

ENAP0008: Materials processing 1
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0001

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To acquaint students with the physical principles involved in common manufacturing processes, to establish the link between processing route and internal structure of materials. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the main features of common manufacturing processes for metals; explain the variations in macro- and microstructure produced by the different processes; discuss the advantages and limitations of competing processes.
Processing from the Liquid State: structure and properties of castings, effect of process variables on casting quality. Residual stresses. Processing from the Solid State: Rolling, extrusion, drawing, pressing and forging. Deformation characteristics, the effect of temperature and deformation rate on micro and macrostructures. Superplasticity. Quality control during processing. Effect of processing on material properties and structure. Machining: brief survey of conventional and specialised methods. Quality of machined surfaces, 'machinability', advantages and disadvantages. Joining Processes: solidification in weld metal, residual stresses, chemical reactions, contaminants; fusion and solid state processes, brazing and soldering, adhesive bonding. Non-Destructive Testing: dye penetrant, x-ray, magnetic particles, ultrasonic, optical holography, acoustic emission.

ENAP0009: Metals & alloys
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0002

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the principles of alloy constitution and show their application to the thermal and mechanical treatment of engineering alloys. On completion, the student should be able to: identify common types of alloy phase, their characteristics and their interactions; interpret simple binary phase diagrams; describe and explain the effects of commercial heat treatments on steels and light alloys.
Microstructure of metals, grain refinement, influence of grain size on mechanical properties, the Petch equation; microstructural and mechanical effects of cold-working and annealing; applications and limitations of pure metals. Alloys: Solid solutions, factors determining solubility, effect of composition on properties, intermediate phases and phase structure. Phase diagrams of binary systems, invariant reactions, precipitation from solution. Equilibrium microstructures in simple systems of commercial interest; Al-Si, Cu-Ni, Cu-Zn, Cu-Al, Fe-C, cast irons. Departures from equilibrium, coring and undercooling. Normalised and annealed steels. Non-equilibrium structures; age-hardening systems, steels, quenching and hardenability, tempering, selected alloy steels.

ENAP0010: Electronic structure & materials properties
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Pre [Mat. Sci. 1st Yr.] or[ Maths A level and(Chemistry A level or Physics A level)]
Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide a coherent quantum-mechanical treatment of the behaviour and role of electrons in solids. To introduce the concepts of: wave-particle duality; quantum mechanical uncertainty and wave functions. To provide a quantum mechanical description of bonding and electrical conduction in solids.
Classical theory of electrical conduction in metals, Ohm's Law, thermal conductivity, electronic specific heat and the failure of classical theory. DeBroglie wave length, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schroedinger wave equation. Electrons in an infinite potential well, quantum states, quantum numbers, energy levels, density of states, the free electron model, Fermi energy, k-space, the Fermi surface. Properties of free electron metals. Qualitative solution of the Schroedinger equation for hydrogen, wave functions and quantum numbers; atomic orbitals. Bonding between atoms; linear combination of atomic orbitals; hybridisation; s and p bonds; delocalisation; structure of molecules. Students must have A-level Mathematics and A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit.

ENAP0011: Mechanical properties of materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0007

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To extend the mathematical description of the effects of loads upon materials, and to relate their mechanical behaviour to their internal structures. On completion, the student should be able to: convert between tensor and orthodox descriptions of elastic behaviour; characterise time-dependent effects in the deformation of materials; recognise the interaction of time and temperature effects.
Elasticity: cohesion and bonding, energy-distance curves and Hooke's Law, departures from linear elastic behaviour, elastic properties derived from bond energies. Elasticity theory of crystals, stress and strain tensors, elastic anisotropy, symmetry. Elastically isotropic solids, technical elastic moduli, measurement of moduli. Anelasticity: cyclic stressing and internal friction. thermoelastic effect, Snoek effect, other mechanisms. Specific damping capacity, logarithmic decrement, loss tangent. Viscoelasticity: viscous flow, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models. Creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Physical mechanisms of viscoelastic behaviour. The glass transition temperature. Time-temperature superposition, master curves for creep compliance and stress relaxation modulus. Effect of molecular architecture and chemical composition on viscoelastic properties. Dynamic viscoelasticity, the complex modulus, dynamic loading of Voigt and Maxwell models, standard linear solid and generalised models, master curves. Moduli and loss tangent as functions of frequency and temperature. Inter-relation of viscoelastic parameters. The effect of polymer structure and crystallinity on dynamic behaviour, mechanical spectroscopy. Non-linear viscoelastic behaviour.

ENAP0012: Materials processing 2
Semester 2
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0008

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To extend the student's knowledge of processing / structure / property relationships in materials, in particular to include polymer and ceramic processing. On completion, the student should be able to: assess materials processing routes using objective criteria such as production rate, dimensional accuracy, flexibility; be aware of techniques for the surface modification of materials.
Polymer Processing; Newtonian and power flow, Poiseuille equation, rheometry. Injection moulding and extrusion of thermoplastics, die design and quality control, blow moulding, calendering and pressure forming of polymer sheet. Transfer and pressure moulding of filled and unfilled thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers. Ceramic processing: production of powders: purity control, cold and hot compacting, sintering. Relative merits of powder methods for metals and ceramics.

ENAP0013: Ceramics & glasses
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0002

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the application of constitutional and kinetic principles to the manufacture and exploitation of ceramics and inorganic glasses. On completion, the student should be able to: understand the nature of ceramics and glasses on the basis of their structures and properties; describe the relationship between various classes of ceramics and their applications.
Classification of Ceramics. What is a ceramic? Revision of crystal structures and forces with specific reference to the scientifically and technologically important ceramic materials. Source of ceramic materials and production methods. General properties of ceramics, mechanical, chemical, thermal, optical, magnetic and electrical. The nature of brittle ceramics and the use of statistics for mechanical design. Classification of ceramics, traditional, refractories, advanced ceramics, both structural and functional to include examples of technological importance. Strengthening and toughening of ceramics. Precursor materials, powder manufacture and powder processing. Ceramic forming methods, wet and dry. Drying of ceramic powder compacts. Densification and sintering, both solid and liquid phase. Hot pressing. Reaction bonding. Pyrolytic deposition. Use of phase diagrams. Structural chemistry of the common glasses. Networks and network modifiers. The glass transition temperature, viscosity, thermal optical and electrical properties. Special glasses, their technology and use. Electrical properties, ionic and electronic conduction, Switching glasses. Lenses, fibre optics, thermal and mechanical properties, glass to metal seals. Stress relief, toughened glass, surface effects, ion exchange and implantation. Composite applications. Glass ceramics.

