
  | Catalogues for 2002/03 | for UGs | for PGs



Department of Medical Sciences, Postgraduate Unit Catalogue, 2002/03

MS50001: Fundamentals

Credits: 12
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* To understand the pathophysiology of common muculoskeletal disorders
* To understand the broad principles of the physiology and psychology of chronic pain
* To understand the principles of bone cell metabolism and gain skills in assessment and management of metabolic bone disease in a primary care setting
* To be able to assess disability in patients with rheumatic disease and be aware of the multidisciplinary approach to management.
* Pathophysiology of the musculoskeletal system, outlining structure of bones and synovial joints and their contribution to the body's stability, support and movement
* Osteoporosis and metabolic bone disorders, including osteomalacia and Paget's disease, with particular emphasis on bone formation, resorption, the pros and cons of HRT and disease prevention
* Disability and handicap; the concept of multidisciplinary team in primary care
* Pain, its physiology and psychology, the theories and concepts in helping patients deal with pain outlining current cognitive and behavioural therapies

MS50002: Clinical Practice

Credits: 12
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* To be able to assess common rheumatic disorders with an appropriate history, examination and investigation in order to form a working diagnosis and management plan
* Implement an approach to the management of osteoarthritis
* Understand and implement appropriate drug therapy for rheumatic disease
* Critically appraise evidence base for treatments of rheumatic disease
* Taking an effective history and carrying out an appropriate examination. Rapid screening technique - gait, arms, legs, spine (GALS)
* The multi-skilled health professional team working to help patients and family members cope with their condition and disability
* Clinical aspects of osteoarthritis, risk factors, epidemiology, common presenting features and management principles
* Categorisation of drugs and summarised side effects with reason for therapy, guidelines for monitoring and educational material for patients
* 69É«ÇéƬ and audit in General Practice, encouraging systematic methods and tool to improve clinical effectiveness

MS50003: The Spine

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the epidemiology of back pain in a primary care setting
* Knowledge of the relevant functional anatomy of the spine and related neurology
* Awareness of the possible pathophysiological causes of common spinal disorders
* Ability to take adequate history and perform examination for patients with possible spinal disease (in conjunction with residential weekend)
* Formulate a working approach to the documentation, investigation and management of back pain in clinical practice
* Distinguish common from uncommon forms of spinal disease and those cases that need investigation and further referral
* Understand the psychosocial aspects of back pain and factors accounting for secondary disability
* Understand the range of multidisciplinary interventions and management options for patients back pain
* Functional anatomy and pathology revision outlining current concepts of effects of ageing and injury on spinal structures. Explanation of sources and localisation of spinal pain with discussion of referred pain. Algorithms for differentiating between mechanical low back pain and serious 'red flag' conditions
* Diagnosis treatment and management of back pain using clinical cases. Psychological and occupational barriers
* Patient options for acute and chronic mechanical problems, surgery and other interventions for prolapsed intervertebral disc and spinal stenosis

MS50004: Upper Limb

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Knowledge of the relevant functional anatomy of the upper limb
* Knowledge of the pathophysiology of common upper limb disorders
* Ability to take adequate history and perform examination for patients with possible musculoskeletal disorder affecting upper limb (in conjunction with residential weekend)
* Ability to formulate a working approach to the documentation, investigation and management of patients presenting with symptoms affecting the upper limb in a primary care setting
* Distinguish common from uncommon causes symptoms affecting the upper limb and those cases that need investigation and further referral
* Understand the range of multidisciplinary interventions and management options for patients with upper limb pain and dysfunction
* Knowledge of correct anatomical sites for corticosteroid injection of the upper limb (in conjunction with residential weekend)
* Structure and function of the shoulder, outlining an appropriate examination approach in primary care
* Specific elbow problems frequently encountered in general practice
* General work or sports-related problems of the upper limb and overuse syndromes, e.g. RSI and work-related upper limb disorders
* Joint injection techniques

