of genetic modification for studying and manipulating organisms, especially micro-organisms, for fundamental and applied science
* appreciate the role changing patterns of gene expression play in modulating development during animal embryogeny
The structure and function of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) in relation to organisms, genes, gene expression and protein synthesis. How organisms, genes and gene expression can be altered and studied via the technology of genetic modification. How the changing patterns of gene expression in cells and tissues can lead to the development of an egg into an animal, using examples from Xenopus, Drosophila and mouse.

BIOL0011: The biosphere

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a global perspective of the communities and ecosystems of the world and the role of these systems in the flow of energy and matter. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* identify the main flows of energy through the biosphere
* understand how minerals cycle in the environment and how soils form
* appreciate the main features of aquatic environments and terrestrial biomes
* have an awareness of the effects that humans have on the environment
The flow of energy through the biosphere; the global biogeochemical cycles; soils and aquatic environments; the major terrestrial biomes(tundra, northern coniferous forests, temperate deciduous forests, temperate grasslands, and tropical forests). The impact of humankind on the environment, with particular emphasis on pollution.

BIOL0012: Ecology & evolution

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide a broad introduction to key concepts in ecology and evolution. To approach issues in ecology and evolution in a rigorous, cohesive way that will provide the students with a conceptual framework that will help them to examine other areas of biology in a fuller context of evolution and ecology. To provide a firm foundation for more detailed study within the specific fields of evolution and ecology later in their course. It aims to introduce students to the unique position of ecology and evolution in the biological sciences; why these disciplines pose unusual challenges such as huge time scales and an attendant paucity of experimental information; why ecology and evolution tend to be analytical rather than experimental sciences; reasons why these are theory driven sciences and the special role of mathematical models in these disciplines. After taking this course the student should be able to:
*outline certain key principles in evolution and ecology
*demonstrate an understanding of the unique position of evolution and ecology in the biological sciences
*demonstrate an understanding of the logic of the arguments used in the construction of simple mathematical models for population growth, competition and predator prey relationships
*synthesise evidence of many kinds that animal, fungal and plant communities have evolved in highly structured ways
*show some appreciation of the role of ecological and evolutionary thinking in areas such as conservation and biodiversity
*have some basics skill in obtaining, processing and evaluating ecological data in laboratory and field based practicals.
Key concepts in evolution, including the nature of evolutionary selection, including kin-selection, sexual selection and natural selection. Dynamics of ecological populations including field and laboratory examples and mathematical models. Population growth, intraspecifc and interspecific competition and predator/prey relationships. The structure and development of plant, animal and fungal communities are also examined and evidence is described from studies of the limits of similarity, island biogeography and food webs.

BIOL0037: Crop protection & weed biology

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 PR20


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the measures which can be taken to prevent losses of crops due to the effects of pest, diseases and weeds. Approaches range from those used in developed countries, often based on sophisticated technology involving application of pesticides and herbicides, to low cost cultural methods more practicable in developing countries. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* decide upon optimal strategies for controlling pests, diseases and weeds
* evaluate the risks involved in a control method and be aware of relevant legislation
* identify key UK weed species
The history, principles and practice of protection of crop plants from parasitic microorganisms, pests and competing weeds; biological physical and chemical approaches to crop protection; pesticides and herbicides, their design, screening, formulation and application; legislation; strategic and safe use in view of non-target organisms; development of pest and herbicide resistance and environmental pollution; integrated control measures. Practical sessions include identification of weed plants and excursions to conventional and organic farms to study methods of weed and pest control.

BIOL0038: Environmental physiology

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0012

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To explore how animals (a) detect and react to environmental change, and (b) are influenced by environmental toxicants. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* demonstrate understanding of the cellular and physiological mechanisms by which animals sense change in their environment, and co-ordinate developmental, physiological and behavioural responses to environmental change.
* demonstrate how environmental toxicants affect some physiological and cellular mechanisms and mechanisms by which organisms may show tolerance.
Bacterial chemotaxis as an example of sensorimotor function; structure and function of animal sense organs; nervous and endocrine encoding of sensory information; central modulation of sensory function; extraordinary sensory modalities (eg electroreception); pheromones, kairomones and allomones, biological clocks - phenomenology, properties, cellular and systems location, genetic analysis; sleep. Impacts of environmental pollutants on animals in terrestrial and aquatic environments. The accumulation of environmental toxicants by animals. What are the consequences of accumulation? (heavy metals as examples). Interactions between toxicants during exposure to mixtures of toxicants. Mechanisms and processes to reduce toxicity. Organochlorines and hydrocarbons as pollutants.

BIOL0039: Autumn field course

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0012

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To enhance students' awareness of the diversity of forms and behaviours to be found in natural populations and communities of organisms and of how the patterns in which this diversity occurs may be studied, described and understood. After taking the course the student should be able to:
*know how to find and identify a variety of kinds of organisms within their natural habitats
*know how to characterise distribution patterns using qualitative and quantitative methods and sampling procedures including conventional descriptive, mapping, quadrat, transect and trapping techniques and estimates of fractal dimension
*recognise the influence of selection on distribution patterns
*begin to question and understand how distribution patterns may arise from dynamic processes of energy transfer and feedback within and between living systems and their environment
*have developed presentational skills enabling them effectively to convey, discuss and analyse ideas and information about natural diversity.
Two members of academic staff spend six days in full-time residence with students at a suitable location in the south west of the UK. This involves visits to intertidal, sand dune, coastal grassland, moorland/heathland, salt marsh and woodland habitats; sampling, identification, descriptive and recording methods for plants, animals and fungi; data presentation and analysis using statistical and non-linear mathematical approaches; consideration of evolutionary and ecological relationships between genotypes, phenotypes and environment; investigative project; oral and written discourse. Students are required to make a financial contribution to the field course (currently £95)

BIOL0040: Concepts in ecology & evolution

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0012

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop an understanding of a) the nature of selection; b) the role of self-organisation in evolution; c) population dynamics and conservation; d) behavioural ecology and optimal foraging theory; e) the contribution of Darwin to the development of modern evolutionary theory. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* utilise concepts from natural selection theory, kin selection theory, optimisation theory, behavioural ecology, community biology, and ecological genetics in understanding ecological and evolutionary issues
* understand the role of self-organisation in social insects.
* offer a critique of the first edition of Darwin's 'The Origin of Species' and understand how key issues raised by Darwin as problems for his theory have been resolved.
The role of selection in evolution; agents of selection; units of selection; selection and adaptation; selection and fitness; natural selection and kin selection; genetic drift. Conservation and habitat fragmentation; exploiter mediated co-existence. Optimality in ecology and evolution; optimal foraging theory; self organisation; division of labour and the super-organism; battle strategies in social insects. Students are also requested to read 'The Origin of Species' and to discuss it in reading groups.

BIOL0041: Spring field course

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0012

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce the student to natural habitats in ways that enable the students to recognise patterns of distribution and behaviour of organisms and to question the basis of these patterns and behaviours. To introduce the student to the use of appropriate sampling patterns, experimental design, data gathering and statistical analysis. After taking the course the student should be able to:
*appreciate how aspects of behavioural ecology and of community structure can be investigated
*understand how these behaviours and structure may have arisen and how they are maintained
*design and perform a short field-based investigation; analyse and graphically present data
*prepare a written report of field-based investigations.
Visit to ecosystem types of varying complexity and subject to different kinds of selection process, such as rocky shore, sand dune, coastal grassland, salt marsh, woodland, moorland and fresh water. Investigation of components of these ecosystem types including spatial distribution, size and age distributions, reproduction and behaviour. Each student designs and carries out a half-day and a two-day field-based investigation; a preliminary report of the two-day investigation is presented as a short talk on the last day of the field trip; the data from the investigations are analysed and graphically presented using University computing facilities after the field trip. Students are required to make a financial contribution to the field course (currently £95)

BIOL0049: Biochemical parasitology

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0055

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To examine the biochemical adaptations required for existence as a successful parasite. After taking this course the student should be able to:
*understand the definition of a parasite and give examples of important human parasitic diseases.
*appreciate the metabolic constraints caused by occupancy of this niche and the effects that parasitic infections and infestations have on the host
*note unique aspects of parasite molecular biology & physiology.
Parasitology: protozoan and helminth biochemistry and molecular biology. Its modifications in parasites. The modes of action of anti-parasite drugs and what these tell us about target metabolism.

BIOL0070: Plant biotechnology & the environment

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To define 'Plant Biotechnology' and describe the categories included within the definition and their applications. By the end of this course the student should have gained:
*a general understanding of the various categories of plant biotechnology
*an understanding of the direct and indirect effects of plant biotechnology on the environment in terms of socio-economic costs and benefits
*an appreciation of policy and institutional issues related to the exploitation of plant biotechnology by both the public and private sectors in a democratic society.
The definition of Plant Biotechnology, the categories included within the definition and their applications. The link: population + consumption level + (bio) technology = environmental impact. World, regional and national trends in population size and food consumption levels and their implications for agricultural and natural ecosystems. The contribution of plant biotechnology to agricultural systems and their environmental implications. Ex situ and in situ biodiversity conservation strategies and the impact of biotechnology. Risk analysis and the release of genetically manipulated organisms into the environment. Public and private sector research, ownership of biological resources and intellectual property rights. Control of biotechnology R & D and implementation: priority setting; public participation; policies and institutions; developed and developing countries. The Cassava Biotechnology Network as an example of control and implementation of plant biotechnology.

BIOL0072: Biology as a world view

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 ES20


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To develop an understanding of the history of biological thought in western culture. To develop an understanding of the extent to which the biological world view reflects and shapes the broader western world view. To provide an introduction to debates conducted within the philosophy of science about the potential of science to obtain an accurate picture of reality; this debate is illustrated with a case study which looks at philosophical and biological issues of the mind-brain problem. After taking this course the student should be able to:
*discuss the development of biological thought in ancient Greece, in medieval Europe and between the onset of the Scientific Revolution and the present
*debate problems associated with scientific methodology and discuss the implications for the biological world view of these problems.
Views of nature in ancient Greece, from presocratic philosophers to Plato, Aristotle and the neoplatonists, and in Europe from the medieval period to the present. Topics include: the nature of reality; what exists and why; the relationship between individuals, universals and classification. A critique of science which will include the following issues: how science is possible; how science identifies areas for study; the scientific approach, including the role of inductive and deductive reasoning, theory-ladeness and theory choice.

BIOL0073: The evolution of genetic systems

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX70 CW30

Requisites: Pre BIOL0040, Pre BIOL0039

(recommended but not essential) Pre: A level Mathematics Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an introduction to mathematical population genetics and its application as regards understanding problems related to the organisation and structure of genetic systems. After taking this course the student should be able to:
*demonstrate competence in the analysis of simple recursion equations as applied to one locus problems
*understand the operation of two locus recursion equations with application to modifier analysis
*understand the methods for testing evolutionary hypotheses
*understand basic concepts within evolutionary genetic and molecular evolution.
The first four lectures provide an introduction to the mathematics of gene frequency change.This provides the basis for asking the following questions:1) Why do organisms have sex? 2) What determines the mutation rate? and 3) Why be diploid? After this the notion of selfish elements is introduced and their relevance to understanding the number of sexes and to genome structure is examined. Use of molecular evolutionary data comparative analysis and experimental tests of hypotheses are discussed.

BIOL0108: Life, environment and people

BIOL0077: Molecular evolution

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0018, Pre BIOL0020, Pre BIOL0055

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To draw on the wealth of biochemical and molecular biological information that the students have accumulated over the previous years of their course. The revolution in molecular biology has created an extensive database of sequences and correlations between protein structure and function; to appreciate and analyse this, it is essential to understand the principles of molecular evolution. This course aims to provide that understanding. After taking this course the student should be able to:
* understand the current theories of molecular evolution
* appreciate that changes occur to the genotype, but selection is of the phenotype
* interpret evolutionary changes in protein structure with respect to changes in function
* apply what we learn from the evolution of proteins to the engineering of enzymes
* understand the way in which phylogenetic trees are constructed
* evaluate critically current theories of cellular evolution
Topics: Evolution - what is it and why study it? Chemical evolution and the origin of life. The RNA world. Genome evolution. Evolution of proteins: gene duplication, mutation and divergence, adaptation and selection. Construction of phylogenetic trees. Current concepts of cellular evolution.

BIOL0078: Biotechnology

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0018

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles and practice of advanced Biotechnology as described by industrial speakers. After taking this course the students should be able to:
*give an account of how Biochemistry relates to Biotechnology in animal cell culture
*describe the commercial use of extremophiles
*understand therapeutic use of biopharmaceuticals
*describe approaches to vaccine development
*account for the world wide implications of Biotechnology.
Animal cell culture, extremophiles, biopharmaceutical production, vaccine development, clinical diagnostics, biosensors, viral products, computer aided drug design.

BIOL0079: Clinical biochemistry

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre BIOL0006, Pre BIOL0007, Pre BIOL0018

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide an understanding of the principles of biochemistry as applied to medicine as described by invited clinical speakers. After taking this course the students should be able to:
*understand the molecular biology and appreciate the medical significance of various congenital and other defects in humans
*give an account of the biochemical aspects of cystic fibrosis; abnormalities of postabsorbtive blood sugar, glycogen storage diseases, plasma lipids.
Topics: ion channels, metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

BIOL0108: Life, environment and people

CHEY0007: General chemistry

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX65 PR25 CW10

Requisites: Ex CHEY0001, Ex CHEY0004, Ex CHEY0009, Ex CHEY0010, Ex CHEY0011, Ex CHEY0012

This unit is not available to students on Chemistry programmes. Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a broad introduction to the principles governing chemical reactivity and to illustrate these with a range of examples. After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Analyse experimental data and classify reactions.
* Use thermodynamic principles to account for chemical reactivity
* Describe the determination of rates of chemical reactions
* Describe simple theories of bonding in compounds.
* Rationalise reaction and structural chemistry in terms of the bonding models
Introduction to thermodynamics and kinetics with a range of case-study examples to illustrate how the basic principles can be applied to real reactions. Chemical equilibria and coupled reactions. An introduction to atomic and molecular structure and bonding in compounds and how this is used to explain trends in structure and reactivity across the Periodic Table.

