SCNC0033: Foundation science: Chemistry 1 Semester 1 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Co SCNC0039 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in basic Chemistry. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of atomic structure, bonding and reaction theory; (ii) perform equilibria calculations; and, (iii) demonstrate competence in basic laboratory techniques. Content: Atomic structure, isotopes, mass spectroscopy, relative atomic and molecular masses. Using the Periodic Table. The mole concept, molecular and empirical formulae, stoichiometry. States of matter and Gas Laws. Ionisation energies and electronic configurations. Ionic, covalent and dative bonds. Shapes of simple covalent molecules. Enthalpies of formation, combustion and neutralisation. Calorimetry. Hess' law of heat summation. Born Haber Cycles and lattice energy. Reversible reactions and equilibria. Kc and Kp. Haber Process and Contact Process. Further examples of equilibria calculations. Ksp. Acid Base equilibria. Ka, Kw, pH, pOH. Indicators, acid/base titrations, buffers. Rates of reaction, orders of reaction, deducing reaction mechanisms and rate equations. The Boltzmann Distribution, activation energy, catalysis and enzymes. Redox reactions and oxidation numbers. Standard electrochemical potentials, writing cell diagrams, predicting the feasibility of reactions. Electrolysis and Faraday's Laws. |
SCNC0034: Foundation Science: Chemistry 2 Semester 2 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre SCNC0033, Co SCNC0040 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Chemistry. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of the structure and chemistry of the major hydrocarbon groups and the physical and chemical properties of Group 1, 2, 4 and 7 elements and the "D" Block elements: and, (ii) make accurate observations and records of experimental work. Content: Introduction to carbon chemistry, sp2 and sp hybridisation, IUPAC rules of nomenclature. Reactions and physical properties of alkanes. Structure and optical isomers. Reactions of alkenes, including electrophilic addition mechanisms. Geometric isomers. Addition and condensation polymers. Reactions of arenes, focusing on electrophilic substitution mechanisms of nitration and halogenation. Reactions of halogenoalkanes, including SN1 and SN2 reaction mechanisms. Reactions of alcohols and carboxylic acids. Reactions of organo nitrogen compounds. Amino acids. Basic introduction to protein structure and enzyme activity. Basic introduction to carbohydrate chemistry. Basic introduction to the chemistry of lipids and nucleic acids. Periodicity of physical and chemical properties of the first 20 elements. Physical and chemical properties of Group 1 and 2 elements. Physical and chemical properties of Group 4 elements. Physical and chemical properties of Group 7 elements. Basic introduction to the chemistry of "D" Block elements, include formation of complex ions, variable oxidation number and catalytic activity. Qualitative inorganic analysis. |
SCNC0035: Foundation science: physics 1 Semester 1 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Co SCNC0039 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in Physics. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of DC electricity, structures, balanced forces, dynamics, vibrations and waves; (ii) perform basic applied mathematical calculations; and, (iii) demonstrate competence in basic laboratory techniques. Content: D.C. circuits with resistance, e.m.f. and p.d.. Electrical conduction, I/V characteristics and temperature effects. Combinations of resistors, circuit analysis. Source resistance and Kirchhoff; power = I²R; potential-divider and null methods. Materials/structures; Hooke's law and elastic behaviour. Elasticity. Scalars, vectors, resolution, moments, torque, couples, centre of mass, equilibrium. Linear motion, v/t and s/t graphs, projectiles. Linear dynamics, force mass, momentum, N's laws, impulse friction, collisions. Work, energy, power efficiency, energy changes, internal energy. Circular motion and rotational dynamics. Moments of inertia. Simple harmonic motion. Capacitors: charge, energy, and exponentials. Oscillating systems: SHM. Free and forced vibrations, resonance and damping. Waves, superposition, coherence, interference. Diffraction, diffraction grating to measure wavelength. Stationary waves and sound, transverse and longitudinal, refraction T.I.R. and optical fibres, electromagnetic spectrum. Radioactivity, particles emitted, absorption, safety. Exponential decay, decay constant and half-life. The nuclear atom, Rutherford scattering: structure and nucleus. Photons and quantum phenomena. |