MS50005: The Lower Limb

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Knowledge of the relevant functional anatomy of the lower limb
* Knowledge of the pathophysiology of common lower limb disorders
* Ability to take adequate history and perform examination for patients with possible musculoskeletal disorder affecting lower limb (with residential weekend)
* Ability to formulate a working approach to the documentation, investigation and management of lower limb disorders in a primary care setting
* Distinguish common from uncommon causes symptoms affecting the lower limb and those cases that need investigation and further referral
* Ability to identify and form management plan for lower limb complaints in children
* Understand the range of multidisciplinary interventions and management options for patients with lower limb pain and dysfunction
* Knowledge of correct anatomical sites for corticosteroid injection or the lower limb (in conjunction with residential weekend)
* Common hip conditions, e.g. osteoarthritis, groin pain and trochanteric bursitis, disorders of the knee and ankle and management of heel and foot pain
* Range of normality and common conditions in young babies and children, e.g. congenital hip dislocation. Testing and differentiating between click and chunks, non-accidental injury and common causes of limp in older children
* Conditions affecting people in their teens and early twenties, mostly activity-related e.g. chondromalacia patellae, Osgood Schlatter diseaes and osteochrondritis dissecans. Common sport and activity related problems in adults

MS50006: Inflammatory Conditions

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Knowledge of the epidemiology, classification and differentiating features of inflammatory and autoimmune rheumatic disorders.
* Understanding of the broad pathophysiology of the more common inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
* Recognition of inflammatory rheumatic conditions affecting children and knowledge of the principles of management.
* Ability to discriminate between inflammatory and non-inflammatory joint disease.
* Ability to formulate working diagnosis and management plan for a patient with inflammatory or autoimmune rheumatic disease.
* Understanding of the pharmacology and monitoring requirements of long-acting anti-rheumatic medications.
* Knowledge of the multidisciplinary approaches to physical and psychosocial needs of patients with chronic inflammation.
* Epidemiology, pathology, diagnostic criteria and presentation patterns in inflammatory arthritis.
* Difficulties and psychological effects arising from flares of the disease. Suitable drug therapies and the patients care team approach.
* Characteristic features of groups of conditions, e.g. seronegative spondyloarthropathies. Autoimmune Connective tissue disease. Polymyalgia rheumatica, gout, fibromyalgia, juvenile chronic arthritis and virus-related arthritis including musculoskeletal conditions possibly associated with rubella, HIV infection, parvovirus and erythema nodosum.

MS50007: Clinical Skills

Credits: 12
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* To compliment the distance learning material by developing practical skills and providing practical experience relevant to the practice of primary care rheumatology
* To review recent developments in rheumatology
* To develop skills in examination techniques
* Attendance at one of each of three residential group teaching sessions provides
* Examination skills of Upper Limb
* Examination skills of Lower Limb
* Examination skills of the Spine
* Teaching with patients

MS50013: Primary Care

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the relationship between exercise and health
* Understand the responsibilities of a team doctor
* Understand the effect of environmental factors on performance
* Be competent in emergency care procedures
* Understand the benefits and role of exercise in relation to certain diseases
* Understand the effects of exercise in children, women and the disabled
* Exercise, Health and Medicine - effects and risks of exercise and importance of rest in management of medical problems
* Team Doctor - duties and responsibilities in management, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries
* Effects of the Environment: heat and cold - adaptation of the body to temperature changes and the effect on performance and risk of vigorous exercise in these conditions
* Effects of the Environment: altitude and pressure
* Emergency Care - first aid care to acute injuries, head/spinal injuries, basic and advanced life support
* Exercise and Disease - benefits/risks of exercise in diabetes, respiratory and cardiovascular disease, physiological adaptations to high levels of exercise sometimes confused with disease
* Exercise and Disease: viral infections and other medical disorders
* Special groups: effects of exercise in women, children and the disabled