CHEY0008: Introductory organic chemistry

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 PR20


This unit is not available to students on Chemistry programmes. Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the subject of organic chemistry as a basis for understanding molecular processes affecting other areas of sciences, with reference to the themes of structure and bonding, reactivity, mechanism and synthesis. After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* Account for the mechanism by which simple organic reactions occur
* Name and draw diagrammatically a selected range of organic compounds and functional groups
* Describe methods for the interconversion of selected functional groups
* Solve straightforward problems involving the material covered
Structure and bonding: Lewis theory, formal charge; resonance; hybridization conformation, configuration, chirality. Reactivity: chemistry of functional groups including alkanes, alkenes, alkyl halides, alcohols, ethers, thiols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, acyl halides, thioesters, amides, amines; aromatics. Mechanism: energy profiles, heterolyis, homolysis, acidity, basicity, nucleophilicity, electrophilicity, electrophilic addition, nucleophilic substitution, elimination; nucleophilic addition/elimination, electrophilic and nucleophilic aromatic substitution, kinetic vs. thermodynamic control.

CHEY0013: Characterization methods

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre CHEY0006

Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to a number of techniques for characterisation of chemical compounds. After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe the principles underlining the techniques studied.
* Interpret and make calculations based on simple X-ray diffraction patterns.
* Interpret and predict NMR and ESR spectra from a number of nucleii.
* Obtain chemical information from more advanced 1H NMR spectral methods.
* Identify the fundamental processes that lead to absorption, emission and scattering of electromagnetic radiationfrom molecular species.
Overview of X-ray generation and use of filters. Crystal classes, lattices and unit cells. Bragg's Law. Uses of powder diffraction. General principles of NMR - magnetic properties of nuclei, sensitivity and abundance. Spectra of I = 1/2 nuclei. Chemical shifts and coupling constants. Problems with I>1/2 nuclei. Interpretation of NMR spectra. Homotopic and diastereotopic protons. Exchange processes. Correlated spectra. The Nuclear Overhauser effect. Magnetic properties of the electron and the origin and interpretation of ESR spectra. Mass spectrometry. IR vibrational spectra of complex molecules. Scattering, rotational and vibrational Raman spectroscopy. Emission spectroscopy. The fate of steady states. Alternative emission processes.

CHEY0018: Environmental aspects of chemistry

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Pre CHEY0005 OR CHEY0007 Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to various aspects of chemistry which have an impact on the environment. To promote an understanding of the major chemical processes contributing to the structure and stability of the biosphere. To provide an insight into the effects of human activities on the atmosphere. After studying the Unit, students should be able to:
* select appropriate techniques for the analysis of compounds or elements in a range of situations.
* describe the principles behind as well as the usefulness and significance of a selected range of analytical methods.
* describe factors affecting nuclear stability and outline selected applications of radioactive decay processes.
* describe qualitative and quantitative aspects of selected radioactive decay processes.
* account for the physical structure and composition of the atmosphere.
* describe natural and anthropogenic sources of N,O and halogen containing species and relate their reactivity to ozone forming and depleting reactions and to global warming.
Revision of basic analytical methods (titrimetry, spectroscopy) and statistical treatment of results. Electrochemical methods of analysis. Techniques for metals in the environment (AAS, AFS, ICP-MS). Chromatographic methods, with emphasis on applications for organics in the environment The nature, properties and applications of radioactivity and radioactive elements. Production and recycling of nuclear fuels. General features determining the composition of the biosphere. Major chemical cycles and dynamic versus thermodynamic control. Atmospheric chemistry and the roles of N, O and halogens in relation to ozone producing cycles and organic radicals.The Greenhouse effect.

CHEY0035: Asymmetric synthesis

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre CHEY0014

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce some topics of current research interest to students with a specialised interest in organic chemistry and to explain the importance and history of new developments and their significance. After studying the Unit, students should be able to
* Quote examples of organic reactions in current use for synthesising industrially important compounds
* Describe methods for the control of stereochemistry of organic reactions
* Account for the synthetic methods used and the reaction mechanisms of the selected reactions
Introduction to and examples of asymmetric catalysis. Catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation. Asymmetric oxidations - epoxidation and dehydroxylation. Enantiopure Lewis acids. The use of auxilliaries to control the stereochemistry of organic reactions. SAMP and RAMP hydrazones; Evans auxilliaries in enolate alkylation reactions. Control of syn/anti stereochemistry in the aldol reaction. Stereoselective Diels Alder reactions in synthesis.

CHEY0037: Synthesis of medicinal compounds

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre CHEY0014

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce and illustrate how advanced synthetic organic chemistry is used in the preparation of medicinally valuable compounds. After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Use reterosynthetic analysis to plan synthetic routes to a range of complex target molecules.
* Define reagents and strategies for the assembly of defined stereochemical arrays.
* Design rational analogues, or modified compounds from given medicinal agents.
The unit will illustrate the complex relationship between organic chemistry and medicine. Several disease areas will be selected and compounds used to treat them considered. The focus of the unit will be the methods used to synthesise those compounds. Areas covered will include:- Prostaglandens, b-Lactams, ionophoro antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs.

CHEY0056: Introduction to chemistry

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Co MATE0004

Aims & learning objectives:
This course is designed for students without A-level chemistry who need to have some appreciation of chemical ideas to use in their major degree subject(s). It will provide a broad introduction to the principles governing chemical reactivity and to illustrate these with a range of examples.
Introduction to atomic structure and chemical bonding e.g. valency. Trends in structure and reactivity across the Periodic Table. The mole, chemical equations and chemical reactions. The emphasis will be on taking examples from the real world and explaining the chemical principles which underlie them.

CHEY0057: Introduction to practical chemistry

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: PR80 CW20

Requisites: Co CHEY0056

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce a range of practical chemistry techniques to students and to demonstrate how experimental work can be used to consolidate material presented in lectures.
A series of experiments to introduce basic analytical methods such as titrations, gravimetry and spectrophotometry, manipulation of glassware, straightforward synthetic procedures. Some supplementary material will be presented in workshops to reinforce ideas met in the previous lecture based unit.

CHEY0070: New developments in organic chemistry

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre CHEY0014

Aims & learning objectives:
To describe some modern aspects of organic synthesis, including the control of stereochemistry and an introduction to medicinal chemistry After studying this Unit, students sould be able to:
* Understand the basic principles of organic chemistry taught in earlier modules.
* Explain how stereochemistry can be controlled in organic synthesis
* Discuss contemporary methods of drug discovery and medicinal chemistry
* Explain why combinatorial chemistry can benefit the drug discovery process
Stereochemistry of addition to carbonyl groups and alkenes. Directed reactions. Selectivity in hydroboration, epoxidation and hydrogenation. Selectivity in [3,3]-sigmatropic processes. An introduction to medicinal chemistry. The discovery and mode of action of sulfonamide drugs. Penicllins and the semi-synthesis of new antibiotics. The principles of combinatorial chemistry. The advantages of solid phase organic synthesis using resins.

CHEY0071: Organoelement chemistry

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre CHEY0014

Aims & learning objectives:
To describe some modern aspects of organic synthesis, including, the use of unconventional elements in synthesis. After studying this Unit, students sould be able to:
* Understand the basic principles of organic chemistry taught in earlier modules.
* Define the role of transition metals as catalysts in modern organic chemistry
* Describe some of the important organic reactions based on main group elements
* Integrate concepts from inorganic chemistry with a mechanistic understanding of organoelement chemistry.
Transition metal catalysed coupling reactions and carbonylation reactions. Catalytic reactions involving alkenes (especially the Heck reaction). Other applications of transition metals to organic synthesis. General aspects of organosilicon chemistry, The use of sulfur ylides in alkene formation. Organoboron and organophosphorus chemistry. Stereochemistry of addition to carbonyl groups and alkenes. Directed reactions. Selectivity in hydroboration, epoxidation and hydrogenation.

CHEY0077: Spectroscopy (NS)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR10 EX70

Requisites: Pre CHEY0007

Aims & learning objectives:
The Unit will provide an introduction to the principles of molecular spectroscopy, developing from the basic quantum mechanics of simple molecules to the interpretation of spectra of complex molecules. After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Define the terms wavefunction and eigenvalue.
* Relate physical models to quantisation of molecular and electronic energies.
* Predict the pure rotation and vibration-rotation spectra of linear diatomic molecules.
* Describe the origin of microwave, IR, NMR and electronic spectra.
* Identify organic species from IR, NMR and UV spectra.
Basic principles of quantum mechanics; wavefunctions, eigenvalues and operators. Introduction to electromagnetic radiation. Rotational spectroscopy; rigid rotor model. Vibrational spectroscopy. Linear ditomics and polyatomic molecules. Vibration-rotation spectroscopy. Electronic spectra of conjugated compounds. IR spectra of functional group containing compounds. Origins and applications of proton and carbon NMR spectra. Introduction to mass spectrometry.

CHEY0078: Synthesis of organic molecules (NS)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR10 EX70

Requisites: Pre CHEY0008

Aims & learning objectives:
To provide the student with a working knowledge of important classes of organic transformations, including mechanisms. To give an overview of retrosynthetic analysis as a valuable method for the design of an organic molecule. After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* account for the importance of selectivity in organic synthesis.
* demonstrate the important relationship between structure and reactivity for organic molecules.
* design syntheses of heterocyclic and alicyclic compounds from common starting materials
* apply retrosynthesis methods to a selected range of compounds
The principles of retrosynthesis. The use of carbon nucleophiles in retrosynthesis. Malonate ester synthesis and applications. Umpolung reagents. Alkene synthesis, including Wittig reaction. Oxidation reactions of alkenes and alcohols. Reduction reactions of ketones and other carbonyl compounds. Protecting groups and strategy in organic synthesis. Introduction to selectivity; substrate selectivity, regioselectivity. Chemoselectivity - oxidation and reduction. Stereoselectivity - diastereoselective and enantioselective synthesis. Conformation of cyclohexanes - the importance of stereochemistry to reactivity - carbohydrates. Description and synthesis of heterocycles. Routes to pyrroles, furan, thiophene, pyridine and indoles and their reactivity. Synthesis and reactivity of pyridines, quinolines and isoquinolines. Synthesis and reactivity of 3- and 4-membered ring heterocycles.

CHEY0079: Transition metal chemistry (NS)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR10 EX70

Requisites: Pre CHEY0007

Aims & learning objectives:
After studying this Unit, students should be able to:
* Describe bonding models that can be applied to a consideration of the properties of transition metal compounds.
* Describe the basis of colour and magnetism in tranition metal compounds.
* Appreciate the chemistry of transition metal compounds containing metal-carbon s- and p-bonds.
General properties of transition metal compounds. Bonding theories e.g. Crystal Field Theory and its applications and limitations. Multi-electron systems: Russell-Saunders coupling and its application to d-d electronic spectra and magnetochemistry. Explanation of structural and chemical properties of transition metal- ligand complexes particularly metal carbonyls. Organometallics - nomenclature, electron counting, hapticities. Metal-carbon s- and p-bonding and examples of each. Applications and uses of organometallic compounds. Reaction mechanisms in inorganic compounds.

CHEY0080: Interfacial chemistry (NS)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR10 EX70

Requisites: Pre CHEY0007

Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to the physical chemistry of interfaces and to demonstrate its significance in catalysis and colloid science. After studying this units, students should be able to:
* Describe and define the types of adsorption at solid surfaces
* Explain the qualitative and quantitative basis of catalysis and physical adsorption
* Define surface tension and solve simple problems involving its application
* Define and interpret the forces between two colloids
* Describe the different processes which control reactions at solid/liquid interfaces
Introduction to surfaces. chemisorption versus physisorption. adsorbed amounts. Types of isotherms: Langmuir Isotherm. determination of heat of adsorption,BET isotherm: Introduction to heterogeneous catalysis. Kinetics of catalysis. Langmuir Hinshelwood mechanism. Eley Rideal mechanism. Catalysis examples Modern surface science techniques. Molecular basis and consequences of surface tension. Colloid stability. Micellisation. Gibbs equation.reactions at solid/liquid interfaces. Mass transport, surface reactivity.

EDUC0001: Exploring effective learning

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit is intended for those students who wish to explore their own learning and to develop strategies for improving it. The unit reviews learning in lectures, tutorials, seminars etc and assessment as encountered by students in higher education. Starting from the students own approaches to learning it considers more effective ways based on experience and research.
The nature of learning; what is learnt (skills, knowledge, values etc.); learning styles; learning in groups; autonomy in learning; communication as part of the learning process; study skills; presentation skills; time management; assessment and being assessed. This is the recommended unit for those wishing to do one education unit in the year, outside their degree programme.

EDUC0002: Learning: Theory & context

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will consider more theoretical aspects of learning. It will consider theories of learning and their application in particular situations including schools, colleges, universities and lifelong learning. It will also explore the implications of new technologies for learning and the impact of visual literacy on learning.
Learning theories; information processing; experiential learning; metacognition; reflection; language and learning; memory. Contexts for learning: schools, further education, higher education, distance and open learning, the workplace, lifelong learning. It is advisable to have done EDUC0001 before this unit, but it is not a requirement. However, Natural Science students must have taken EDUC0001 in order to undertake this unit.

EDUC0003: Education in society

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit will consider the role of education in society. It will be based on an assessment of the purposes of education and of educational organisations such as schools, colleges and universities. It will consider government policies towards education; how these policies are formed and what they mean in practice. Examples will be drawn from the UK and wider.
Aims and purposes of education in different societies and through time; the politics of education; the role of state in education policy and practice: national curricula, national development plans, centralised and decentralised systems, the relationship between education and culture; the hidden curriculum; vocationalism; educational alternatives; Europeanisation and globalisation.

EDUC0004: Educational institutions as organisations

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers educational institutions as organisations. It will look at how these institutions are organised around their key purposes. It will consider key organisational issues such as curriculum design and implementation, equal opportunities, staff development, measuring and identifying effectiveness, ways of improving the quality of provision; the learning institution.
Schools/colleges/universities as organisations; purposes of the organisations and the practical implications; curriculum purposes and design; equalising opportunities: class, gender, race etc; curriculum strategies: setting, banding, streaming, differentiating, learning support/special needs, pastoral care, assessment, cross-curricular elements; measuring/identifying effectiveness and approaches to improvement; the culture of the teacher: staff development/professional development issues; open learning, lifelong learning, access to learning and accreditation of learning.

EDUC0005: Science education in practice

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers teaching and theories of teaching within the context of science education. The unit includes practical activities within a teaching context which are designed to illustrate the underlying theories. The unit considers issues such as curriculum, assessment, purposes, elements of instructional design and the role of the teacher.
The relationship between teaching and learning; issues related to designing a curriculum for science: why teach science, how do we learn science, elements of science teaching, conceptual nature of science learning; designing a science curriculum; implementing an aspect of a science curriculum and evaluating it; assessing learning in science. This unit is intended for science, engineering and mathematics students who may be interested in a career in teaching.

