
  | Catalogues for 2002/03 | PG index for 2002/03



Postgraduate Taught Programme Structures for 2002/03

Department of Education

THED-AFM03: MA Education

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 5 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50097 Assessment of pupil achievement 9 Credits
ED50099 Information technology 9 Credits
ED50107 Foreign language learning 9 Credits
ED50110 Language & learning 9 Credits
ED50111 Current issues in environmental education 9 Credits
ED50173 Understanding learners & learning 9 Credits
ED50175 Managing educational organisations 9 Credits
ED50176 Managing educational innovation 9 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Optional Units: Select between 0 and 5 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50098 Evaluation 9 Credits
ED50103 Education in an international context 9 Credits
ED50106 School improvement 9 Credits
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
ED50109 Educational discourse 9 Credits
ED50140 Managing human resources in education 9 Credits
ED50174 Technologies for learning 9 Credits
ED50177 Education, globalisation & change 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50112 Environmental education: philosophy, policy & practice 9 Credits
ED50113 Environmental education: the management of change 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50105 School effectiveness 9 Credits
ED50179 Managing the educational environment 9 Credits

Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list: (this unit is mandatory in S2 for those students commencing study in January)
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
ED50163 Dissertation for the MA in Education 36 Credits

THXX-AFM11: MRes Education

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
PS50079 Measurement & meaning 3 Credits
SP50119 Logic of social enquiry 2 Credits
XX50132 Bibliographic & IT skills & resources 1 Credits
XX50133 Small research apprenticeship project (MRes) 6 Credits
XX50134 Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods 6 Credits
XX50136 Qualitative methods 1 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
XX50137 Large research apprenticeship project (MRes) 15 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
XX50135 Quantitative methods 2 6 Credits
XX50138 Qualitative methods 2 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit from the MAEC programme.
Contact Department for range of choice

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
XX50140 MRes dissertation 30 Credits

THXX-AFM16: MA English Language Teaching

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
EU50545 DELTA part 1 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
ED50097 Assessment of pupil achievement 9 Credits
ED50099 Information technology 9 Credits
ED50107 Foreign language learning 9 Credits
ED50110 Language & learning 9 Credits
ED50111 Current issues in environmental education 9 Credits
ED50173 Understanding learners & learning 9 Credits
ED50175 Managing educational organisations 9 Credits
ED50176 Managing educational innovation 9 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
EU50546 DELTA part 2 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50112 Environmental education: philosophy, policy & practice 9 Credits
ED50113 Environmental education: the management of change 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50105 School effectiveness 9 Credits
ED50179 Managing the educational environment 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 1 Unit(s) from the following list:
ED50098 Evaluation 9 Credits
ED50103 Education in an international context 9 Credits
ED50106 School improvement 9 Credits
ED50109 Educational discourse 9 Credits
ED50140 Managing human resources in education 9 Credits
ED50174 Technologies for learning 9 Credits
ED50177 Education, globalisation & change 9 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
ED50163 Dissertation for the MA in Education 36 Credits

THED-APC15: PG Cert Advanced Certificate in Education

Mode of attendance: Part time, Maximum duration of 9 year(s)

Modular units - no specific semester

Mandatory units
ED50172 Extended essay 12 Credits
Optional Units: Select 2 Unit(s) from the following list
ED50008 Current issues in history education 9 Credits
ED50094 Equal opportunities in educational management 9 Credits
ED50097 Assessment of pupil achievement 9 Credits
ED50098 Evaluation 9 Credits
ED50099 Information technology 9 Credits
ED50100 Curriculum studies 9 Credits
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50103 Education in an international context 9 Credits
ED50104 Issues in international primary education 9 Credits
ED50105 School effectiveness 9 Credits
ED50106 School improvement 9 Credits
ED50107 Foreign language learning 9 Credits
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
ED50109 Educational discourse 9 Credits
ED50110 Language & learning 9 Credits
ED50111 Current issues in environmental education 9 Credits
ED50112 Environmental education: philosophy, policy & practice 9 Credits
ED50113 Environmental education: the management of change 9 Credits
ED50116 Primary education: aspects of learning 9 Credits
ED50117 Action research: theory & practice 9 Credits
ED50120 The teaching of literature 9 Credits
ED50138 Developing inclusive schools 9 Credits
ED50140 Managing human resources in education 9 Credits
ED50165 Managing & developing training 9 Credits
ED50166 Issues in science education 9 Credits
ED50167 Teaching in a bilingual context 9 Credits
ED50168 Mentoring 9 Credits
ED50169 Introduction to distance education 9 Credits
ED50170 Educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50173 Understanding learners & learning 9 Credits
ED50174 Technologies for learning 9 Credits
ED50175 Managing educational organisations 9 Credits
ED50176 Managing educational innovation 9 Credits
ED50177 Education, globalisation & change 9 Credits
ED50178 Managing International schools 9 Credits
ED50179 Managing the educational environment 9 Credits

THED-APL14: PG Dip Advanced Diploma in Education

Mode of attendance: Part time, Maximum duration of 9 year(s)

