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Department of Engineering & Applied Science, Unit Catalogue 2003/04 |
EG10040: Materials science 1 |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: EX100 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop a lively interest in the available range of building materials, founded on an understanding of their microstructure and properties and their practical advantages and limits. Content: Building materials. Resources, usage and cost.. Mechanical properties; stress, strain, strength stiffness, strain energy, toughness. Bonding and Packing of Atoms The periodic table. Primary (ionic, covalent, and metallic) and secondary (dipolar) bonding. Packing of equal and unequal size atoms. Imperfections in crystals. Point and line defects, grain boundaries. Metals and Alloys Iron and steel; phase diagram for Fe-C system, Heat treatment of steels. Alloy steels. Other metals. Glass, Ceramics and Concrete Glass structure, composition. and properties. Volume-temperature relationships. Traditional and engineering ceramics. Sheet silicates. Clay bodies. Manufacture of cement. Special cements. Setting and strength of concrete. Stone as a building material. Polymeric Material and Wood Polymerisation. Amorphous and crystalline polymers. Thermosets and thermoplastics. Structure and deformation of the wood cell. Properties of timber and its products. |
EG10042: Introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX80CW20 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide an introduction to materials types, microstructures and properties. To show the influence of materials selection on the design and manufacture of components or structures. To provide an understanding of the properties of magnetic, dielectric and insulating materials. Content: Atomic structure and interatomic bonding; structure of crystalline solids; metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, glasses; microstructure, control of microstructure, outline of manufacturing methods; mechanical properties of materials, ductility, dislocations, brittle fracture; selection of materials, design. Origins of magnetism, ferromagnetism, domain formation, magnetisation, hysteresis, hard and soft magnets, permanent magnet materials, transformer core, eddy current loss; ferrimagnetism, ferrites, ferrite applications; electrical insulation, insulator materials, breakdown phenomena; capacitor types, dielectric properties, ferroelectrics, capacitor selection; piezoelectric materials, piezoelectric ceramics, PZT, applications, quartz, crystal resonators. |
EG10055: Properties of materials & instrumentation lab I |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: PR100 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To develop practical and organisational skills for labarotory work. To introduce the principles of report writing, materials properties and instrumentation. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Produce structured laboratory reports on engineering properties, microstrucutre, corrosion and fracture behaviour of materials in hand-written or computer format. Content: Introduction to writing laboratory reports including presentation, structure, style and treatment of experimental results. Demonstration of workshop practice. A series of 4 laboratory practicals, working in groups of 2-4 students which introduce a selection of the following: * Engineering Properties * Microscopy, materials structure * Fracture * Transducer use and electrical measurement |
EG10065: Sports applications laboratory |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW60ES20OT20 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: Students will be involved in the practical and theoretical studies of the techniques, strategies, technology and organisation of sports. They will have the opportunity to become involved with a number of sports from the perspective of the player, technologist and manager. Content: At the beginning of the course each student will set his/her targets and choose the sports in which he/she will become involved from the wide selection available. Each sport will be analysed in terms of performance, rules and regulations, strategy, equipment, training methods, organisation and competition. A dissertation will be produced at the end of the semester and the student will give a short presentation of his work to his/her peers. |
EG10066: Historical & contemporary studies in sport |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX70CW30 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of this Unit is to consider the origins of sport and their bearing on the culture of modern sporting activities. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Describe a variety of historical factors which have influenced sport and exercise in the UK. Conduct primary historical research into the development of sport and exercise locally. Content: The nature and origins of sport, competition and exercise sports. Twentieth century sports initiatives, mass participation and related social issues. |
EG10067: Solid body mechanics 1 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX100 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce the fundamental principles of statics, kinematics and dynamics as applied in a sports engineering context. Introduce the concept of reactions and bending moments. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Determine stresses and strains for direct static and impact loading cases. Understand the nature of equilibrium and static determinacy and produce free body diagrams; produce shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams; formulate and solve equations of motion; apply Newton's laws to problems of non-constant acceleration; calculate work done by forces; understand power, efficiency, kinetic and potential energy of a system. Content: Centroids of two and three dimensional shapes; Direct stress and strain; Impact loads: Static determinacy; free body diagrams; Shear force and Bending moment diagrams; Friction, drag and rolling resistance; Newton's laws and particle motion; Work and energy; Impulse, Momentum. and Coefficient of Restitution. |
EG10070: Solid body mechanics 2 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: EX100 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10067 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: Gain further understanding of the fundamental principles of statics and dynamics. Understand engineering simple bending and torsion theories and loading in pin jointed frames. Also understand the concepts of rotary motion, rotary power and forces in pulley and geared transmission systems. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Calculate second moments of area for simple shapes; Calculate stresses and deflections in simple beams. Determine the shear stress and twist of circular bars in torsion; Determine the member forces in frames; Determine stresses and strains in pressure vessels; Calculate torque and angular speeds in transmission systems; Determine linear and angular velocities and accelerations in simple mechanisms. Content: Thin walled pressure vessel theory; Second moments of area; Engineers' bending theory; slope and deflection of beams; Pin jointed frames; Simple torsion; Rotational motion and centrifugal force; Rope slippage and Pulley belt forces; Geared transmission systems; Analysis of linkage mechanisms. |