EDUC0006: Issues in science education

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
This unit considers key issues in science education. Examples include: the purposes of science education, public understanding of science, how science is learnt, science learning in relation to practical experience, assessment of science learning, equal opportunities in science education.
The issues will change from time to time, examples include: Theories of learning science, their practical implications and value to the science educator, for example, constructivism and Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE); the nature and role of practical experience in science learning; equal opportunities in science education; the purposes of science education in for example, the public understanding of science; the nature of science in National Curricula.

EDUC0115: Undergraduate certificate in education

Academic Year

Credits: 60


Level: Level 3



Aims & learning objectives:
Students will complete the study associated with the Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
The content is identical to that taught on the Postgraduate Certificate in Education. Students must comply with the requirements for entry onto PGCE including a satisfactory interview before they may opt for the UGCE year. Please see the Director of Studies for further information. There is an expectation that students wishing to take the UGCE year would complete, at least, EDUC0005 in their second year.

ENAP0010: Electronic structure & materials properties

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Pre [Mat. Sci. 1st Yr.] or[ Maths A level and(Chemistry A level or Physics A level)] Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a coherent quantum-mechanical treatment of the behaviour and role of electrons in solids. To introduce the concepts of: wave-particle duality; quantum mechanical uncertainty and wave functions. To provide a quantum mechanical description of bonding and electrical conduction in solids.
Classical theory of electrical conduction in metals, Ohm's Law, thermal conductivity, electronic specific heat and the failure of classical theory. DeBroglie wave length, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schroedinger wave equation. Electrons in an infinite potential well, quantum states, quantum numbers, energy levels, density of states, the free electron model, Fermi energy, k-space, the Fermi surface. Properties of free electron metals. Qualitative solution of the Schroedinger equation for hydrogen, wave functions and quantum numbers; atomic orbitals. Bonding between atoms; linear combination of atomic orbitals; hybridisation; s and p bonds; delocalisation; structure of molecules. Students must have A-level Mathematics and A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.

ENAP0027: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? B

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX75 CW25

Requisites: Co ENGR0001

Aims & learning objectives:
To achieve an understanding of environmental aspects of the science and technology of engineering materials, to use this knowledge to illuminate the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to develop defensible positions on these issues.
Engineering materials feature strongly in many environmental conflicts and debates. The development of civilization and wealth creation depend on the availability of raw materials resources. The global distribution of these resources is uneven and historically it has led to territorial and financial disputes. The extraction of materials by mining and quarrying leaves physical scars on a monumental scale and there are often additional problems of environmental contamination and subsidence which result from these activities. The purification of raw materials and manufacturing processes cause a wide spectrum of environmental problems including atmospheric pollution and poisoning of water courses. At the end of the useful life of manufactured objects the potential for recycling must be considered to minimise environmental impact. Topics will be examined within the framework of:
* The environmental issue or concern
* Materials considerations
* Environmental outcome Examples of topics: materials resources, materials properties, glass, cement, asbestos, metals, environmental degradation, polymers Seminar programme combined with a student extended essay to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to develop their own views on the relation between environmental science and the wider social and economic context.

ENAP0030: Introduction to materials for sports science

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX40 CW20 ES20 PR20


Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the science underlying the use of materials in applications used in sport. To appreciate the nature of the physical stresses imposed on materials, both natural and artificial, and how the materials react to stresses. To explore the use of high technology advanced materials in sports applications.
An introduction to mechanical properties: the nature of elastic stress and elastic strain. The elastic limit. Types of stress and strain. Elastic compliance. Plastic deformation and fracture. Energy absorption during loading and fracture, energy release. Specific stress and specific strain. Compare and contrast metals, ceramics and polymers as sporting materials. The limitations of homogeneous materials. Composite materials and why they are used in sport. The law of mixtures for composite materials. Natural and artificial composites; several examples of each, outlining the structure and properties. Comparison of natural composites ( wood, bone, skin etc) with artificial composites. Case studies of sports equipment , e.g. sport shoes, football studs, racquets, vaulting pole, sports bicycle; the method of construction and the performance advantages that ensue.

ENAP0039: Technology of the modern world

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 ES30


Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of the unit is to give non science/engineering students an appreciation and understanding of some of the key technologies that underpin modern society.The learning objectives will include:
* An appreciation of the contribution of Science and Engineering to quality of life in modern society
* An understanding of key areas of technology which enable advanced economies to function.
* The importance of power generation, its production and transmission in sustaining core services.
* ·Understanding large engineering structures, and concepts.

* Short history of technology
* Role of technology in modern society
* Provision of major services, electricity, water, gas, communications
* Electricity generation (Coal/Oil, Nuclear, Hydro, Solar and alternative), transmission and storage, use of electricity, power applications, chemical, electronic
* Transport, land, sea, and air
* Automobile engines, reciprocating petrol and diesel, "environmentally friendly systems"
* Aircraft engines and turbines
* Communications, speech, paper and writing. Coded communication - flags and semaphore, telegraph. Electronic communication - telephone, radio, TV; coded electronic communication - FAX machines, digital systems
* Transistors and integrated circuits - what are they?
* Large engineering structures, bridges, tunnels, buildings - from pyramids to skyscrapers!
* Role of engineering materials
* Manufacturing processes, examples such as oil and gas, minerals, steel production, cement.

ENAP0045: Materials processing 1 (NS)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW20 EX80


ENAP0046: Metals and Alloys (NS)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW20 EX80


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of alloy constitution and show their application to the thermal and mechanical treatment of engineering alloys. On completion, the student should be able to: identify common types of alloy phase, their characteristics and their interactions; interpret simple binary phase diagrams; describe and explain the effects of commercial heat treatments on steels and light alloys.
Microstructure of metals, grain refinement, influence of grain size on mechanical properties, the Petch equation; microstructural and mechanical effects of cold-working and annealing; applications and limitations of pure metals. Alloys: Solid solutions, factors determining solubility, effect of composition on properties, intermediate phases and phase structure. Phase diagrams of binary systems, invariant reactions, precipitation from solution. Equilibrium microstructures in simple systems of commercial interest; Al-Si, Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, Cu-Al, Fe-C, cast irons. Departures from equilibrium, coring and undercooling. Normalised and annealed steels. Non-equilibrium structures; age-hardening systems, steels, quenching and hardenability, tempering, selected alloy steels.

ENAP0047: Mechanical properties of materials (NS)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60


Pre Maths (A-level or M1a) and Physics or Chemistry A-level Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the mathematical description of the effects of loads upon materials, and to relate their mechanical behaviour to their internal structures. On completion, the student should be able to: convert between tensor and orthodox descriptions of elastic behaviour; characterise time-dependent effects in the deformation of materials; recognise the interaction of time and temperature effects.
Elasticity: cohesion and bonding, energy-distance curves and Hooke's Law, departures from linear elastic behaviour, elastic properties derived from bond energies. Elasticity theory of crystals, stress and strain tensors, elastic anisotropy, symmetry. Elastically isotropic solids, technical elastic moduli, measurement of moduli. Anelasticity: cyclic stressing and internal friction. thermoelastic effect, Snoek effect, other mechanisms. Specific damping capacity, logarithmic decrement, loss tangent. Viscoelasticity: viscous flow, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models. Creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Physical mechanisms of viscoelastic behaviour. The glass transition temperature. Time-temperature superposition, master curves for creep compliance and stress relaxation modulus. Effect of molecular architecture and chemical composition on viscoelastic properties. Dynamic viscoelasticity, the complex modulus, dynamic loading of Voigt and Maxwell models, standard linear solid and generalised models, master curves. Moduli and loss tangent as functions of frequency and temperature. Inter-relation of viscoelastic parameters. The effect of polymer structure and crystallinity on dynamic behaviour, mechanical spectroscopy. Non-linear viscoelastic behaviour.

ENAP0048: Materials processing 2 (NS)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To extend the student's knowledge of processing / structure / property relationships in materials, in particular to include polymer and ceramic processing. On completion, the student should be able to: assess materials processing routes using objective criteria such as production rate, dimensional accuracy, flexibility; be aware of techniques for the surface modification of materials.
Polymer Processing; Newtonian and power flow, Poiseuille equation, rheometry. Injection moulding and extrusion of thermoplastics, die design and quality control, blow moulding, calendering and pressure forming of polymer sheet. Transfer and pressure moulding of filled and unfilled thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers. Ceramic processing: production of powders: purity control, cold and hot compacting, sintering. Relative merits of powder methods for metals and ceramics.

ENAP0049: Ceramics & glasses (NS)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW20 EX80


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the application of constitutional and kinetic principles to the manufacture and exploitation of ceramics and inorganic glasses. On completion, the student should be able to understand the nature of ceramics and glasses on the basis of their structures and properties; describe the relationship between various classes of ceramics and their applications.
Classification of Ceramics. What is a ceramic? Revision of crystal structures and forces with specific reference to the scientifically and technologically important ceramic materials. Source of ceramic materials and production methods. General properties of ceramics, mechanical, chemical, thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical. The nature of brittle ceramics and the use of statistics for mechanical design. Classification of ceramics, traditional, refractories, advanced ceramics, both structural and functional to include examples of technological importance. Strengthening and toughening of ceramics. Precursor materials, powder manufacture and powder processing. Ceramic forming methods, wet and dry. Drying of ceramic powder compacts. Densification and sintering, both solid and liquid phase. Hot pressing. Reaction bonding. Pyrolytic deposition. Use of phase diagrams. Definitions for glass, volume-temperature relationship, glass transition temperature, types and composition of oxide and other glasses. Structural chemistry of the common glasses, network formers and modifiers, intermediates, Zachariasen's rules, radial distribution functions. Nucleation and growth, phase separation, Pyrex, Vycor, glass ceramics. Optical properties, refractive index, transparency, coloured glass, special optical glasses, lenses, fibre optics case study. Electrical properties, ionic and electronic conduction, industrial applications. Mechanical properties, glass to metal seals, stress relief, toughened glass, ion exchange annealing. Manufacture of glass, recycling glass, slow-release glasses, nuclear waste encapsulation.

ENAP0050: Polymers (NS)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60


Pre MATE0052 (Mt2.2/A); Maths AS or M1a; Chemistry AS or C1a Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the principles of polymer science with particular emphasis on those aspects relevant to polymers as practical engineering materials.
Homopolymers, copolymers, linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight. The versatility of polymers the length of chains: molecular weight Molecular weight definitions, determination molecular motion & the glass transition Glass transition temperature effect of structure. Molecular motion: nature of vitrification Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure - Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure Where do polymers come from? - polymerisation Polymerisation classification. Examples and mechanisms of step and chain polymerisation. Kinetics of radical polymerisation Step polymerisation. Carothers equation. Molecular weight distribution, copolymer equation. The dramatic properties of rubber Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity The environmental dimension Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents. Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers

ENAP0054: Composites/fracture of materials (NS)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60


Aims & learning objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able to appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufacturing methods. (b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software. (b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth. Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction. Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fracture maps.

ENAP0055: Properties of materials- laboratory unit 1

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: RT100


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop practical and organisational skills for research. To introduce the principles of report writing and materials properties. On completion, the student should be able to produce structured laboratory reports on engineering properties, microstrucutre, corrosion and fracture behaviour of materials in hand-written or computer format.
Introduction to writing laboratory reports including presentation, structure, style and treatment of experimental results. Demonstration of workshop practice. A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the following aspects of materials properties:
* Engineering Properties
* Microscopy
* Corrosion
* Fracture

ENAP0058: Introduction to the mechanical & electrical properties of materials

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an introduction to materials types, microstructures and properties. To show the influence of materials selection on the design and manufacture of components or structures. To provide an understanding of the properties of magnetic, dielectric and insulating materials.
Atomic structure and interatomic bonding; structure of cystalline solids; metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, glasses; microstructure, control of microstructure, outline of manufacturing methods; mechanical properties of materials, ductility, dislocations, brittle fracture; selection of materials, design. Origins of magnetism, ferromagnetism, domain formation, magnetism, hysteresis, hard and soft magnets, permanent magnet materials, transformer core, eddy current loss; ferrimagnetism, ferrites, ferrite applications; electrical insulation, insulator materials, breakdown of phenomena; capacitor types, dielectric properties, ferroelectrics, capacitor selection; piezoelectric materials, piezoelectric ceramics, PZT, applications, quartz, crystal resonators.

ENGR0001: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? A

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX85 CW15

Requisites: Co ENAP0027, Co MATE0027

Aims & learning objectives:
Through a study of the science and technology of some renewable energy sources, students are encouraged to consider the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to start to develop defensible positions on these issues.
Energy The thermodynamics of power generation - 2nd Law of Thermodynamics considerations. Combustion of fossil fuels - effects on the environment: greenhouse effect, acid rain. The need to conserve fossil fuels: nuclear and alternative forms of energy. The possible future contribution and cost of some of the following energy alternatives. (i) Solar energy: various forms of solar collector, power generation from the concentration of solar energy; direct generation of energy. (ii) Wind energy: types of generator, horizontal and vertical axis, survey of existing machines and their performance, future developments. (iii) Wave energy: survey types of wave machine including those under development; methods of converting motion of wave machines into electricity;; the current funding situation; effects on the environment. (iv) Tidal energy: review of schemes, existing (e.g. La Rance) and proposed (e.g. Severn and Mersey): technical and environmental problems. (v) Geothermal energy: power generation from hyper-thermal fields, exploration, geological conditions necessary; review of current production (e.g. New Zealand, Japan), problems associated with high mineral content. Lower temperature sources: district heating schemes. Hot dry rock schemes: current state of the art, future possibilities. (vi) Biomass: current contributions, particularly in Third World countries; conversion of sugar into alcohol as petrol replacement (Brazil). Seminar programme combined with a student exercise such as a case study to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to relate the science and technology of environmental relevance to a wider social and economic context. Students must have Chemistry A-level or undertaken CHEY0056 & CHEY0057.

