How to apply for a Student visa
Find out about the documents you need before applying for a Student visa, and which application process to use.
You can find out more about how to apply for your visa, and the steps involved in the visa application process, in our guides.
Find out about the documents you need before applying for a Student visa, and which application process to use.
You'll need a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number from the University before you can apply for your Student visa.
Read about the financial documents that you need to provide in support of your visa application.
Learn how to create a UKVI account so that you can access your eVisa.
Find out how to apply for a Standard visitor visa if you are coming to study for a short period in the UK.
Find out whether you need Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) if you are coming to the UK as a visitor.
Read our guides to ensure you are fully prepared to start your course, and that you understand the University's responsibilities to you and the UK government, and your own responsibilities while studying in the UK on your visa.
If you need immigration permission to study in the UK, you will need to have your immigration permission checked before you can register for your course.
Please read all the information carefully, including linked pages, to make sure you understand your Student visa requirements.
An online and fully interactive training course for all Student visa holders at the University.
Find out more about the current academic engagement monitoring policy and process for Student visa holders (academic year 2024/25)
The standard terms and conditions of accessing support from the Student Immigration Service at the University of Bath.
Read our advice about common questions about the Student visa and EU Settlement Scheme. You can also find out how to get more guidance from our Student Immigration team.
Find out how to book appointments and attend drop-in sessions for visa advice with our Student Immigration Service.
You must take different actions depending on which immigration document you have lost, or has been stolen, and whether this happens in the UK or abroad.
If you notice an error on your Student visa, such as an incorrect expiry date or wrong spelling of your name, you will need to get it corrected.
What to do if you want to change your studies, request an absence or withdraw from your studies, or complete your course early on a Student visa.
Find out how to get the right visa to travel abroad.
Find out about if you are eligible to apply for the Dependant of a Student visa for your family, and what documents you need to provide with their application.
Student visa holders at the University are often able to work while studying and after their studies. However, there are several rules and regulations that you must know about and follow if you wish to do this.
Find out what work is permitted in the UK as a full-time Student visa holder.
Find out how to apply for the Graduate visa after you have successfully completed your studies.
Find out what work visas are available for international students after you graduate.
Find out how Britain's exit from the European Union could affect you.
How prospective and current UK and EU students might be affected by Britain's exit from the EU.
Find out how to apply and how the Student Immigration Service can support your EU Settlement Scheme application.
Stay up-to-date on the latest visa and immigration news.
Read the latest travel advice for international students and staff about what documents to carry when returning to the UK from 01 January 2025 onwards.
Please read the following page for information on the government response to the Migration Advisory Committee's review of the Graduate visa.
Find the information you need to help students and make sure the University remains UKVI compliant.
This guide will help you to understand the Student visa requirements and the University's responsibilities when sponsoring Student visa holders.
This guide will help you to understand more about visas available to students coming on programmes or visits of up to 6 months
Details of the circumstances in which University staff should look for help from the Student Immigration Service.
An online and fully interactive training course for all staff working with international students and applicants at the University.
How the University of Bath ensures that its Student sponsor licence is safeguarded across the institution.
We provide support to prospective and current international students, on all matters to do with student visas and immigration.