EG10071: Design & manufacture |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10074 and take XX10006 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce the commonly used manufacturing processes and show how they can influence the design of sports and exercise equipment. To acquaint the student with the design process and show the importance of iterative thinking and generating alternative ideas by undertaking projects. To demonstrate the importance of the specification in relation to sports equipment design and manufacture. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Develop a requirement specification from a design brief. Analyse a problem and select a solution from a range of alternatives. Produce concept sketches and detailed drawings of components to ensure that they perform the desired function and can be best manufactured. Select from an extensive range of manufacturing processes for use in the design process. Content: Commonly used manufacturing processes - machining, grinding, casting, forming and joining. Surface finishes, limits and fits. The design process, functionality and Requirement Specification writing. Project activity: To include a Design for Manufacture exercise and also a Design and Make sports equipment exercise. |
EG10073: Materials & manufacture |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX50OT50 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce structure/property/manufacturing process relationships in metals, polymers and ceramics. To develop self instructional learning skills. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Describe the classification of materials in terms of atomic and molecular structure. Define key mechanical properties of engineering materials. Explain how mechanical properties can be related to their microstructure. Describe some of the commonly used processes for the manufacture of engineering materials and parts. Content: Study guide for self instructional learning. Mechanical properties of materials including, strength, stiffness, elastic and plastic behaviour, fracture toughness. Manufacturing process such as moulding/casting, machining, forming. |
EG10074: Introduction to design |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce the student to the importance of producing engineering drawings to a national standard for adequately conveying design for the purpose of manufacture. To encourage visual thinking in relation to the engineering of sports equipment and draw an awareness of the importance of functional requirements and aesthetics in their design and manufacture. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Produce and interpret engineering drawings for manufacture and assembly. Make freehand sketches of engineering components. Content: Drawing conventions in relation to orthographic projection views, dimensioning and use of sections. Single part and assembly drawings produced manually and using the AutoCAD package. Sketching and Isometric projections. British Standards relating to products and safety. |
EG10091: Instrumentation & measurement I |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX100 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide an introduction to measurement, instrumentation and signal processing. After taking this unit the student should be able to: i) match an indicating instrument or data recorder to a given signal source and estimate the accuracy of the indicated output; ii) select a suitable transducer type for a particular measurement application iii) describe the shielding and guarding techniques that are necessary to keep extraneous signals in the environment from affecting the signals in a measurement system. Content: Transducers for a range of measurements, such as: displacement, strain, acceleration, force, velocity, torque; operating principles, characteristics, selection based on application requirements. Measurement of voltage, current and resistance. Use of bridge circuits. Matching of instruments to signal sources. Thevenin's therom. Explanation of concepts of accuracy, systematic and random errors, noise, linearity and repeatability of measurements. Signal amplification; amplifier types, signal buffers, instrumentation amplifiers and active filters. Amplifier errors and drift. AC characteristics, band-width, signal-to-noise ratio. Brief description of guarding and shielding techniques. |
EG10118: Materials science 1 (for Sports Technology students) |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Certificate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW40EX60 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To develop an interest in
the available range of engineering materials based on an understanding of
the relationships between atomic structure, microstructure and properties
and their practical advantages and limits. Learning Outcomes: After taking this unit the student should be able to: Understand the properties of metals, glass, ceramics, concrete and polymers based on bonding, crystal structure and microstructure. Understand the iron-carbon systems and the principles of plastic deformation and strengthening in metals and alloys. Describe processing methods of metals, ceramics and polymers. Calculate materials properties from stress strain curves and the maximum flaw size and time dependent properties of brittle materials. Skills: problem solving and numeracy (taught and assessed). Content: The periodic table and bonding (ionic, covalent, metallic, secondary), packing of atoms including metallic crystal systems (BCC, FCC. HCP). Imperfections in crystals (vacancies, dislocations, grain boundaries). Metals and alloys - the iron/carbon phase diagram (austenite, ferrite, cemetite, and martensite). Properties and applications of plain carbon steels. Welding processes. Metal processing. Glass structure, compostition and properties. Volume-temperature relationships. Traditional and engineering ceramics, processing and properties. Brittle fracture and distribution of strength in brittle materials. Conctrete manufacture and properties, degredation mechanisms. Polymer materials, amorphous and crystalline polymers, thermosets and thermoplastics. Polymer processing methods. |
EG20009: Metals & alloys |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX80CW20 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10040 or take EG10118 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce the principles of alloy constitution and show their application to the thermal and mechanical treatment of engineering alloys. On completion the student should be able to identify common types of alloy phase, describe strengthening mechanisms in alloys systems, interpret simple binary phase diagrams, describe the effects of heat treatments on steels, Al and Ti alloys., describe the process of 'shape memory' in specific alloy systems. Content: The properties and structure of metals, dislocations and strengthening methods of metals including solid solution strengthening, precipitation hardening, grain size (Hall-Petch) and cold work using high strength alloy steels, aluminium alloys and titanium alloys as specific examples. Solid solutions and intermetallic phases. Phase diagrams of binary systems, invariant reactions. Equilibrium microstructures using tie lines and lever rule. Coring. Departures from equilibrium, quenching, hardenability and tempering of steels. Shape memory alloys. |