SCNC0036: Foundation science: physics 2 Semester 2 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre SCNC0035, Co SCNC0040 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Physics. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of gravitation, electromagnetism and energy transfer; (ii) perform basic power and energy calculations; and (iii) make accurate observations and records of experimental work. Content: Gravitation, force, field strength and potential. Electric fields, comparison with gravity. Magnetic field patterns, forces on charges and currents. Electromagnetic induction, inductance, transformer. Alternator, electric motor, rectification and smoothing. Alternating current theory(I): period, frequency, average and rms values. Power and energy calculations - mean power is 0.5 of peak power; power variation with time. Alternating current theory (II): capacitor and inductor in A.C. circuits; reactance and impedance. Current and voltage variation for Cand L, R. LCR resonance (qualitative and practical). Use of CRO. Fluid flow, equation of continuity, Bernouilli, Poiseulle. Electrical and thermal conduction; convection and radiation. Ideal gases, kinetic theory and temperature scales. Laws of thermodynamics, systems and energy changes. |
SCNC0037: Foundation science: mathematics 1 Semester 1 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Co SCNC0039 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in Mathematics. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practice of theoretical problem-solving. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) solve linear, simultaneous, quadratic and trigonometric equations; (ii) demonstrate algebraic processing skills; and (iii) demonstrate competence in basic concepts of trigonometry, integration and differentiation. Content: Algebraic Processing skills: addition, subtraction, multiplication and factorisation of polynomials. Functions: concept of a function as a one-to-one or many-to-one mapping. Domain and range. Composition of functions. Inverse functions. Graphical representation of a function and of its inverse to include quadratic functions. Effect of simple transformations on the graph y=(x) as represented by y=af(x), y=f(x)+a, y=f(x+a), y=f(ax). Equations and inequalities: Linear equations in one unknown, simultaneous equations in two unknowns (2 linear and 1 linear with 1 quadratic), quadratic equations (factorisation and formula). Solutions of linear and quadratic inequalities in one variable. Indices: Laws of indices including negative and rational exponents. Series: Arithmetic and Geometric series including infinite GP's. Binomial series (including rational powers). Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular cartesian coordinates in two dimensions including the equation of a straight line, gradient of a line joining two points and distance between two points. Equation of a circle. Trigonometry: Radians, 3 trig ratios for angles greater than 90 degrees, solution of trigonometric equations within given range, graphs of sin, cos and tan, sine and cosine rule and applications. Differentiation: Differentiation of xn, trig functions, logs and exponentials, function of function, products and quotients. Applications to tangents and/normals, max/min, velocity/acceleration, rates of change. Implicit differentiation. Exponential and logarithmic functions Laws of logs, exponential growth and decay, index equations. Integration Integration as the inverse of differentiation including xn, exponentials, logs and trig functions. Definite integration and areas. |
SCNC0038: Foundation science: mathematics 2 Semester 2 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 CW20 Requisites: Co SCNC0040 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Mathematics. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practice of theoretical problem-solving. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) undertake basic statistical analyses; (ii) calculate probabilities; and (iii) demonstrate competence in more advanced aspects of trigonometry and integration. Content: Further algebra: Partial fractions. Factor and Remainder Theorem. Reduction of a given relation to a linear form and graphical determination of constants. Further Coordinate Geometry: Conditions for a pair of lines to be parallel or perpendicular. Cartesian & parametric equations of curves. Further Trigonometry: Sec, cosec, cot. Trignometric identities including compound angles, double angles, pythagoras. Further solution of trig equations including use of trig identities and equations of the form acosx + bsinx. Further Integration: Integration by substitution and parts. Integration using partial fractions. Volumes of revolution. Formation and solution of first order differential equations using integrating factors and separation of variables. Numerical methods Solution of equations and numerical integration. Statistics and probability Collection and display of data. Measures of centre and spread. Probability including simple conditional probability. Vectors Manipulation of vector (including components). Application of vectors to displacements, velocities and accelerations. Scalar product. Methods of proof. Proof by induction, contradiction and counter example. Complex numbers |
