

PFTMECH007: MSc: Manufacturing Modelling

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance:
Full period in University (Full-time postgraduate)

Under exceptional circumstances any other MEng unit can be made available, provided it is approved by the Programme Tutor and can be accommodated within the available timetable.
Mandatory Units
MECH0158Computer-integrated manufacturing & data management6Credits
MECH0170Manufacturing automation, modelling & simulation6Credits
MECH0186Geometric modelling6Credits
Optional Units
Select 2 units from the following list:
ENAP0022 Materials selection in engineering design 6 Credits
MECH0159 Manufacturing processes & analysis 6 Credits
MECH0167 Computer aids for design 6 Credits
MECH0172 Global Design 6 Credits
MECH0183 Finite element analysis 6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2
Mandatory Units
MECH017369É«ÇéƬ methodology6Credits
MECH0176Project scoping12Credits
MECH0194Practical instrumentation techniques6Credits
MECH0208Power transmission systems6Credits

Year 1, Dissertation period
Mandatory Units

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