ENAP0014: Polymers
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0002
Pre Mathematics AS Level or MATH0103 and MATH0104; and Chemistry AS Level or CHEY0056 and CHEY0057
Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the principles of polymer science with particular emphasis on those aspects relevant to polymers as practical engineering materials.
Homopolymers, copolymers,linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight. The versatility of polymers the length of chains: molecular weight Molecular weight definitions, determination molecular motion & the glass transition Glass transition temperature effect of structure. Molecular motion: nature of vitrification Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure - Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure Where do polymers come from? - polymerisation Polymerisation classification. Examples and mechanisms of step and chain polymerisation. Kinetics of radical polymerisation Step polymerisation. Carothers equation. Molecular weight distribution, copolymer equation. The dramatic properties of rubber Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity The environmental dimension Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents. Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers.

ENAP0015: Physical methods of analysis
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0010

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the physical principles employed in a variety of instrumental techniques for materials analysis, particularly those based on diffraction and on spectroscopy. On completion, the student should be able to: describe methods of forming an image by electromagnetic waves; recognise the scope and limitations of optical and electron microscopy in their various forms; discuss the interactions which take place when a material is exposed to electromagnetic radiation or high energy electrons how these can be used to establish the chemical composition or structure of the material .
Electromagnetic waves: e-m spectrum, generation of e-m waves. Lasers. Polarization. Superposition of waves, interference. Huygens' wave construction, diffraction from a single aperture, diffraction grating. Optical Microscopy: resolving power, depth of field, lens aberrations. Spectroscopy: emission and absorption spectra. Optical, infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy. X-ray fluorescence analysis. Electron Microscopy and Analysis: Electron waves, interaction of electrons with matter. Transmission electron microscope.. Electron diffraction, analysis of diffraction patterns. Methods of specimen preparation, applications. Scanning electron microscope, resolving power, image contrast. Applications. Electron probe microanalysis, Detection of X-rays, X-ray spectrometers and solid state detectors, qualitative analysis, applications. Surface analysis techniques: Auger analysis and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

ENAP0016: Dissertation 2B
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES80 OR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide a self-instruction exercise in the seeking, retrieval, organisation and presentation of information in a technological field. On completion, the student should be able to: write an extended critical discussion of a given subject area; make an oral presentation of the relevant material.
An introduction to an essential research technique - the retrieval and assessment of information from the scientific literature. Each student is assigned a specific subject area and with the help of a supervisor prepares an extended essay based on a critical review of the literature. An oral presentation is to be made at a conference within the School.

ENAP0017: Physical properties of materials
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX60 CW20 PR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the methods of statistical mechanics. To provide a coherent explanation of the thermal properties of crystalline electrically insulating solids. To explain the magnetic and dielectric properties of materials and their optimization for particular engineering applications.
Thermal Properties: Elements of statistical mechanics, Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: introduction to lattice vibrations, quantisation. Debye temperature, specific heat, thermal conductivity, phonons, thermal expansion. Magnetic Properties: Dipole moment of atomic orbitals, quantisation, dipole moment of atoms in solids, spin-orbit coupling, orbital quenching, crystalline field anisotropy, exchange, spontaneous magnetisation, ferromagnetism. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetisation energy, domains, Bloch walls, magnetisation process, hysteresis, domain wall pinning, soft and hard materials. Permanent magnets and transformer cores. Ferrimagnetism, ferrites magnetic recording. Dielectrics: Dielectric constant, dielectric breakdown. Capacitors, Ferroelectricity, properties of perovskite dielectrics, piezoelectricity, applications and materials. Pyro-electricity, infrared detection.

ENAP0018: Dislocations & deformation processes
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To describe the principal characteristics of points defect and dislocations and illustrate their behaviour during the deformation of materials. On completion the student should be able to describe the principal types of point and line defects; understand how they move and interact; relate aspects of macroscopic material deformation properties to microscopic defect behaviour.
Imperfections in crystals. Point defects in elements and compounds, thermodynamics of point defects, diffusion mechanisms and non-equilbrium point defects. Influence of point defects on materials properties. Theoretical shear stress. Geometry of dislocations, the Burgers vector and Burgers circuit, edge, screw and mixed dislocations. Deformation of single crystals and Schmidt factor. Force acting on a dislocation and Peierls Nabarro stress. Elastic properties of dislocations, strain energy and line tension. Dislocations in FCC crystals, perfect and imperfect dislocations. High temperature creep and mechanisms of creep. Origin of dislocations, point defect condensations and Frank-Read source. Barriers to dislocations, vacancy hardening, work hardening, solution hardening and precipitation hardening of alloys.

ENAP0019: Electrical and magnetic properties of materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To explain the magnetic and dielectric properties of materials and their optimization for particular engineering applications. To provide a coherent quantum-mechanical treatment of the behaviour and role of electrons in solids. To provide the theoretical background for the treatment of electrons in semiconductors that is employed in MATE0037, Semiconductor microtechnology.
Magnetic Properties: Dipole moment of atomic orbitals, quantisation, dipole moment of atoms in solids, spin-orbit coupling, orbital quenching, crystalline field anisotropy, exchange, spontaneous magnetisation, ferromagnetism. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy, magnetisation energy, domains, Bloch walls, magnetisation process, hysteresis, domain wall pinning, soft and hard materials. Permanent magnets and transformer cores. Ferrimagnetism, ferrites magnetic recording. Dielectrics: Dielectric constant, dielectric breakdown. Capacitors, Ferroelectricity, properties of perovskite dielectrics, piezoelectricity, applications and materials. Pyro-electricity, infrared detection. Classical theory of electrical conduction in metals, Ohm's Law, thermal conductivity, electronic specific heat and the failure of classical theory. DeBroglie wave length, wave-particle duality, Heisenberg uncertainty principle, Schroedinger wave equation. Electrons in an infinite potential well, quantum states, quantum numbers, energy levels, density of states, the free electron model, Fermi energy, k-space, the Fermi surface. Electrical conduction in a free-electron metal, electron scattering, resistivity of pure and impure metals. Nearly free electron model, Bragg reflections, energy gaps, zone boundaries, Brillouin zones, band overlap, semi-conductors and insulators.

ENAP0020: Engineering materials chemistry
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0004

Aims & Learning Objectives:
This unit, which builds on principles established in MATE0004 (Materials Chemistry), aims to introduce the thermodynamic and kinetic basis for the understanding of structural changes in materials, and of material / environment interactions. On completion, the student should have detailed knowledge and understanding of: the thermodynamics of oxidation-reduction reactions, equilibria between binary phases, binary phase diagrams, stability of phases in thermodynamic terms.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations): 1. Advanced thermodynamics including(5 lectures) solution thermodynamics 2. Derivation and interpretation of Gibbs' phase rule(5 lectures) 3. Ellingham diagrams for oxides(4 lectures) 4. Surface physical chemistry (3 lectures) 5. Diffusion (3 lectures) 6. Phase transformations, including nucleation and kinetics(4 lectures).