SCNC0039: Foundation Science: Study Skills and IT 1 Semester 1 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX60 PR40 Requisites: Co SCNC0033, Co SCNC0035, Co SCNC0037, Co SCNC0041 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills to enable them to write essays and laboratory reports and to study effectively for exams. The essential IT skills of word processing, spreadsheets and databases will be introduced. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) produce assignments using a word-processor; (ii) use spreadsheets and databases for the storage and manipulation of data; and (iii) use the internet for the retrieval of data. Content: The student will develop essay writing and laboratory report writing skills. 69色情片 techniques will be learnt and information searches will be developed. IT skills will cover all of the essential elements that will enable students to produce computer generated reports in their chosen disciplines. |
SCNC0040: Foundation science: study skills and IT 2 Semester 2 Credits: 5 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX60 PR40 Requisites: Pre SCNC0039, Co SCNC0034, Co SCNC0036, Co SCNC0038, Co SCNC0042 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to continue the development of students' skills in writing essays, laboratory reports and study for exams. The essential IT skills of graphics and integration will be gained. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) produce computer graphics to illustrate assignments or reports; (ii) use spreadsheets and databases for the manipulation of data; and (iii) use the internet for the retrieval of data. Content: The student will continue to study essay writing and laboratory report writing skills. 69色情片 techniques will be learnt and information searches will be developed. IT skills will cover all of the essential elements that will enable students to produce computer generated reports in their chosen disciplines including graphics and integration. |
SCNC0041: Foundation science: biology 1 Semester 1 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Co SCNC0039 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to ensure that students have a foundation of underpinning knowledge and skills in Biology. The unit will draw upon core aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition and practice of theoretical problem-solving. On successful completion of the unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of cell structure, plant and animal classification, ecology and evolution; (ii) describe key cellular processes and genetic principles; and (iii) demonstrate competence in basic laboratory techniques. Content: Cell structure: plant and animal cells. Eukaryotic cells. Prokaryotic cells. Ultrastructure: membranes and organelles. Transport: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, active transport. Principles of the electron microscope and cell fractionation. Water relations and water potential. Mitosis. Principles of classification and the hierarchy of taxa. Survey of the main animal and plant groups. Insects as successful terrestrial animals. Ecology: environments, habitats, ecosystems, food chains and webs, productivity and efficiency. Biological chemistry of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Bonds. Secondary and tertiary structures of proteins. Characteristics of enzymes. Inhibitors. Cellular respiration: glycolysis, Krebs' cycle, phosphorylation, homeostatis and temperature control. Chemistry of photosynthesis: light reactions, Calvin cycle, C4 plants. Structure and function of DNA. Genetic engineering. Genetics: monhybrid and dihybrid crosses, F2 and test-cross ratios, Chi square tests, dominance, inheritance, population genetics. Application of Hardy-Weinberg expression. Evolution: theories of Lamarck and Darwin, Neo-darwinism, stabilising, directional, disruptive selection and isolation and speciation. |
SCNC0042: Foundation science: biology 2 Semester 2 Credits: 10 Contact: Level: Level 0 Assessment: EX80 PR20 Requisites: Pre SCNC0041, Co SCNC0040 Aims and Learning Objectives: This unit aims to bring students up to a Year 1 entry standard of knowledge and skills in Biology. The unit will draw upon more advanced aspects of the 'A' level syllabus and will achieve an equivalent depth and standard in these aspects. The unit will offer opportunities for knowledge acquisition, theoretical problem-solving and the development of practical laboratory skills. On successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: (i) demonstrate a knowledge of animal and plant physiology; (ii) describe the key transport, co-ordination and control and reproductive processes in both animals and plants; and (iii) make accurate observations and records of experimental work. Content: Animal Physiology. Nutrition: heterotrophic nutrition, structure of the human alimentary canal, Histology of the ileum. Digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Structure