

UKTBIOL005: MBiol (hons): Biology

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
BIOL0001Skills & techniques 1 (basic laboratory & communication skills)3Credits
BIOL0005Cell biology 16Credits
BIOL0008Diversity I6Credits
BIOL0011The biosphere6Credits
SCNC0046Human physiology (Physiology, pathology & pharmacology 1)6Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
BIOL0002Skills & techniques 2 (quantitative skills)3Credits
BIOL0006Cell & molecular biology6Credits
BIOL0009Diversity II6Credits
BIOL0012Ecology & evolution6Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Undergraduate)
Mandatory Units
BIOL0013Directed studies 13Credits
Optional Units
Select between 4 and 5 units from the following list:
BIOL0023 DNA (making, breaking & disease) 6 Credits
BIOL0024 Cell biology 2 6 Credits
BIOL0027 Integrative animal physiology and immunology 6 Credits
BIOL0029 Insect biology 6 Credits
BIOL0032 Plant pathology 6 Credits
BIOL0035 Genes & development 1 6 Credits
BIOL0039 Field course 6 Credits
BIOL0040 Concepts in ecology & evolution 6 Credits
PSYC0001 Psychology 1 6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
BIOL0014Directed studies 23Credits
BIOL0025Practical molecular biology6Credits
Optional Units
Select between 0 and 1 unit from the following list:
PSYC0057 Becoming a social person 6 Credits
PSYC0058 Intelligence & mental processes 6 Credits
Select between 4 and 5 units from the following list:
BIOL0028 Cellular neurobiology 6 Credits
BIOL0030 Plant biochemistry 6 Credits
BIOL0031 Plant biotechnology 6 Credits
BIOL0033 Bacteriology 6 Credits
BIOL0034 Virology 6 Credits
BIOL0036 Genes & development practicals 6 Credits
BIOL0037 Crop protection & weed biology 6 Credits
BIOL0038 Environmental physiology 6 Credits
BIOL0041 Field course 6 Credits
BIOL0058 Microbial genetics 6 Credits
MATH0146 Mathematical & statistical modelling for biological sciences 6 Credits

Year 3, Academic Year

Mode of Attendance:
Paid period of experience
Mandatory Units
BIOL0113Critical reading in biology6Credits
BIOL0115Professional Training Placement (MBiol)60Credits
BIOL0112Data Interpretation in Biology (semester 1 unit)6Credits


Year 4 (Not available in 2001/02)

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (undergraduate)

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