

PPTMANG004: MBA: Business Administration

Year 1, Modular unit - no specific semester

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Part-time postgraduate)
Mandatory Units
MANG0144Marketing management9Credits
MANG0145Operations management9Credits
MANG0146Human resources management9Credits
MANG0147Accounting & finance9Credits

Year 2, Modular unit - no specific semester

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Part-time postgraduate)
Mandatory Units
MANG0148Competitive strategy6Credits
MANG0149Managing change6Credits
MANG0150Institutions & ideas6Credits
MANG0151International competitiveness6Credits
MANG0152Supply strategy6Credits
MANG0153Information technology strategy6Credits
MANG0240Business policy6Credits
MANG0241International finance6Credits

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[University of Bath]