EG20027: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? B |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX75CW25 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To achieve an understanding of environmental aspects of the science and technology of engineering materials, to use this knowledge to illuminate the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to develop defensible positions on these issues. Content: Engineering materials feature strongly in many environmental conflicts and debates. The development of civilization and wealth creation depend on the availability of raw materials resources. The global distribution of these resources is uneven and historically it has led to territorial and financial disputes. The extraction of materials by mining and quarrying leaves physical scars on a monumental scale and there are often additional problems of environmental contamination and subsidence which result from these activities. The purification of raw materials and manufacturing processes cause a wide spectrum of environmental problems including atmospheric pollution and poisoning of water courses. At the end of the useful life of manufactured objects the potential for recycling must be considered to minimise environmental impact. Topics will be examined within the framework of: * The environmental issue or concern * Materials considerations * Environmental outcome Examples of topics: materials resources, materials properties, glass, cement, asbestos, metals, environmental degradation, polymers Seminar programme combined with a student extended essay to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to develop their own views on the relation between environmental science and the wider social and economic context. |
EG20027: Environmental studies: A crisis in material resources? B |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: EX75CW25 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To achieve an understanding of environmental aspects of the science and technology of engineering materials, to use this knowledge to illuminate the broad questions as to whether there is an environmental 'crisis', whether there are limits to growth, and whether there can be sustainable development, and to develop defensible positions on these issues. Content: Engineering materials feature strongly in many environmental conflicts and debates. The development of civilization and wealth creation depend on the availability of raw materials resources. The global distribution of these resources is uneven and historically it has led to territorial and financial disputes. The extraction of materials by mining and quarrying leaves physical scars on a monumental scale and there are often additional problems of environmental contamination and subsidence which result from these activities. The purification of raw materials and manufacturing processes cause a wide spectrum of environmental problems including atmospheric pollution and poisoning of water courses. At the end of the useful life of manufactured objects the potential for recycling must be considered to minimise environmental impact. Topics will be examined within the framework of: * The environmental issue or concern * Materials considerations * Environmental outcome Examples of topics: materials resources, materials properties, glass, cement, asbestos, metals, environmental degradation, polymers Seminar programme combined with a student extended essay to encourage students to integrate the syllabus content and to develop their own views on the relation between environmental science and the wider social and economic context. |
EG20030: Introduction to materials for sports science |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: EX80CW20 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To understand the science underlying the use of materials in applications used in sport. To appreciate the nature of the physical stresses imposed on materials, both natural and artificial, and how the materials react to stresses. To explore the use of high technology advanced materials in sports applications. Content: An introduction to mechanical properties: the nature of elastic stress and elastic strain. The elastic limit. Types of stress and strain. Elastic compliance. Plastic deformation and fracture. Energy absorption during loading and fracture, energy release. Specific stress and specific strain. Compare and contrast metals, ceramics and polymers as sporting materials. The limitations of homogeneous materials. Composite materials and why they are used in sport. The law of mixtures for composite materials. Natural and artificial composites; several examples of each, outlining the structure and properties. Comparison of natural composites ( wood, bone, skin etc) with artificial composites. Case studies of sports equipment , e.g. sport shoes, football studs, racquets, vaulting pole, sports bicycle; the method of construction and the performance advantages that ensue. |
EG20032: Industrial training |
Credits: 60 |
Level: Intermediate |
Academic Year |
Assessment: |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: Please see the Director of Studies for more detailed information about the Aims & Learning Objectives of the Industrial training year. |
EG20075: Solid body mechanics 3 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX80PR20 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10067 and take EG10070 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To expand on statics and dynamics knowledge gained in first year Solid Mechanics courses to cover more advanced structural mechanics topics and to introduce dynamics topics dealing with vibrations as applied to sports engineering applications. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Determine Euler buckling loads for sections in compression; Calculate stresses and deflections of beams made from composite materials; Calculate shear stresses and twist in non-circular bars; Determine resonant frequencies in single and two degree of freedom systems. Content: Buckling of struts; Bending of composite beams; Torsion of bars made from non-circular sections; Principles of vibration, resonance, single, two and three degrees of freedom systems; whirling and balancing of shafts. Associated Laboratory experiments: Euler Buckling Loads, Measurement of Natural Frequencies. |
EG20076: Fluid mechanics & aerodynamics |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: EX80PR20 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To give the students a knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. After taking this unit the students should be able to: Determine hydrostatic forces, buoyancy describe the principles and practice of pressure measurement, understand the basic principles of fluid flow and the analysis of different types of flow. Determine the drag contribution from an arbitrary shaped body. Content: Hydrostatic Equation, Forces on Submerged Surfaces, Bouyancy, Bernoulli Equation, Momentum Equation, Laminar/Turbulent Flow Laminar and turbulent flow Drag of bluff and streamlined bodies. |