ENAP0021: Project dissertation
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: ES80 OR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide a thorough preparation for the final year experimental project. On completion, the student should be able to: write an extended literature review in the field of his project, and define its objectives; present a detailed experimental programme to achieve these objectives; make an oral presentation based on the above.
An introduction to the planning of a research programme. Each student is assigned a specific project, and with the help of a supervisor prepares an extended critical review of the literature, and plans an experimental programme in the relevant area.

ENAP0022: Materials selection in engineering design
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the selection of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for strength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations.
Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites. The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damage accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection.

ENAP0023: Surfaces & interfaces
Semester 2
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX50 CW50

Aims & Learning Objectives:
This course is concerned with a number of advanced topics in materials science loosely centered on the practically important phenomenon of adhesion. It is designed to encourage students to integrate their knowledge and understanding of other units throughout the Materials Science course and to give them experience of reading orginal literature. They will be given the opportunity to develop their own views and through seminars to present them orally to their peers.
Ideal surfaces, practical surfaces of engineering materials. Interfacial forces, van der Waals forces, polar interactions. Surface analysis: X.P.S., S.I.M.S. Adhesion: strength of an adhesive bond, mechanical properties. Study of some original literature in the area of interfaces, polymers and adhesion, and its implications for the nature of scientific knowledge.

ENAP0024: Degradation of engineering materials
Semester 2
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0004, Pre ENAP0020

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Building on ENAP0024 (Materials Chemistry), and developing ideas covered in ENAP0020 (Engineerimg Materials Chemistry), the aim of this unit is to cover key aspects of the degradation of engineering materials, mainly metals and alloys but also ceramics and polymers. The main degradation processes considered are thermal, physico-chemical and particle / wave irradiation. The effects of these degradation processes on materials properties are considered. Method of protection are also described. On completion students should have detailed understanding and knowledge of the degradation of engineering materials, and how degradation impacts on the processing and use of materials in engineering applications.
The unit is divided into the following sections (with approximate durations): 1. Degradation of metals and alloys: Cool aqueous corrosion(12 lectures) Hot corrosion(4 lectures) 2. Degradation of ceramics:(4 lectures) 3. Degradation of polymers:(4 lectures) 4. Case study:(2 lectures incorporated into one of the above sections).

ENAP0025: Materials engineering
Semester 2
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To make the student aware of issues of current scientific and professional interest across the field of materials engineering. On completion, the student should be able to: discuss critically, topics of current interest, identifying their underlying principles and commenting upon their significance, both technical and social.
69É«ÇéƬ Colloquia. This part of the course consists of talks by experts in their fields on advanced aspects of the science and engineering of materials which complement and extend the more formal curriculum of the lecture courses.

ENAP0026: Project
Semester 2
Level: Level 3
Assessment: PR80 OR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide experience in the performance of an extended research programme, involving assimilation of the relevant literature, planning and execution of experimental work, analysis of results, and the drawing and reporting of conclusions. On completion, the student should be able to: exploit information sources to familiarise himself with a new subject area; identify critical parameters in an experiment, measure and analyse them; recognise and account for factors limiting the precision of experimental measurements; write an extended report in acceptable style describing his findings; make a clear oral presentation of the project.
The student will carry out an experimental research project which is timetabled for one full day per week. This will be done under the guidance of a member of staff. In many cases the project will be part of a wider programme involving graduate students and research staff, so that the student will gain experience of research team work.

ENAP0027: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? B
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX75 CW25
Co ENGR0001

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To achieve an understanding of environmental aspects of the science and technology of engineering materials, to use this knowledge to illuminate the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to develop defensible positions on these issues.
Engineering materials feature strongly in many environmental conflicts and debates. The development of civilization and wealth creation depend on the availability of raw materials resources. The global distribution of these resources is uneven and historically it has led to territorial and financial disputes. The extraction of materials by mining and quarrying leaves physical scars on a monumental scale and there are often additional problems of environmental contamination and subsidence which result from these activities. The purification of raw materials and manufacturing processes cause a wide spectrum of environmental problems including atmospheric pollution and poisoning of water courses. At the end of the useful life of manufactured objects the potential for recycling must be considered to minimise environmental impact. Topics will be examined within the framework of: * The environmental issue or concern * Materials considerations * Environmental outcome Examples of topics: materials resources, materials properties, glass, cement, asbestos, metals, environmental degradation, polymers Seminar programme combined with a student extended essay to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to develop their own views on the relation between environmental science and the wider social and economic context.

ENAP0028: Biomedical & natural materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
This course aims to give an appreciation of a range of topics that relate to the structure and properties of natural materials and the way in which natural and synthetic materials are linked at the interface between medicine and engineering.
1. Biological materials The importance of the structure/properties relationship in 'engineering' materials. Mechanical properties - units and definitions. Stress, strain, Young's modulus, density, specific mechanical properties, toughness, elastic and viscoelastic deformation, damping. The principal hard and soft tissues in the body and their main anatomical functions: bone, teeth, cartilage, tendons & ligaments, skin, arterial wall, cervical tissue. Chemical and physical compositions: main chemical constituents - hydroxyapatite, dentine and enamel, aminoacids and mucopolysaccharides, proteoglycans (proteins), collagen, elastin. Crystalline and amorphous structures, polymers and composites. Performance of natural materials under stress: brittleness and toughness, yielding (plastic behaviour), fatigue, creep (viscoelasticity), rubbery behaviour, damping. Efficiency of bone structures. Mechanical response of hard and soft tissues in terms of their structures. 2. Prosthetics Use of biomaterials for replacement and repair of hard and soft tissues. Functional considerations - forces on joints, cyclic loading, wear and tear, body environment Materials used for implant purposes - metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites Applications in the fields of orthopaedics, cardiovascular, dental, ocular, drug delivery and wound healing Evaluation of biomaterials - biocompatibility testing, corrosion, wear, deterioration. Students must have A-level Physics or Chemistry in order to undertake this unit. Natural science students must take MATE0030 in conjunction with this unit.

ENAP0030: Introduction to materials for sports science
Semester 2
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To understand the science underlying the use of materials in applications used in sport. To appreciate the nature of the physical stresses imposed on materials, both natural and artificial, and how the materials react to stresses. To explore the use of high technology advanced materials in sports applications.
An introduction to mechanical properties: the nature of elastic stress and elastic strain. The elastic limit. Types of stress and strain. Elastic compliance. Plastic deformation and fracture. Energy absorption during loading and fracture, energy release. Specific stress and specific strain. Compare and contrast metals, ceramics and polymers as sporting materials. The limitations of homogeneous materials. Composite materials and why they are used in sport. The law of mixtures for composite materials. Natural and artificial composites; several examples of each, outlining the structure and properties. Comparison of natural composites ( wood, bone, skin etc) with artificial composites. Case studies of sports equipment , e.g. sport shoes, football studs, racquets, vaulting pole, sports bicycle; the method of construction and the performance advantages that ensue.

ENAP0031: Study year abroad
Academic Year
Level: Level 2

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Please see Director of Studies for further information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Study year abroad.