ENGR0002: Environmental studies: The earth as an ecosystem A

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX68 CW32


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the role that process design and development play in pollution prevention and clean technology
Hierarchies of good environmental practices. Waste minimisation methodology. Waste elimination, minimisation, and recycling. Engineering aspects of waste reduction at source. Benefits and challenges of advanced treatments. Technological change in new and existing processes. Implications arising from changes in products and raw materials. Recycling methods (on-site and off-site), Re-use and reclamation. Waste to energy processes. Quantification of wastes and effluents. Process waste diagrams and environmental mass balances. Design simulation and optimisation methods. Thermodynamic and kinetic limitations. Quantification of progress, Normalisation of data and indexing. Seminar programme Seminars are intended to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to relate it to a wider social and economic context. Students must have undertaken ENGR0001 or CHEY0008 & CHEY0008.

ESML0204: Chinese stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0205

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to basic Chinese ("putonghua") as a preparation to communicating in a Chinese context.
Basic Chinese grammatical forms. Recognition and production of essential Chinese characters; the Chinese phonetic system and the Pinyin system. Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking and listening. Reading and writing tasks of an appropriate nature will be gradually incorporated. Special attention will be paid to the recognition and differentiation of tones.

ESML0205: Chinese stage 1B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0204

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 1A

ESML0206: Chinese stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0207

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Chinese, to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Chinese speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary and there will be continued emphasis on tones and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short talks and undertake writing tasks in Chinese.

ESML0207: Chinese stage 2B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0206

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 2A

ESML0208: Chinese stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0209

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Chinese covered in Chinese Stage 2 A and B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to China, Singapore and Taiwan. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Chinese is spoken.

ESML0209: Chinese stage 3B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0208

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A
A continuation of Chinese Stage 3A

ESML0210: French stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0211

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of French
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0211: French stage 7B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0210

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 7A
A continuation of French Stage 7A

ESML0212: French stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0213

Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in French Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0213: French stage 8B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0212

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 8A
A continuation of French Stage 8A

ESML0214: French stage 9A (further advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0215

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of the work outlined in French 8A and 8B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to France. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0215: French stage 9B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0214

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 9A
A continuation of French Stage 9A

ESML0216: French stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0217

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of French, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a French-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in French. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0217: French stage 4B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0216

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of French Stage 4A
A continuation of French Stage 4A

ESML0218: French stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0219

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the French covered in French Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to France and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which French is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0219: French stage 5B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0218

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 5A
A continuation of course French Stage 5A

ESML0220: French stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0221

Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of French with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in French Stage 5A and 5B

ESML0221: French stage 6B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0220

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of course French Stage 6A
A continuation of course French Stage 6A

ESML0222: German stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0223

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday German, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a German speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0223: German stage 1B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0222

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 1A
A continuation of German Stage 1A

ESML0224: German stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0225

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in German Stage 1A and 1B to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0225: German stage 2B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0224

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 2A
A continuation of German Stage 2A

ESML0226: German stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0227

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0227: German stage 3B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0226

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 3A
A continuation of German Stage 3A

ESML0228: German stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0229

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of German
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0229: German stage 7B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0228

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 7A
A continuation of German Stage 7A

ESML0230: German stage 8A (post advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0231

Aims & learning objectives:
Continued consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in German Stage 7A and 7B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature or extracts from longer works. Where numbers permit, some subject-specific material may be included, covering the relevant scientific and technological areas and/or business and industry. There will be discussion and analysis in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0231: German stage 8B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0230

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 8A
A continuation of German Stage 8A

ESML0232: German stage 9A (further advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0233

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of the work outlined in German Stage 8A and 8B
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials used cover a wide variety of sources and cover aspects of cultural political and social themes relating to German speaking countries. Works of literature or extracts may be included, as well as additional subject-specific material, as justified by class size. This may encompass scientific and technological topics as well as materials relevant to business and industry. There will be discussion in the target language of topics relating to and generated by the teaching materials, with the potential for small-scale research projects and presentations. Audio and video materials form an integral part of this study, along with newspaper, magazine and journal articles. Students are actively encouraged to consolidate their linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, by additional reading, links with native speakers and participating in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0233: German stage 9B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0232

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 9A
A continuation of German Stage 9A

ESML0234: German stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0235

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of German, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a German-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in German. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0235: German stage 4B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0234

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German 4A
A continuation of German 4A

ESML0236: German stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0237

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the German covered in German Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to German speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which German is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0237: German stage 5B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0236

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 5A
A continuation of German Stage 5A

ESML0238: German stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0239

Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of German with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in German Stage 5A and 5B

ESML0239: German stage 6B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0238

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of German Stage 6A
A continuation of German Stage 6A

ESML0240: Italian stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0241

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Italian, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in an Italian speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0241: Italian stage 1B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0240

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 1A
A continuation of Italian Stage 1A

ESML0242: Italian stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0243

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Italian Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in an Italian-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Italian. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0243: Italian stage 2B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0242

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Italian Stage 2A
A continuation of Italian Stage 2A

ESML0244: Italian stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0245

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Italian covered in Italian Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the students abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Italy and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Italian is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork

ESML0245: Italian stage 3B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0244

Amis & Learning Objectives: A continuation of Italian Stage 3A.
A continuation of Italian Stage 3A.

ESML0246: Japanese 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0247

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Japanese, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Japanese speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and the reading and writing of the 2 phonetic Japanese scripts and selected kanji (Chinese characters)
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Course material will be drawn from a variety of sources and will include audio-visual resources. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0247: Japanese 1B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0246

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 1A

ESML0248: Japanese 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0249

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Japanese Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Japanese-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and undertake appropriate writing tasks in Japanese. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0249: Japanese 2B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0248

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 2A

ESML0250: Japanese 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0251

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Japanese covered in Japanese Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks which will include extended use of kanji characters and an introduction to keigo (respect language) as well as covering the appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Japan and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Japanese is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classwork.

ESML0251: Japanese 3B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0250

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A
A continuation of Japanese Stage 3A

ESML0252: Spanish stage 1A (beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0253

Aims & learning objectives:
An introduction to everyday Spanish, in order to enable the student to cope at a basic level in a Spanish speaking environment, concentrating on oral/aural communication and reading.
Initial emphasis will be placed on speaking, listening and reading. As vocabulary is acquired more attention will be given to grammar. Writing tasks of a relevant and appropriate nature will be incorporated. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work

ESML0253: Spanish stage 1B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0252

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 1A

ESML0254: Spanish stage 2A (post beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0255

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to build on language skills acquired in Spanish Stage 1A and 1B, to enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing, and to consolidate grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a wide variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0255: Spanish stage 2B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0254

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 2A

ESML0256: Spanish stage 3A (advanced beginners) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0257

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 2A and 2B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary relating to a selection of topics. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spanish speaking countries and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0257: Spanish stage 3B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0256

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 3A

ESML0258: Spanish stage 4A (intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0259

Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate existing knowledge of Spanish, to develop listening, reading, writing and speaking, and to reinforce grammar, in order to enable students to operate in a Spanish-speaking environment.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation relating to a selection of topics. Remedial work is carried out where necessary. Teaching materials will include reading passages from a variety of sources as well as topical and relevant audio and video material. Students are required to give short presentations, conduct brief interviews and write dialogues, reports and letters in Spanish. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0259: Spanish stage 4B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co ESML0258

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 4A

ESML0260: Spanish stage 5A (post intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0261

Aims & learning objectives:
This course builds on the Spanish covered in Spanish Stage 4A and 4B in order to enhance the student's abilities in the four skill areas.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures, vocabulary and pronunciation. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0261: Spanish stage 5B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0260

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 5A

ESML0262: Spanish stage 6A (advanced intermediate) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0263

Aims & learning objectives:
This course concentrates on the more advanced aspects of Spanish with continued emphasis on practical application of language skills in a relevant context, in order to refine further the student's abilities.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. There is continued further development of the pattern of work outlined in Spanish Stage 5A and 5B

ESML0263: Spanish stage 6B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX45 CW40 OR15

Requisites: Co ESML0262

Aims & learning objectives:
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A
A continuation of Spanish Stage 6A

ESML0439: Spanish Stage 7A (advanced) (6 credits)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
A course to consolidate, refine and enhance previous advanced knowledge of Spanish. Students will be able to improve their receptive and productive language skills in a variety of situations.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

ESML0440: Spanish stage 7B (6 credits)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
Further consolidation and enhancement of the language already acquired in Spanish Stage 7A. Students will be able to practise and further improve their receptive and productive language skills in a variety of situations.
This unit contains a variety of listening, reading, speaking and writing tasks covering appropriate grammatical structures and vocabulary. Teaching materials cover a wide range of cultural, political and social topics relating to Spain and may include short works of literature. There will be discussion in the target language of topics derived from teaching materials, leading to small-scale research projects based on the same range of topics and incorporating the use of press reports and articles as well as audio and visual material. Students are encouraged to devote time and energy to developing linguistic proficiency outside the timetabled classes, for instance by additional reading and/or participating in informally arranged conversation groups and in events at which Spanish is spoken. Audio and video laboratories are available to augment classroom work.

MANG0069: Introduction to accounting & finance

Semester 2

Credits: 5


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX50 CW50


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide students undertaking any type of degree study with an introductory knowledge of accounting and finance
The role of the accountant, corporate treasurer and financial controller Sources and uses of capital funds Understanding the construction and nature of the balance sheet and profit and loss account Principles underlying the requirements for the publication of company accounts Interpretation of accounts - published and internal, including financial ratio analysis Planning for profits, cash flow. Liquidity, capital expenditure and capital finance Developing the business plan and annual budgeting Estimating the cost of products, services and activities and their relationship to price. Analysis of costs and cost behaviour

MANG0071: Organisational behaviour

Semester 1

Credits: 5


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX60 CW40


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop the student's understanding of people's behaviour within work organizations
Topics of study will be drawn from the following: The meaning of organising and organisation Socialisation, organisational norms and organisational culture Bureaucracy, organisational design and new organisational forms Managing organisational change Power and politics Business ethics Leadership and team work Decision -making Motivation Innovation Gender The future of work

MANG0072: Managing human resources

Semester 1

Credits: 5


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to give a broad overview of major features of human resource management. It examines issues from the contrasting perspectives of management, employees and public policy.
Perspectives on managing human resources. Human resource planning, recruitment and selection. Performance, pay and rewards. Control, discipline and dismissal.

MANG0073: Marketing

Semester 2

Credits: 5


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Ex MANG0016

Aims & learning objectives:
1. To provide an introduction to the concepts of Marketing. 2. To understand the principles and practice of marketing management. 3. To introduce students to a variety of environmental and other issues facing marketing today.
Marketing involves identifying and satisfying customer needs and wants. It is concerned with providing appropriate products, services, and sometimes ideas, at the right place and price, and promoted in ways which are motivating to current and future customers. Marketing activities take place in the context of the market, and of competition. The course is concerned with the above activities, and includes: consumer and buyer behaviour market segmentation, targetting and positioning market research product policy and new product development advertising and promotion marketing channels and pricing

MANG0074: Business information systems

Semester 1

Credits: 5


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX60 CW25 OT15


Aims & learning objectives:
Information Technology (IT) is rapidly achieving ubiquity in the workplace. All areas of the business community are achieving expansion in IT and investing huge sums of money in this area. Within this changing environment, several key trends have defined a new role for computers: a) New forms and applications of IT are constantly emerging. One of the most important developments in recent years has been the fact that IT has become a strategic resource with the potential to affect competitive advantage: it transforms industries and products and it can be a key element in determining the success or failure of an organisation. b) Computers have become decentralised within the workplace: PCs sit on managers desks, not in the IT Department. The strategic nature of technology also means that managing IT has become a core competence for modern organisations and is therefore an important part of the task of general and functional managers. Organisations have created new roles for managers who can act as interfaces between IT and the business, combining a general technical knowledge with a knowledge of business. This course addresses the above issues, and, in particular, aims to equip students with IT management skills for the workplace. By this, we refer to those attributes that they will need to make appropriate use of IT as general or functional managers in an information-based age.
Following on from the learning aims and objectives, the course is divided into two main parts: Part I considers why IT is strategic and how it can affect the competitive environment, taking stock of the opportunities and problems it provides. It consists of lectures, discussion, case studies. The objective is to investigate the business impact of IS. For example: in what ways are IS strategic? what business benefits can IS bring? how does IS transform management processes and organisational relationships? how can organisations evaluate IS? how should IS, which transform organisations and extend across functions, levels and locations, be implemented? Part II examines a variety of technologies available to the manager and examines how they have been used in organisations. A number of problem-oriented case studies will be given to project groups to examine and discuss. The results may then be presented in class, and are open for debate. In summary, the aim of the course is to provide the knowledge from which students should be able to make appropriate use of computing and information technology in forthcoming careers. This necessitates some technical understanding of computing, but not at an advanced level. This is a management course: not a technical computing course.

MANG0076: Business policy

Semester 2

Credits: 5


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX60 CW40


Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an appreciation of how organisations develop from their entrepreneurial beginnings through maturity and decline . To examine the interrelationship between concepts of policy and strategy formulation with the behavioural aspects of business To enable students to explore the theoretical notions behind corporate strategy Students are expected to develop skills of analysis and the ability to interpret complex business situations.
Business objectives , values and mission; industry and market analysis ; competitive strategy and advantage ; corporate life cycle; organisational structures and controls .

MATH0009: Ordinary differential equations & control

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre MATH0001, Pre MATH0002, Pre MATH0003, Pre MATH0005

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: This course will provide standard results and techniques for solving systems of linear autonomous differential equations. Based on this material an accessible introduction to the ideas of mathematical control theory is given. The emphasis here will be on stability and stabilization by feedback. Foundations will be laid for more advanced studies in nonlinear differential equations and control theory. Phase plane techniques will be introduced. Objectives: At the end of the course, students will be conversant with the basic ideas in the theory of linear autonomous differential equations and, in particular, will be able to employ Laplace transform and matrix methods for their solution. Moreover, they will be familiar with a number of elementary concepts from control theory (such as stability, stabilization by feedback, controllability) and will be able to solve simple control problems. The student will be able to carry out simple phase plane analysis.
Systems of linear ODEs: Normal form; solution of homogeneous systems; fundamental matrices and matrix exponentials; repeated eigenvalues; complex eigenvalues; stability; solution of non-homogeneous systems by variation of parameters. Laplace transforms: Definition; statement of conditions for existence; properties including transforms of the first and higher derivatives, damping, delay; inversion by partial fractions; solution of ODEs; convolution theorem; solution of integral equations. Linear control systems: Systems: state-space; impulse response and delta functions; transfer function; frequency-response. Stability: exponential stability; input-output stability; Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Feedback: state and output feedback; servomechanisms. Introduction to controllability and observability: definitions, rank conditions (without full proof) and examples. Nonlinear ODEs: Phase plane techniques, stability of equilibria.

