
  | Catalogues for 2002/03 | PG index for 2002/03



Postgraduate Taught Programme Structures for 2002/03

Department of Psychology

THPS-AFL03: PG Dip Science Culture and Communication

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50035 Measurement & meaning in the natural & social sciences 6 Credits
PS50036 History, philosophy & psychology of science 6 Credits
PS50071 Science & communication I 6 Credits
XX50136 Qualitative methods 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list
PS50061 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
XX50134 Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS50043 Dissertation 1: Design, pilot project & evaluation 12 Credits
PS50072 Science & communication II 6 Credits
XX50138 Qualitative methods 2 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list
PS50042 Media workshop 2 6 Credits
PS50046 The cultures of belief 3 Credits
PS50047 Science and religion 3 Credits
PS50051 Placement 6 Credits
PS50062 Artificial lives: Simulation, modelling & visualisation of complex systems 6 Credits
PS50063 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
PS50064 Placement 3 Credits
XX50135 Quantitative methods 2 6 Credits

THPS-AFM01: MSc Health Psychology

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50029 Health, disease, illness & sickness 6 Credits
PS50030 Health cognitions & health emotions 6 Credits
PS50031 Treatment, communication and context 6 Credits
PS50032 Coping with ill health 6 Credits
PS50065 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 1 3 Credits
PS50066 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 2 3 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS50033 Advanced research design in health 6 Credits
PS50034 Health promotion, disease prevention & health psychology interventions 6 Credits
PS50051 Placement 6 Credits
PS50055 Dissertation 36 Credits
XX50122 Advanced statistics for use in health contexts 2 6 Credits

THPS-AFM02: MSc Science Culture and Communication

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50035 Measurement & meaning in the natural & social sciences 6 Credits
PS50036 History, philosophy & psychology of science 6 Credits
PS50071 Science & communication I 6 Credits
XX50136 Qualitative methods 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list
PS50061 Artificial minds: Minds, machines & persons 6 Credits
XX50134 Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS50043 Dissertation 1: Design, pilot project & evaluation 12 Credits
PS50044 Dissertation - research & write up 1 6 Credits
PS50072 Science & communication II 6 Credits
XX50138 Qualitative methods 2 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 12 Credits from the following list
PS50041 Media workshop 1 6 Credits
PS50042 Media workshop 2 6 Credits
PS50046 The cultures of belief 3 Credits
PS50047 Science and religion 3 Credits
PS50051 Placement 6 Credits
PS50062 Artificial lives: Simulation, modelling & visualisation of complex systems 6 Credits
PS50063 Controversies in cognition 6 Credits
PS50064 Placement 3 Credits
XX50135 Quantitative methods 2 6 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
PS50045 Dissertation - research & write up 2 (MSc) 24 Credits

THPS-AFM04: MSc Applied Social Psychology

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50052 Economic & environmental psychology 6 Credits
XX50134 Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods 6 Credits
XX50136 Qualitative methods 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
PS30015 Economic & political psychology 6 Credits
PS50071 Science & communication I 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
PS50029 Health, disease, illness & sickness 6 Credits
PS50030 Health cognitions & health emotions 6 Credits
PS50035 Measurement & meaning in the natural & social sciences 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS50053 Morals, markets & politics 6 Credits
PS50054 69É«ÇéƬ proposal (& oral presentation) 6 Credits
XX50135 Quantitative methods 2 6 Credits
XX50138 Qualitative methods 2 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
MN30058 Ecological thinking & action in management 5 Credits
MN30109 Business-to-business marketing 5 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
PS50080 Dissertation 30 Credits

THPS-APM01: MSc Health Psychology

Mode of attendance: Part time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50029 Health, disease, illness & sickness 6 Credits
PS50030 Health cognitions & health emotions 6 Credits
PS50065 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 1 3 Credits
PS50066 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 2 3 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS50033 Advanced research design in health 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS50051 Placement 6 Credits
PS50055 Dissertation 36 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50031 Treatment, communication and context 6 Credits
PS50032 Coping with ill health 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS50034 Health promotion, disease prevention & health psychology interventions 6 Credits
XX50122 Advanced statistics for use in health contexts 2 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select between 0 and 2 Unit(s) from the following list:
PS50051 Placement 6 Credits
PS50055 Dissertation 36 Credits

THXX-AFM13: MRes Psychology

Mode of attendance: Full time

Year 1, Semester 1

Mandatory units
PS50078 Theoretical issues in psychology 6 Credits
PS50079 Measurement & meaning 3 Credits
SP50119 Logic of social enquiry 2 Credits
XX50132 Bibliographic & IT skills & resources 1 Credits
XX50133 Small research apprenticeship project (MRes) 6 Credits
XX50136 Qualitative methods 1 6 Credits
Optional Units: Select 6 Credits from the following list
PS50065 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 1 3 Credits
PS50066 Multivariate statistics for use in health contexts 2 3 Credits
XX50134 Quantitative methods 1: introduction to quantitative methods 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory units
PS30018 Mind & social being (as part of XX50137)  
PS50063 Controversies in cognition (as part of XX50137)  
XX50137 Large research apprenticeship project (MRes) 15 Credits
XX50138 Qualitative methods 2 6 Credits
XX50139 Generic / key skills 3 Credits
Optional Units: Select 1 Unit(s) from the following list
XX50122 Advanced statistics for use in health contexts 2 6 Credits
XX50135 Quantitative methods 2 6 Credits

Year 1, Dissertation Period

Mandatory units
XX50140 MRes dissertation 30 Credits


| Catalogues for 2002/03 | PG index for 2002/03

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This page maintained by R.Ackland@bath.ac.uk. Last update: 30 August, 2002