of villi. Absorption. Structure and main functions of the liver. Nervous and hormonal control of digestion. Transport: single and double circulations. Histology of the mammalian heart and blood vessels. Role of capillaries. Physiological characteristics of cardiac muscle. Initiation and control of heart beat. Histology of blood. Role of erythorcytes, polymorphs, monocytes, lymphocytes. The immune response. Gas exchange: invertebrate exemplars, insect tracheae, fish gills, human respiratory system. Control of breathing, carriage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Haemoglobin and oxygen dissociation curve. Osmoregulation and excretion. Control and coordination: insect nervous systems, human nervous system, nerve impulses, synapses, functions of the human brain. Sensory system: characteristics of sensory cells. Endocrine system: characteristics of hormones, endocrine glands. Locomotion and support: invertebrate exemplars, human skeleton, histology of bone, cartilage and muscle, muscle contraction. Reproduction: asexual, sexual, meiosis, gametogenesis, hormonal control of ovarian cycle, photoperiodism and oestrus in mammals. Fertilisation. Early development of the embryo. Plant Physiology. Autotophic nutrition: photosynthesis, choloroplasts, environmental factors. Transport: vascular tissues, xylem and phloem, transpiration, mineral and water uptake by roots, cytoplasmic streaming and mass flow hypothesis. Co-ordination: tropisms, auxin, other growth regulators, photoperiodism. Reproduction: alternation of generations, angiosperm generations and life cycle, sporogenesis, pollination, fertilisation, development of seed and fruit. |
SCNC0044: Human physiology Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Ex SCNC0045, Ex SCNC0046 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide an overview of human physiology, with particular emphasis on how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. After taking this unit, the student should be able to (a) demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the major physiological systems of the human body, and (b) demonstrate knowledge of how the function of major organs and systems is integrated and regulated. Content: Cell membranes as controllable permeability barriers within and between cells and the external medium; neuronal conduction, synapses and the neuromuscular junction, cholinergic neurones; Muscle types, activation and contraction; the autonomic nervous system; the central nervous system; the endocrine system; physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and renal systems to understand how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. |
SCNC0045: Human physiology (Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 1) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Ex SCNC0044, Ex SCNC0046 Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide an overview of human physiology, with particular emphasis on how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. After taking this unit, the student should be able to (a) demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the major physiological systems of the human body, and (b) demonstrate knowledge of how the function of major organs and systems is integrated and regulated. Content: Cell membranes as controllable permeability barriers within and between cells and the external medium; neuronal conduction, synapses and the neuromuscular junction, cholinergic neurones; Muscle types, activation and contraction; the autonomic nervous system; the central nervous system; the endocrine system; physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and renal systems to understand how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. |
SCNC0046: Human physiology (Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 1) Semester 1 Credits: 6 Contact: Level: Level 1 Assessment: EX100 Requisites: Ex SCNC0044, Ex SCNC0045 This unit is not available to students registered on Pharmacy & Pharmacology Programmes. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this unit is to provide an overview of human physiology, with particular emphasis on how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. After taking this unit, the student should be able to (a) demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of the major physiological systems of the human body, and (b) demonstrate knowledge of how the function of major organs and systems is integrated and regulated. Content: Cell membranes as controllable permeability barriers within and between cells and the external medium; neuronal conduction, synapses and the neuromuscular junction, cholinergic neurones; Muscle types, activation and contraction; the autonomic nervous system; the central nervous system; the endocrine system; physiology of the cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and renal systems to understand how the major systems of the body are integrated and controlled. |