EG20077: Sports materials |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX80CW20 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10073 or take EG10030 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To identify and describe the behaviour of engineering metal alloys, polymers, fibres, textiles, wood species and ceramics used in sport. To examine the performance of these materials in sports applications using case studies. Content: Metal alloys: extension of the introductory treatment in year 1 to encompass the more exotic materials currently being used in sport. Polymers, fibres and textiles: structure and properties of polymers, polymerisation, linear, branched and cross-linked polymers, rubbers (elastomers), viscoelasticity, glass transition temperature, creep, stress relaxation, hysteresis, damping. Fibre structure, melt spinning, cold drawing, ultra-stiff fibres, carbon and aramid fibres. Textiles, flexible fibre assemblies, weaving, design of 2-D and 3-D weaves, non-wovens, textile terminology, synthetic and natural fibres and fabrics, comfort factors in clothing. Wood: structure and properties of wood, density, mechanical properties, hardness, impact resistance, moisture-dependence, natural durability and preservation, selection, countries of origin, environmental issues, sustainability. Ceramics: structure and properties, fracture behaviour, statistics of strength for mechanical design, enhancement of toughness. Case studies. Tennis, badminton and squash rackets; Rowing boats; Sports shoes and clothing; Golf balls and clubs. |
EG20078: Sports technology group project |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: ES80OR20 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide experience of seeking, retrieval, organisation and presentation of information in a technological field. To provide experience of working in a group and of being responsible for a significant part of a project. To provide an opportunity to analyse the functional requirements of an item of sports equipment and the ways in which they are met in existing products. To explore the links between design, manufacture and choice of materials in the development of sports equipment. To provide an opportunity to make an oral presentation on a researched subject. On completion of the unit the student should be able to: prepare an in-depth critical technical assessment of a piece of equipment and be able to make a coherent oral presentation of researched material. Content: Small groups of students will be assigned to study a specific piece of sports equipment. Wherever possible, the assignments will be based on the student's sporting speciality. Under the direction of a supervisor, the groups will work on the preparation of a technical report covering the function, structure, manufacture and fitness for purpose of commercially available examples of the assigned item of sports equipment. An oral presentation of the group's findings will be made at a conference within the Department. |
EG20080: Polymers & composites |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW20EX80 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To introduce polymers and polymer matrix composite materials and show their application in engineering applications. On completion the student should be able to classify polymers as thermoplastics or thermosets, have some idea of relating structure to properties to applications and understand the principles of fiber reinforcement of polymers which result in the strength, stiffness and toughness of engineering composites. Content: Polymers Homopolymers, copolymers,linear, crosslinked, tacticity, plastics, rubbers, fibres, molecular weight.; Glass transition temperature effect of structure.; Molecular motion: nature of vitrification; Viscoelasticity effect of temperature rate and structure; Crystallinity. Morphology effect of molecular structure; Elastomers. Chemical nature, vulcanisation; Stereospecific polymerisation, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity; Additives. Fillers, plasticisers, antistatic agents; Degradation: thermal, ultra-violet, stabilisers. Composites History of composite materials. Categorization into particle- and fibre-reinforced systems. Nature of fibre reinforcement (glass, carbon, Kevlar fibres and whiskers) and matrix materials (thermosets, thermoplastics and metal alloys). Comparison of mechanical properties with other engineering materials. Anisotropy. Longitudinal and transverse elastic moduli of FRPs, Rule of Mixtures, hybrid composites. Determination of modulus of elasticity at any angle. Strength of composites parallel and perpendicular to fibres, Krenchel coefficients. Load transfer in composites, interfacial shear, critical fibre lengths, critical aspect ratio. Inter-laminar shear strength. Toughness of composites, Cook-Gordon effect, fracture energy of composites. Fatigue and creep of composites, S-N curves, residual strength, damage mechanisms. Engineering applications for composites, fabrication, joining and repair. Designing with composites, application of software. Natural fibre composites and structural timber composites. |
EG20081: Materials testing and evaluation |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW20EX80 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide introduction to the techniques that are commonly used for measuring the mechanical properties of materials. To provide an introduction to the techniques that are commonly used for the identification or evaluation of materials. To provide an understanding of the principles that the techniques are based upon and an appreciation of their areas of application. On completion of the course the student should be able to select an appropriate measurement technique to provide specified materials property information and have an appreciation of the interpretation, accuracy and reproducibility of the technique's output. Content: Mechanical testing techniques for measurement of the elastic moduli and strengths of materials subjected to: tensile; bending; torsional and compressive loading. Techniques for the measurement of toughness, hardness, friction, wear, fatigue and creep. Dynamical mechanical measurements of polymers and composites. Statistical techniques employed in mechanical properties data analysis: normal distribution; sample size; Weibull distribution. Techniques employed in the identification and evaluation of materials: optical microscopy, sample preparation, image analysis; infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy; powder X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffraction materials index; scanning electron microscope, electron probe microanalysis. Nondestructive testing: dye penetrant, magnetic particle, X-ray, eddy current, ultrasonics. |
EG20083: Sports technology topics |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To investigate issues of
design, function, athlete/equipment coupling, performance, manufacture,
materials selection and marketing for a selected sports product, system
or technology, e.g. golf clubs, ice sport technology. Learning Objectives:
After taking this unit the student should be able to identify
critical issues relating to the specific sports product, system or technology
in relationship to function, performance and compatibility with the athlete.