MS50014: Body in Motion

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the function of muscles and joints in the context of sport and exercise
* Understand the function of anatomy of the limb and body
* Understand the effect of nerve compression syndrome
* Understand the principle of the biomechanics of sporting activity
* Bones and joints - structure of the bone, functions of joints and factors that lead to joint instability and the risk of injury
* Muscles and tendons - the architecture of the muscle/tendon unit and the synergistic action of muscle groups
* The vertebrae - anatomy of the vertebrae and related joints
* Joints and muscles of the shoulder - functional anatomy
* From the elbow to the hand - functional anatomy
* Anterior abdominal wall - muscles and actions and their importance in posture
*Joints at the hip and pelvis - anatomy and movements of the joints
* Muscles around the hip - functional anatomy of the muscle groups and also local and referred pain in the hip
* Muscles and movements of the thigh - functional anatomy and relationship between hamstrings and the knee extensions
* The knee joint - internal and external anatomy of the knee. Rotational and gliding characteristics of knee function and their importance in maintaining stability
* Lower leg and ankle - functional anatomy of the limb
* The foot - functional anatomy of the tarsal and subtalar joints
* Nerve compression syndromes - anatomy and mechanism of common entrapment syndromes
* Introduction to biomechanics

MS50015: Applied Biomechanics

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the principles ensuring the stability of the body during exercise
* To apply the principles to an understanding of the prevention, cause, diagnosis and treatment of musculo skeletal injury
* Stability of joints - mechanical and neurological factors involved in balancing opposing muscle groups in proprioception and the mechanical control of ligaments
* Muscle action - types and characteristics, nature, flexibility and stretching
* The kinetic chain - nature and significance of open/closed chain movement in exercise
* Motion - nature of motion and factors that effect movement. Analysis of motor skills is examined using various forms of scientific measurement
* Impact - significance of impact on forces of the body in motion. Nature of body checking and tackling is discussed
* Shoe design - function of the athletic shoe and nature of design for different activities
* Integrated muscle action - importance in stabilising joints in dissipating impact forces and maintaining posture and balance
* The gait cycle - role in initiating movement and its effect on the lower limb and back
* Throwing, pushing, pulling and kicking - the nature of common sporting activities discussed and analysed
* Minor joint displacements - mechanism, effect and displacement in joints with limited movement
* Biomechanical principles of mobilisation traction and massage
* Bracing and taping. Shoe orthotics.

MS50016: Exercise Physiology

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand how muscular activity is generated
* Understand the adaptation of the body to vigorous exercise and how it is measured
* Understand the physiological adaptation to environmental changes
* Exercise and muscle - structure of muscle tissue and the physiology of its function, together with a definition of exercise
* Energetics - role of ATP and associated metabolic processes. Mechanisms for fatigue
* Responses to exercise - muscle responses to submaximal and maximal exercises and requirements for effective cardiopulmonary function and endoctrinological responses to exercise. Physiological characteristics of men, women and children
* Adaptations to exercise - cardiopulmonary and metabolic responses to exercise, changes that occur in skeletal muscle and age/sex-linked aspects of adaptation
* Nutrition - principles of a sound diet in relation to athletic needs. Importance of hydration and effectiveness of nutritional supplements
* Training - defines fitness in context of training and identifies biological markers of overtraining
* Exercise testing - assessments of aerobic and anaerobic capacity. Comparing and interpreting field and laboratory-based tests
* Environmental factors - effects of circadian rhythms on performance and physiological adaptations that take place in extremes of temperature hypo and hyperbaric conditions

MS50017: The Sporting Mind

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the relationship between personality and sporting activity
* Understand the meaning of motivation and its application
* Understand the basic principles of attribution theory and its relevance
* Understand the nature of stress and the psychology of injury
* Understand psychological preparation for sport
* Personality and the athlete - how the personality is defined by examining the main themes and methods of measuring personality. Problems and possibilities of research and importance of a person centred approach to athletes.
* Motivation - factors that define motivation and relating knowledge of processes of motivation to rehabilitation. Links between arousal and motivation and the importance of self-belief
* Causal attribution in sport - basic principles of attribution theory and the major research findings in the context of sport. Relevance of theory and research to medical practice
* Stress and anxiety in sport - methods of measurement and effect on performance
* Psychology of injury - psychological factors that predispose to injury, reaction of athlete to injury and the importance of the psychological dimension in rehabilitation
* Psychological preparation of the athlete - strategies to prepare an athlete for performance and discussion of the athlete's needs in development of psychological preparation skills
* Social psychology of sport - psychological background to aggression and how it may be controlled. Development of team cohesion and theories of leadership in sport