ENAP0032: Industrial training
Academic Year
Level: Level 2

Aims & Learning Objective:
Please see the Director of Studies for more detailed information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Industrial training year.

ENAP0033: Project dissertation (MEng)
Semester 2
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: ES80 OR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Please see the Director of Studies for further information about this unit which is designed for MEng students and enables them to undertake an extended research project.

ENAP0037: Semiconductor microtechnology
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide detailed coverage of the science and technology exploited in semiconductor electronic devices. On completion, the student should be able to: treat quantitatively the electrical characteristics of semiconducting materials and simple devices; describe the manufacture and characteristics of semiconductor devices and have a quantitative appreciation of the limitations imposed and effects caused by impurities and materials imperfections.
Revision of nearly-free electron model, electron effective mass, electrons and holes, contact potentials. Intrinsic semiconductors; Fermi level, carrier concentration, mobility, conductivity, temperature dependence, recombination and trapping, carrier diffusion. Extrinsic semiconductors; P type and N type impurities, Fermi level, carrier concentration, conductivity, temperature dependence. The P-N junction; 'built-in potential', carrier diffusion, depletion layer, forward and reverse bias. The junction transistor, field effect transistor, semiconductor surface potentials, surface effect devices, other simple semiconductor devices. Crystal purification and growth, epitaxy. Doping and dopant profiles. Oxidation and photolithography. Metallization and packaging. Very large scale integration (VLSI), MOS (metal-oxide-semiconductor) and bipolar technologies. Photoemissive materials and devices. Light emitting diodes, photoconductivity and devices. Semi-conductor lasers.

ENAP0039: Technology of the modern world
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 ES30

Aims & Learning Objectives:
The aim of the unit is to give non science/engineering students an appreciation and understanding of some of the key technologies that underpin modern society.The learning objectives will include: * An appreciation of the contribution of Science and Engineering to quality of life in modern society * An understanding of key areas of technology which enable advanced economies to function. * The importance of power generation, its production and transmission in sustaining core services. * ·Understanding large engineering structures, and concepts.
* Short history of technology * Role of technology in modern society * Provision of major services, electricity, water, gas, communications * Electricity generation (Coal/Oil, Nuclear, Hydro, Solar and alternative), transmission and storage, use of electricity, power applications, chemical, electronic * Transport, land, sea, and air * Automobile engines, reciprocating petrol and diesel, "environmentally friendly systems" * Aircraft engines and turbines * Communications, speech, paper and writing. Coded communication - flags and semaphore, telegraph. Electronic communication - telephone, radio, TV; coded electronic communication - FAX machines, digital systems * Transistors and integrated circuits - what are they? * Large engineering structures, bridges, tunnels, buildings - from pyramids to skyscrapers! * Role of engineering materials * Manufacturing processes, examples such as oil and gas, minerals, steel production, cement.

ENAP0042: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide an introduction to materials types, microstructures and properties. To show the influence of materials selection on the design and manufacture of components or structures. To provide an understanding of the properties of magnetic, dielectric and insulating materials.
Atomic structure and interatomic bonding; structure of crystalline solids; metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, glasses; microstructure, control of microstructure, outline of manufacturing methods; mechanical properties of materials, ductility, dislocations, brittle fracture; selection of materials, design. Origins of magnetism, ferromagnetism, domain formation, magnetisation, hysteresis, hard and soft magnets, permanent magnet materials, transformer core, eddy current loss; ferrimagnetism, ferrites, ferrite applications; electrical insulation, insulator materials, breakdown phenomena; capacitor types, dielectric properties, ferroelectrics, capacitor selection; piezoelectric materials, piezoelectric ceramics, PZT, applications, quartz, crystal resonators.

ENAP0045: Materials processing 1 (NS)
Semester 2
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW20 EX80

ENAP0047: Mechanical properties of materials (NS)
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60
Pre Maths (A-level or M1a) and Physics or Chemistry A-level
Aims & Learning Objectives:
To extend the mathematical description of the effects of loads upon materials, and to relate their mechanical behaviour to their internal structures. On completion, the student should be able to: convert between tensor and orthodox descriptions of elastic behaviour; characterise time-dependent effects in the deformation of materials; recognise the interaction of time and temperature effects.
Elasticity: cohesion and bonding, energy-distance curves and Hooke's Law, departures from linear elastic behaviour, elastic properties derived from bond energies. Elasticity theory of crystals, stress and strain tensors, elastic anisotropy, symmetry. Elastically isotropic solids, technical elastic moduli, measurement of moduli. Anelasticity: cyclic stressing and internal friction. thermoelastic effect, Snoek effect, other mechanisms. Specific damping capacity, logarithmic decrement, loss tangent. Viscoelasticity: viscous flow, linear viscoelasticity, spring and dashpot models. Creep and stress relaxation behaviour. Physical mechanisms of viscoelastic behaviour. The glass transition temperature. Time-temperature superposition, master curves for creep compliance and stress relaxation modulus. Effect of molecular architecture and chemical composition on viscoelastic properties. Dynamic viscoelasticity, the complex modulus, dynamic loading of Voigt and Maxwell models, standard linear solid and generalised models, master curves. Moduli and loss tangent as functions of frequency and temperature. Inter-relation of viscoelastic parameters. The effect of polymer structure and crystallinity on dynamic behaviour, mechanical spectroscopy. Non-linear viscoelastic behaviour.

ENAP0048: Materials processing 2 (NS)
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To extend the student's knowledge of processing / structure / property relationships in materials, in particular to include polymer and ceramic processing. On completion, the student should be able to: assess materials processing routes using objective criteria such as production rate, dimensional accuracy, flexibility; be aware of techniques for the surface modification of materials.
Polymer Processing; Newtonian and power flow, Poiseuille equation, rheometry. Injection moulding and extrusion of thermoplastics, die design and quality control, blow moulding, calendering and pressure forming of polymer sheet. Transfer and pressure moulding of filled and unfilled thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers. Ceramic processing: production of powders: purity control, cold and hot compacting, sintering. Relative merits of powder methods for metals and ceramics.

ENAP0050: Polymers (NS)
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60
Pre MATE0052 (Mt2.2/A); Maths AS or M1a; Chemistry AS or C1a
Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the principles of polymer science with particular emphasis on those aspects relevant to polymers as practical engineering materials.
Homopolymers, copolymers, linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight. The versatility of polymers the length of chains: molecular weight Molecular weight definitions, determination molecular motion & the glass transition Glass transition temperature effect of structure. Molecular motion: nature of vitrification Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure - Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure Where do polymers come from? - polymerisation Polymerisation classification. Examples and mechanisms of step and chain polymerisation. Kinetics of radical polymerisation Step polymerisation. Carothers equation. Molecular weight distribution, copolymer equation. The dramatic properties of rubber Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity The environmental dimension Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents. Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers

ENAP0053: Composites/fracture of materials
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0011

Aims & Learning Objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able to appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufacturing methods. (b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software. (b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth. Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction. Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fracture maps

ENAP0054: Composites/fracture of materials (NS)
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 PR20 EX60

Aims & Learning Objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able to appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufacturing methods. (b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software. (b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth. Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction. Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fracture maps.