Innovative aspects of the design of the equipment, materials selection options
and possibly marketing strategies will be understood. Skills: Intellectual skills include the development of critical abilities needed to retrieve and assess information (taught and facilitated). Professional skills include the ability to appreciate the scientific, engineering, design, manufacturing and business principles relevant to the sports industry (taught and facilitated). Practical skills include the development of the students' competence in oral and written communication (assessed). Key skills include self-learning and web-based learning (facilitated). Content: The student will select a Sports Technology Topic and a sports product, system or technology will be taken and analysed with respect to features such as strength, stiffness, durability, vibration characteristics, inertia, forces and moments, materials, design, manufacture, fitness for purpose and market appeal. Alternatively an individual sports system or technology will be thoroughly analysed. Emphasis will be placed on aspects of innovation in the development and design of a new sports product, system or technology. |
EG20084: Sports technology management 1 |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX70CW30 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To give an appreciation of the contextual factors involved in sports technology management After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Explain the contextual issues within which a sports equipment manufacturer operates. Content: Special features of sport; strategic planning; organisational culture and change management; financial management; marketing management; legal factors; contextual studies (human resource management, player management, facility management, event management, sports performance development issues). |
EG20085: Sports technology management 2 |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: EX70CW30 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG20084 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To give students an understanding of the contributions made by engineers and technologists towards a firm achieving its commercial goals by means of effective product and market-related policies and practices. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: Describe the commercial aspects of sports equipment manufacturing. Content: Special features of sport equipment manufacture; strategic planning; organisational culture and change management; financial management; marketing management; legal factors. |
EG20092: Laboratory Programme II |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: PR100 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with the methods available for the measurement and observation of materials structures and properties. To develop practical and organisational skills for laboratory work. After taking this unit the student should be able to: Set up and carry out experiments to determine the microscopic structure and mechanical properties of metals and polymers. Set up methods of electrical signal measurement, recording and processing. Set up experiments to carry out vibration analysis of equipment. Content: Electron and Optical microscopy of metals and polymers. Spectroscopy. Mechanical properties and testing of materials, electrical measurements and data logging, vibration analysis. |
EG20102: The practice of science: the human & social dimension |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: ES60CW40 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To familiarise the student with the organisation of science as a collective human enterprise, laying some emphasis on areas associated particularly with scientific communication, funding, and scientific ethics where there may be differences of opinion and potential conflict. After taking the unit students should be able to * discuss the organisation of science as a collective human enterprise, making reference to such aspects as scientific communication, funding, intellectual property and professional, social and environmental responsibility; * take a responsible part in a group project; * play a responsible part in an oral presentation of the findings of a group project; * recognise the inherently mutable nature of the prevailing social paradigm; * engage fairly with matters of controversy and formulate their own opinions. Content: Contemporary science: organisation, funding, communication, and professional responsibility. Ethics and values: some principles and implications. Sustainability: implications for science & technology; Professional responsibility / social responsibility: duty to employer, the Public Interest, environmental preservation. Reasoning and "truth" in science, in other disciplines: politics, economics, ethics. Science, technology and sustainability Science, technology and progress. The prevailing social paradigm: other paradigms? Funding of science: possible conflicts of interest, piper and tune? openness of research. Publication of science: guest authorship, ghost writing, financial interestIntellectual property: and the public good, patenting of natural products. |
EG20103: Instrumentation & measurement II |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX100 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10091 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To provide an introduction to measurement, instrumentation and signal processing. After taking this Unit the student should be able to: (i) understand the characteristics of elementary AC circuits and components(ii) be able to use LVDTs and capacitance transducers;(iii)understand the characteristics of elementary digital circuits and components(iv) be able to set up timing devices and circuits. Content: Elements of AC theory, capacitors and inductors, mutual inductance, transformers. The linearly variable differential transformer (LVDT) application and associated instrumentation. Capacitance transducers. Electrical noise, AC bridges, advantages of narrow bandwidth amplification and detection. Resonant circuits, Q, oscillators, quartz crystal oscillators. Elements of digital circuits, gates, truth tables, counters. Timing, light gates and their integration with digital counter circuits. |
EG20117: IT packages |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Intermediate |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To understand the operation
and application of standard software packages used in engineering. Learning Outcomes: After taking this unit the student should be able to: Make use of a range of widely used software packages to investigate engineering problems. Appreciate the ways in which software packages are used to analyse engineered products. Skills: Intellectual skills include the development (assessed). Key skills include self-learning and software-based learning (facilitated). Content: The unit will be a hands-on introduction to the principles and operation of commercially available engineering software packages. The capabilities of the packages will be introduced by examples of their application to realistic engineering problems. The packages included will be selected from: Electrical circuit simulation. Statistical analysis. Materials selection. Solid modelling/FEAMotion analysis. Image analysis. Mathematical analysis. |