Modular units - no specific semester

Mandatory units
ED50171 Mini-dissertation 24 Credits
Optional Units: Select 4 Unit(s) from the following list
ED50008 Current issues in history education 9 Credits
ED50094 Equal opportunities in educational management 9 Credits
ED50097 Assessment of pupil achievement 9 Credits
ED50098 Evaluation 9 Credits
ED50099 Information technology 9 Credits
ED50100 Curriculum studies 9 Credits
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50103 Education in an international context 9 Credits
ED50104 Issues in international primary education 9 Credits
ED50105 School effectiveness 9 Credits
ED50106 School improvement 9 Credits
ED50107 Foreign language learning 9 Credits
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
ED50109 Educational discourse 9 Credits
ED50110 Language & learning 9 Credits
ED50111 Current issues in environmental education 9 Credits
ED50112 Environmental education: philosophy, policy & practice 9 Credits
ED50113 Environmental education: the management of change 9 Credits
ED50116 Primary education: aspects of learning 9 Credits
ED50117 Action research: theory & practice 9 Credits
ED50120 The teaching of literature 9 Credits
ED50138 Developing inclusive schools 9 Credits
ED50140 Managing human resources in education 9 Credits
ED50165 Managing & developing training 9 Credits
ED50166 Issues in science education 9 Credits
ED50167 Teaching in a bilingual context 9 Credits
ED50168 Mentoring 9 Credits
ED50169 Introduction to distance education 9 Credits
ED50170 Educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50173 Understanding learners & learning 9 Credits
ED50174 Technologies for learning 9 Credits
ED50175 Managing educational organisations 9 Credits
ED50176 Managing educational innovation 9 Credits
ED50177 Education, globalisation & change 9 Credits
ED50178 Managing International schools 9 Credits
ED50179 Managing the educational environment 9 Credits

THED-APM09: MA Education (MAEC)

Mode of attendance: Part time, Maximum duration of 10 year(s)

Modular units - no specific semester

Mandatory units
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50163 Dissertation for the MA in Education 36 Credits
Optional Units: Select 5 Unit(s) from the following list
ED50008 Current issues in history education 9 Credits
ED50094 Equal opportunities in educational management 9 Credits
ED50097 Assessment of pupil achievement 9 Credits
ED50098 Evaluation 9 Credits
ED50099 Information technology 9 Credits
ED50100 Curriculum studies 9 Credits
ED50103 Education in an international context 9 Credits
ED50104 Issues in international primary education 9 Credits
ED50105 School effectiveness 9 Credits
ED50106 School improvement 9 Credits
ED50107 Foreign language learning 9 Credits
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
ED50109 Educational discourse 9 Credits
ED50110 Language & learning 9 Credits
ED50111 Current issues in environmental education 9 Credits
ED50112 Environmental education: philosophy, policy & practice 9 Credits
ED50113 Environmental education: the management of change 9 Credits
ED50116 Primary education: aspects of learning 9 Credits
ED50117 Action research: theory & practice 9 Credits
ED50120 The teaching of literature 9 Credits
ED50138 Developing inclusive schools 9 Credits
ED50140 Managing human resources in education 9 Credits
ED50165 Managing & developing training 9 Credits
ED50166 Issues in science education 9 Credits
ED50167 Teaching in a bilingual context 9 Credits
ED50168 Mentoring 9 Credits
ED50169 Introduction to distance education 9 Credits
ED50170 Educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50173 Understanding learners & learning 9 Credits
ED50174 Technologies for learning 9 Credits
ED50175 Managing educational organisations 9 Credits
ED50176 Managing educational innovation 9 Credits
ED50177 Education, globalisation & change 9 Credits
ED50178 Managing International schools 9 Credits
ED50179 Managing the educational environment 9 Credits

THED-APM24: MA Disability and Rehabilitation

Mode of attendance: Part time, Maximum duration of 10 year(s)

Modular units - no specific semester

Mandatory units
ED50184 Independence for life 15 Credits
ED50185 Experience of disability 15 Credits
ED50186 Independent study 15 Credits
ED50187 Managing expectations 15 Credits
ED50188 Dissertation (DARE) 30 Credits

THXX-APM10: MA English Language Teaching

Mode of attendance: Part time, Maximum duration of 10 year(s)

Modular units - no specific semester

Mandatory units
ED50102 Methods of educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
ED50163 Dissertation for the MA in Education 36 Credits
EU50545 DELTA part 1 9 Credits
EU50546 DELTA part 2 9 Credits
Optional Units: Select 2 Unit(s) from the following list
ED50008 Current issues in history education 9 Credits
ED50094 Equal opportunities in educational management 9 Credits
ED50097 Assessment of pupil achievement 9 Credits
ED50098 Evaluation 9 Credits
ED50099 Information technology 9 Credits
ED50100 Curriculum studies 9 Credits
ED50103 Education in an international context 9 Credits
ED50104 Issues in international primary education 9 Credits
ED50105 School effectiveness 9 Credits
ED50106 School improvement 9 Credits
ED50107 Foreign language learning 9 Credits
ED50108 Foreign language teaching 9 Credits
ED50109 Educational discourse 9 Credits
ED50110 Language & learning 9 Credits
ED50111 Current issues in environmental education 9 Credits
ED50112 Environmental education: philosophy, policy & practice 9 Credits
ED50113 Environmental education: the management of change 9 Credits
ED50116 Primary education: aspects of learning 9 Credits
ED50117 Action research: theory & practice 9 Credits
ED50120 The teaching of literature 9 Credits
ED50138 Developing inclusive schools 9 Credits
ED50140 Managing human resources in education 9 Credits
ED50165 Managing & developing training 9 Credits
ED50166 Issues in science education 9 Credits
ED50167 Teaching in a bilingual context 9 Credits
ED50168 Mentoring 9 Credits
ED50169 Introduction to distance education 9 Credits
ED50170 Educational enquiry 9 Credits
ED50173 Understanding learners & learning 9 Credits
ED50174 Technologies for learning 9 Credits
ED50175 Managing educational organisations 9 Credits
ED50176 Managing educational innovation 9 Credits
ED50177 Education, globalisation & change 9 Credits
ED50178 Managing International schools 9 Credits
ED50179 Managing the educational environment 9 Credits


| Catalogues for 2002/03 | PG index for 2002/03

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E-mail: samis-support@bath.ac.uk
This page maintained by R.Ackland@bath.ac.uk. Last update: 16 December, 2002