MS50018: Doping, Theraputics, Ethics and Law

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the history and motivation for the taking and control of performance enhancing and therapeutic substances
* Understand the role and responsibilities of the athlete and associated support services
* Understand the testing procedures for detection of banned substances
* Understand ethical dilemmas and the law as they apply to sport and medicine
* Understand the relationship of sport to society and to government
* History and meaning of doping - definition of doping and its history. The IOC list of banned and permitted drugs is described including the routes of administration
* Athletes and drugs - reasons why athletes take drugs, clinical signs and symptoms
* Responsibilities - discusses responsibilities of everyone involved in sport to discourage drug use in the interests of good health and fair competition
* Testing procedures - management of testing, in and out of competition, procedure for analysis of samples and implications for a positive test in terms of sanctions and appeals
* Ethical dilemmas - confidentiality in sports medicine, rights of an individual, conflict between justifiable medical treatment and the doping regulations
* The law and sports medicine - laws of sport and their context within national laws. Professional ethical standards and their enforcement. The doctor-patient relationship and the doctor's responsibility in law. Implications of multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary teamwork is discussed
* Core legal issues and administration - legal issues of vicarious liability and misdiagnosis and the need to protect the patient from himself/herself
* Sport and society - sport in the context of politics, national culture, gender, children and social class. Competitive and recreational sport and need for education of sports coaches
* Sports Administration - administration of sport in the UK. The role of government through the Sports Council, Sports Governing Bodies, British Olympic Association as well as local authorities and other focus groups

MS50019: Sports Injuries

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand the causes and types of injury
* Understand the nature and the management of injuries to the body
* Understand the sports specificity of certain injuries
* Causes and types of injury - mechanisms of injury including importance of overuse
* The foot - normal foot movement, common problems, possible causes and management including effects of footwear and abnormality in the gait cycle
* The ankle - normal movement and common problems, possible causes and management. Interpretation of examination techniques and need for further investigation
* Shin and Calf - differential diagnosis and possible causes of lower leg pain including stress fractures, tibial-fibular dysfunction, nerve injury and compression
* The knee - differential diagnosis, causes and management of knee pain, including overuse and need to refer for specialist investigation and intervention
* The thigh - quadriceps and hamstring function, flexibility and strength
* The hip - problems related to bursitis, stress factor and adolescent hip conditions and effects of exercise on osteoarthritis
* The groin - adductor problems, disruption of groin and osteitis pubis pelvic stress fractures
* The head - management of trauma to the head as well as facial and eye injuries
* The lumbar region - anatomical features of the spine with the mechanisms of injury and the common disorders with typical pain patterns
*The shoulder - impingement, instability and inflammation in context of soft tissue anatomy. The nature of injuries and their management
* The elbow - overuse , and nature of nerve entrapment syndromes in relation to exercise
* Wrist and hand - fractures to the carpus and nature/management of soft tissue lesions
* Sport-specific injuries - incidence of particular injuries to individual sports and recommends methods of prevention of injury

MS50020: Rehabilitation

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Understand nature of injury and the healing process
* Understand the objectives of rehabilitation
* Understand the principles of rehabilitation, the associated treatments and investigations
* Understand the practice of rehabilitation as it is applied to specific areas of the body
* Mechanism of injury and nature of collagen tissues - the pathology injury to muscle, ligament and tendon, nature of pain and healing. Objectives of rehabilitation
* Principles of treatment 1 - theory and practice of rest, ice, compression and elevation, nature of mobilising techniques in restoring range of movement, muscle strength and proprioception. Identifying technical errors.
* Principles of treatment 2 - use of electromagnetic modalities, massage, mobilisation, manipulation and traction
* Principles of treatment 3 - use of medical treatments in modifying inflammation/pain
* Principles of treatment 4 - fracture repair, immobilisation and causes of delayed healing
* Principles of treatment 5 - benefits and disadvantages of strapping and bracing
* Principles of treatment 6 - use, advantages/disadvantages of commonly used complimentary techniques and their relationship to conventional treatments
* Prevention of injury - elements of fitness, effects of muscle imbalance. Protective strapping and bracing, advantages/disadvantages of protective equipment
* The psychology of injury - injury prone athlete and attitude associated with injury and adherence to treatment
* Evaluation of injury - importance of history and determining mechanism of injuries, schemes of examination on and off the field
* Imaging of sports injuries - nature and usefulness of imaging techniques
* The rehabilitation team - importance of medical team approach which is athlete centred
* Rehabilitation of common injuries to specific areas
* Rehabilitation of medical problems - role of exercise programmes in cardiac rehabilitation, osteoporosis and the stale athlete syndrome