ENAP0055: Properties of materials & instrumentation lab I
Semester 2
Level: Level 1
Assessment: PR100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To develop practical and organisational skills for labarotory work. To introduce the principles of report writing, materials properties and instrumentation. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Produce structured laboratory reports on engineering properties, microstrucutre, corrosion and fracture behaviour of materials in hand-written or computer format.
Introduction to writing laboratory reports including presentation, structure, style and treatment of experimental results. Demonstration of workshop practice. A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce a selection of the following: * Engineering Properties * Microscopy, materials structure * Fracture * Transducer use and electrical measurement

ENAP0057: Characterisation of materials- laboratory unit 3
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To develop the principles of characterisation of materials, analysis of results, report writing using computer packages and develop practical and organisational skills for research. On completion the student should be able to interpret materials characterisation data and produce structured laboratory reports using standard computer packages (e.g. Excel and Word).
A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the concepts of characterisation of materials namely: * Metallography * Characterisation of Polymers * Electrical Properties of Materials * Spectroscopy

ENAP0058: Introduction to the mechanical & electrical properties of materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 CW20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide an introduction to materials types, microstructures and properties. To show the influence of materials selection on the design and manufacture of components or structures. To provide an understanding of the properties of magnetic, dielectric and insulating materials.
Atomic structure and interatomic bonding; structure of cystalline solids; metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, glasses; microstructure, control of microstructure, outline of manufacturing methods; mechanical properties of materials, ductility, dislocations, brittle fracture; selection of materials, design. Origins of magnetism, ferromagnetism, domain formation, magnetism, hysteresis, hard and soft magnets, permanent magnet materials, transformer core, eddy current loss; ferrimagnetism, ferrites, ferrite applications; electrical insulation, insulator materials, breakdown of phenomena; capacitor types, dielectric properties, ferroelectrics, capacitor selection; piezoelectric materials, piezoelectric ceramics, PZT, applications, quartz, crystal resonators.

ENAP0061: Aerospace Materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: EX100
This unit is only for students registered on engineering or science degrees.
Aims & Learning Objectives:
The aim of the unit is to give engineering students an understanding of the nature of aerospace materials and how this determines their successful application in aerospace structures and machines. The learning objectives will include:- *An appreciation of the properties of engineering materials and how they arise. *An understanding of key areas of manufacturing technology which allow fabrication of the critical engineering component. *The importance of the correct choice of material and the factors limiting the service life of the component. *The significance of the manufacturing route in determining the economics and engineering viability of the component. *Methods for fault detection and life prediction.
Introduction, history and classification of aerospace materials. Materials for airframes-Aluminium Alloys; manufacturing route, heat treatments, properties, joining techniques. Titanium Alloys. Super-plastic forming. Diffusion bonding. Production, properties and applications Stainless and Maraging steels. Properties, fabrication and applications. Alloys and components for aeroengines. Manufacturing processes, properties, applications and failure modes. Steel, Titanium alloys, Honeycombs, High temperature alloys. Polycrystalline, directionally solidified and single crystal blades. Future technology. Thermal barrier coatings. Principles, processing and performance. Long Fibre Composites. Critical Fibre length. Aerospace manufacturing processes. Types of fibre and matrix. Composite honeycombs. Composites and design. Comparison of carbon fibre composites and aluminium alloys. Laminate analysis/ design. Material coupling. Failure criteria (strength and stiffness). Repair Systems. Metal matrix Composites. Degradation processes and control. NDT, its role in quality control and in in-service inspection of aircraft. Review of types of defect found in aircraft and their hazards. X-ray inspection, sources, recording, sensitivity, radiation safety. Dye penetrant crack detection. Ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic wave propagation and reflection. Transducers, coupling. A-scan, b-scan, c-scan, shear wave and surface wave inspection techniques. Electrical methods, eddy current, potential drop, magnetic methods. Special inspection problems posed by composite materials. "The ageing aircraft programme".

ENAP0065: Sports applications laboratory
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW60 ES20 OT20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Students will be involved in the practical and theoretical studies of the techniques, strategies, technology and organisation of sports. They will have the opportunity to become involved with a number of sports from the perspective of the player, technologist and manager.
At the beginning of the course each student will set his/her targets and choose the sports in which he/she will become involved from the wide selection available. Each sport will be analysed in terms of performance, rules and regulations, strategy, equipment, training methods, organisation and competition. A dissertation will be produced at the end of the semester and the student will give a short presentation of his work to his/her peers.

ENAP0066: Historical & contemporary studies in sport
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX70 CW30

Aims & Learning Objectives:
The aim of this Unit is to consider the origins of sport and their bearing on the the culture of modern sporting activities. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Describe a variety of historical factors which have influenced sport and exercise in the UK. Conduct primary historical research into the development of sport and exercise locally.
The nature and origins of sport, competition and exercise sports. Twentieth century sports initiatives, mass participation and related social issues.

ENAP0067: Solid body mechanics 1
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the fundamental principles of statics, kinematics and dynamics as applied in a sports engineering context. To develop judgement in system description and modelling. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Determine stresses and strains for cases of direct loading Understand the nature of statical determinacy and free body diagrams; analyse pin-jointed frames; determine bending moments in beams; formulate and solve equations of motion; apply Newton's laws to problems of non-constant acceleration; calculate work done by forces; understand power, efficiency, kinetic and potential energy of a system.
Two Dimensional Section properties; Direct stress and strain; Statical determinacy; free body diagrams; pin-jointed frames and levers; Shear force and Bending moment diagrams; Friction; Newton's laws and particle motion; Work and energy; Impulse, Momentum. and Coefficient of Restitution Associated Laboratory experiments: Braking force measurement in cycle brake callipers; Measurement of 'sweet centre' and restitution for common bat and ball sports equipment; Build and test a model space-frame bicycle structure.

ENAP0068: Applied mechanics 1
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To understand basic mathematical techniques and the concepts of differential and integral calculus. Grasp the fundamental principles of statics, kinematics and dynamics. To appreciate the mathematical techniques used to describe the response of materials to applied loads. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Calculate centroids of simple shapes; determine tensile stresses and extensions; Calculate forces in pin jointed frames, determine bending moments and stresses in simple beams; calculate distance travelled by particles in motion and velocity after impact; determine forces necessary to overcome friction and drag resistance.
Basic principles of differential and integral calculus; 2-D Section properties; Statical determinacy; free body diagrams; pin-jointed frames and levers; Friction; Newton's laws and particle motion; Work and energy; Impulse, Momentum and Restitution; Stress and strain. Associated Laboratory experiments: Braking force measurement in cycle brake callipers; Measurement of 'sweet spot' and restitution for common bat and ball sports equipment; Build and test a model space-frame bicycle structure.