MATH0017: Systems I: architecture & operating systems

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW25 EX75


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the structure, basic design, operation and programming of conventional, von Neumann and non-von Neumann computers at the machine level. To explore the correspondence between high level programming language control and data structures and what happens at the machine level. Objectives: To understand how the forms and conventions of high level languages are related to the machine level. To experience how structured programming can be applied in low as well as high level languages. To be able to assess the potential advantages and disadvantages of different architectures and how these may affect system software such as operating systems. To understand the basic functions and possible organizations of operating system software.
Principles of digital computer operation: use of registers and the instruction cycle; simple addressing concepts; Integers and floating point numbers. Input and output. Introduction to digital logic. Aspects of modern computer architectures: Von Neumann and Non von Neumann architectures and modern approaches to machine design, including, for example, RISC (vs CISC) architectures. Topics in contemporary machine design, such as pipelining; parallel processing and multiprocessors. The interaction between hardware and software. Prototypical operating systems and the history of operating systems. Program loaders (e.g. DOS, Windows), operating systems (e.g. Windows, NT, Unix).

MATH0024: Information management

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX50 CW25 OT25


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to basic techniques of statistics and database management. Objectives: Students should have a practical ability to use statistical techniques for exploration and summary of numerical data sets, and to use database techniques to perform logical operations on data, and to search for data by using logical combinations of ideas.
Introduction to statistics. Mean, standard deviation. Normal and Poisson distributions. A simple introduction to confidence intervals and hypothesis testing. Elementary tools for dealing with non-normal data. An introduction to correlation. Computational experiments. Data bases. Notations of set theory. Data types and structures. Hierarchical, network, and relational data bases. Some natural operations on relations: union, projection, selection, Cartesian product, set difference. Design of regional data bases. Access as an example of a data base system. The integrated use of word processing, spreadsheets and relational data bases.

MATH0026: Projects & their management

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To gain experience of working with other people and, on a small-scale, some of the problems that arise in the commercial development of software. To appreciate the personal, corporate and public interest ethical problems arising from all aspects of computer systems. To distinguish between scientific and pseudo-scientific modes of presentation, and to encourage competence in the scientific mode. Objectives: To carry out the full cycle of the first phase of development of a software package, namely; requirements analysis, design, implementation, documentation and delivery. To know the main terms of the Data Protection Act and be able to explain its application in a variety of contexts. To be able to design a presentation for a given audience. To be able to assess a presentation critically.
Project Management: Software engineering techniques, Controlling software development, Project planning/ Management, Documentation, Design, Quality Assurance, Testing. Professional Issues: Ethical and legal matters in the context of information technology. Personal responsibilities: to employer, society, self. Professional responsibilities: codes of professional practice, Chartered Engineers. Legal responsibilities: Data Protection Act, Computer Misuse Act, Consumer Protection Act. Intellectual property rights. Whistle-blowing. Libel and slander. Confidentiality. Contracts. Presentation Skills: How to construct a good explanation. How to construct a good presentation. Sales and manipulative techniques, theatre, and scientific clarity. Active listening and reading. Some items in the charlatan's toolkit: jargon, pseudo-mathematics, ambiguity.

MATH0031: Statistics & probability 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Students must have A-level Mathematics, Grade B or better in order to undertake this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce some basic concepts in probability and statistics. Objectives: Ability to perform an exploratory analysis of a data set, apply the axioms and laws of probability, and compute quantities relating to discrete probability distributions
Descriptive statistics: Histograms, stem-and-leaf plots, box plots. Measures of location and dispersion. Scatter plots. Probability: Sample space, events as sets, unions and intersections. Axioms and laws of probability. Probability defined through symmetry, relative frequency and degree of belief. Conditional probability, independence. Bayes' Theorem. Combinations and permutations. Discrete random variables: Bernoulli and Binomial distributions. Mean and variance of a discrete random variable. Poisson distribution, Poisson approximation to the binomial distribution, introduction to the Poisson process. Geometric distribution. Hypergeometric distribution. Negative binomial distribution. Bivariate discrete distributions including marginal and conditional distributions. Expectation and variance of discrete random variables. General properties including expectation of a sum, variance of a sum of independent variables. Covariance. Probability generating function. Introduction to the random walk.

MATH0032: Statistics & probability 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre MATH0031

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce further concepts in probability and statistics. Objectives: Ability to compute quantities relating to continuous probability distributions, fit certain types of statistical model to data, and be able to use the MINITAB package.
Continuous random variables: Density functions and cumulative distribution functions. Mean and variance of a continuous random variable. Uniform, exponential and normal distributions. Normal approximation to binomial and continuity correction. Fact that the sum of independent normals is normal. Distribution of a monotone transformation of a random variable. Fitting statistical models: Sampling distributions, particularly of sample mean. Standard error. Point and interval estimates. Properties of point estimators including bias and variance. Confidence intervals: for the mean of a normal distribution, for a proportion. Opinion polls. The t-distribution; confidence intervals for a normal mean with unknown variance. Regression and correlation: Scatter plot. Fitting a straight line by least squares. The linear regression model. Correlation.

MATH0033: Statistical inference 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre MATH0032

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Introduce classical estimation and hypothesis-testing principles. Objectives: Ability to perform standard estimation procedures and tests on normal data. Ability to carry out goodness-of-fit tests, analyse contingency tables, and carry out non-parametric tests.
Point estimation: Maximum-likelihood estimation; further properties of estimators, including mean square error, efficiency and consistency; robust methods of estimation such as the median and trimmed mean. Interval estimation: Revision of confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing: Size and power of tests; one-sided and two-sided tests. Examples. Neyman-Pearson lemma. Distributions related to the normal: t, chi-square and F distributions. Inference for normal data: Tests and confidence intervals for normal means and variances, one-sample problems, paired and unpaired two-sample problems. Contingency tables and goodness-of-fit tests. Non-parametric methods: Sign test, signed rank test, Mann-Whitney U-test.

MATH0035: Statistical inference 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX75 CW25

Requisites: Pre MATH0033

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: Introduce the principles of building and analysing linear models. Objectives: Ability to carry out analyses using linear Gaussian models, including regression and ANOVA. Understand the principles of statistical modelling.
One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA): One-way classification model, F-test, comparison of group means. Regression: Estimation of model parameters, tests and confidence intervals, prediction intervals, polynomial and multiple regression. Two-way ANOVA: Two-way classification model. Main effects and interaction, parameter estimation, F- and t-tests. Discussion of experimental design. Principles of modelling: Role of the statistical model. Critical appraisal of model selection methods. Use of residuals to check model assumptions: probability plots, identification and treatment of outliers. Multivariate distributions: Joint, marginal and conditional distributions; expectation and variance-covariance matrix of a random vector; statement of properties of the bivariate and multivariate normal distribution. The general linear model: Vector and matrix notation, examples of the design matrix for regression and ANOVA, least squares estimation, internally and externally Studentized residuals.

MATH0103: Foundation mathematics 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX50 CW50

Requisites: Co MATH0104

Aims & learning objectives:
Core 'A' level maths. The course follows closely the essential set book: L Bostock & S Chandler, Core Maths for A-Level, Stanley Thornes ISBN 0 7487 1779 X
Numbers: Integers, Rationals, Reals. Algebra: Straight lines, Quadratics, Functions, Binomial, Exponential Function. Trigonometry: Ratios for general angles, Sine and Cosine Rules, Compound angles. Calculus: Differentiation: Tangents, Normals, Rates of Change, Max/Min.

MATH0104: Foundation mathematics 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX50 CW50

Requisites: Co MATH0103

Aims & learning objectives:
Core 'A' level maths. The course follows closely the essential set book: L Bostock & S Chandler, Core Maths for A-Level, Stanley Thornes ISBN 0 7487 1779 X
Integration: Areas, Volumes. Simple Standard Integrals. Statistics: Collecting data, Mean, Median, Modes, Standard Deviation.

MATH0126: Introduction to contemporary computing

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To survey the diversity of contemporary computing practice, to give the students confidence in the use of systems, and to foster a critical attitude towards computing. To introduce programming in Matlab. To give the students an opportunity for collaborative work, and to give presentations. To encourage clear explanation. Objectives: To develop competence in the use of a wide variety of computing systems, and a basis for intelligent criticism of them. To be able to write simple programs in Matlab. To have some experience of collaborative work. To sharpen verbal and written presentation skills.
A brief history of computing: from automated calculation to systems of interacting processes. Modern systems and packages, e.g. for word processing and spreadsheets. Scientific report writing, and bibliographic search. Using the internet to access information. Web design. Operating systems (like UNIX and MSDOS) and utilities to support programming (e.g. editors like Emacs); programming languages; compilers and interpreters. Matlab as an example of a high-level package for scientific programming. Programming in Matlab. Operators and control. Loops. Scripts and functions. Group projects. Presentations.

MATH0134: Programming 1

Semester 1

Credits: 12


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW40 EX60


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to the development of computer software, including problem analysis, establishing requirements, designing, implementing and evaluating. To provide practical skills at reading and writing programs and producing programs to solve real world problems. Objectives: Students should be able to design, construct and test short programs. They should be able to defend design decisions. To understand the idea of type and to use data types appropriately. To be able to develop iterative and recursive programs. To be able to read, and comprehend the behaviour of, programs written by others. To be able to assess the complexity of simple algorithms.
Introduction to computers and programming. Introduction to system development: problem analysis, requirements synthesis; system design; evaluation. Scenario based design. Algorithms. Control structures: sequence, selection and iteration. Scope and extent. Simple data types. Testing. Object-orientation: reuse, inheritance, classes, objects and methods. Recursion. Complexity.

MATH0135: Programming II

Semester 2

Credits: 12


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW60 EX40

Requisites: Pre MATH0134

Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To continue the practice of the programming process begun in Programming I. To extend the notion of object-oriented software development. To increase practical skills at reading and writing programs and producing programs to solve real world problems. Objectives: Students should be able to design, construct and evaluate substantial programs, using libraries as appropriate. They should be able to read, and comprehend the behaviour of, programs written by others. Given a problem description, they should be able to design suitable software systems.
Task based design. User interface design. Evaluation. Data structures. Algorithms and complexity. Exception handling. Abstract data types and classes. Inheritance vs composition. Abstract vs concrete classes. Self-referential classes. Event handling. Graphics. Multithreading. Network programming.

MATH0138: Systems II: low-level programming & C

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: CW25 EX75


Some knowledge of programming, as approved by the Director of Studies Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To provide practical skills in low-level programming and basic computer services Objectives: Students should be able to write short assembler-level programs, and call basic (Chapter 1) Unix service using C. They should be able to identify, use and package operating services. They should be able to write short programs in ANSI C.
Assembler Programming: low level programming and structures. Registers, memory and addressing modes. Subroutine structures, calling standards. Interrupts and system calls. C Programming: C programming structures. String handling in C. Input and output (both chapter 2 and chapter 3). Questioning the operating system and filing system. Binary structures, relocation concepts.

MATH0145: Applications II: databases

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW40 EX60


Aims & learning objectives:
Aims: To introduce students to database concepts. To provide practical skills at using database management systems, designing, using and managing databases. To teach database theories. Objectives: Given a description of user requirements, students should be able to design and build a database using a database management system. They should be able to answer non-trivial theories using databases produced by others. They should understand the importance of data protection and be able to implement secure databases.
Introduction to databases and database management systems (DBMSs). User interaction with databases. Functions of a DBMS. Data models and conceptual modelling. Sets and relations. Union, intersection, relative complement, cross product, projection, selection. Relations as subsets of cross products. Connection between logical operations on ideas and set theoretic operations on relations. Logical database design, physical database design. Entity-relationship modelling. Constraints. Network and relational models. Completeness of relational models. Codd's classification of canonical forms. : first, second, third and fourth normal forms. Keys, join, SQL query language. Transaction management and database security. Data protection legislation.

PHAR0010: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 2 (General pharmacology)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the student to general aspects of pharmacology and receptor theory.
Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion; receptor theory; blood and respiration pharmacology.

PHAR0016: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 3 (Cardiovascular & autonomic pharmacology)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: OT100


Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the action of drugs on the autonomic and cardiovascular systems.
Understanding the action of drugs in the autonomic nervous system, kidney and cardiovascular systems. Physiology, pathology and pharmacology of these systems.

PHAR0023: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 4 (Pharmacology of the central nervous system)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
An understanding of drugs affecting the brain and spinal cord.
Physiology, pathology and pharmacology of the brain and spinal cord.

PHAR0028: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 5 (Pharmacology of autocoids & immunology)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
Understanding release of autocoids and the immune response.
Drugs affecting autocoids, inflammation and immune disorders. Natural science students MUST take PHAR0029 at the same time as this unit.

PHAR0029: Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 6 (Pharmacology of the endocrine system)

Semester 1

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX100


Aims & learning objectives:
The action of drugs on the endocrine system.
Physiology, pathology and pharmacology of the endocrine system. Natural science students MUST take PHAR0028 at the same time as this unit.

PHAR0051: Medicines design

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 2

Assessment: ES100


Aims & learning objectives:
The unit aims to give the student a good understanding of the biological and formulatory factors that may affect the therapeutic efficacy of drugs and an overview of medicines.
Factors affecting the absorption of drugs, formulation of dosage forms, bioavailability of drugs and methods for its modification.

PHYS0007: Mathematics for scientists 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Students must have A-level Mathematics to undertake this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce basic mathematical techniques required by science students, both by providing a reinterpretation of material already covered at A-level in a more general and algebraic form and by introducing more advanced topics. After taking this unit the student should be able to - sketch graphs of standard functions and their inverses - represent complex numbers in cartesian, polar and exponential forms, and convert between these forms - calculate the magnitude of a vector, and the scalar and vector products of two vectors - solve standard geometrical problems involving vectors - evaluate the derivative of a function and the partial derivative of a function of two or more variables - write down the Taylor series approximation to a function.
Functions of a real variable (3 hours): Graphs of standard functions (polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions). Domains and ranges. Composite functions. Inverse functions. Symmetries and transformations (reflections, rotation) of graphs. Polynomial curve fitting. Complex numbers (4 hours): Definition and algebra of complex numbers in x+iy form. Complex conjugate. Modulus and argument. Argand diagram, reiq form. De Moivre's theorem. Solution of equations involving complex variables. Vector algebra (7 hours): Introduction to vectors; physical examples of scalar and vector quantities. Magnitude of a vector, unit vector. Cartesian components. Scalar product; projections, components, physical examples. Vector product; determinantal form for Cartesian components, physical examples. Geometrical applications of vectors. Triple product. Introduction to vector spaces. Differentiation (10 hours): Limits and continuity, differentiability. Review of differentiation. Higher derivatives, meaning of derivatives. Graphical interpretation of derivatives. Logarithmic, parametric and implicit derivatives. Taylor and Maclaurin expansions; remainder terms. Standard series. Convergence of series; ratio test, limits, L'Hopital's rule. Functions of two variables. Partial differentiation. Taylor expansion in two variables. Chain rule. Small changes and differentials, total derivative.