MS50021: Residential Teaching

Credits: 6
Level: Masters
Assessment: OT100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* To compliment the distance learning material by developing practical skills and providing practical experience relevant to the practice of sport and exercise medicine
* To review recent developments in sport and exercise medicine
* To develop practical skills in physical examination and the delivery of first aid and life support
Attendance at one of each of three residential group teaching sessions provides:
* A review of the biomechanics of the upper limb, lower limb and spine together with associated clinical examination techniques
* Practice of first aid and life support
* Experience of common sports science evaluations in the laboratory and in the field
* Experience of the work of a sports coach as it applies to the prevention of injury and rehabilitation
* Practice of strapping and massage techniques
* Experience in the application of psychological testing
* The opportunity to introduce and discuss latest developments in sport and exercise medicine

MS50022: Clinical Attachment

Credits: 6
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
To provide practical experience towards an understanding of:
* The application of sports science in the laboratory and in the field
* The application of physical treatment and rehabilitation techniques
* The application of sports science in the preparation and management of exercise related illness and injuries
* The structure and nature of coaching, particularly in its relationship to prevention of injury and the latter stages of rehabilitation
Completion of a supervised individual clinical placement at a recognised centre of excellence should provide:
* Experience of evaluating patients in a clinic and formulating a plan for their management
* Experience of sports science evaluations of patients in the laboratory
* Experience of a high level coaching session and the opportunity to further understand the relationship between coach and athlete
* Personal tutoring to discuss and evaluate the experience gained in the practical sessions

MS50023: Dissertation

Credits: 30
Level: Masters
Assessment: DS100

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* To provide dissertations which show critical thinking and critical judgement in the speciality
* To identify and analyse a problem related to sport and exercise medicine
* Summary showing clearly stated objectives, appropriate methods, results and conclusions
* Introduction containing aims and background
* Literature Review
* Methodology
* Results - overall description of major and relevant findings
* Discussion - In the context of the aim, summarise major findings, discuss possible problems with the results, compare the results with previously published work, discuss the implications of the findings, suggest future work
* Conclusions - these will be related to the aims and justified by discussions
* References and bibliography

MS50024: Injuries and Rehabilitation 1

Credits: 12
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Ability to outline types and causes of injury in the back and upper limb
* Carry out an examination and take a history of an injured joint
* Identify the dynamic stresses associated with sports and training injuries
* Identify and explain sport and training specific injuries
* Diagnose and manage injury
* Outline the principles of preventing injury
* Devise an appropriate rehabilitation programme
* Epidemiology of sports and training injuries
* Pathophysiology of inflammation, injury and tissue repair
* Diagnosis and management of regional injuries
* Principles of conservative management of injury and injury prevention
* Treatment modalities
* First Aid and basic life support
* Management of emergencies and sporting trauma
* Non-mechanical pathology of the musculoskeletal system

MS50025: Injuries and Rehabilitation 2

Credits: 12
Level: Masters

Aims & Learning Objectives:
* Ability to outline types and causes of injury in the lower limb
* Carry out an examination and take a history of an injured joint
* Identify the dynamic stresses associated with sports and training injuries
* Identify and explain sport and training specific injuries
* Diagnose and manage injury
* Outline the principles of preventing injury
* Devise an appropriate rehabilitation programme
* Epidemiology of sports and training injuries
* Pathophysiology of inflammation, injury and tissue repair
* Diagnosis and management of regional injuries
* Principles of conservative management of injury and injury prevention
* Treatment modalities
* First Aid and basic life support
* Management of emergencies and sporting trauma
* Non-mechanical pathology of the musculoskeletal system


| Catalogues for 2002/03 | for UGs | for PGs

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