EG30022: Materials selection in engineering design |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX80CW20 |
Requisites: |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To co-ordinate previous studies of structural materials, first by an introduction to the classes of engineering materials followed by consideration of composite materials. Examination of the selection of materials for real engineering applications follows. On completion, the student should be able to: describe the various types of engineering materials, fibre composites, their manufacture and characteristics; discuss theoretical models for strength and stiffness of composites; describe the overall process of engineering design, and the place in it of materials selection; deduce from standard test results the materials information required for design; analyse materials requirements and propose solutions to the selection problem in specified design situations. Content: Introduction to engineering materials, composites and their applications in engineering. Nature of engineering materials, of fibre composite materials, manufacturing processes, elastic behaviour; elements of classical thin laminate theory, strength, toughness; the use of commercial software for designing with composites. The design process; the designer and materials selection. Design aspects of elastic properties, strength and fracture toughness. Design procedures for creep in metals and plastics, extrapolation methods. Fatigue, master diagrams for design purposes, damage accumulation laws, application of fracture mechanics, designing against fatigue. Non-destructive evaluation of materials and component quality. Selection of a manufacturing process. Formalised procedures for materials selection. |
EG30028: Biomedical & natural materials |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX80CW20 |
Requisites: |
EG30041: Materials science 2 |
Credits: 3 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX60CW40 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10040 or take EG10118 |
Aims & Learning Objectives: This course develops from the introductory ideas of structure of materials presented in the first year and uses those ideas to show how the basic mechanics and physical properties of constructional materials are determined by their molecular and crystaline nature. The course forms a basis for the further development of an understanding of design aspects of materials at the macroscopic rather than the atomic level. The course identifies a number of aspects of the behaviour of building materials of specific importance to the engineer, with emphasis being on problems of design and selection of materials for given service conditions. Content: 1. Classification of engineering materials according to type and properties. 2. Elastic behaviour, linear and non-linear. The elastic moduli, anisotropy; elastic properties of crystals and poly-crystals; composite materials, rubber elasticity. 3. Viscoelastic behaviour and time dependent effects. 4. Strength of engineering materials. Theoretical and actual strengths of solids; improving the strength of real materials. Problems of designing with brittle materials. 5. Longer term effects. Fatigue and creep (introductory). 6. Durability of metals and plastics. Corrosion and environmental attack (introductory). Engineering design The process of engineering design in relation to materials evaluation and selection; relevance of measured properties to service conditions. Short-term mechanical effects Time-dependent behaviour of metals , plastics, concrete, timber; creep and fatigue; combined effects of fatigue and corrosion. Long term chemical behaviour Durability and ageing; changes in material properties in service conditions. Corrosion and protection of metals and alloys; environmental degredation of plastics; chemical degredation of concrete - sulphate attack, conversion of HAC etc.; biodeterioration of timber and protection methods; flammability and fire damage to building materials. Long term stability of adhesives and adhesive bonds. |
EG30061: Aerospace Materials |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: EX100 |
Requisites: |
This unit is only for students registered on engineering
or science degrees. Aims & Learning Objectives: The aim of the unit is to give engineering students an understanding of the nature of aerospace materials and how this determines their successful application in aerospace structures and machines. The learning objectives will include:- *An appreciation of the properties of engineering materials and how they arise. *An understanding of key areas of manufacturing technology which allow fabrication of the critical engineering component. *The importance of the correct choice of material and the factors limiting the service life of the component. *The significance of the manufacturing route in determining the economics and engineering viability of the component. *Methods for fault detection and life prediction. Content: Introduction, history and classification of aerospace materials. Materials for airframes-Aluminium Alloys; manufacturing route, heat treatments, properties, joining techniques. Titanium Alloys. Super-plastic forming. Diffusion bonding. Production, properties and applications Stainless and Maraging steels. Properties, fabrication and applications. Alloys and components for aeroengines. Manufacturing processes, properties, applications and failure modes. Steel, Titanium alloys, Honeycombs, High temperature alloys. Polycrystalline, directionally solidified and single crystal blades. Future technology. Thermal barrier coatings. Principles, processing and performance. Long Fibre Composites. Critical Fibre length. Aerospace manufacturing processes. Types of fibre and matrix. Composite honeycombs. Composites and design. Comparison of carbon fibre composites and aluminium alloys. Laminate analysis/ design. Material coupling. Failure criteria (strength and stiffness). Repair Systems. Metal matrix Composites. Degradation processes and control. NDT, its role in quality control and in in-service inspection of aircraft. Review of types of defect found in aircraft and their hazards. X-ray inspection, sources, recording, sensitivity, radiation safety. Dye penetrant crack detection. Ultrasonic testing, ultrasonic wave propagation and reflection. Transducers, coupling. A-scan, b-scan, c-scan, shear wave and surface wave inspection techniques. Electrical methods, eddy current, potential drop, magnetic methods. Special inspection problems posed by composite materials. "The ageing aircraft programme". |
EG30088: The wider context of environmental studies |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW40ES60 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must (take CH10007 and take CH10008) or (take XX20001 and take EG20027) |