PHYS0008: Mathematics for scientists 2

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0007

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce basic mathematical techniques required by science students, both by providing a reinterpretation of material already covered at A-level in a more general and algebraic form and by introducing more advanced topics. After taking this unit the student should be able to - integrate functions using a variety of standard techniques - find the general solution to first and second order ordinary differential equations and show how a particular solution may be found using boundary conditions - describe the form of the general solution of partial differential equations - solve some first and second order partial differential equations by means of separation of variables - calculate the determinant and inverse of a matrix, and evaluate the product of two matrices - use matrix methods to solve simple linear systems.
Integration (7 hours): Review of integration. Meaning of integration. Methods of integration. Multiple integral, change of order of integration. Applications of integration (area, volume, etc). Numerical integration methods. Ordinary differential equations (8 hours): Origin of ODEs. Solution of first order ODEs by integrating factors and separation of variables. Solution of second order ODEs with constant coefficients. Complementary functions and particular integral. Applications in the natural sciences; rate equations, population dynamics, oscillatory systems, etc. Numerical solution of ODEs; Euler method, Runge-Kutta methods. Introduction to partial differential equations (3 hours): Origin of PDEs. Solution of PDEs by separation of variables. Wave equation in one dimension. Matrices and determinants (6 hours): Introduction to matrices. Special matrices. Transpose of a matrix. Matrix multiplication. Linear transformations. Introductions to determinants. Inverse of a matrix. Simultaneous linear equations. Solution of simultaneous equations; Gaussian elimination.

PHYS0013: Quantum & atomic physics

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0008

Natural science students must have taken PHYS0048 in order to undertake this unit. PHYS0001 and PHYS0005 are desirable as pre-requisites but not essential. Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this module are to introduce the Schröödinger wave equation and its solution in one and three dimensions, and to explore the interactions responsible for the electronic structure of atoms. After taking this unit the student should be able to - explain the significance of the wavefunction in determining the physical behaviour of electrons - show how quantisation arises from boundary conditions - calculate energy levels in simple model systems - outline the quantum mechanical description of the hydrogen atom - discuss the energy levels, angular momenta and spectra of simple atoms, taking into account screening, magnetic interactions and the exchange interaction - make simple quantitative estimates of magnetic energies in atoms - use empirical rules to establish the ground state terms and configurations of atoms.
Introduction: The breakdown of classical concepts. Old quantum theory. Basic assumptions of quantum mechanics: wave functions and probability density. Observables; position, momentum and energy. Schröödinger's equation: time dependence of the wave function. Time-independent Schröödinger equation and stationary states. Motion in one dimension: the infinite square well; bound state energies and wave functions. Parity of solutions. Motion of free particles. Reflection and transmission at a potential step. Bound states of a finite square well. Tunnelling through a barrier. The harmonic oscillator. Motion in three dimensions: central potentials. Angular dependence of solutions. Angular momentum quantum numbers; s, p and d states. Spin angular momentum. Vector model of the atom. Orbital and spin magnetic moments and their coupling in a one electron atom. Fine structure in hydrogen. Factors affecting intensity of spectral lines. Effect of the nuclear magnetic moment on atomic spectra: hyperfine structure, nuclear magnetic resonance. Atoms with more than one electron: Pauli exclusion principle and shell structure. Electron-electron interactions: screening and exchange interaction. Nomenclature for labelling atomic configurations and terms. Hund's rules. Fine structure and Zeeman effect in many-electron atoms. Factors affecting width of spectral lines and introduction to high resolution spectroscopy.

PHYS0014: Electromagnetic waves & optics

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0008

Natural science students must have taken PHYS0051 and PHYS0053 in order to undertake this unit. PHYS0005 and PHYS0006 are desirable, but not essential, pre-requisites for this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the properties of electromagnetic plane waves, to provide a mathematical framework for the understanding of the wave nature of light and to describe the properties of simple optical devices. After taking this unit the student should be able to - list the distinguishing features of electromagnetic plane waves and write down a mathematical expression for a linearly or circularly polarised light wave - construct ray diagrams for use in solving simple geometrical optics problems - outline the mathematical analysis of multiple-beam interference and hence interpret the output from a Fabry-Pérot interferometer - discuss the concept of coherence with regard to the physical properties of the source and the effect of partial coherence on fringe visibility - derive mathematical expressions for simple diffraction patterns and relate the limits imposed by diffraction to the performance of optical instruments - describe how lasing action is obtained and maintained and outline the main properties of laser light.
Electromagnetic plane waves: The em spectrum; sources and production of light; wave and photon description; the optical region; Revision of 1D waves. 3D plane waves, vector nature of em waves; relationships between E B and k. Polarisation. Methods of obtaining linearly polarised light, Law of Malus. Circular and elliptical polarisation. Energy and the Poynting vector. Impedance. Phase velocity, permittivity, permeability. Refractive index and its microscopic origin. Concept of birefringence. Dispersive waves; group velocity. Rays and waves: Optical path length. Huygen's and Fermat's principles. Snell's Law and lenses; the focal plane. Geometric optics and principles of the telescope and microscope. Interference and Coherence: Interference with multiple beams. The interference term and fringe visibility. Young's slits experiment. The Michelson and Mach-Zehnder interfermoters. Anti-reflection coatings. The Fabry-Perot interferometer. Partial coherence and fringe visibility. Coherence time and coherence length. Interference between N equally spaced sources. Diffraction: Introduction to Fresnel diffraction; Fraunhofer diffraction as far-field case. Derivation of Fraunhofer pattern for single slit, discussion of circular aperture. The diffraction grating. Dispersion. Diffraction limits on optical systems. Definition of resolution, Rayleigh criterion and resolving power. Resolving power of the telescope and grating. Lasers: Interaction between light and matter. The Einstein relations. Obtaining and maintaining lasing action. The properties of laser light.

PHYS0016: Building blocks of the universe

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0013

Natural science students must have taken PHYS0049 in order to undertake this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to give an overview of our current picture of elementary particles and the forces between them, to describe properties and reactions of atomic nuclei and to discuss how these enable us to understand the origin of the Universe and the elements, stars and galaxies within it. After taking this unit the student should be able to - describe the classification of fundamental particles and explain terms used in their description - describe the characteristics of the fundamental forces, and quote and use conservation laws to determine allowed particle reactions - apply decay laws to problems in particle and nuclear physics, and define and perform simple calculations on cross section and centre of mass frame - discuss binding in nuclei and explain the energetics and mechanisms of radioactive decay - describe the liquid drop and shell models of nuclei and use them to calculate and interpret nuclear properties - describe the physical processes involved in fission and fusion reactions and in stellar nucleosynthesis - give a qualitative description of the early stages of the Universe and the condensation of particles, nuclei and atoms from the primeval fireball.
Decays and Interactions: Particle decay laws, half-life and mean lifetime, generation and decay. Particle kinematics and the discovery of the neutrino. Elementary Particles: Quarks, leptons and mediators. Anti-particles. Hadrons (baryons and mesons) in terms of multiplets. Baryon and lepton number. Fundamental Interactions: The four forces. The exchange particle model and Feynman diagrams. The discovery of the W and Z. Conservation laws. Unification of forces. The Nucleus: Nucleon interactions and binding energy. Nuclear size and mass. Radioactive Decay: Beta-decay. Electron and positron emission; K-capture. Alpha decay : energetics and simplified tunnelling theory. The liquid drop model and semi-empirical mass formula. The shell model, nuclear spin, excited states. Nuclear Reactions and Fission: Centre of mass frame. Scattering, spontaneous fission, fission products. Induced fission, chain reactions, delayed neutrons. Nuclear Fusion Reactions: Principles of fusion reactions. The Cosmic Connection: Stellar nucleosynthesis The Big Bang re-visited. Separation of unified forces. Inflation theory. Formation of elementary particles. Cosmic nucleosynthesis. Dark matter in the universe. MACHOs, WIMPs and Winos.

PHYS0017: Introduction to solid state physics

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0002, Pre PHYS0008, Pre PHYS0013

Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce students to the basic ideas that underlie solid state physics, with emphasis on the behaviour of electrons in crystalline structures, particularly in materials that are metallic or semiconducting. After taking this unit the student should be able to - describe how allowed and forbidden energy bands arise - describe how the properties of electrons in allowed energy bands determine the behaviour of conducting and semiconducting solids - describe how band structure theories lead to concepts such as effective mass and how these are related to densities of states and carrier concentrations - describe the factors that control the mobility and electrical conductivity - describe the ways in which crystal structures are described formally and relate structures in real space to those in reciprocal space - describe how the diffraction of X-rays and of neutrons is related to the properties of the reciprocal lattice and solve simple problems associated with the determinations of crystal structures
Classification of solids. Bonding forces; allowed and forbidden energy bands. Basic crystal structures; translational symmetry; space lattices; unit cells; Miller indices. The classical free electron theory and its failure. The quantum free electron theory. The basic properties of metals; density of states and the Fermi sphere. The effect of crystalline structure on electron behaviour: allowed and forbidden energies from another viewpoint; introduction of momentum (k) space. The distinction between metals, semiconductors and insulators. Energy bands and effective masses; electrons and holes. Basic properties of semiconductors; electron and hole concentrations and the effects of doping; donors and acceptors. Transport properties: electrical conduction and scattering of electrons and holes in solids; the Hall effect; cyclotron resonance. Diffraction of waves in crystalline structures; Bragg law; the reciprocal lattice and Brillouin zones. X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of crystal structures. The interaction of light with solids.

PHYS0019: Mathematics for scientists 3

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0008

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques required by science students, and to show how these may be used for different applications. It also aims to continue the development of students' problem-solving skills and their understanding of mathematical results. After taking this unit the student should be able to - evaluate Fourier series and Fourier and Laplace transforms, and use their properties to solve problems - use transform methods to solve differential equations - apply transform methods in image and signal processing - find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices and apply these to the diagonalisation of quadratic forms - calculate the normal modes of coupled vibrational systems.
Transform methods (18 hours): Periodic functions. Harmonic synthesis. Representation as Fourier series, and Fourier components. Truncated series. Fourier sine and cosine series. Expansion of finite range functions. Applications of Fourier series. Complex form of Fourier series and coefficients. Discrete amplitude spectra. Transition to aperiodic functions: the Fourier transform. Integral definition and properties of the Fourier transform. Use of tables in evaluating transforms. Applications to image processing, solution of differential and integral equations, and to physical systems. Convolution. Causal functions and the Laplace transform. Integral definitions and properties of the Laplace transform. Use of tables in evaluating transforms. Applications. Discrete Fourier transform. Sampling theorem and applications to signal processing. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors (6 hours): Revision of matrix algebra. Homogeneous linear equations. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of symmetric matrices and their properties. Linear transformations. Diagonalisation of quadratic forms. Normal modes of vibration of ball and spring systems.

PHYS0020: Mathematics for scientists 4

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0019

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce mathematical concepts and techniques required by science students, and to show how these may be used for different applications. It also aims to continue the development of students' problem-solving skills and their understanding of mathematical results. After taking this unit the student should be able to - define and transform between Cartesian, polar, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates, and parameterise and sketch curves, surfaces and volumes within these coordinate systems - solve equations of motion in Cartesian and polar coordinates - define scalar, vector and conservative fields - perform line, surface and volume integrals - evaluate grad, div, curl and Ѳ in Cartesian, polar, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates, and use and interpret vector integral theorems either - derive and interpret Maxwell's equations and their solution in vacuum or o derive theorems of analytic functions and use them to evaluate integrals.
Vector analysis (16 hours): Differentiation of vectors. Space curves; parameterisation of curves, tangent vector. Polar coordinates; velocity and acceleration. Introduction to scalar and vector fields. Directional derivative; gradient of a scalar field, Ñ as a vector operator in Cartesian coordinates. Introduction to div and curl in Cartesian coordinates; physical interpretation. Identities involving Ñ; definition of Ѳ. Tangential line integrals. Classification of fields; conservative fields, potential functions, path independence of line integrals in conservative fields. Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems; Cartesian, spherical polar and cylindrical polar coordinates. Surface and volume integrals. Div and curl; definitions as limits of integrals; explicit forms. Ѳ in spherical and cylindrical polar coordinates. Vector integral theorems; divergence and Stokes theorems, derivation and applications. Green's theorem and applications. EITHER Introduction to Maxwell's equations (8 hours): Derivation of integral and differential forms of Maxwell's equations and continuity equation. The wave equation in source-free vacuum. Plane wave solutions. OR Functions of a complex variable (8 hours): Differential functions, analytic functions, singularities, Cauchy-Riemann equations, power series in a complex variable, elementary functions, principal values, branch cuts. Complex integration; Cauchy's theorem and integral, zeroes and poles, Laurent expansion, residue theorem, principal value of an integral, Jordan's lemma, integration of simple functions, summation of series.

PHYS0024: Contemporary physics

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: ES100


Students should have taken an appropriate selection of Year 1 and Year 2 Physics units in order to undertake this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to enable students to find out about some of the most exciting developments in contemporary Physics research. While taking this unit the student should be able to - demonstrate good time management skills in allocating appropriate amounts of time for the planning, research and writing of reports - carry out literature searching methods for academic journals and computer-based resources in order to research the topics studied - develop the ability to extract and assimilate relevant information from extensive sources of information - develop structured report writing skills - write a concise summary of each seminar, at a level understandable by a final year undergraduate unfamiliar with the subject of the seminar - write a detailed technical report on one of the seminar subjects of the student's choice, displaying an appropriate level of technical content, style and structure.
This unit will be based around 5 or 6 seminars from internal and external speakers who will introduce topics of current interest in Physics. Students will then choose one of these subjects on which to research and write a technical report. Topics are likely to include recent developments in: Astrophysics and Cosmology; Particle Physics; Medical Physics; Laser Physics; Semiconductor Physics; Superconductivity; Quantum Mechanical Simulation of Matter.

