

Supplementary Assessment (Reassessment) for Units

From 2009/10 onwards, information on supplementary assessment for all units will be provided in the unit catalogues. Supplementary assessment describes the form of assessment a student will be required to undertake either for retrieval of failure or where assessment has been deferred.

Types of Supplementary Assessment

Supplementary assessment usually takes one of the following forms:

Like-for-like reassessment To be used where the form of supplementary assessment for the unit requires students to repeat exactly the form of the initial assessment. i.e. to repeat each failed element from the initial assessment items.
Written Examination Only To be used where the form of supplementary assessment for the unit requires students to sit an examination during the University supplementary assessment period as a complete replacement of all elements of the initial assessment.
Coursework Only To be used where the form of supplementary assessment for the unit requires students to submit a piece of coursework as a complete replacement of all elements of the initial assessment.
Mandatory Extra Work To be used where the form of supplementary assessment for the unit requires students to re-work an examination paper and achieve a pass mark of 70% as a complete replacement of all elements of the initial assessment.


How Supplementary Assessment is Described in the Unit Catalogues

Supplementary assessment for each unit is described within the relevant entry in the unit catalogue. This information will appear as follows:

Like-for-like reassessment (where allowed by programme regulations) As suggested by name
Unit code followed by Examination/Coursework/Mandatory Extra Work (E.g. ME10010 Examination - Re-assessment Only (where allowed by programme regulations)) As suggested by name
Supplementary assessment information not currently available (this will be added shortly) This will usually only appear for new units and means that the supplementary assessment information has not yet been set up for the unit. If you need to know what form the supplementary assessment for a unit will take before the information is added to the unit catalogue please contact your Director of Studies.
Reassessment not allowed This means that supplementary assessment is not available for the unit.


Availability of Supplementary Assessment to Students

Regardless of whether a form of supplementary assessment is offered for a specific unit, it will only be available to individual students where supplementary assessment is permitted by the regulations of the programme on which they are studying. If you are unsure as to whether supplementary assessment is permitted within your programme please contact your Director of Studies for further guidance.