Aims & Learning Objectives: To encourage students to integrate their knowledge of environmental studies; to relate this knowledge to a wider social, political and economic context; to develop critical judgement so as to be able to handle controversy wisely and fairly and to formulate their own opinions in a defensible manner. Content: Students will work in groups of about four, supported by tutorial guidance, on a small project related to an environmental issue. A series of seminars with expert speakers will be provided to encourage discussion of the broad issues identified in the 'aims' above. Towards the end of the first semester students will make an oral presentation of their project findings and submit a group project report. Each student will produce an extended essay arising from the topic of the project, which seeks to demonstrate achievement of the unit's aims. The essay will be submitted towards the end of the second semester. |
EG30104: The practice of engineering and technology: the human and social dimension |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW40ES60 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To familiarise the student
with the organisation of science, engineering and technology as collective
human enterprises, laying some emphasis on areas associated particularly
with technical communication, funding, and professional ethics where there
may be differences of opinion and potential conflict. Learning Outcomes: After taking the unit students should inter alia be able to discuss science technology and engineering as collective human enterprises, making reference to such aspects as technical communication, funding, and professional, social and environmental responsibility; take a responsible part in a group project; play a responsible part in an oral presentation of the findings of a group project; recognise the inherently mutable nature of the prevailing social paradigm; engage fairly with matters of controversy and formulate their own opinions. Skills: Facilitated - intellectual, practical, key Content: Contemporary science & engineering: organisation, funding, communication, and professional responsibility. Ethics and values: some principles and implications. Sustainability: implications for science, engineering & technology; Professional responsibility / social responsibility: duty to employer, the Public Interest, environmental preservation. Reasoning and "truth" in science, engineering and in other disciplines: politics, economics, ethics. Science, technology, engineering and progress The prevailing social paradigm: other paradigms? Funding of science & engineering: possible conflicts of interest, piper and tune? Openness of research. Publication of science & engineering: guest authorship, ghost writing, financial interest. Intellectual property: and the public good, patenting of natural products. |
EG30106: Finite element analysis |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG20075 |
Aims: To understand the mathematical
basis of the finite element analysis (FEA). To develop the critical use
of commercial finite element software. To develop finite element methods
for the study of stress analysis. Learning Outcomes: After taking this unit the student should be able to: Describe the mathematical formulation of the finite element method when applied to linear elastic problems. Use a commercially available finite-element package to analyse linear stress-strain problems in solid bodies. Critically assess the approximate solutions so produced. Skills: Intellectual skills include the development of the ability to construct finite element models of engineering components, to input physical constants and to predict response of the component to an external input such as stress or increase in temperature. (taught and facilitated). Professional skills include the ability to operate a finite element package in an engineering environment (taught and facilitated). Practical skills include the development of the students' competence in the operation of an FEA package (assessed). Key skills include self-learning and software-based learning (facilitated). Content: Review of numerical analysis methods in engineering. Stress analysis fundamentals of stress strain relations, compatibility. Matrix stiffness method. Manual application to simple structural problems. Elements types, nodes and meshing. Use of ANSYS to solve linear stress analysis problems. Pre and post processing. Comparisons with exact solutions. |
EG30107: Group design project 1 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To enable the student to
show creativity and initiative in carrying out a design project within a
specific topic area. To give each student the experience of a real design
situation as part of a group. To explore the contribution of the technologist
or engineer, whether in the design, R&D or manufacture of a commercial product.
To examine the role of the technologist or engineer in the context of market
related policies and practices including promotion and distribution. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student should be able to communicate effectively on a major piece of project work. The student should be able to work effectively within a team recognising their own and others' contributions. The student should be able to analyse a problem, synthesise information both from within the course and from external sources and apply their knowledge to an industry based design project. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each group will be assigned a specific design project. They will work in a multidisciplinary team to plan, organise and conduct a project to meet the requirements of the original aims. The work will be presented at designated stages in the form of oral presentations, drawings and written documentation. |
EG30108: Group design project 2 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW80OR10OT10 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG30107 |
Aims: To enable the student to
show creativity and initiative in carrying out a design project within a
specific topic area. To give each student the experience of a real design
situation as part of a group. To explore the contribution of the technologist
or engineer, whether in the design, R&D or manufacture of a commercial product.
To examine the role of the technologist or engineer in the context of market
related policies and practices including promotion and distribution. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student should be able to communicate effectively on a major piece of project work. The student should be able to work effectively within a team recognising their own and others' contributions. The student should be able to analyse a problem, synthesise information both from within the course and from external sources and apply their knowledge to an industry based design project. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each group will be assigned a specific design project. They will work in a multidisciplinary team to plan, organise and conduct a project to meet the requirements of the original aims. The work will be presented at designated stages in the form of oral presentations, drawings, written documentation and a poster. |
EG30109: Instrumentation 3 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW30EX70 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG10091 and take EG20103 |
Aims: To provide an introduction
to advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques employed in modern
sports engineering. After taking this Unit the student should: (i) understand
the advantages and areas of application of non contact instrumentation techniques.