ENAP0069: Applied mechanics 2
Semester 2
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0068

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Gain further understanding of the fundamental principles of mechanics. Understand engineering bending and simple torsion theories. Also understand the concepts of rotary motion, rotary power and geared transmission systems. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Calculate moments of inertia for simple shapes; Calculate stresses and deflections in simple beams. Determine the shear stress and twist of circular bars in torsion; Calculate torque and angular speed reductions in transmission systems; Calculate angular velocity and accelerations and centrifugal forces due to rotation.
Simple bending theory; slope and deflection of beams. Moments of inertia; Simple torsion Rotational motion & centrifugal force; Geared transmission systems. Analysis of linkage mechanisms. Associated Laboratory Programme: Beam stiffness for different materials, sections and spans; Torsion stiffness of bars and tubes; Buckling loads in struts.

ENAP0070: Solid body mechanics 2
Semester 2
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0067

Aims & Learning Objectives:
Gain further understanding of the fundamental principles of mechanics. Understand engineering simple bending and torsion theories. Also understand the concepts of rotary motion, rotary power and geared transmission systems. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Calculate moments of inertia for simple shapes; Calculate stresses and deflections in simple beams. Determine the shear stress and twist of bars in torsion; Calculate torque and angular speeds in transmission systems; Determine linear and angular velocities and accelerations in simple mechanisms.
Simple bending theory; slope and deflection of beams; Moments of inertia; Simple torsion; Rotational motion and centrifugal force; Geared transmission systems; Analysis of linkage mechanisms. Associated Laboratory Programme: Beam stiffness for different materials, sections and spans; Torsion stiffness of bars and tubes; Buckling loads in simple struts.

ENAP0071: Design & manufacture
Semester 2
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ENAP0074

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the commonly used manufacturing processes and show how they can influence the design of sports and exercise equipment. To acquaint the student with the design process and show the importance of iterative thinking and generating alternative ideas by undertaking projects. To demonstrate the importance of the specification in relation to sports equipment design and manufacture. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Develop a requirement specification from a design brief. Analyse a problem and select a solution from a range of alternatives. Produce concept sketches and detailed drawings of components to ensure that they perform the desired function and can be best manufactured. Select from an extensive range of manufacturing processes for use in the design process.
Commonly used manufacturing processes - machining, grinding, casting, forming and joining. Surface finishes, limits and fits. The design process, functionality and Requirement Specification writing. Project activity: To include a Design for Manufacture exercise and also a Design and Make sports equipment exercise.

ENAP0072: Composites/fracture of materials
Semester 2
Level: Postgraduate
Assessment: ES40 EX60

Aims & Learning Objectives:
(a) The course introduces the theory and practice of reinforcement of a matrix material with a stiff secondary phase, with the emphasis on fibre-reinforced plastics. The student will be able to appreciate and model how the properties of the composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials. Micro-mechanics of stress transfer and fracture will be included as well as the estimation of macroscopic behaviour and manufacturing methods. (b) To present a detailed treatment of the micro-mechanisms of fracture. conditions; develop the understanding of fracture mechanics and its use in design of engineering materials, prediction of fatigue parameters. Use concepts of fracture mechanics and probability to account for the strengths of brittle materials.
(a) History and categorization of composites into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Longitudinal and transverse moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of cross-laminated composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites,application of software. (b) Effect of cyclic loading, structural changes and appearance of fracture surfaces, the fatigue limit, crack initiation and growth. Mechanics and physics of fracture: theoretical cleavage strength, the real strength of brittle solids, the conditions for ductile/brittle transition; Griffith's treatment of fracture, Orowan's extension. Stress concentration and distribution at the tip of cracks. Fracture mechanics, critical stress intensity and strain energy release rate. Plane strain and plane stress, KIc as an engineering design parameter, measurement of KIc. Fatigue and life prediction. Statistical analysis of failure in brittle materials, flaw-size distributions, weakest link model. Environmental effects, slow crack growth, K/V diagrams, environmental stress cracking. Fracture mechanisms and fracture appearances, micro-mechanisms, fracture maps.

ENAP0073: Materials & manufacture
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX50 OT50

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce structure/property/manufacturing process relationships in metals, polymers and ceramics. To develop self instructional learning skills. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Describe the classification of materials in terms of atomic and molecular structure. Define key mechanical properties of engineering materials. Expain how mechanical properties can be related to their microstructure. Describe some of the commonly used processes for the manufacture of engineering materials and parts.
Study guide for self instructional learning. Mechanical properties of materials including, strength, stiffness, elastic and plastic behaviour, fracture toughness. Manufacturing process such as moulding/casting, machining, forming.

ENAP0074: Introduction to design
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: CW100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce the student to the importance of producing engineering drawings to a national standard for adequately conveying design for the purpose of manufacture. To encourage visual thinking in relation to the engineering of sports equipment and draw an awareness of the importance of functional requirements and aesthetics in their design and manufacture. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Produce and interpret engineering drawings for manufacture and assembly. Make freehand sketches of engineering components.
Drawing conventions in relation to orthographic projection views, dimensioning and use of sections. Single part and assembly drawings produced manually and using the AutoCAD package. Sketching and Isometric projections. British Standards relating to products and safety.

ENAP0075: Solid body mechanics 3
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0067, Pre ENAP0070

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To expand on statics and dynamics knowledge gained in first year Solid Mechanics courses to cover more advanced structural mechanics topics and to introduce dynamics topics dealing with vibrations as applied to sports engineering applications. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Determine Euler buckling loads for sections in compression; Calculate stresses and deflections of beams made from composite materials; Calculate shear stresses and twist in non-circular bars; Determine resonant frequencies in single and two degree of freedom systems.
Buckling of struts; Bending of composite beams; Torsion of bars made from non-circular sections; Principles of vibration, resonance, single, two and three degrees of freedom systems; whirling and balancing of shafts. Associated Laboratory experiments: Euler Buckling Loads, Measurement of Natural Frequencies.

ENAP0076: Fluid mechanics & aerodynamics
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 PR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To give the students a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. After taking this unit the students should be able to: Determine hydrostatic forces, buoyancy describe the principles and practice of pressure measurement, understand the basic principles of fluid flow and the analysis of different types of flow. Determine the drag contribution from an arbitrary shaped body.
Hydrostatic Equation, Forces on Submerged Surfaces, Bouyancy, Bernoulli Equation, Momentum Equation, Laminar/Turbulent Flow Laminar and turbulent flow Drag of bluff and streamlined bodies.