PHYS0025: Equations of science

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0007, Pre PHYS0008, Pre PHYS0019, Pre PHYS0020

Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce concepts and methods used in solving some of the most important equations, both linear and non-linear, which arise in the natural sciences, and to introduce students to a broad range of examples and applications. After taking this unit the student should be able to - distinguish linear and non-linear equations and contrast the different forms of solution which arise - recognise some of the key equations which arise in the natural sciences - apply the separation of variables method to linear partial differential equations, and solve the resulting ordinary differential equations by series solution - use superposition methods for inhomogeneous equations - determine solutions to some of the key non-linear equations, and analyse non-linear ordinary differential equations - analyse one-dimensional difference equations.
Linear equations of science (12 hours): Derivation of the diffusion equation as an example of how partial differential equations arise in the natural sciences. Introduction to Laplace's equation, Poisson's equation, wave equation, Schrodinger's equation. Linearity and superposition. Boundary conditions. Solution by separation of variables; examples showing separation in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems. Series solutions of differential equations; examples including Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics and Bessel functions. Solution of inhomogeneous ODE's. Examples from the natural sciences. Non-linearity and chaos (12 hours): Examples of non-linearity in the natural sciences; Non-linear wave equations, solitary waves, physical examples. Nonlinear differential equations: phase space, trajectories, fixed points, bifurcation. Examples from the natural sciences. Non-linear difference equations: orbits, cobwebs, fixed points, bifurcations, chaos. Examples from the natural sciences.

PHYS0030: Quantum mechanics

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20


Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit and must have undertaken appropriate maths units provided by either the Departments of Physics or Mathematical Sciences. Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to show how a mathematical model of considerable elegance may be constructed, from a few basic postulates, to describe the seemingly contradictory behaviour of the physical universe and to provide useful information on a wide range of physical problems. After taking this unit the student should be able to: - discuss the dual particle-wave nature of matter - explain the relation between wave functions, operators and experimental observables - justify the need for probability distributions to describe physical phenomena - set up the Schröödinger equation for simple model systems - derive eigenstates of energy, momentum and angular momentum - apply approximate methods to more complex systems.
Introduction: Breakdown of classical concepts. Old quantum theory. Quantum mechanical concepts and models: The "state" of a quantum mechanical system. Hilbert space. Observables and operators. Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Dirac bra and ket vectors. Basis functions and representations. Probability distributions and expectation values of observables. Schrodinger's equation: Operators for position, time, momentum and energy. Derivation of time-dependent Schrodinger equation. Correspondence to classical mechanics. Commutation relations and the Uncertainty Principle. Time evolution of states. Stationary states and the time-independent Schrodinger equation. Motion in one dimension: Free particles. Wave packets and momentum probability density. Time dependence of wave packets. Bound states in square wells. Parity. Reflection and transmission at a step. Tunnelling through a barrier. Linear harmonic oscillator. Motion in three dimensions: Stationary states of free particles. Central potentials; quantisation of angular momentum. The radial equation. Square well; ground state of the deuteron. Electrons in atoms; the hydrogen atom. Hydrogen-like atoms; the Periodic Table. Spin angular momentum: Pauli spin matrices. Identical particles. Symmetry relations for bosons and fermions. Pauli's exclusion principle. Approximate methods for stationary states: Time independent perturbation theory. The variational method. Scattering of particles; the Born approximation.

PHYS0031: Simulation techniques

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX80 CW20

Requisites: Pre PHYS0020

Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to identify some of the issues involved in constructing mathematical models of physical processes, and to introduce major techniques of computational science used to find approximate solutions to such models. After taking this unit the student should be able to - dedimensionalise an equation representing a physical system - discretise a differential equation using grid and basis set methods - outline the essential features of each of the simulation techniques introduced - give examples of the use of the techniques in contemporary science - use the simulation schemes to solve simple examples by hand - describe and compare algorithms used for key processes common to many computational schemes.
Construction of a mathematical model of a physical system; de-dimensionalisation, order of magnitude estimate of relative sizes of terms. Importance of boundary conditions. The need for computed solutions. Discretisation using grids or basis sets. Discretisation errors. The finite difference method; review of ODE solutions. Construction of difference equations from PDEs. Boundary conditions. Applications. The finite element method; Illustration of global, variational approach to solution of PDEs. Segmentation. Boundary conditions. Applications. Molecular Dynamics and Monte-Carlo Methods; examples of N-body problems, ensembles and averaging. The basic MD strategy. The basic MC strategy; random number generation and importance sampling. Applications in statistical mechanics. Simulated annealing. Computer experiments. Solving finite difference problems via random walks. Other major algorithms of computational science; the Fast Fourier Transform, matrix methods, including diagonalisation, optimisation methods, including non-linear least squares fitting.

PHYS0048: Introduction to quantum physics [NS]

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10

Requisites: Co PHYS0049

Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to review the evidence for the existence of atoms and the scientific developments which reveal the breakdown of classical physics at the atomic level, and to introduce the ideas of energy and angular momentum quantisation and the dual wave-particle nature of matter. After taking this unit the student should be able to - identify the historical evidence for the atomic nature of matter - describe the Bohr, Thomson and Rutherford models of the atom and the origin of quantisation of energy - discuss the concepts of wave/particle duality, probability distributions and wavefunctions - perform simple calculations on atomic line spectra - explain the origin of the periodic table.
The constituents of the atom: Quantum and classical domains of physics. Existence of atoms. Avogadro's number. Electrons and ions. The mass spectrograph. Atomic mass units. Structure of atoms; scattering of alpha-particles and Rutherford's model. Photons and energy quantisation: Black-body radiation; the ultraviolet catastrophe and Plancks hypothesis. Photoelectric effect. The electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays. Compton scattering. Sources of photons; the Bohr model of the atom. Deficiencies of Bohr's model. Wave-particle duality: An introduction to waves. Wave-like properties of photons and other particles; inadequacies of classical models. De Broglie's hypothesis. Electron diffraction. Electron microscopy. Wave aspects of larger particles; atoms, molecules, neutrons. The uncertainty principle. Introduction to quantum mechanics: Probability distributions. Introduction to Schrodinger's wave equation. Energy levels for hydrogen. Quantum numbers. Electron spin. The exclusion principle. The periodic table. Optical and X-ray spectra. Shells, valency and chemical bonding. Students must have A-level Physics and A-level Mathematics in order to undertake this unit. Those students without A-level Mathematics must take MATH0103.

PHYS0049: Relativity & astrophysics [NS]

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10

Requisites: Co PHYS0048

Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the concepts and results of special relativity and to provide a broad introduction to astronomy and astrophysics. An additional aim is that the student's appreciation of important physical phenomena such as gravitation and blackbody radiation should be reinforced through their study in astrophysical contexts. After taking this unit, the student should be able to - write down the essential results and formulae of special relativity - describe the important special relativity experiments (real or thought) - solve simple kinematic and dynamical special relativity problems - give a qualitative account of how the sun and planets were formed - describe how stars of differing masses evolve - give a simple description of the expanding Universe and its large-scale structure - solve simple problems concerning orbital motion, blackbody radiation, cosmological redshift, stellar luminosity and magnitude.
Gravitation. Gravitational force and potential energy. Weight and mass. Circular orbits; Kepler's Laws; planetary motion. Escape velocity. Solar System. Earth-Moon system. Terrestrial planets; Jovian planets. Planetary atmospheres. Comets and meteoroids. Formation of the solar system. Stellar Evolution. Structure of the sun. Stellar distances, magnitudes, luminosities; black-body radiation; stellar classification; Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The interstellar medium and star birth. Star death: white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes. Galaxies. Galactic structure; classification of galaxies. Formation and evolution of galaxies. Active galactic nuclei and quasars. Astrophysical jets. Astrophysical Techniques. Telescopes and detectors. Invisible astronomy: X-rays, gamma-rays, cosmic rays, infrared and radio astronomy. Special Relativity. Galilean transformation. Speed of light - Michelson-Morley experiment; Einstein's postulates. Simultaneity; time dilation; space contraction; invariant intervals; rest frames; proper time; proper length. Causality. Lorentz transformation. Relativistic momentum, force, energy. Doppler effect. General Relativity. Gravity and geometry. The principle of equivalence. Deflection of light; curvature of space. Gravitational time dilation. Red shift. Black holes. The Universe. Large scale structure of the Universe. Hubble's Law. The expanding universe. The hot Big Bang. Cosmic background radiation and ripples therein. History of the universe. The missing mass problem.

PHYS0050: Introduction to electronics [NS]

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10

Requisites: Co PHYS0051

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to provide an introduction to electronics by developing an understanding of basic concepts in dc and ac electric circuits and digital electronics. After taking this unit the student should be able to - use a systematic analysis method (e.g. nodal voltage) to calculate currents and voltages in passive dc circuits - calculate the amplitude and phase of voltages and currents in ac circuits by means of phasor analysis - analyse simple operational amplifier circuits from first principles - analyse simple logic circuits containing gates and flip-flops - use Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps to simplify logic expressions - design logic circuits to implement basic tasks.
DC Circuits: Kirchoff's voltage and current laws. Analysis of simple circuits using nodal voltage technique. Ideal voltage and current sources. Equivalent circuits. Thevenin's and Norton's theorems. Diodes. Ideal Operational Amplifiers: Theory of ideal operational amplifiers. Simple applications e.g. inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, addition and subtraction. Transients: Techniques for solving for transient waveforms in simple circuits involving inductors and capacitors. Initial conditions. AC Circuits: AC voltage and current concepts (phase, rms value, amplitude etc.). Capacitors and inductors as circuit elements. Phasors and phasor notation. Complex impedance. LCR circuits (resonance, Q factor etc). Frequency dependence of circuits. Bode plots. Combinational Logic: Digital and analog electronics. Combinational logic. Representation of logic levels. AND, OR and NOT gates. Truth tables. XOR, NAND and NOR. Boolean algebra: Notation, laws, identities and De Morgan's Laws. Standard sum of products. Manipulation between forms. Karnaugh maps: 2,3 and 4 variables. Simplification. PAL. Logic gates and characteristics: Basic implementation of gates using discrete devices (AND using resistors and diodes). Limitations. Logic family characteristics: Fan out, noise margin and propagation delay. Combinational functions: Adder, decoder, encoder, multiplexer, demultiplexer, ROM structure. Sequential logic: Latch, SR flip-flop and JK flip-flop. Shift register. Ripple and synchronous counters. Synchronous counter design. Basic RAM structure. Introduction to microprocessors (68000 based): Binary arithmetic. A simple microprocessor architecture and operation. Concepts of buses, input/output, DMA and interrupts. Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit.

PHYS0051: Electricity & magnetism [NS]

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 CW20 PR10

Requisites: Co PHYS0050

Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to introduce the fundamental laws of electricity and magnetism and to develop techniques used in the solution of simple field problems, both vector and scalar. After taking this unit the student should be able to - state the basic laws of electricity and magnetism - define scalar and vector fields and represent them graphically - determine the forces due to electric and magnetic fields acting on charges and currents - determine electric fields, potentials and energies due to simple, static charge distributions - determine magnetic fields and energies due to simple, steady current distributions - determine electric fields, e.m.f.s and induced currents due to varying magnetic fields.
Introduction to scalar and vector fields. Electrostatics Electric forces and fields. Electric charge, Coulomb's Law, superposition of forces, electric charge distribution, the electric field, electric flux, Gauss's Law, examples of field distributions, dipole moment, energy of a system of charges. Electric potential. Line integral of the electric field, potential difference, calculation of fields from potential, examples of potential distributions, energy associated with electric field. Electric field around conductors, conductors in an electric field, capacitors and their capacitance, energy stored. Magnetic fields. Magnetic force on a moving charge, definition of magnetic field, Lorentz force, force on a current carrying wire, force between current carrying wires, torque on a current loop. magnetic moment, Biot-Savart Law, Ampere's Law, magnetic flux, Gauss's Law, field in loops and coils. Electromagnetic Induction. Induced emf and examples, Faraday's Law, Lenz's Law, energy stored in a magnetic field, self and mutual inductance, energy stored in an inductor. Students must have A-level Physics in order to undertake this unit.

PHYS0052: Properties of matter [NS]

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 PR10 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to gain insight into how the interplay between kinetic and potential energy at the atomic level governs the formation of different phases and to demonstrate how the macroscopic properties of materials can be derived from considerations of the microscopic properties at the atomic level. After taking this unit the student should be able to - use simple model potentials to describe molecules and solids - solve simple problems for ideal gases using kinetic theory - describe the energy changes in adiabatic and isothermal processes - derive thermodynamic relationships and analyse cycles - derive and use simple transport expressions in problems concerning viscosity, heat and electrical conduction.
Balance between kinetic and potential energy. The ideal gas - Kinetic Theory; Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution; Equipartition. The real gas - van der Waal's model. The ideal solid - model potentials and equilibrium separations of molecules and Madelung crystals. Simple crystal structures, X-ray scattering and Bragg's law. First and second laws of thermodynamics, P-V-T surfaces, phase changes and critical points, thermodynamic temperature and heat capacity of gases. Derivation of mechanical (viscosity, elasticity, strength, defects) and transport properties (heat and electrical conduction) of gases and solids from considerations of atomic behaviour. Qualitative understanding of viscosity (Newtonian and non-Newtonian) in liquids based on cage models.

PHYS0053: Mechanics & waves [NS]

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX70 PR10 CW20


Aims & learning objectives:
The aims of this unit are to present students with a clear and logical guide to classical mechanics, to strengthen their understanding of mechanics by means of practical problems and to introduce them to the fundamental concepts and mathematical treatment of waves. After taking this unit the student should be able to - apply Newton's laws to solve simple real world problems and gain insight into microscopic processes at the atomic level - use vector notation and methods to solve problems in rotational dynamics - analyse oscillating systems under different driving regimes - apply the wavefunction for a one-dimensional travelling wave to problems involving mechanical, acoustic, water and electromagnetic waves - define and derive the impedance of a mechanical wave and apply it to reflection and transmission at interfaces - analyse interference and diffraction arising from simple one-dimensional structures - derive and apply the formulae for the non-relativistic Doppler effect.
Dimensions and Units: fundamental SI units, measurement standards, dimensional analysis. Newton's Laws of Motion. Motion in 1D and 2D with constant and non-constant acceleration. Linear momentum, collisions, rockets. Work and Energy, potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces.Circular motion; Rigid body rotation: moments of inertia; torque and angular momentum as vectors; equations of motion of rotating bodies; gyroscopes. Simple Harmonic Motion including damped, forced; resonance. Coupled oscillations and introduction to normal modes Travelling waves; strings, sound, water, particle and light waves. Mathematical representation; sinusoidal waves; amplitude, frequency, wavelength, wavenumber, speed, energy, intensity and impedance. General differential equation for 1D wave. Complex exponential notation. Superposition; Wave interference, reflection and transmission at boundaries. Dispersive and non-dispersive waves, phase and group velocity. Beats. Michelson interferometer. Doppler effect.