(ii) appreciate techniques available for data transmission; (iii) be aware
of issues involved in the interfacing of measurement instruments to host
computers; (iv) have an appreciation of the instrumentation system design
process. Learning Outcomes: After taking the unit students should be capable of using advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques in the field of engineering. Skills: Facilitated -intellectual, practical, key. Content: Properties of laser light, semiconductor laser diodes, photodiodes, laser range finding, laser profilometry, optical fibres, interferometry, etalons, optical fibre strain gauge. Signal transmission methodologies: AM, FM, PCM, digital transmission protocols. Fibre optic transmission, elements of telemetry. Interfacing: data transfer control, serial and parallel interfaces, local area networks. Advances in Sports Engineering instrumentation, topics covered will be selected from: velocity measurement by doppler radar; uses of the Global Positioning System; transponder tag timing of sporting events; video image processing for motion analysis. |
EG30110: Surfaces & interfaces |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW20EX80 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To stimulate the intellectual
development of students by encouraging their engagement with aspects of
the science of surfaces and interfaces which have a practical bearing in
the context of engineering. Learning Outcomes: After taking the unit students should inter alia be able to engage with aspects of the science of surfaces and interfaces which have a practical bearing in the context of engineering. Skills: Facilitated - intellectual, practical, key. Content: 1. Basic surface science Solid surface energies, spreading and wetting, multicomponent systems: surface excess, Langmuir-Blodget films 'Practical' surfaces: metals and polymers: importance of "clean" surfaces in joining technology. 2. Characterisation of solid surfaces: profilometry, contact angles, 3. Adhesion Theories of adhesion, pretreatments, interfacial tensions and interfacial forces.Tests of adhesion, mode of failure, environmental durability. Selection and use of adhesives, paints, coatings. 4. Joining technology for electrical components. Fluxes, surface preparation. 5. Degradation (corrosion) as surface -linked phenomena: cool (aqueous) corrosion of metals, hot corrosion of metals, degradation of polymers. 6. Tribology: friction, lubrication, wear, types of wear. |
EG30111: Individual sports engineering project 1 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To provide the student with
the opportunity to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding
investigation within a specific topic area. To provide a thorough preparation
for the final year experimental project in Semester 2. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student should be able to write an extended literature review in the field of his project, define the objectives of the project and present detailed plans for an experimental programme in the relevant area. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each student will be assigned a project area and will prepare an extended critical review of the literature and plan an experimental programme relevant to the topic area. Each project may include design, analytical, computational and experimental aspects. |
EG30112: Individual sports engineering project 2 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW80OR20 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG30111 |
Aims: To provide the student with
the opportunity to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding
investigation within a specific topic area. To complete a final year experimental
project and communicate the results effectively both in written form and
as an oral presentation. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student will have written an extended literature review in the field of his project, defined the objectives of the project and carried out an experimental programme in the relevant area. The student will have developed the skills necessary to communicate effectively the results of a major piece of project work both orally and in the form of a substantial report. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each student will execute an experimental programme relevant to the topic area which may include design, analytical and computational aspects. |
EG30115: Individual sports technology project 1 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: CW100 |
Requisites: |
Aims: To provide the student with
the opportunity to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding
investigation within a specific topic area. To provide a thorough preparation
for the final year experimental project in Semester 2. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student should be able to write an extended literature review in the field of his project, define the objectives of the project and present detailed plans for an experimental programme in the relevant area. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each student will be assigned a project area and will prepare an extended critical review of the literature and plan an experimental programme relevant to the topic area. Each project may include design, analytical, computational and experimental aspects. |
EG30116: Individual sports technology project 2 |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW80OR20 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG30115 |
Aims: To provide the student with
the opportunity to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding
investigation within a specific topic area. To complete a final year experimental
project and communicate the results effectively both in written form and
as an oral presentation. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student will have written an extended literature review in the field of his project, defined the objectives of the project and carried out an experimental programme in the relevant area. The student will have developed the skills necessary to communicate effectively the results of a major piece of project work both orally and in the form of a substantial report. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each student will execute an experimental programme relevant to the topic area which may include design, analytical and computational aspects. |
EG30119: Group design project |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: CW80OR10OT10 |
Requisites: |
Before taking this unit you must take EG30107 |
Aims: To enable the student to
show creativity and initiative in carrying out a design project within a
specific topic area. To give each student the experience of a real design
situation as part of a group. To explore the contribution of the technologist
or engineer, whether in the design, R&D or manufacture of a commercial product.
To examine the role of the technologist or engineer in the context of market
related policies and practices including promotion and distribution. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student should be able to communicate effectively on a major piece of project work. The student should be able to work effectively within a team recognising their own and others' contributions. The student should be able to analyse a problem, synthesise information both from within the course and from external sources and apply their knowledge to an industry based design project. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each group will be assigned a specific design project. They will work in a multidisciplinary team to plan, organise and conduct a project to meet the requirements of the original aims. The work will be presented at designated stages in the form of oral presentations, drawings, written documentation and a poster. |
EG30120: Individual Master's Project |
Credits: 6 |
Level: Honours |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: |
Requisites: |
Aims: To provide the student with the opportunity
to show creativity and initiative in carrying out a demanding investigation
within a specific topic area. To complete an individual project and communicate the results effectively both in written form and as an oral presentation, accompanied by engineering drawings where appropriate. Learning Outcomes: On completion, the student will have defined the objectives of the project, written a review in the field of the project and carried out an experimental programme in the relevant area. The student will have developed the skills necessary to communicate effectively the results of a major piece of project work both orally and in the form of a substantial report including detailed drawings where relevant. Skills: Facilitated intellectual, professional, practical key skills. Content: Each student will execute an experimental programme relevant to the topic area which may include design, analytical and computational aspects. |
EG40113: Masters sports engineering project 1 |
Credits: 12 |
Level: Masters |
Semester: 1 |
Assessment: |
Requisites: |
Content: TBA |
EG40114: Masters sports engineering project 2 |
Credits: 18 |
Level: Masters |
Semester: 2 |
Assessment: |
Requisites: |
Content: TBA |
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