ENAP0077: Sports materials
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX80 CW20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0073
or ENAP0030
Aims & Learning Objectives:
To identify and describe the behaviour of engineering metal alloys, polymers, fibres, textiles, wood species and ceramics used in sport. To examine the performance of these materials in sports applications using case studies.
Metal alloys: extension of the introductory treatment in year 1 to encompass the more exotic materials currently being used in sport. Polymers, fibres and textiles: structure and properties of polymers, polymerisation, linear, branched and cross-linked polymers, rubbers (elastomers), viscoelasticity, glass transition temperature, creep, stress relaxation, hysteresis, damping. Fibre structure, melt spinning, cold drawing, ultra-stiff fibres, carbon and aramid fibres. Textiles, flexible fibre assemblies, weaving, design of 2-D and 3-D weaves, non-wovens, textile terminology, synthetic and natural fibres and fabrics, comfort factors in clothing. Wood: structure and properties of wood, density, mechanical properties, hardness, impact resistance, moisture-dependence, natural durability and preservation, selection, countries of origin, environmental issues, sustainability.Ceramics: structure and properties, fracture behaviour, statistics of strength for mechanical design, enhancement of toughness.Case studies. Tennis, badminton and squash rackets; Rowing boats; Sports shoes and clothing; Golf balls and clubs.

ENAP0078: Sports technology group project
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES80 OR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide experience of seeking, retrieval, organisation and presentation of information in a technological field. To provide experience of working in a group and of being responsible for a significant part of a project. To provide an opportunity to analyse the functional requirements of an item of sports equipment and the ways in which they are met in existing products. To explore the links between design, manufacture and choice of materials in the development of sports equipment. To provide an opportunity to make an oral presentation on a researched subject. On completion of the unit the student should be able to: prepare an in-depth critical technical assessment of a piece of equipment and be able to make a coherent oral presentation of researched material.
Small groups of students will be assigned to study a specific piece of sports equipment. Wherever possible, the assignments will be based on the student's sporting speciality. Under the direction of a supervisor, the groups will work on the preparation of a technical report covering the function, structure, manufacture and fitness for purpose of commercially available examples of the assigned item of sports equipment. An oral presentation of the group's findings will be made at a conference within the Department.

ENAP0079: Materials characterisation lab
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To develop the principles of characterisation and measurement of materials properties, analysis of results, report writing using computer packages and to develop practical and organisational skills for research. On completion the student should be able to interpret materials measurement and characterisation data and produce structured laboratory reports using standard computer packages.
A series of laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce the concepts of characterisation of materials namely: * Characterisation of Polymers * Metal Shaping * Spectroscopy * Scanning Electron Microscopy and Analysis.

ENAP0080: Polymer and composite processing
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Requisites: Pre ENAP0082

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To study the processing / structure / property relationships in polymers and composites. To introduce surface modification techniques. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Assess polmer and composite materials processing routes using objective criteria such as production rate, dimensional accuracy, flexibility; be able to appreciate and model how the properties of a composite can be predicted from the properties of the constituent materials.
Polymer Processing; Injection moulding and extrusion of thermoplastics, die design and quality control, blow moulding, calendering and pressure forming of polymer sheet. Transfer and pressure moulding of filled and unfilled thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar, whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics, metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining, repair. Designing with composites. Case studies.

ENAP0081: Materials testing and evaluation
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW20 EX80

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide introduction to the techniques that are commonly used for measuring the mechanical properties of materials. To provide an introduction to the techniques that are commonly used for the identification or evaluation of materials. To provide an understanding of the principles that the techniques are based upon and an appreciation of their areas of application. On completion of the course the student should be able to select an appropriate measurement technique to provide specified materials property information and have an appreciation of the interpretation, accuracy and reproducibility of the technique's output.
Mechanical testing techniques for measurement of the elastic moduli and strengths of materials subjected to: tensile; bending; torsional and compressive loading. Techniques for the measurement of toughness, hardness, friction, wear, fatigue and creep. Dynamical mechanical measurements of polymers and composites. Statistical techniques employed in mechanical properties data analysis: normal distribution; sample size; Weibull distribution. Techniques employed in the identification and evaluation of materials: optical microscopy, sample preparation, image analysis; infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy; powder X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffraction materials index; scanning electron microscope, electron probe microanalysis. Nondestructive testing: dye penetrant, magnetic particle, X-ray, eddy current, ultrasonics.

ENAP0082: Manufacturing Processes
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW50 EX50
Requisites: Pre MATE0030

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To study the physical principles involved in common manufacturing processes, to establish the link between processing / structure / property relationships in materials. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: describe the main features of common manufacturing processes for metals and ceramics; explain the variations in macro- and microstructure produced by the different processes; discuss the advantages and limitations of competing processes.
Common processing methods for metals. Structure and properties of castings. Processing from the solid state: Rolling, extrusion, drawing, pressing and forging. Superplasticity. Effect of processing on material properties and structure. Machining: brief survey of conventional and specialised methods. Quality of machined surfaces, 'machinability', advantages and disadvantages. Joining: fusion and solid state processes, brazing and soldering, adhesive bonding. Quality control during processing. Processing methods for ceramics and glass. Casting, plastic forming, pressing, HIPing, fibre production. Relative merits of powder methods for metals and ceramics. Design considerations.

ENAP0083: Sports technology topics.
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ENAP0072

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce issues of design, function, athlete/equipment coupling, performance, manufacture, materials selection and marketing for a selection range of sports products. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Identify for a range of commonly used items of sports equipment the critical issues relating to sports equipment design and relation ship to performance. Identify innovative aspects of the design of the selected items.
A series of case studies of sports equipment will be taken and analysed in respect of features such as: strength, stiffness, durability, vibration characteristics, inertia, forces and moments, materials, design, manufacture, fitness for purpose and market appeal. Especially, aspects of innovation in the development and design of new sports products will be covered.

ENAP0084: Sports technology management 1.
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 CW30

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To give an appreciation of the contextual factors involved in sports technology management After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Explain the contextual issues within which a sports equipment manufacturer operates.
Special features of sport; strategic planning; organisational culture and change management; financial management; marketing management; legal factors; contextual studies (human resource management, player management, facility management, event management, sports performance development issues).

ENAP0085: Sports technology management 2
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: EX70 CW30
Requisites: Pre ENAP0084

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To give students an understanding of the contributions made by engineers and technologists towards a firm achieving its commercial goals by means of effective product and market-related policies and practices. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Describe the commercial aspects of sports equipment manufacturing.
Special features of sport equipment manufacture; strategic planning; organisational culture and change management; financial management; marketing management; legal factors.

ENAP0086: Sports engineering topics
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre ENAP0072

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To introduce issues of design, function, athlete/equipment coupling, performance, manufacture, materials selection and marketing for a selection range of sports products. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Identify, for a range of commonly used items of sports equipment, the critical issues relating to sports equipment design and relationship to performance. Understand how modern computational engineering techniques can be applied to analyse the performance of sports equipment. Identify innovative aspects of the design of the selected items.
A series of case studies of sports equipment will be taken and analysed in respect of features such as: strength, stiffness, durability, vibration characteristics, inertias, forces and moments, materials, design, manufacture, fitness for purpose and market appeal. Examples of the mathematical/computational analysis of the performance of pieces of sports equipment will be included. Especially, aspects of innovation in the development and design of new sports products will be covered.