PSYC0001: Psychology 1

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: ES100


Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to introduce students to basic concepts and current themes and debates within psychology. Students will understand basic ideas in psychology and have a familiarity with some classic studies and methods. They will understand how psychologists approach problems of mental processing.
Lectures will be broadly based on the question "Who am I"? They will put forward the idea that in order to understand ourselves and our behaviour we need to remember that we are members of human societies with histories and cultural traditions: that who we are is, at least in part, determined by those around us, our families and our friends and the social groups to which we belong. The topics covered include: society and the individual, conformity and deviance, gender and social identity, the self, language and social life, thinking and reasoning, personality, life-span developments, clinical psychology.

PSYC0007: Developmental psychology

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX50 ES50


Students must have taken one of the following units: Psychology 1 (PSYC0001), Becoming a social person (PSYC0057), or The intelligent being (PSYC0058). Aims & learning objectives:
To provide an understanding of human development from infancy to old age. Students will understand how psychologists approach human development, and the main theoretical approaches. They will understand the specific methodological requirements of developmental psychology. They will understand the role of culture in human development.
This unit combines an overview of key issues in theory and method in the study of human development and addresses questions of relevance to future practitioners in psychology and other social services. How does the 'well-equipped strange' infant become a competent adult? How does language develop? The role of culture in individual development. Life 'crises' and normal transitions. How does the growing individual become a moral and social agent? The development of 'self'.

PSYC0009: Social psychology

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX50 ES50

Requisites: Pre PSYC0001

Aims & learning objectives:
To understand the relationship between individual, social and cultural psychological processes Students will understand the ways in which psychologists approach problems of communication and the construction of meaning. They will be familiar with the debates about the individual and the social and cultural context.
Language as dialogue and social negotiation. Rhetoric and discourse: how to persuade, argue, negotiate and interpret. The construction and communication of representation of meaning. The relationships between individual schemas, representations and lay theories, and social and cultural repertoires. Effective and ineffective communication. The role of metaphor and narrative in individual and cultural meaning.

PSYC0010: Clinical psychology

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX50 ES50

Requisites: Pre PSYC0001, Pre PSYC0002

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the work of clinical psychologists in the main areas of Adult Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and work with older adults. At the end of the course students should be able to set this work within the context of organisational change within the NHS and to contrast a psychological approach with other approaches, such as those of psychiatry. Students will also have more extensive knowledge of a specific psychotherapeutic technique.
The basis of psychiatric diagnosis; introduction to counselling and psychotherapy; depression; loss and bereavement; anxiety; schizophrenia; learning disabilities; older adults; eating disorders; the context of work and evaluating interventions.

PSYC0020: Artificial lives: Simulation, modelling & visualisation of complex systems

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: PR60 ES40

Requisites: Ex PSYC0062

Aims & learning objectives:
This unit allows students to develop their understanding of recent applications of computer modeling and simulation techniques to cognitive and social processes. Students will be required to examine the literature relating to two influential developments simulation techniques. No prior programming or modeling experience is necessary, but practical work with simulation software will be expected. Students will understand the application of current research techniques in AI and simulation to the explanation of consciousness and to the exploration of the dynamics of group processes, and demonstrate basic familiarity with simulation software and the evaluation of its use.
This course explores the application of biological models in AI and to social processes. Students will be expected to understand the applications of computer simulation in the natural and social sciences, the methods of two major research projects(in cognitive psychology or a social science), and the implications of computer simulation for psychological theories of communication, social interaction, cognition, brain function and consciousness. Students will undertake practical projects in the form of experiments with computer models and simulation programs, and the evaluation of such programs, which will be written up as a project report. This unit shares teaching with the postgraduate unit of the same title PSYC0062.

PSYC0024: About science 1: history, philosophy & sociology of science

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: CW100


Aims & learning objectives:
About Science 1 introduces the main views of the nature of scientific research and of technological progress. The course aims to familiarise students with changing views of science and its interaction with society and of the nature of scientific method, and also to develop students communication skills.
In addition to views of philosophers, historians and sociologists such as Popper, Lakatos and Kuhn, accounts by working scientists will also be considered. Source materials include video films, WWWeb sites and the book and journal articles. All students write a book review and an essay or project report, and will develop, present and defend their own views on one of a number of seminar topics.

PSYC0025: About science 2: discovery, dissemination & status of scientific knowledge

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX50 CW50


Aims & learning objectives:
Continues to develop and evaluate several main views of the nature of scientific method introduced in the precursor unit (PSYC0024), using historical case studies of scientific discoveries and controversies. This unit goes on to deal with the research process, the application of science in technology and medicine, and the problematic status of science in relation to its cultural context.
Students are expected to develop an analytical and critical approach to ideas and opinions about science, and to master the use of documentary sources. All students prepare an essay and also present and defend their own views on in an assessed seminar presentation.

PSYC0026: Public knowledge 3a: history, philosophy & sociology of science

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: ES75 CW25

Requisites: Pre PSYC0008

Students must have taken either Cognitive Psychology (PSYC0008) or About science 2 (PSYC0025) in order to take this unit. Aims & learning objectives:
The course aims to enable students to develop an informed and critical view of the nature of all aspects of scientific activity and the problems arising from the differences between scientific and other approaches to problems.
Scientific, Expert and Lay Knowledge; Science and Public Understanding; Public Acceptance of Science and Technology; Science and Public Policy; Science and other Modes of Knowledge. The course is seminar based with considerable directed reading. All students will read and discuss a number of key authors in the seminars, will be expected to evaluate a number of television programs about science, and will undertake a research project.

PSYC0057: Becoming a social person

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX50 ES50

Requisites: Pre PSYC0001

Aims & learning objectives:
To equip the student with an understanding of how we become 'social beings'. Students will understand the core questions of social psychology and the development of social processes. They will be acquainted with classic studies in social and developmental psychology and the ways in which psychologists have approached the social nature of the human.
The unit will use 'classic' studies in social and developmental psychology to address the following: How do we form early relationship and attachment? How do we make friends? How do we form impressions of others? How do we behave in groups? How do groups affect our identity? What is the basis of prejudice, discrimination and inter-group relations? How do we develop and change our beliefs and attitudes?

PSYC0058: The intelligent being

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: EX100

Requisites: Pre PSYC0001

Aims & learning objectives:
To provide a foundation understanding of cognitive processes. The student will understand the basic questions that psychologists have addressed regarding learning, memory and reasoning. They will have been introduced to the methods and theories by which research has been conducted in general psychology.
This unit will introduce some of the classic studies which address the questions: How do we learn? How do we remember? How do we reason and solve problems? How have psychologists thought about learning, remembering and reasoning? How have psychologists thought about intelligence and how has it been measured? How does intelligence develop? What is the role of emotion in our understanding of the world? What can we learn from the errors we make? The unit will highlight different approaches in psychology and where they contrast.

PSYC0059: The cultures of belief

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: ES70 PR30

Requisites: Co PSYC0060, Ex PSYC0046

Aims & learning objectives:
This unit provides an historical exposition of the changing relationship between major religious traditions and western science, and a critical discussion of theses about the ways in which religion and science interact. Students will be expected to demonstrate, through written assignments and seminar discussion, that they have mastered the arguments of at least two main authors or schools and can make a critical appraisal of these arguments.
Attention will be given to historical and philosophical views of the nature of religion and of science, theses about their interaction (e.g., conflict, independence, interdependence); each of the main theses will be examined in the light of recent historical and critical studies. The application by popular science writers of core scientific theories to religious and metaphysical themes is also explored. This unit shares teaching with the postgraduate unit The cultures of belief (PSYC0046).

PSYC0060: Science & religion

Semester 2

Credits: 3


Level: Level 3

Assessment: ES70 OR30

Requisites: Co PSYC0059, Ex PSYC0047

Aims & learning objectives:
This unit examines the roles of religious and scientific traditions in western culture with particular reference to Christian theology, traditions and religious practices, in order to provide (1) an deeper understanding of the cultural context of the ways in which Christianity and western science interact and (2) an analytical basis to evaluate claims about the implications of religious beliefs and practices for science and of scientific developments for Christianity. Students will be expected to demonstrate, through written assignments and seminar discussion, that they have mastered the arguments of at least two main authors or schools and can make a critical appraisal of these arguments.
Studies of the cultural context of historical and philosophical views of the nature of religion and of science; critical analysis of theses about their interaction; examination and appraisal of historical and contemporary claims about the implications of science for religions and of religion for science; implications for Public Understanding of Science, esp. the place of science in post-modern culture. Students will be expected to demonstrate through seminar discussion, an assessed oral presentation and an essay that they have mastered the arguments of the main authors or protagonists and can make a critical appraisal of their arguments. This unit shares teaching with the postgraduate unit Science & religion (PSYC0047).

SCNC0045: Human physiology (Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 1)
Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 1

Assessment: OT100

Requisites: Ex PHAR0178

Aims & learning objectives:
The aim of this unit is to provide an overview of human physiology, with particular emphasis on how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. After taking this unit, the student should be able to (a) demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the major physiological systems of the human body, and (b) demonstrate knowledge of how the function of major organs and systems is integrated and regulated.
Cell membranes as controllable permeability barriers within and between cells and the external medium; neuronal conduction, synapses and the neuromuscular junction, cholinergic neurones; Muscle types, activation and contraction; the autonomic nervous system; the central nervous system; the endocrine system; physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and renal systems to understand how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled.

SPOR0009: Physiology of sports performance
Semester 1

Credits: 6



Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX70 PR30

Requisites: Pre SPOR0001, Pre SPOR0005, Pre BIOL0089

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the concepts of physiological adaptation to training for sport and develop knowledge of associated basic laboratory techniques. On completion of this unit students should be able to: Understand how the body adapts to exercise and appreciate the specificity of training. Understand the appropriate techniques that are available for the investigation of changes that occur with regular training. Understand and be able to determine oxygen uptake, energy expenditure during exercise, mechanical efficiency, and peak power in a laboratory environment. Understand the physiological factors that limit performance across a range of different modes of exercise.
Energy expenditure, measurement of work and power. Skeletal muscle; structure function and adaptations to training. Circulatory adaptations to exercise; adaptations to training. Respiratory responses to exercise; limitations to maximal performance. Acid-base balance. Physiology and principles of training; evaluating performance.

SPOR0015: Physiology of fitness and health
Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 2

Assessment: EX70 CW30

Requisites: Pre SPOR0005, Pre SPOR0009

Aims & learning objectives:
To introduce the physiological adaptations that occur as a result of regular exercise and to understand how these adaptations may improve health, fitness and well-being. On completion of this unit students should be able to: Understand some of the relationships between exercise, health and fitness. Determine key aspects of health and fitness in a wide range of the population including specific groups such as the sedentary and elderly. Evaluate the results of certain health/fitness tests and begin to prescribe forms of exercise that would elicit improvements in health/fitness.
Factors limiting health and fitness. Work tests to evaluate cardiorepiratory fitness. Training for Health and Fitness. Exercise and the musculoskeletal and Neauromuscular systems. Body composition Nutrition and Health.

UNIV0001: Environmental studies: The earth as an ecosystem B

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: EX75 CW25

Requisites: Co ENGR0002

Aims & learning objectives:
To develop an understanding of the global impact of human agricultural and industrial activity and of the relationship between the technical and some social and economic aspects of the topic.
Global human impact: population and consumption levels Early mankind and the domestication of other species. The agricultural and industrial revolutions. Improvements in healthcare and education. Demographic trends. Sustainable economic development. Equitable distribution of resources. Policies and institutions Atmospheric and ground level pollution Structure and dynamics of the atmosphere. Photochemical cycles involving O, N and Cl species. Factors affecting ozone concentrations. The Greenhouse effect. Photochemical smog and acid rain considered via case studies. Speciation of anionic and cationic water pollutants. Biomagnification and heavy metals. Radioactivity and nuclear reactors; reprocessing and waste storage. Seminar programme Seminars combined with a student exercise such as a case study or essay are intended to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to relate it to a wider social and economic context.

UNIV0024: Project (semester 1)

Semester 1

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co UNIV0025

Aims & learning objectives:
To obtain substantial experience of project work within the disciplines involved
This will depend on the disciplines involved. Often it will involve laboratory and or field work. Usually a literature search will be involved.

UNIV0025: Project (semester 2)

Semester 2

Credits: 6


Level: Level 3

Assessment: CW100

Requisites: Co UNIV0024

Aims & learning objectives:
To obtain substantial experience of project work within the disciplines involved
This will depend on the disciplines involved. Often it will involve laboratory and or field work. Usually the writing of a dissertation reporting the work done will be involved

UNIV0026: Industrial placement/ training

Academic Year

Credits: 60


Level: Level 2



Aims & learning objectives:
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Materials Science, or Management
To obtain substantial experience of working at an intellectual level appropriate to a student who has completed the second year of a degree course.

UNIV0033: Study year abroad

Academic Year

Credits: 60


Level: Level 2



Aims & learning objectives:
To assist the student to develop personal and interpersonal communication skills and to develop the ability to work and interact effectively in a group environment in which cultural norms and ways of operating may be very different from those previously familiar. To develop an understanding of the stresses that may occur in working in a culture different from the UKs, and to learn to cope with those stresses and work efficiently. To develop the self-confidence and maturity to operate effectively with people from a different cultural background. To develop an appreciation of the history and culture of the country concerned. For students attending classes in a language other than English, to develop the ability to operate at a high scientific level in the language of the country concerned, including oral communication and comprehension as well as reading and writing. For students attending Universities in countries whose language is not English, oral and written fluency in the host language.
It is assumed that the student abroad will accomplish work equivalent to 60 University of Bath credits (10 units). Details of these are necessarily left to negotiation with individual University, students and the Bath Director of Studies. In addition to scientific study, it might be appropriate to include Management, work in Language, and in areas related to the culture of the country in which the student was working

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