ENAP0087: Sports engineering group project.
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: ES80 OR20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0072

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide experience of seeking, retrieval, organisation and presentation of information in a technological field. To provide experience of working in a group and of being responsible for a significant part of a project. To provide an opportunity to analyse the functional requirements of an item of sports equipment and the ways in which they are met in existing products. To explore the links between design, manufacture and choice of materials in the development of sports equipment. To provide an opportunity to make an oral presentation on a researched subject. On completion of the unit the student should be able to: prepare an in-depth critical technical assessment of a piece of equipment and be able to make a coherent oral presentation of researched material.
Small groups of students will be assigned to study a specific piece of sports equipment. Wherever possible, the assignments will be based on the student's sporting speciality. Under the direction of a supervisor, the groups will work on the preparation of a technical report covering the function, structure, manufacture and fitness for purpose of commercially available examples of the assigned item of sports equipment. An oral presentation of the group's findings will be made at a conference within the Department.

ENAP0088: The wider context of environmental studies
Semester 1
Level: Level 3
Assessment: CW40 ES60
Requisites: Pre CHEY0008, Pre CHEY0007
or Pre ENGR0001 and Pre ENAP0027
Aims & Learning Objectives:
To encourage students to integrate their knowledge of environmental studies; to relate this knowledge to a wider social, political and economic context; to develop critical judgement so as to be able to handle controversy wisely and fairly and to formulate their own opinions in a defensible manner.
Students will work in groups of about four, supported by tutorial guidance, on a small project related to an environmental issue. A series of seminars with expert speakers will be provided to encourage discussion of the broad issues identified in the 'aims' above. Towards the end of the first semester students will make an oral presentation of their project findings and submit a group project report. Each student will produce an extended essay arising from the topic of the project, which seeks to demonstrate achievement of the unit's aims. The essay will be submitted towards the end of the second semester.

ENAP0089: Master's project
Semester 1
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: CW80 OR20

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide experience in the performance of an extended research programme, involving assimilation of the relevant literature, planning and execution of experimental work, analysis of results, and the drawing and reporting of conclusions. On completion the student should be able to: exploit information sources to familiarise himself with a new subject area; identify critical parameters in an experiment, measure and analyse them; recognise and account for factors limiting the precision of experimental measurements. Write a scientific report.
The student will carry out an experimental research project which will be timetabled for two full days per week. This will be done under the guidance of a member of staff in conjunction with the departmental consultancy service personnel of SMS. In many cases the work undertaken within the project will be part of a wider programme involving outside companies, graduate students and research staff, so that the student will gain experience of research team work. A report will be submitted at the end of the semester for assessment.

ENAP0090: Masters project
Semester 2
Level: Undergraduate Masters
Assessment: PR80 OR20
Requisites: Pre ENAP0089

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide experience in the performance of an extended research programme, involving assimilation of the relevant literature, planning and execution of experimental work, analysis of results, and the drawing and reporting of conclusions. On completion the student should be able to: exploit information sources to familiarise himself with a new subject area; identify critical parameters in an experiment, measure and analyse them; recognise and account for factors limiting the precision of experimental measurements; write an extended report in acceptable style describing his findings; make a clear oral presentation of the project.
The student will carry out an experimental research project which will be timetabled for two full days per week. This will be done under the guidance of a member of staff in conjunction with the departmental consultancy service personnel of SMS. In many cases the work undertaken within the project will be part of a wider programme involving outside companies, graduate students and research staff, so that the student will gain experience of research team work. This will be done under the guidance of a member of staff in conjunction with the departmental consultancy service personnel of SMS. In many cases

ENAP0091: Instrumentation & measurement I
Semester 1
Level: Level 1
Assessment: EX100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide an introduction to measurement, instrumentation and signal processing. After taking this unit the student should be able to: i) match an indicating instrument or data recorder to a given signal source and estimate the accuracy of the indicated output; ii) select a suitable transducer type for a particular measurement application iii) describe the shielding and guarding techniques that are necessary to keep extraneous signals in the environment from affecting the signals in a measurement system.
Transducers for a range of measurements, such as: displacement, strain, acceleration, force, velocity, torque; operating principles, characteristics, selection based on application requirements. Measurement of voltage, current and resistance. Use of bridge circuits. Matching of instruments to signal sources. Thevenin's therom. Explanation of concepts of accuracy, systematic and random errors, noise, linearity and repeatability of measurements. Signal amplification; amplifier types, signal buffers, instrumntation amplifiers and active filters. Amplifier errors and drift. AC characteristics, band-width, signal-to-noise ratio. Brief description of guarding and shielding techniques.

ENAP0092: Properties of materials & instrumentation lab II
Semester 2
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To familiarise the student with the methods available for the measurement and observation of materials structures and properties. To develop practical and organisational skills for laboratory work. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Set up and carry out experiments to determine the microscopic stucture and mechanical properties of metals and polymers. Set up methods of electrical signal measurement, recording and processing. Set up experiments to carry out vibration analysis of equipment.
Electron and Optical microscopy of metals and polymers. Spectroscopy. Mechanical properties and testing of materials, electrical measurements and data logging, vibration analysis.

ENAP0093: Instrumentation review project
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: RT60 OR40
Requisites: Pre ELEC0078

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To develop skills in applying measurement and instrumentation techniques for sports applications via problem based project work. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Carry out detailed systematic analyses of the measurement and instrumentation systems for a range of sports engineering applications.
Working in groups the students will prepare a series of reports describing in details the issues relating to measurement and instrumentation in a series of particular sports applications. They will make presentations on their findings and also prepare reports. The outcomes will be focused on the optimal methods that should be used. This will be a literatue based exercise.

ENAP0094: Measurement lab
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: PR100
Requisites: Pre ENAP0069

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To familiarise the student with the methods available for the measurement of forces, stresses, strains, velocities and accelerations, deflection and vibration modes. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Make appropriate measurements to characterise the operating characteristics of commonly used items of sports equipment.
Experiments on fracture, fatigue, vibration mode analysis, stress deflection, stiffness, velocity and acceleration measurement.

ENAP0095: Introduction to C++ programming
Semester 1
Level: Level 2
Assessment: CW100
Requisites: Pre MECH0196, Pre UNIV0052

Aims & learning objectives
To provide and introduction to C++ programmingAfter taking this Unit the student should be able to:Create entry level C++ programs for engineering problems such as numerical integration. Write appropriate input and output processing files. Identify main variable types.
Microsoft c++. Data types, constants and variables. Calculations and operators.Functions with arguments. Functions without arguments. Arguments. Conditional blocks. Loops. Arrays, one and multi dimensional.Input and output files. Debugging.The teaching is via a self instructional manual and tutorial support.